So a small team is ripping content from the Warhammer game, pretty much taking already built content/spell effects and making “heroes” you play vrs each other on 6v6v6 teams… (sound like DAoC RvR!)
I’m really hopping this game makes some kind of profit from the store for the dev team to look at DAoC as an even better money maker.
Could you picture battlegrounds with castles setup like this 32vrs32vrs32!
That is one thing I feel WoH is missing, storming keeps.. having your side look and feel united… currently WoH is a free for all with characters choices and side.. no real story behind them. Orc’s and dwarfs fighting with elfs and zombies… doesn’t make sense
Let’s see HIB! MID! ALB! Bring back the old RvR zones! (also no buff-bots)
Looking forward to W:WoH, GW2, Tribes
its just instanced mini game matches, its not persistent territory control pvp
look to GW2, TSW, Dominion & Planetside 2 for DAOC type PVP in the future
...although probably not as good, they don't look like promising as big a fights but still 3 sided and persistent (well fortnightly in GW2 cas) objective / teritory control PVP