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  • ShadowMajereShadowMajere Member UncommonPosts: 20

    Thats Why I love Verizon FIOS <3  150 MB down 35 MB up  Unlimited Data :) Games can be as big as they want and I'll play em all ^^  BTW Thats in a Real Major City Called New York I pay 199 + tax a month for my connection :)

  • rsrestonrsreston Member UncommonPosts: 346


    Hey, kiddo - Age of Conan is a whopping 30GB. And I still have to put up with computer configuration...

    14GB on the PS3 is a breeze.


  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    3 1/2 hours of downloading is hardly anything to spill tears over, imho.

    I guess if you have a really poor connection (or extreme bandwidth limitations per month) then the size of the game could be offputting, but you're connection or isp itself would have to be very, very bad.

  • stragen001stragen001 Member UncommonPosts: 1,720

    Wow.. Dont ever try AOC - thats like 40GB+

    Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom

  • marinridermarinrider Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    Originally posted by ShadowMajere

    Thats Why I love Verizon FIOS <3  150 MB down 35 MB up  Unlimited Data :) Games can be as big as they want and I'll play em all ^^  BTW Thats in a Real Major City Called New York I pay 199 + tax a month for my connection :)

    Thats absurd.  Do you really need so much bandwidth?  Are sites even able to stream that fast to you? 

  • ShadowMajereShadowMajere Member UncommonPosts: 20
    Well i do more then just gaming and torrenting i run servers and multiple units in my house so yeah the extra bandwidth is great and the speed to i tend to hog alot of bandwidth so the fiber optics help greatly besides its cheaper then the t1 i was gonna have installed
  • kiernkiern Member UncommonPosts: 428

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    this post was to express my sentiment to a large download file and how new games comming out are really big. going the way of the download client (instead of the box) is fine for som eplaces where you can get unlimited bandwidth, but there is still ALOT of places (mainly where i live, and i can tell you its not in the middle of nowhere, its one of the main cities in north america) i have a capped internet service. (and i believe, i dont have a source though, that we are the most expensive internet providers in the world)

    here is the cable plan 50$ + tax / month


    • Download speed of 8 Mbps, upload speed of 1 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer capacity of 50 GB combined*

    here is the cable plan at 72$ + tax / month

    • Download speed of 30 Mbps, upload speed of 2 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer of 120 GB combined

    the DSL connections are competitively priced


    the cheapest i found was the 56k connection (that uses up the phone line) at 15$/month


    and like i said, this is in a major city in North America


    i dont have 75$/month to spend on internet wich is still capped

    and the 50GB plan is still quite expensive for what it is


    i see a couple of posts above saying they they get 100Mbps and unlimited bandwith for 25$ 

    yeah i see why you guys think i'm whining about 14GB


    and to the others that can't read,

    its not about the disk space, (DUH i have 2x external hard drives of 1Tb each) i dont live in 1999


    and the one who called me a noob, do you have anything constructive to add? 


    You said that you clicked the "uninstall button".  That implies that the game was installed.  Otherwise it would have been the "cancel" button you would have been hitting.  Uninstalling the game would be a space issue, not a download issue.  Don't jump on the reading ability of others when you were the one that made it unclear.  Most people don't have the time, or desire, to read through every post in a thread.  They read the original post and comment on it.  Your OP should have been clearer.  Also, the "No more Green Lantern Corp" for you, comment also made it sound like you had been playing, but would be playing "no more".  I'm not trying to be the grammar police, but you need to take that into consideration when responding to people.

    It also seems strange for people to complain about too much content.  I understand that you have to live with certain restrictions in bandwidth, but that isn't the devs' fault, just like it isn't their fault if some people only have dial-up connections. They also didn't "go the way of the download client (instead of the box)".  You can still buy the box, if you want, but the download client is free.  It is up too you, and,like all MMO's you would still have updates to download, but it would be less than having to download it all from scratch.  The choice is yours.  

    I think it is your outrage over the size of a free game that grates on most people.  Some of have actually paid for it. If you need to download it over several months, then do it that way. No one says you have to do it all at once.  You could start the download on the last day of the month, and let it complete on the first of the next month, so that it is spread across two months. Plus, if you really wanted to, you could fit it into one month and be conservative with your downloads for the rest of the month.



