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I havent had a chance to try beta yet, and doubt that I'll get a chance to do so before release. For those who have played both, please look past the Star Wars and Warcraft IP content of each game (lore, characters, settings, weapons, armor, environment, scenery, sounds). If its stripped down to evaluating SWTOR's gameplay and mechanics alone I'm looking for your opinions of how much the game feels like KOTOR versus how much it feels like WoW.
wouldnt like to say tbh, i havent played kotor for some years
mechanics, abilities, character attributes, skill trees, dungeons/raids I can say are very wow like (and everything of that ilk)
storyline, obviously kotor
stuff liek weapons, well they have to fit into the star wars universe or it'd jsut be silly
Comparisons to other succesful MMOS are not a bad thing, and i saw a close friend order 2 copies after playing Beta (he hasnt played any MMO of this type).
Myself, on the fence as a veterean WOW player im looking for something completely different, although the storyline and addictive quality was certainly good.
I owned Kotor but I was to busy with SWG to ever play it, so i cant answer.
It's tough to say really. I mean the combat is totally wow, but what percentage of the game is that? People will all have different answers.
The dialog and choices / story elements take up a large percentage of the game as well, and those are nothing like wow, totally KoTOR. However, the quest that follows most of the time is very similar to wow style gameplay.
There are also several game elements that I would say don't really fit either description.
I think the only way I can look at this is a 50/50 split. You'll spend a lot of time doing things that will feel like KoTOR, and you'll also spend a lot of time doing things that feel like WoW.
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Well, it gives me a little bit of insight. I'm not looking to stir the anti-WoW trolls. I'm just curious whether the game is going to play a lot like a multiplayer variation of KOTOR, or if it will seem more like WoW but set in a Star Wars universe.
I can relate. I didn't break the cellophane on either of my KOTOR boxes until after the 5th of November (NGE).
Theres nothing wrong with the WOW comparisons (at least not so far) especially if you havent invested a lot of time into a game of that nature.
I have, and im stil ltempted to buy this, I think im actually scared of it being over addictive (in a forced way)
Poll needs more percentages of Skyrim, Starfox and Fifa!
My brand new bloggity blog.
need a 0% skyrim option
5% fifa
And 5% starfox
Poll needs more percentages of Skyrim, Starfox and Madden!
Corrected it for you
I was hoping you were going to throw in M.U.L.E., Excitebike and Parappa the Rapper.
Anyway, with so many comparisons to WoW and Bioware heralding it as a large influence it kind of concerns me that WoW didn't appeal to me for more than two months at a time, on the three occasions that I did give it an honest chance. Regardless, I think SWTOR will have my interest for a three reasons: January, February and March. I tend to keep my outdoor activity to a minimum during the coldest months here, so chances are I'll find enough interest to at least get me through that timeframe.
wow comparisons aside, the distinct difference for a newcomer to swtor as opposed to a newcomer to (vanilla) wow is that you are instantly drawn into something big.
Vanilla wow was jsut kind of do this do that, as a newbire i had no realy idea what the function of my abilitites, gear or what i was working towards exactly! I got through like 40 levels without instancing, more from an exploritory point of view. Im sure a lot changed after the starter area re work during cataclysm.
In swtor the story is the driving force which is your initial goal, the grouping and flashpoints kind of get introduced to you as a sidepoint along the way.
It is WoW's MMO mechanics with KOTOR's stories on top of it.
Seems like a silly poll though, if you don't like the mechanics, the story won't save you, if you don't like the story, the mechanics may save you cause you can skip conversations.
...the servers are working.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
You can break down game mechanics and compare it to WoW if you like. I, however, didn't experience any sort of WoW-resemblance at all while playing last weekend. Nothing in the game felt anything like WoW to me. The game has "standard MMO mechanics", yes. I just don't feel like that has anything to do with WoW per se.
Sorry, i just can't relate to the poll.
And thats cool. Without having any time in beta and being considerably out-of-the-loop in regards to how much I've read about it, I thought I'd ask players opinions. I do expect standard MMO mechanics, as in player stats, health/mana (or whatever its called in SWTOR) dictating how much damage you've taken & how much you can deal, and the tried & true delivery, collection and 'kill 10 rats' quest types. I'm really not trying to compare it to WoW to troll either game. I used WoW as a themepark reference because I'm sure its a more familiar reference point than asking about its similarities to a themepark game that peaked at >100,000 subs, and since BioWare has made made reference to it. I guess I could have given my OP a bit more depth, and avoided WoW altogether - instead asking about more specific themepark elements like 'how gear dependent is it?' or 'does it seem like it will be a dungeon treadmill at endgame, or will it have more to offer than that?'....
not sure why you are feeling the need to weigh in then ?
a true MMO, you are invested in the game world regardless. SWTOR even as you just admit, you are required, at least to some degree "invest" yourself into the MMO part of it. otherwise, you are just paying $15 to play a single player RPG.
Wait, so if a game doesn't rip the basic WoW UI layout, then that game is not an mmo? HOLY CRAP BATMAN!
Its not that simple, depends on how long will you play.
If you intend long term playing and do endgame it will be negligible amount of KOTOR and all WoW.
If you will just play alts it would be 10-20% KOTOR and rest WoW i guess.
You are comparing apples with oranges. One system was a "video" game the other an MMO.
Star Wars the Old Republic MMO plays like an MMO.
Simply put. My entire guild is leaving WoW, too play SWTOR MMO.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
I thoroughly enjoyed both KOTOR's and beat both. The story and gameplay was much different as far as your options and branching paths went, factor in persuasion etc, a lot different in my opinion. I'd liken SWTOR more to Dragon Age 2 than KOTOR as far as the story aspects go.
I read your reply first, without reading the quoted post, and nearly had a dorkgasm!
Curse you!!!!!!!!
I am sorry but I dont see KOTOR at all. It has a story, theres also VO. But then every RPG has 20% KOTOR...its a wow clone.
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