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Billing starts 1-6-2012

Well here's the details. FFXIV 2.0 is upon us and it fixes everything! So they're charging now until then...

Or rather it's still rubbish.

I still can't believe I bought this game, but that's what I get for not doing proper research and seeing what sane people had to say about their beta experience.

I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.



  • NetspookNetspook Member UncommonPosts: 1,583

    Well, I don't regret buying the game. I only paid 6 euro for it, and I got to see for myself how bad it really is.

    My opinions about the billing and the future:

    Most people who play this game now, are likely to be unwilling to pay for betatesting an unfinished game, even though it's at a reduced price. The total population isn't very high (regardless of what fanboys say), and the servers will be barren wastelands and server merges will probably be announced very soon after billing starts.

    The interest for this game at this site is currently non-existing, it seems. No debates or discussions in the last couple of weeks, both fanboys and haters seems to have left. May not prove much alone, but it's another sign of the general lack of interest for this game.

    1.2 will not add much, content wise, it's more about adjustments. There's nothing in it that will appeal to many new players. Combined with the billing, the coffin is almost nailed shut.

    FFXIV is dead. Rest in peace.

  • JudgeUKJudgeUK Member RarePosts: 1,707

    When they say billing, is this when they start refunding people who bought this broken out of the box disaster that players where presented with? 

    It's a brave move to start billing - just around the time of the swtor launch.

    I appreciate they have got to try and get some funds in for the complete rework they are having to do, but I think it will be an uphill struggle to prevent this game disappearing into the ether until that rework is complete either later in 2012 or 2013.

  • JakardJakard Member Posts: 415

    Originally posted by JudgeUK

    When they say billing, is this when they start refunding people who bought this broken out of the box disaster that players where presented with? 

    It's a brave move to start billing - just around the time of the swtor launch.

    I appreciate they have got to try and get some funds in for the complete rework they are having to do, but I think it will be an uphill struggle to prevent this game disappearing into the ether until that rework is complete either later in 2012 or 2013.

    I absolutely agree. What they are essentially doing is asking us to fund a very mediocre game so they can push out the reboot in 2012. I do think it's a little ridiculous that they're charging a monthly fee for this game at all right now. I mean, I understand they have to make money but I don't know how well this is going to go over.

  • nekrothingnekrothing Member Posts: 302

    The simple truth is that charging now is just going to make a dying game die faster. The servers are already empty enough as it is (this is coming from someone on one of the most active servers) and when they start charging people to help fix their beta, they're just going to be even more empty and lifeless. The problem however is that if they want to keep this game afloat, they have to charge. It's quite the dilemma for them. If they don't charge, they can't financially justify keeping the game around, and then the game dies. If they do charge, they'll lose around ~50% of an already incredibly low player population, and the game will be on the brink of death. It's basically just the lesser of two evils.

    At least they had the common sense/decency to discount the monthly fee while it transitions into a P2P beta. However, I won't be paying to beta test the game for them. I'll leave that honor to those who have the money to throw away on such a thing. I will keep my eye on 2.0 though, as it does look somewhat interesting.

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,423

    Still using crysta and click and buy as the only option I see. Why no straight up cc option ? Ah well good luck I guess I will never try to play this game. They are really shooting themselves in the foot with their sub options.


    Must point out that they have rotten timing though.

    Garrus Signature
  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    Originally posted by PukeBucket
    I still can't believe I bought this game, but that's what I get for not doing proper research and seeing what sane people had to say about their beta experience.

    I bought the CE and although I'm disappointed the game never was what it should have been imo (FFXI-2), I actually did get my money's worth out of that considering I never paid for the sub fees for over a year. I got to meet some really cool people in guilds (Shout to ya Star Onions!) and others really passionate about the game and good hearted (hey Malevolence Apathy.. you're a good dude in my book!) so it was worth it.

    After all of that time I spent there off/on in FFXIV, I can honestly say I never met more than five people I didn't like. Those people simply left earlier on so it was a good community and that was nice for a year.