  • marinridermarinrider Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    this post was to express my sentiment to a large download file and how new games comming out are really big. going the way of the download client (instead of the box) is fine for som eplaces where you can get unlimited bandwidth, but there is still ALOT of places (mainly where i live, and i can tell you its not in the middle of nowhere, its one of the main cities in north america) i have a capped internet service. (and i believe, i dont have a source though, that we are the most expensive internet providers in the world)

    here is the cable plan 50$ + tax / month


    • Download speed of 8 Mbps, upload speed of 1 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer capacity of 50 GB combined*

    here is the cable plan at 72$ + tax / month

    • Download speed of 30 Mbps, upload speed of 2 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer of 120 GB combined

    the DSL connections are competitively priced


    the cheapest i found was the 56k connection (that uses up the phone line) at 15$/month


    and like i said, this is in a major city in North America


    i dont have 75$/month to spend on internet wich is still capped

    and the 50GB plan is still quite expensive for what it is


    i see a couple of posts above saying they they get 100Mbps and unlimited bandwith for 25$ 

    yeah i see why you guys think i'm whining about 14GB


    and to the others that can't read,

    its not about the disk space, (DUH i have 2x external hard drives of 1Tb each) i dont live in 1999


    and the one who called me a noob, do you have anything constructive to add? 


    I live in a city with a population of about 300,000.  I get ATT Uverse internet and TV combined for about $50 a month.  I get 6mb/s down with no cap.

    When I lived in Houston, Tx it was exactly the same.  Either your not looking hard enough or you dont care enough.  My 6MB/s gets exactly the same downspeed (around 1Mb/s usuall) as my monthers internet which is supposed to be a much higher rate.  


  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088

    Unbelievable, some of the reactions in this thread. The OP's problem is that he has to download it because the discs are not available anymore. If your internet package is capped, this simply can be a problem. Im kind of amazed at the client size too. Its not as if DCUO has a lot of content to offer.

    Im just amazed that a major city in the US where the OP, offers packages that seem to be from over 10 years ago. Way too limited and pricy. Might want to check if there is real competition between ISP's in your region. It sounds dodgy to me anyway.

  • marinridermarinrider Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Unbelievable, some of the reactions in this thread. The OP's problem is that he has to download it because the discs are not available anymore. If your internet package is capped, this simply can be a problem. Im kind of amazed at the client size too. Its not as if DCUO has a lot of content to offer.

    Im just amazed that a major city in the US where the OP, offers packages that seem to be from over 10 years ago. Way too limited and pricy. Might want to check if there is real competition between ISP's in your region. It sounds dodgy to me anyway.

    Actually, the discs are available still on amazon if you wanted to buy the game.  Additionally, if his internet cap is that big of an issue then he either needs to get a different ISP or a different Hobby because game patches and digital downloads are only going to get larger and more popular.   As far as to his package choice, my city only has 300,000 people in it and I have at least 3 options better than his (all have no cap with a down rate higher than I ever use).

  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Unbelievable, some of the reactions in this thread. The OP's problem is that he has to download it because the discs are not available anymore. If your internet package is capped, this simply can be a problem. Im kind of amazed at the client size too. Its not as if DCUO has a lot of content to offer.

    Im just amazed that a major city in the US where the OP, offers packages that seem to be from over 10 years ago. Way too limited and pricy. Might want to check if there is real competition between ISP's in your region. It sounds dodgy to me anyway.

    Actually, the discs are available still on amazon if you wanted to buy the game.  Additionally, if his internet cap is that big of an issue then he either needs to get a different ISP or a different Hobby because game patches and digital downloads are only going to get larger and more popular.   As far as to his package choice, my city only has 300,000 people in it and I have at least 3 options better than his (all have no cap with a down rate higher than I ever use).

    He already explained that those internet caps are standard where he lives. You also dont have to explain to me. Where I live we only have one city with 300.000 citizens, well maybe two. But internet is cheap, fast and is not capped. But this is not something fit for a pissing contest. As consumer you are dependant on what is offered in your city.

