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I'm sitting here kinda pissed off really, nut shell of it is that my Spec is out of date and wont run anything coming out, which I always find funny because the spec itself is still better than most consoles, and yet I cant play the PC versions of the same games on say Xbox 360.
The main reason for this is that our PC's run an OS, Mac, Linux, or Windows, and they all are bloated slow and fuggly when it comes to games, they use memory and cpu power when your game is running their still sitting there in the back ground working away its annoying and a waste of Computer resources.
What I would love, and actually though for a long time some one would do, is create a new OS designed specifically for gamers, in essence it would strip out and remove all the crap we dont need, and turn out PC into a console, pop the tray open, put the game CD in, and play the game to your PC's full potential.
There would be no OS hogging resources in the back ground, no system process running in the background to manage crap that you dont need when your in your game, your box of tricks would have its full and undivided attention to rendering your game.
Imagine the following.
Your a Gamer, running windows, you play your games normally via the OS, but a new game comes out that wants more than your PC can offer , so you restart your PC, you arrive at a duel boot option.
1. Windows
2. Gaming OS
You pick option 2, and your gaming OS boots , you put in your game CD and play your game, while your PC under windows did not have the available system resources to run the game, under the stream lined gaming OS it does.
Would you buy an OS as an addon to your current OS if the above worked.
A PC has to be pretty crap for the OS to impact on your gaming performance nowadays tbh. Windows 7 uses zero of my PC's resources when gaming other than roughly 1 gig of my ram, no CPU, GPU or HD usage.
You can already turn off most of the bloatware that comes with a general windows install. It's also pretty simple and unexspensive to ensure your computer is capable ( actually more than needed ) to play all of the current games( which includes those coming out in the next year or two ) . Games are not utilizing the new capabilities that the average system now hold. Your OS should be the least of your concerns if your system is built properly and you have marginally decent hardware.
--- Bottom line, Windows already performs this function, you can keep a system capable for the price of a console. I would support a generic base load for gamers, in essence when installing the O.S you specify your only looking to game and thus the bloat is removed for those who arn't comfortable enough to remove it themselves.
my biggest problem is the fact that i want to play Battlefield 3 but i cant unless i upgrade my OS. Well i dont want to upgrade my OS i like the one i have and I dont need a new one for anything but games i guess. kind of stupid now a 60 dollar game turns into hundreds ? no thanks....
gimmie the gameing OS that works with all games
What you need to understand is that console games typically run at 720p or lower. It is also easier to optimise a game for a known specification rather than the wide variety of hardware associated with a PC.
Do some research and you will find many console owners complaining that their game doesn't look as good as the PC version.
You can always try to optimse your OS yourself though. Create a new partition, install your OS and make sure it's bare-bones only. Turn off all non-essential services, don't have fancy desktop effects, don't run anti-virus etc.
Right clicking the games exe > properties > compatibility and ticking "Disable Desktop Composition" turns off aero when you start the game up, handy for freeing up VRAM on your GPU when playing without having to lose out on using Aero when you're not.
I'd go for this. I have a dozen devices I can use to surf the net and do anything other than play games, so a Computer just for gaming isn't such a bad idea. As hard as I try to avoid it and be more secure, I come across Spyware or minor Viruses from time to time and honestly I'd welcome a Gaming Computer that prevented me from gathering this stuff. I'm not quite capable enough to fine tune my PC very well on my own, and so I'd be more than willing to pay for one already setup for me. It'd be even better if they could figure out a way to keep the price under maybe $600 and design quick and simple ways to upgrade Graphic Cards and other such components. I know it's easiest enough now, and I've done my fair share of swapping out everything from RAM Sticks, to Graphic Cards and even power supplies, but I wouldn't mind some sort of Fisher Price-like design where the Company that makes the PC and Operating System also had a deal with component makers to sell standardized upgrades built into plastic sleeves that can be simply slid in and out of slots on the back of the PC. No opening up the case, no screws, and no having to worry about compatibility issues. Just imagine a simple cube with 4-5 slots in the back with each slot designated for a commonly upgraded component.
Basically we are talking about a console with easy component swap out and the ability to pay for the best processing power and graphic quality. Give me that. I want that. I'll pay more than a console, and I'll put $200-$300 worth of upgrades into it every few years.
*I actually read the posts and realized this was supposed to be just about an OS. I was going to just clear my post, but I'd actually prefer a gaming-only PC instead of just the OS.
In the DOS/Win3.x/Win95 days it was common for gamers to use a multi-config startup like that. I'm not sure if that's doable with Vista or Win 7, though. Maybe create a partition strictly for gaming and jsut reboot and switch to use your stripped down OS for the cutting edge games.
vLite was a decent tool for stripping down Vista, and Win 7 is supposedly built on Microsft's MinWin kernel, so there's probably a way to really tear Win 7 down to a function-focused low-glitz powerhouse for your gaming needs.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
It's called Windows. One of the main reasons you see more Windows Games than you do Mac or Linux, isn't because it's more widely used... it's because DirectX is a dream to work in as compared to alternatives such as OpenGL.
So, if there was a Gaming OS, it would be Microsoft Based and basically just a skin over regular Windows. Utterly pointless and costly.
I look at the cross-platform game on the PC. I look at it on a console. I look back at it on the PC.
I don't see the problem...
...outside of not being able to upgrade consoles.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
XP is rapidly becoming an obsolete and unsupported operating system so you should really think about upgrading anyway. XP is how old now? 10 years iirc.
Currently playing:
EVE online (Ruining low sec one hotdrop at a time)
Gravity Rush,
Dishonoured: The Knife of Dunwall.
(Waiting for) Metro: Last Light,
Company of Heroes II.
Microsoft wants everyone to buy the new operating system every two years. At least until it all becomes subscription model. XP support ends in 2014:
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"