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Everquest Next and the Playstation 4 connection.

pvpirlpvpirl Member UncommonPosts: 178

Everquest Next: What we know and what we think we know.

*Line-breaks every 3 bulletpoints to prevent unreadable wall of text syndrome.*


-EQN has been in development sence 2008. Several unreleased pieces of concept art of Brell for instance can be seen in the later portion of smed produced documentary "Evercracked".

@ 1:40

-A Sound and model prototype reel was leaked, depicting a "Human Paladin", "Skeleton" (Unfortunately lacking cackle), and Orc.

-The reel in question showed several special moves including a jumping attack and AOE 'whirlwind' melee attack by both Paladin and Orc.


-It is poised to be a "reboot" or "remimagining" of Everquest 1.

-EQN is "not for kids" - Smed

-EQN will have less races and classes than EQ2, more in line with EQ1.


-EQN will allow players to emote specific facial expressions, utilizing a webcam or xbox kinect-like device for the Playstation, as well as via / commands.

-EQN will have no zones or zoning.

-EQN will have a greater emphesis on implementation of PVP than EQ1 or EQ2. Smed stated he was in favor of retaining corpse runs, however see next bullet point.


-Much of EQN's mechanics and gameplay have been said to be derrived from Dev's following EQ and EQII forums as well as the frequent polling of the progession servers. Corpse runs were slimly voted against on Fippy Darkpaw.

-EQN will retain the emphesis on server identity, even though cross server grouping has been spoken of by Smed. Smed hates instances, however this will more than likely be present in some degree at least. However, a strong anti-instance sentiment regarding Planetside 2 (Who is being co-developed on the same engine as EQN) was expressed *see link listed below*

-EQN will be cross platform, operating on by the PC and PS3 or possibly PS4. Rumor being PS users and PC users can interact on the same servers as opposed to seperate servers.


-EQN the PS4 has a rumored release date of Xmas 2012, supposedly launching before the Xbox 720's holiday release, as leaked by manufactuers in Thailand regarding beginning of manufacturing of PS4s Nov/Dec 2011 and shipping 20 million PS4 units to NA next year. And industry analysts assume it will be revealed during the 2012 January Expo or June Expo, with the 2012 Fan Faire being in Oct.

-The PS4 will have an internal kinect-like device, allowing for the facial emote technology to be possible. Making EQN a launch title for the PS4, showcasing this technology, likely.

-EQN will utilize the specificly built ForeLight engine, as well as Planetside 2.


Also, although it is old here is something I found on Gamespot " that company president John Smedley answered in the affirmative as to whether all of the game maker's future MMOGs would appear on consoles"

Ok, so if we take this information as true, we should expect that since that company is making Planetside 2, it will indeed be available for its console.

Here is a great video from the announcement: ... ng-sequel/

At about 29:20 the panel asks for questions, the first one is "Will this be availalbe on PC and PS3? It was quickly answered with a "Next question". Why would you not annouce if your software was going to be available on the hardware the company makes?

Then they go a little further, saying they were the first with DCUO, and then with Free Realms, and then stop. Followed with: "We have other things were working on and not ready to announce" and after that "And maybe not just on PS3".

This was that company president John Smedly saying these things. So now Planetside will be available on PC and other consoles? I don't think so, Sony is going to keep their IP's to themselves. So what does "not just on PS3" mean?


-Sony Reps have stated there will be an overlap between the release of the PS4 and the continuation of support and titles for the PS3. Any quotes metioning that the PS3 has many more years ahead of it, etc, do not pertain to the PS4 release time-frame.

-EQN is rumored to lauch as Freemium, offering F2P, Silver, Gold etc memberships. however Smed has expressed he will watch SWTOR's progess as a subscription model.

-Post 2011 Fan Faire Smed stated much more information would be avail "later this year".


I'll keep investigating and posting information as I find it. I will try to compile the supporting quotes from text interviews and transcibe verbal quotes from Q&A Panels and podcast interviews in the coming days/weeks.


  • mhoward48mhoward48 Member UncommonPosts: 99

    Thank you pvpirl. I will keep a eye on this article for updates.

  • UproarUproar Member UncommonPosts: 521

    Excellent summary.  Here there be hope.


  • DeolusDeolus Member UncommonPosts: 392

    Hope I'm not going to be torn between playing EQN and GW2.

    Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing :)


  • toddzetoddze Member UncommonPosts: 2,150

    oh god not corpse runs...... Im all for a death penalty but corpse runs........ well see

    Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
    Now Playing: N/A
    Worst MMO: FFXIV
    Favorite MMO: FFXI

  • KhayotixKhayotix Member UncommonPosts: 231

    The only portion I havent seen proof for is the PS3 availability. I watched, and ever read about them saying they would consider it since they are a sony company but never have i seen confirmation that it will infact be on a console of any kind. Could i request some elaboration on where the confirmation came from?

  • William12William12 Member Posts: 680

    It will NOT be on console im suprised more info isnt out since its in alpha.

  • darkhalf357xdarkhalf357x Member UncommonPosts: 1,237

    Originally posted by Deolus

    Hope I'm not going to be torn between playing EQN and GW2.

    Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing :)


    Took the words right out of my mouth! :-)

    But have to admit, I am loving the (quality) choices coming out!

  • darkhalf357xdarkhalf357x Member UncommonPosts: 1,237

    I'd be interested if EQN has a sub or not.  I hope they dont as I like the CS idea better.

  • IadienIadien Member UncommonPosts: 638
    Originally posted by darkhalf357x

    I'd be interested if EQN has a sub or not.  I hope they dont as I like the CS idea better.

    It will be F2P, like their other titles, and it will probably have a sub like the other games.

  • ice-vortexice-vortex Member UncommonPosts: 960
    Old thread. The vast majority of the list in the OP went out the window when they scrapped the EQ Next build over two years ago.
  • BidwoodBidwood Member Posts: 554
    I firmly believe EQN will be on PS4. Other mmos are going this route. It will increase the player base and let SOE take more risks.

    There is another thread with 75+ comments you might want to check out;

  • radagast777radagast777 Member Posts: 80
    I hope it isn't on console because then they would have to make the game more simple to run on a console.
  • William12William12 Member Posts: 680
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    I firmly believe EQN will be on PS4. Other mmos are going this route. It will increase the player base and let SOE take more risks.

    There is another thread with 75+ comments you might want to check out;


    It was and is being developed for the PC only right now.  In fact the Game Engine is not optimized for the PS4 yet they're doing that work for PS2 right now.  The PC version will be out this year maybe just MAYBE if its a huge success they port over a PS4 version, but it was never developed with the intent to be on the PS4.

  • hayes303hayes303 Member UncommonPosts: 435
    Based on the amount of MMORPGs that Sony is pushing out on the PS4 (DCUO FF XIV Destiny TESO) I would say its a safe bet this game will be on PS4.
  • WaterlilyWaterlily Member UncommonPosts: 3,105
    Originally posted by pvpirl

    -EQN has been in development sence 2008. Several unreleased pieces of concept art of Brell for instance can be seen in the later portion of smed produced documentary "Evercracked".

    @ 1:40

    That's from Brell's temple. The one with wings is a mob in the zone, called Pristine Creation.

    It's from EQ, not EQNext.

  • radagast777radagast777 Member Posts: 80
    Originally posted by pvpirl

    -EQN will have a greater emphesis on implementation of PVP than EQ1 or EQ2.

    I am glad for this point, I enjoy a little pvp and the pvp in eq1 and 2 were not very good.

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