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  • ZamolxisZamolxis Member UncommonPosts: 17

    The reason for the size is the large number of HD movies used for the story and I think it's a pretty good reason.

  • kevjardskevjards Member UncommonPosts: 1,452

    vangaurd on release was 20gb 3-4 yrs ago,lotro has about 20gb,wow 25 or close..i find 14 gb small and only took 3 hrs for me and my isp is all in all pretty good download..just set it b4 i went to bad and got up for a piss at about 4am gmt and it was complaints here..and i,m suprised..the game is quite fun considering i never played anything like this type of game before.

  • hyllstarterhyllstarter Member UncommonPosts: 203

    Isnt Swtor 30-40 Gb download?


  • Joshua69Joshua69 Member UncommonPosts: 953

    I must have a really advanced system? cause, 50gig to me is just whatever

  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092

    Originally posted by BTrayaL

    While the "15-20GB standard" is pure bull****, 14GB was unexpected for me.

    On the other hand, my first computer was an absolute beast with 32MB of ram. Do you get where I'm getting at?

    I will assume you're not, hence the thread. Tech changes, software takes advantage of the tech.

    Expect MMO's to get bigger & bigger. Mostly because of voice-acting and loads of cutscenes. It's not anymore the size of the world and actual content that determines size anymore :(

    And your 1st PC a beast with 32Mb..? *LOL* My 1st PC was a beast with 128Kb (Atari 800XL extremely enhanced). My 1st PC was a beast with 640Mb and 2x HDD totalling 60Mb of storage *LOL* and VGA (yes, an original 1st gen IBM clone)...

  • chirpechirpe Member UncommonPosts: 3

    @Kuppa: Why stop there?

    1TB for $20 more, 2TB for $40 more and you don't even have to open up your case. Heck, I bought a 3TB and just power-screwed it in my case. xD

  • kirak2009kirak2009 Member UncommonPosts: 543

    It's not that bad in Canada, depends who you use, I have 30mb download and up with  unlimited bandwidth  for around 50 a month

    "All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda

  • Methos12Methos12 Member UncommonPosts: 1,244

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    Seriously? 14 GB? 

    am i the only one that finds this a turnoff? 

    i mean i was all like, aww yeah green lantern corps, aww yeah here i come!!! this will be fun


    awww yeah where is this uninstall button... no more green lantern corps for me.

    Not to sound rude, but the year is 2011. It's kinda expected you have FLAT rate if you intend to do anything digital these days.

    Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
  • OnomasOnomas Member UncommonPosts: 1,154

    Its why i always try to buy retail cd copy. Makes it so much quicker. Unless the game has been out a long time and has a lot of patches/content/updates then i go with downloading as it will still need hours to patch/update.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,253

    Originally posted by Methos12

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    Seriously? 14 GB? 

    am i the only one that finds this a turnoff? 

    i mean i was all like, aww yeah green lantern corps, aww yeah here i come!!! this will be fun


    awww yeah where is this uninstall button... no more green lantern corps for me.

    Not to sound rude, but the year is 2011. It's kinda expected you have FLAT rate if you intend to do anything digital these days.

    Perhaps flat rate, unlimited download plans are either not available or too expensive for the OP?

    If so, I can understand why he'd prefer a box copy, but those are sort of going the way of the dinosuar


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by Methos12

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    Seriously? 14 GB? 

    am i the only one that finds this a turnoff? 

    i mean i was all like, aww yeah green lantern corps, aww yeah here i come!!! this will be fun


    awww yeah where is this uninstall button... no more green lantern corps for me.

    Not to sound rude, but the year is 2011. It's kinda expected you have FLAT rate if you intend to do anything digital these days.

    Perhaps flat rate, unlimited download plans are either not available or too expensive for the OP?

    If so, I can understand why he'd prefer a box copy, but those are sort of going the way of the dinosuar


    Or OP has a low DSL connection. I know a friend of mine to play MMOs thought a mobile G3 connection. Imagine to download 14Gb this way... ;-)

    Aside from that, most MMOs I played, I have the box of as well. Either bought later, or bought the box at start...

  • FeverfewFeverfew Member Posts: 120

    14 GB means more content, obviously. 

  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803
    Its my download bandwidth cap of 30GB that's causing the problem.

    The only solution would be to take 2-3 months to download it. 5GB per month chunks :p


  • just2duhjust2duh Member Posts: 1,290

     It's insanely slow going for the PS3 version lol.

     I left it going for about 6hrs over night and it still isn't done.. That is just way too long to leave a console running, and I have a feeling it's going to affect the playerbase if that DL time doesn't improve after the rush is over with.

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    its not about the disk space, nor the time it takes to download

    its about the download size, where i live bandwith costs a fortune, (just to give you an idea, in my area the ISPs available would cost me 60$ + tx for a 2MB speed and 30GB/month. so a 14GB one shot download kind of hits you in the face!

    yes MMORPGs are in the range of 10-20GB  but most of it is installed from the CD/DVD, and the rest is downloaded (OVER MONTHS YEARS) as patches. so you dont really see the file size until you check it 3-6 months down the line.

    im going to go to my local game show see if i can find the DC universe box at a decent price (20$ or less) because i cant simply put a 14GB chunk on my bandwith on the 2nd of the month 

    You might get a good deal as far as I know they're discontinuing the box.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • kefkahkefkah Member UncommonPosts: 832

    It becomes painfully apparent when reading this thread that some of you are unaware of metered bandwidth which exists across the pond and in some areas in the US. The TOR client keeps getting brought up and the funny story is that the beta client has been changed a few timess recently. This, of course, eats up bandwidth and hurt those whose countries pretty much live by the meter. Effectively hurting thier ability to play in the beta.

