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I have not played wow in over a year or so, got a few characters to 85 and played some of the raid content before I quit for the last time, or so I thought, I now find myself in a sad situation, with the current economy, and my current bank balance as it is I find that WOW might be the only good mmo that my Computer can actually run.
A recent patch to the beta of an up coming mmo means that I can no longer play that which has knocked me on my ass as I was really looking forward to it, as an MMO gamer I am now left with playing something really old, like EQ or going back to wow where I still have a massive investment in terms of characters and equipment.
But I really have fallen out with the game and most of the changes made to it since TBC have been changes I did not like.
So what do you guys think I should do, go back to wow and enjoy being an mmo gamer, and give up and find some single player games to play which again will be old as none of the newer games will run.
My final hope is that Diablo 3 will run it's my hope that blizzard much like wow and starcraft will make sure the game runs nice on a wide range of specs, but I really have no clue what I will do if diablo 3 fails to run, and going back to wow while looking more and more like the only option is one I dont want to take unless something else can be found.
RANT OVER , sorry ..
If you get such an urge, Guild Wars does an outstanding job of running well and looking good on older hardware. Not having to subscribe doesn't hurt the bank balance either.
I resubbed with my wife after quiting 2 weeks after Cataclysm.
Having fun with leveling an alt with the new boa's and doing my daily shit.
WoW is still wow not much has changed.
Do your daily quest
Do your daily BG
Do your daily Heroic
Raid / Arena / Rated Battlegrounds
Iam waiting till GW2 come's out and i needed something to do and i have some fun altough alot less then in TBC / WotLK.
Yeah thats the thing when you do all the dailies once it gets old real fast, if I resubbed I would probably just sit there in Org farming the dungeon finder or doing the odd daily I know I would be bored out ma skull for sure I think the only thing I would have open to me that I have not seen is the wargen starting quests.
well if you are one of the people looking forward to guild wars 2 then I suggest guild wars 1 (assuming you can handle a game without jumping which I can't for some reason) You can get guild wars 1 pretty cheap, and if you get whatever one has the hall of monuments you can start earning stuff for your future guild wars 2 account. If WoW still took awhile to level I would play it, but it's just to damn easy now so I get bored. It should have an option of either just starting your alts at 85, or allowing us who like leveling the option to go by old exp gains.
GW1 is going pretty cheap on arenanet's website. You can get prophecies (the original), factions, and nightfall for $30 combined. Can also get Eye of the North if you want to do the HoM thingfor another $30. All 4 GW games have a fun campaign (well proph, factions, and eotn does, haven't played nightfall).
EoTN: $15 :