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F2P/Fremium/P2W are here to stay... sadly enough that is the truth we have to bare with.
that said, i want to start this thread to give out opinions on which games can be played competitively and with decent perks for 20$/month or less (including sub/VIP if aplicable)
for the sake of argument lets leave box cost out of the equation but would be good to mention if aplicable
also to stay within topic its not about if you like the game, or its good gameplay or not, its about games being playable under a 20$ budget.
ill start off
Ragnarok Online (free client) MMORPG
PVE can be played free from lvl 1 to max (transcended and all) without spending a dime. its what i cam currently doing. The VIP comes to about 7$/month less if bundled up to 3 and 6 months and gives perks as dungeon warps and NPC buffs amongs other useful VIP features.
the store items are a bit expensive for my taste but its not required for pve
PVP on the other hand... well lets just say unless you are max lvl (which can take a while, those who have played know how long it takes) its not worth investing just yet. but looking at the items, you can easely get VIP and 13$ worth of cash shop a month to be competitive.
verdict: for under 20$/month you can play the whole game at its fullest potential
CrimeCraft (free client) LOBBY MMOFPS
PVE is to be taken as a tutorial as this game is a pvp FPS 0 $ required as they give you all you need
PVP on the other hand is 50/50 it requires skill but also requires buy to win items
before lvl 15 you do not need to buy anything all you need is on the ingame market... but past lvl 15 the pvp matches and tournaments will require you to spend a little money.
on the flip side, i got a starter set of gear that will last me for a good month (probably more) for 5$. adding another 15$ i can even get fancy and get fluff like colors and fancy guns and perks.
the VIP package (the 4.99 is not worth it at all) costs you 10$/month and gives you about 5$ worth of cash shop money increased xp/loot/ingamecash and decreased ingame costs and expanded management for tourneys and clans management. so honestly unless you are guild/clan manager and really are into the game 24/7 its not worth having. besides cost 10$ VIP (but you get 5$ cash shop money) that gives you 15$ cash shop money /month to stay within budget. totally playable under budget.
verdict: for under 20$/month you can play the game beyond its full potential and even get fancy
i played D&D and LOTRO back when they first went FTP and i liked the model and how it played, for 20$/month i could play all i wanted and do anything i wished. but that was over a year ago and things may have changed, anyone with recent details? ill edit this post with your replies to add games to the list.