    I did have fun along with all the headaches and came/went as I pleased. Not happy with SE for messing up this IP as bad as they did and I'm certainly not going to be paying but I don't regret buying the CE.

    It'll be on my shelf along with all my other games, making a nice collection.. bigger. Wish the game good luck but it's simply time for me to move on.

  • PukeBucketPukeBucket Member Posts: 867

    I think the 9.99 price tag might be their point with the timing.

    "Why pay 14.99 for their game, when we're just 9.99 and you'll eventually get a new game sorta later anyway!"

    Honestly they should just F2P, cash shop, and send this fishy back to sea.

    I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

  • DraronDraron Member Posts: 993

    Honestly, once they add the text searchable wards with price history, a player search function, and a manageable linkshell system I'll be happy to pay the $10 fee until 2.0. It seems the first two are being taken care of in 1.20, with the linkshell system coming soon after. Might take them up on the discounted offer...

  • onthestickonthestick Member Posts: 600

    When i bought CE edition for early access i think i already paid my share of money to FFXIV and lot more than it ever deserved. I will just go back to FFXI whenever i need a FF fix but not going to spend even one cent on this game ever again.

    How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?

    ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6.
    US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian.
    Subs will be so low there is no need for more
    Snoocky-How many servers?
    The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...

    Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043

    I bought my copy and don't feel robbed. How much I paid doesn't factor in how much SE made or lost. The retailer took a hit but SE sold it to them with an MSRE that I am sure was $50 at minimum.

    It sucks the game didnt have more content. Thier graphics were the best out there this time last year and alot of the ground work in the mechanics was creative. I don't think the game will die because I think they want it for the PS3 plate but as a PC game it will need a miracle to come out of its coma.

  • HyanmenHyanmen Member UncommonPosts: 5,357
    Some of the comments in here are hilarious.

    Here's a few facts:

    1) If you aren't playing the game right now this decision has absolutely no effect on you and as such is none of your business to judge.
    2) Square-Enix as of right now is not getting any revenue whatsoever from this title. Now, some people are saying that a move like this will make a dying game die much faster- which brings up a question: how can the game die faster if it is bringing in more revenue than before? It is as if the people here felt that the current playerbase has any other role than to spend SE's resources by keeping the service live for no cost. This brings me to the final fact;
    3) SE is not obliged to keep the service live. They did so before, possibly as a PR attempt and to repay to those players who were not satisfied by the end product but kept playing either way. Now, these people have played for free for more than a year and as such SE owes them nothing more than a free copy of version 2.0. That leaves them two choices, to stop the service or to let those who want to keep playing to keep doing so for a fee to cover the expenses. Obviously the former would be a bad move and the latter is completely voluntary agreement between the customer and the corporation.
    Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
  • mrxennonmrxennon Member Posts: 209

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Some of the comments in here are hilarious.

    Here's a few facts:

    1) If you aren't playing the game right now this decision has absolutely no effect on you and as such is none of your business to judge.

    I have the right after buying the collectors edition, and then finding out I have paid out for a game with no content.

    2) Square-Enix as of right now is not getting any revenue whatsoever from this title. Now, some people are saying that a move like this will make a dying game die much faster- which brings up a question: how can the game die faster if it is bringing in more revenue than before? It is as if the people here felt that the current playerbase has any other role than to spend SE's resources by keeping the service live for no cost. This brings me to the final fact;

    They dont deserve any revenue, they still have no content, they are relying heavily on the PS3 launch.  And why would people want to join servers where all the fanbois that stuck by SE and now own the economy.

    3) SE is not obliged to keep the service live. They did so before, possibly as a PR attempt and to repay to those players who were not satisfied by the end product but kept playing either way. Now, these people have played for free for more than a year and as such SE owes them nothing more than a free copy of version 2.0. That leaves them two choices, to stop the service or to let those who want to keep playing to keep doing so for a fee to cover the expenses. Obviously the former would be a bad move and the latter is completely voluntary agreement between the customer and the corporation.

    Only way I would return is if they done a server wipe, but they have insisted they wont, so they have lost my money and if it dies due to lack of subs then they only have themselves to blame.