    And different hobby if you really love games, is not something you just do. I can understand his frustration. Its just annoying that some people in this thread act as if they wouldnt care themselves if they were in the same situation. Which is pure bs.

  • sn0wblind00sn0wblind00 Member UncommonPosts: 388

    Originally posted by kirak2009

    It's not that bad in Canada, depends who you use, I have 30mb download and up with  unlimited bandwidth  for around 50 a month


    can't get that in quebec. the only unlimited you can get is throttled beyond belief. and videotron caps at like 120gb/month if you get the fastest package...which is like 70$/month

    kinda sad living in a major city like montreal with such crap caps.

  • marinridermarinrider Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Unbelievable, some of the reactions in this thread. The OP's problem is that he has to download it because the discs are not available anymore. If your internet package is capped, this simply can be a problem. Im kind of amazed at the client size too. Its not as if DCUO has a lot of content to offer.

    Im just amazed that a major city in the US where the OP, offers packages that seem to be from over 10 years ago. Way too limited and pricy. Might want to check if there is real competition between ISP's in your region. It sounds dodgy to me anyway.

    Actually, the discs are available still on amazon if you wanted to buy the game.  Additionally, if his internet cap is that big of an issue then he either needs to get a different ISP or a different Hobby because game patches and digital downloads are only going to get larger and more popular.   As far as to his package choice, my city only has 300,000 people in it and I have at least 3 options better than his (all have no cap with a down rate higher than I ever use).

    He already explained that those internet caps are standard where he lives. You also dont have to explain to me. Where I live we only have one city with 300.000 citizens, well maybe two. But internet is cheap, fast and is not capped. But this is not something fit for a pissing contest. As consumer you are dependant on what is offered in your city.

    And different hobby if you really love games, is not something you just do. I can understand his frustration. Its just annoying that some people in this thread act as if they wouldnt care themselves if they were in the same situation. Which is pure bs.

    Well all he has to do is post his city name and I'm sure someone would be able to find internet that would suit him better and the whole problem would go away.  His profile says Montreal but he said a US city, so I cant use Montreal.  I mean different hobby as in Single Player games, or maybe MMO's that he can buy the box for that doesnt patch often. 

    I think what people are keying in on more is that he came in here and complained about a client size that isnt even close to being one of the largest for our genre.  On top of that, its almost as if he wants it to be a small client, which generally means a lower quality game (be it in graphics, content, or both).  I'm not trying to start a pissing contest, I was just saying that I lived in a major city as well and our internet was better than his. 

    And some people probably wouldnt care.  Its a F2P game that went F2P for a reason I'm assuming.  They didnt go F2P because it was the most awesome game to grace a hard drive.  Many of us in this situation would simply be like "That seems like a lot and I dont want to play it that much, so oh well." Instead though, the OP decides to complain.  He says he has a 50gb monthy limit, but instead of rationing a few gigs to dl the client he comes on here to complain.

  • VelocinoxVelocinox Member UncommonPosts: 1,010

    Thats a lot of poop

    'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.

    When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.

    No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.

    How to become a millionaire:
    Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.

  • ShadowMajereShadowMajere Member UncommonPosts: 20

    I Truly understand where he is coming from tho with a cap on download rate. When I lived in Mesa, AZ I had Cox cable 20 down 7 up no cap. When I moved 3 blocks over Only option was to get sat for internet and There Rates are redic. Was gonna cost like 70 a month for a 1 mb down 368kb up and was capped at if I remember 2 gigs a month or you had to pay like 5-10 bucks per additional gig. I said Screw it and just lived without net, did what I had to do at the library. Couldn't get DSL or Cable Because Cable didn't run to the apt complex because they had a contract with DirecTv and DSL didn't run to the complex because of how old the lines were. So now I'm back in NY and man I love Fios lol

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    Originally posted by lathaan

    everytime you think you've seen it all, there comes one even more unbelievable post ^^




    edit: try .. well ... tetris, should be around 30 KB.

    I agree,i guess this is why Zynga is a multi million dollar operation, cheap gaming such as Farmville because people woudl rather play rubbish small file games than have the patience to play something far more advanced.