    I can see the OP's reasoning and here in my area of the US,  I truly cannot know what it is like to be restricted for if I were, my gaming choices would be limited as well as even my side projects. Only good news that I can add though is that the client was free and aborting the install would only result in a loss of time. Well that and the peace of mind knowing that you don't have a bugged out piece of niche on your pc.


  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803

    this post was to express my sentiment to a large download file and how new games comming out are really big. going the way of the download client (instead of the box) is fine for som eplaces where you can get unlimited bandwidth, but there is still ALOT of places (mainly where i live, and i can tell you its not in the middle of nowhere, its one of the main cities in north america) i have a capped internet service. (and i believe, i dont have a source though, that we are the most expensive internet providers in the world)

    here is the cable plan 50$ + tax / month


    • Download speed of 8 Mbps, upload speed of 1 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer capacity of 50 GB combined*

    here is the cable plan at 72$ + tax / month

    • Download speed of 30 Mbps, upload speed of 2 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer of 120 GB combined

    the DSL connections are competitively priced


    the cheapest i found was the 56k connection (that uses up the phone line) at 15$/month


    and like i said, this is in a major city in North America


    i dont have 75$/month to spend on internet wich is still capped

    and the 50GB plan is still quite expensive for what it is


    i see a couple of posts above saying they they get 100Mbps and unlimited bandwith for 25$ 

    yeah i see why you guys think i'm whining about 14GB


    and to the others that can't read,

    its not about the disk space, (DUH i have 2x external hard drives of 1Tb each) i dont live in 1999


    and the one who called me a noob, do you have anything constructive to add? 



  • PaithanPaithan Member Posts: 377

    Originally posted by Darkholme

    My WoW folder is 26GB

    LOTRO folder is 13.6GB

    DDO 6GB

    Champions Online 4GB

    While 14GB isn't in the average range for MMO client size, it's certainly not out of the ordinary...

    Dont forget rift :  15.0 GB



  • CharSolCharSol Member UncommonPosts: 47

    I hate internet in my area.  Seems no matter which ISP I have they can't offer me a reasonably stable or fast service regardless of what they offer 'on the box' so to speak.


    I've been downloading all evening and still only have 5GB.  My boyfriend however who lives in Sweden 'the land of fast internet' had his done in just shy of an hour.  I hate living in the UK, especially in an area that's so crowded with people that reasonable internet is a no go.

  • PaithanPaithan Member Posts: 377

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    this post was to express my sentiment to a large download file and how new games comming out are really big. going the way of the download client (instead of the box) is fine for som eplaces where you can get unlimited bandwidth, but there is still ALOT of places (mainly where i live, and i can tell you its not in the middle of nowhere, its one of the main cities in north america) i have a capped internet service. (and i believe, i dont have a source though, that we are the most expensive internet providers in the world)

    here is the cable plan 50$ + tax / month


    • Download speed of 8 Mbps, upload speed of 1 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer capacity of 50 GB combined*

    here is the cable plan at 72$ + tax / month

    • Download speed of 30 Mbps, upload speed of 2 Mbps

    • Monthly data transfer of 120 GB combined

    the DSL connections are competitively priced


    the cheapest i found was the 56k connection (that uses up the phone line) at 15$/month


    and like i said, this is in a major city in North America


    i dont have 75$/month to spend on internet wich is still capped

    and the 50GB plan is still quite expensive for what it is


    i see a couple of posts above saying they they get 100Mbps and unlimited bandwith for 25$ 

    yeah i see why you guys think i'm whining about 14GB


    and to the others that can't read,

    its not about the disk space, (DUH i have 2x external hard drives of 1Tb each) i dont live in 1999


    and the one who called me a noob, do you have anything constructive to add? 


    Em.. your first post suggests something different. But I appreciate trying to twist your own words into something else.

    On a side note, Im amased at the price of your internet, I pay 60USD, and I get Cable tv, phone and 120mb/s download, 10mb/s upload for that oh and digital tv.

  • DLangleyDLangley Member Posts: 1,407

    Lets end the name-calling and baiting.

  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657

    I can understand this. Then again, that's what DVDs are for.


    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • KanethKaneth Member RarePosts: 2,286

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    Its my download bandwidth cap of 30GB that's causing the problem.

    The only solution would be to take 2-3 months to download it. 5GB per month chunks :p

    Go look for a box copy. The local wal-mart and targets in my area have them for about $10-20.

  • TylinVTylinV Member Posts: 26

    If 14GB prompted such and outcry and SWToR is on your list of games to get, better make sure you get the DVD.

  • UhwopUhwop Member UncommonPosts: 1,791

    Good luck if you can find a box. 

    You'll still be downloading about half that 14gb.  It was about a 6gb download on my PS3 and I have the game on disc.

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