  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043

    I have the right after buying the collectors edition, and then finding out I have paid out for a game with no content.


    I wouldn't worry about that. There is none. Everything in retainer is 999999999. It's an extended inventory system.

  • HyanmenHyanmen Member UncommonPosts: 5,357
    Once again, if you don't play this game any changes in the subscription policy are none of your business since they don't affect you. You won't play the game when it's free, you won't play it when there's a fee, you aren't even part of the demographic this change is aimed towards.
    SE may not "deserve" (lol) any revenue but the current players do not "deserve" to play the game for free either, not anymore after more than a year of free service. They have gotten their money's worth by playing the game up until this point. As I said, SE is not obliged to keep the service running, especially for those who Don't Even Play yet still feel like they're entitled to have an opinion regarding it's status quo. Demanding the service to be shut down and as such spitting on the faces of those willing to pay to keep the service running is selfish and self-centered.
    If they did a server wipe people would leave, if they didn't some people wouldn't come back. But surprisingly they are on the side of those who have supported them thus far. How horrible of them.
    Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
  • zanfirezanfire Member UncommonPosts: 971

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Some of the comments in here are hilarious.

    Here's a few facts:

    1) If you aren't playing the game right now this decision has absolutely no effect on you and as such is none of your business to judge.

    2) Square-Enix as of right now is not getting any revenue whatsoever from this title. Now, some people are saying that a move like this will make a dying game die much faster- which brings up a question: how can the game die faster if it is bringing in more revenue than before? It is as if the people here felt that the current playerbase has any other role than to spend SE's resources by keeping the service live for no cost. This brings me to the final fact;

    3) SE is not obliged to keep the service live. They did so before, possibly as a PR attempt and to repay to those players who were not satisfied by the end product but kept playing either way. Now, these people have played for free for more than a year and as such SE owes them nothing more than a free copy of version 2.0. That leaves them two choices, to stop the service or to let those who want to keep playing to keep doing so for a fee to cover the expenses. Obviously the former would be a bad move and the latter is completely voluntary agreement between the customer and the corporation.

     I am playing the game (barely now, not much left to do...and 1.20 isnt bringing much for content) and this just makes me not want to play...WHOOPIE i save 3$ on a beta for 2.0!

    they arent making money...for a good reason, they came out with a garbage game and promised to fix it and regain trust. Its not about revenue now, they should be thinking about a future playerbase. If you charge now, all the fence sitters will likely not pay, meaning they will likely go off and play something else. Its going to be a year until 2.0 (aka: the real game) is finished and gamers especially just dont wait around, we play other things. This is just asking for lots of their already tiny playerbase to go get addicted to another MMO or forget about the game. Don't charge until 2.0 and they all have NO excuse to unistall the game and forget about it. That keeps all of those potential long time subs around until the game is really ready.

    Also they seem to be refusing to answer anything about letting people change servers or merge servers. Plenty of them are pretty empty, and charging is only going to dwindle those pops even more. Then the people on those already low pop servers get bored because their server is empty, so they quit too.

    SE is doing nothing but killing off potential 2.0 people from sticking around to make some minor money back for the next year.

  • Zookz1Zookz1 Member Posts: 629

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Once again, if you don't play this game any changes in the subscription policy are none of your business since they don't affect you. You won't play the game when it's free, you won't play it when there's a fee, you aren't even part of the demographic this change is aimed towards. SE may not "deserve" (lol) any revenue but the current players do not "deserve" to play the game for free either, not anymore after more than a year of free service. They have gotten their money's worth by playing the game up until this point. As I said, SE is not obliged to keep the service running, especially for those who Don't Even Play yet still feel like they're entitled to have an opinion regarding it's status quo. Demanding the service to be shut down and as such spitting on the faces of those willing to pay to keep the service running is selfish and self-centered. If they did a server wipe people would leave, if they didn't some people wouldn't come back. But surprisingly they are on the side of those who have supported them thus far. How horrible of them.