    I seriously think there is still a ton of people who do not understand game design even the slightest bit.

    The size of the file is one of the first things i look for ,but not to see it smaller,i want it to be massive that way i know the developer put a lot of work/effort into their game.


    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649

    Originally posted by Wizardry

    The size of the file is one of the first things i look for ,but not to see it smaller,i want it to be massive that way i know the developer put a lot of work/effort into their game.

    Honestly, um - you can't tell that by size.

    You could have two developers code the same app.  One could be insanely huge.  One could be relatively small.  If both apps do the same thing...there's a problem with the huge one.  The developer that coded it - did something wrong.

    That's just a small example - for a flaw in reasoning.

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

    Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Unbelievable, some of the reactions in this thread. The OP's problem is that he has to download it because the discs are not available anymore. If your internet package is capped, this simply can be a problem. Im kind of amazed at the client size too. Its not as if DCUO has a lot of content to offer.

    Im just amazed that a major city in the US where the OP, offers packages that seem to be from over 10 years ago. Way too limited and pricy. Might want to check if there is real competition between ISP's in your region. It sounds dodgy to me anyway.

    Actually, the discs are available still on amazon if you wanted to buy the game.  Additionally, if his internet cap is that big of an issue then he either needs to get a different ISP or a different Hobby because game patches and digital downloads are only going to get larger and more popular.   As far as to his package choice, my city only has 300,000 people in it and I have at least 3 options better than his (all have no cap with a down rate higher than I ever use).

    He already explained that those internet caps are standard where he lives. You also dont have to explain to me. Where I live we only have one city with 300.000 citizens, well maybe two. But internet is cheap, fast and is not capped. But this is not something fit for a pissing contest. As consumer you are dependant on what is offered in your city.

    And different hobby if you really love games, is not something you just do. I can understand his frustration. Its just annoying that some people in this thread act as if they wouldnt care themselves if they were in the same situation. Which is pure bs.


    Maybe they would be mature enough though to realise that is was THEIR issue and not start a thread blaming the game.

    I have sympathy for his situation, but, as has been said, he needs to complaining to his ISP not here.

  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Unbelievable, some of the reactions in this thread. The OP's problem is that he has to download it because the discs are not available anymore. If your internet package is capped, this simply can be a problem. Im kind of amazed at the client size too. Its not as if DCUO has a lot of content to offer.

    Im just amazed that a major city in the US where the OP, offers packages that seem to be from over 10 years ago. Way too limited and pricy. Might want to check if there is real competition between ISP's in your region. It sounds dodgy to me anyway.

    Actually, the discs are available still on amazon if you wanted to buy the game.  Additionally, if his internet cap is that big of an issue then he either needs to get a different ISP or a different Hobby because game patches and digital downloads are only going to get larger and more popular.   As far as to his package choice, my city only has 300,000 people in it and I have at least 3 options better than his (all have no cap with a down rate higher than I ever use).

    He already explained that those internet caps are standard where he lives. You also dont have to explain to me. Where I live we only have one city with 300.000 citizens, well maybe two. But internet is cheap, fast and is not capped. But this is not something fit for a pissing contest. As consumer you are dependant on what is offered in your city.

    And different hobby if you really love games, is not something you just do. I can understand his frustration. Its just annoying that some people in this thread act as if they wouldnt care themselves if they were in the same situation. Which is pure bs.

    Well all he has to do is post his city name and I'm sure someone would be able to find internet that would suit him better and the whole problem would go away.  His profile says Montreal but he said a US city, so I cant use Montreal.  I mean different hobby as in Single Player games, or maybe MMO's that he can buy the box for that doesnt patch often. 

    I think what people are keying in on more is that he came in here and complained about a client size that isnt even close to being one of the largest for our genre.  On top of that, its almost as if he wants it to be a small client, which generally means a lower quality game (be it in graphics, content, or both).  I'm not trying to start a pissing contest, I was just saying that I lived in a major city as well and our internet was better than his. 

