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Class intro videos from the game

bdewbdew Member UncommonPosts: 192

I've uploaded the intro videos for each class to youtube if anyone interested.

The intros are from the last beta client (the one we will be playing tommorow).

Be warned - most of each video is a wall of text scroling into the distance with SW theme playing in the background, and a few seconds of footage at the end (flying to your starting planet).

Bounty Hunter -

Imperial Agent -

Jedi Consular -

Jedi Knight -

Sith Inquisitor -

Smuggler -

Sith Warrior -

Trooper -

There are also 3 additional intros that are actually what we've seen in trailers.

I'm not really sure if there's anything different between the trailer and ingame versions, i'm uploading them now and will update this post when it's done.

General game intro - "Return" trailer

Empire intro - The first unnamed (i think) trailer, the one with sith attacking coruscant.

Republic intro - "Hope" trailer

Oh yeah, and they are blocked in Germany due to copyright, lol.


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