    How is it none of their business? Perhaps they're prior players and wanted to chime in. Maybe they've been following the game for a year. You may not agree with their opinions, but they're just as entitled to theirs as you are of yours. Nobody is calling you a slobbering 'tard for enjoying the game and your willingness to pay for it.



  • Home15Home15 Member Posts: 203

    I just feel sorry for the devs that put there time and love in this game.

    Especialy a game like Final Fantasy when i was young (and had hair) playing the game imersing myself in the fantasy.

    I just blame squaresoft head top guy milking this franchise to death, wish they stoped focusing on graphics and "new inovation" (wich dont work) and actualy put in story and emotional/drama aspects back into final fantasy.

    A MMO based on FF7 / 8 would have been so much beter.

    It has badassness, cars, bikes, guns, swords, jackets, cities, and is a mix of steampunk fantasy with high tec robotics.

    The potential is far greater in that concept, then just another boring sword shield fantasy that evryone is already bored with to death.

    I just dont get it why MMO devs are so out of the scope in what people want these days, they have lost this reality interly, or maybe im living inside another paradigm, i just dont know.

    My old man rambeling of 2 gills worth.

  • AshlindeAshlinde Member Posts: 120

    and i stop playing on 12/20..... weird huh!?

    the game simply isnt wort a penny to play. there is barely any content, the game is half baked, and the devs arent doing that much to fix it really. a year to get chocobos and airships into a final fantasy game?!?! i think it was just too ambitious of a project for the mediocre talent they had working on it. playing for free wasnt half bad, although i found myself playing OTHER f2p mmos a little more than it... but subs? i think not.

  • onthestickonthestick Member Posts: 600

    Originally posted by Ashlinde

    and i stop playing on 12/20..... weird huh!?

    the game simply isnt wort a penny to play. there is barely any content, the game is half baked, and the devs arent doing that much to fix it really. a year to get chocobos and airships into a final fantasy game?!?! i think it was just too ambitious of a project for the mediocre talent they had working on it. playing for free wasnt half bad, although i found myself playing OTHER f2p mmos a little more than it... but subs? i think not.

    Biggest problem of FFXIV imo.

    How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?

    ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6.
    US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian.
    Subs will be so low there is no need for more
    Snoocky-How many servers?
    The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...

    Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.

  • zanfirezanfire Member UncommonPosts: 971

    Originally posted by onthestick

    Originally posted by Ashlinde

    and i stop playing on 12/20..... weird huh!?

    the game simply isnt wort a penny to play. there is barely any content, the game is half baked, and the devs arent doing that much to fix it really. a year to get chocobos and airships into a final fantasy game?!?! i think it was just too ambitious of a project for the mediocre talent they had working on it. playing for free wasnt half bad, although i found myself playing OTHER f2p mmos a little more than it... but subs? i think not.

    Biggest problem of FFXIV imo.

    you have no idea lol. Its been over a year and there is barely anything to do.

  • PukeBucketPukeBucket Member Posts: 867

    Originally posted by zanfire

    Originally posted by onthestick

    Originally posted by Ashlinde

    and i stop playing on 12/20..... weird huh!?
    the game simply isnt wort a penny to play. there is barely any content, the game is half baked, and the devs arent doing that much to fix it really. a year to get chocobos and airships into a final fantasy game?!?! i think it was just too ambitious of a project for the mediocre talent they had working on it. playing for free wasnt half bad, although i found myself playing OTHER f2p mmos a little more than it... but subs? i think not.
    Biggest problem of FFXIV imo.

    you have no idea lol. Its been over a year and there is barely anything to do.

    I honestly could've stomached it if at least killing things was fun.

    My girl and I went back one more time when apparently everything was "fixed" and really it just felt less than beta.

    Maybe in another year when they 2.0 it and possibly not just rip off another game to do so I'll consider having it installed again. But I'll have my degree this Spring and hopefully will be too busy to even care about this crap title.