    And some people probably wouldnt care.  Its a F2P game that went F2P for a reason I'm assuming.  They didnt go F2P because it was the most awesome game to grace a hard drive.  Many of us in this situation would simply be like "That seems like a lot and I dont want to play it that much, so oh well." Instead though, the OP decides to complain.  He says he has a 50gb monthy limit, but instead of rationing a few gigs to dl the client he comes on here to complain.

    i said north america (montreal is in north america last i checked) 

    and the reason i chose that path to complain here, simply because its the game i was going to play. i couldnt care less for the 40GB AoC client takes or the 20+WoW client, i have no interest in those games, thus why would i complain about them?

    but honestly, i know i am not the only person with this problem, Montreal has 3+ million people living in it, and plenty of other large cities also have it caped as i do. 

    the way i see it, developpers should also look into finding a way to ease that download, because they lost a customer, not because the game was bad, but because of the heavy client. 

    the fact is that. yes i rather NOT play a game (that ihave not tried, nor i know if ill like or not) than to ration my bandwidth. i have plenty of other things i can do with 14GB that I KNOW I will like. and due to that, they lost a potential customer. 

    i know guild wars 1 was able to do it (live streaming), it would only download as you progress. downloads only what you need as you need it. there is no point in downloading the lvl 999 zone if i will only get there in a month or two, maybe 3-4 if i play casual



  • DibdabsDibdabs Member RarePosts: 3,241

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    Seriously? 14 GB? 

    am i the only one that finds this a turnoff?

    Well, a bit of a "good god!" moment, since many games this size have a smallish download (relatively speaking) and then stream content as you play.  Never mind, I was going to buy the game to save on the download, but the prices I was seeing online were still in the £30 mark, which made the 14gig free download a lot more palatable.

    The download took about 24 hours of download time, so it was a tad slow for me.  Still, I was playing last night and it's fun up to now.

  • OmaliOmali MMO Business CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 1,177

    I feel for you, OP. It's cheaper to request Sony put the client on an SSD card and ship it overnight to you than to pay for Canada's ridiculous internet fees. 


  • TaishiFoxTaishiFox Member RarePosts: 999

    lol wow, are you serious? you're complaining about a game thats 14GB? get with the times dude, and get a better internet deal if ya internet is too damn slow not to download that in just under 2 hours, mine does!  And if you're truly an online gamer you want internet that is fast and without any bandwidth limits, if ya don't have those don't play online jeez.


  • Kaynos1972Kaynos1972 Member Posts: 2,316

    Caps in Canada are just plain ridiculous.  It's like we still in 1990's.   ISP seems to think that a 50go montly cap is HUGE.  Look at Videotron for example, the most expensive package you can have is a 120mbs/sec connection, it's damn fast and it cost 150$ a month but hold on to your seatbelt until you see the cap on that 150$ package....   170GB only !!!!!

    So yeah when you think that standard high speed internet cost 45$ a month for an 8Mb/sec line with a 50gb cap, yeah 14gb is big.

  • Originally posted by VirusDancer

    Originally posted by Wizardry

    The size of the file is one of the first things i look for ,but not to see it smaller,i want it to be massive that way i know the developer put a lot of work/effort into their game.

    Honestly, um - you can't tell that by size.

    You could have two developers code the same app.  One could be insanely huge.  One could be relatively small.  If both apps do the same thing...there's a problem with the huge one.  The developer that coded it - did something wrong.

    That's just a small example - for a flaw in reasoning.

    u know its all relative to how much of the data is put onto the servers and how much is client side....a game could be 20gigs because it used the top of the line crytec graphics engine but still suck so terribly much, and another game could be 5gigs and be the best game in the world. Obviously the amount of space it takes up has nothing to do with how good the game is....

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247

    Originally posted by Wizardry

    I seriously think there is still a ton of people who do not understand game design even the slightest bit.

    The size of the file is one of the first things i look for ,but not to see it smaller,i want it to be massive that way i know the developer put a lot of work/effort into their game.



    As for the topic, I saw it in the Playstation Store but that just seemed like a lot of space to suck up on my PS3 so I think I might go the PC route later this week and check it out. Still seems a bit excessive.

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

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