    I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043

    Originally posted by Zookz1

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Once again, if you don't play this game any changes in the subscription policy are none of your business since they don't affect you. You won't play the game when it's free, you won't play it when there's a fee, you aren't even part of the demographic this change is aimed towards. SE may not "deserve" (lol) any revenue but the current players do not "deserve" to play the game for free either, not anymore after more than a year of free service. They have gotten their money's worth by playing the game up until this point. As I said, SE is not obliged to keep the service running, especially for those who Don't Even Play yet still feel like they're entitled to have an opinion regarding it's status quo. Demanding the service to be shut down and as such spitting on the faces of those willing to pay to keep the service running is selfish and self-centered. If they did a server wipe people would leave, if they didn't some people wouldn't come back. But surprisingly they are on the side of those who have supported them thus far. How horrible of them.


    How is it none of their business? Perhaps they're prior players and wanted to chime in. Maybe they've been following the game for a year. You may not agree with their opinions, but they're just as entitled to theirs as you are of yours. Nobody is calling you a slobbering 'tard for enjoying the game and your willingness to pay for it.



     Our comments might in fact be pointless but to be blunt, this thread is pointless because if it's about who's "business" it is, anyone who gives a shit got the email about billing dates and how the service would be suspended on the 5th for all accounts. Of course the link is "General Discussion" not information portal for people who don't have access to Lodstone forums.

  • HyanmenHyanmen Member UncommonPosts: 5,357

    Originally posted by Zookz1


    How is it none of their business? Perhaps they're prior players and wanted to chime in. Maybe they've been following the game for a year. You may not agree with their opinions, but they're just as entitled to theirs as you are of yours. Nobody is calling you a slobbering 'tard for enjoying the game and your willingness to pay for it.




    {mod edit}


    As far as losing potential subs, that could be correct. Then again, if one has played the game in it's current state for a year already the chances are he will at least check out 2.0 (where his achievements thus far are stored). As such while you nor I know anything about the true state of affairs I'm doubtful that the ratio of players lost exceeds the ratio of revenue gained. SE has their own experts to calculate these things, so sorry for being skeptical about an internet anonymity with a grudge claiming doom&gloom. Oh, since the announcement of 2.0 any potential new players have been lost up until 2.0. SE was quite straightforward in stating that the game will not change drastically up until then, leaving players who gave up on the game for being what it is little reason to come check things out beforehand. Only people left are those who enjoy the game right here and right now.

    Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
  • PukeBucketPukeBucket Member Posts: 867


    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Originally posted by Zookz1


    How is it none of their business? Perhaps they're prior players and wanted to chime in. Maybe they've been following the game for a year. You may not agree with their opinions, but they're just as entitled to theirs as you are of yours. Nobody is calling you a slobbering 'tard for enjoying the game and your willingness to pay for it.





    {mod edit}

    As far as losing potential subs, that could be correct. Then again, if one has played the game in it's current state for a year already the chances are he will at least check out 2.0 (where his achievements thus far are stored). As such while you nor I know anything about the true state of affairs I'm doubtful that the ratio of players lost exceeds the ratio of revenue gained. SE has their own experts to calculate these things, so sorry for being skeptical about an internet anonymity with a grudge claiming doom&gloom. Oh, since the announcement of 2.0 any potential new players have been lost up until 2.0. SE was quite straightforward in stating that the game will not change drastically up until then, leaving players who gave up on the game for being what it is little reason to come check things out beforehand. Only people left are those who enjoy the game right here and right now.


    Well I for one paid for the god damn game expecting it to at least be playable. The current state isn't. I suspect they'll address the issue in some manner, but yeah like many others, being expected to pay just to peek in and see if they've made this pile of crap worth the cash spent on the box involves me and others.

    You're marking out, and it's kind of sad.

    The game you love sucks. Deal with it and stop showing up on every thread to put up walls of text as some sort of cushion or defense.

    I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

  • SuperXero89SuperXero89 Member UncommonPosts: 2,551

    Well, billing had to start sometime.  It was honorable of them to let this game go B2P for this long.  That said, I don't think they've made enough changes in this game yet to justify charging players a monthly fee, and I find it hard to believe SquareEnix feels as if they've made enough changes as well.  I would assume they're in need of some cash at this point.

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