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I would like to request your opinions on this via the poll bellow, in a nut shell there are tons of mmo sites out there that focus on exclusivly free to play games, not listing any pay to play games, and I would like , well I would love it if would become the safe harbour and port for Pay to play games, or buy to play games, anything BUT free to play.
So.. would you like to see all Free to play item cash shop mney grabbing crap fests take off this site and have it only list those games that have a subscription option, or are you happy it lists them.
Give it a year and they will have one, maybe two games left to discuss.
I dont agree, I think when GW2 hits big and I expect it to, that model will gain more traction, and of course games like Archeage stilling coming down the line which is the first 2nd Generation MMO its going to blow some minds.
Will there be less ? - yes, is that a problem ? I dont think so, I would rather be talking about good games, with depth, and a fair player system, than all the trash I read about item malls, free to play games and players feeling left out because they cant keep up with the jones's.
I wouldn't object to that but it won't happen; Too much advertising revenue from F2P publishers.
Still, the gamelist is getting kind of cluttered with every code monkey and their parrots churning out cheap and shallow f2p cash shop games to make an easy buck.
The closest I'll ever get to those is looking at the colorful backgrounds here on
My brand new bloggity blog.
Either way the site leans is really no big deal.
By your definition GW2 won't have a subscription so would be excluded from the site.
It's funny you bring this up at a time where MMORPG is looking at expanding to regular RPGs as well.
You may not like F2P, but what about sandbox v. themepark? Should you say no sandboxes on the site? Or no themeparks? What about B2P like GW? To exclude groups because they don't fit particular models.
What I COULD side with is having these "asian" themed F2P's separated so that way your not getting all the shovelware garbage unless you're particularly LOOKING for it.
Just my opinion.
this I agree with, having to trawl through all that garbage in search of a game that has had a little love, attention and money thrown at it is a pain in the arse.
There are very few games without some kind of cash shop. I come to MMORPG to talk about MMORPGs - don't care what their payment model is.
I'm not sure there's enough P2P only games out there to talk about, maybe someone should start a blog here devoted to them. What I would actually like to see is the site owners create a site devoted to RPGs that concentrates on stuff like Skyrim etc.
Yeah you might wana actually READ the op.!
I have, and I quote as follows: -
"So.. would you like to see all Free to play item cash shop mney grabbing crap fests take off this site and have it only list those games that have a subscription option, or are you happy it lists them."
sry but won't happen. if you hate f2p don't read about those game. you can actually make custom game list and see only p2p games if you want.
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
Your selectivly quotting me, try reading the whole thing and taking it all in instead of just selecting out a single line to make your point.
No... But I would like to see them create subdivisions in the game list to make it easier to find what you are looking for. A seperate table for P2P, B2P, F2P, dead games, upcoming games, etc that can be organized by clicking on the information headings as is now. All on the same page with a diffrent table for each per say would be nifty. At least better than the gigantic list with everything thrown together as exists now.
See I can red stuff as well, that OP combined with my other replie clearly shows that I took GW and games like it into account.
It does prove my point though, doesn't it?
Yeah , how about a user option, in the users profile that filters all games by that users choice, for example if I untick free to play then the I wont see any free to play games either on the games list, on the forums list, or adds.
and If I want to see that content I can tick the box and see it.
could be options for pay to play, buy to play, free to play , rpg etc...
Hard to answer your poll since I think free to play is a lie.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
Actually as an opinion former for the more casual or young (or both) end of the market how this site leans is a massive deal.
your not the only one.
I have played a few, from EA's offerings like Ultima, Battlefield Heroes, that rts card deck game I forget the name, world of tanks and all odds, and some others, and I have paid for items in all of them.
But the game that really broke me, was world of tanks.
What about former P2P games and Freemium games?
With many P2P games moving to F2P model how many games would be left for mmorpg ? It simply doesnt have any sense to restrict site content on payment model basis.
They should be put to a poll her so that the local mob can have direct say in whether those MMOs are still "real" MMORPGs or whether they need to be burnt at the stake and removed from public sight.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
in all honesty I never for a second thought that it would even be a consideration that the staff would remove them, the whole point of the poll is to spur debate and discussion, and its so far working a treat, because a viable solution was suggested by some one above, and expanded by me, the idea of having a filter in the users profile and letting the users of the site filter out what they like or do not like.
I for example if given such an option would filter out all cash shop games, or in a nut shell all free to play games, while keeping games like diablo 3 and guild wars 2.
If such a filter was created it should filter everything tho, not just the games list, but forums, images, addverts the lot.
This poll is nothing more than an opportunity to flame something the OP didn't like.
I still fail to see how a company's revenue model is so fervently attacked by some. To me, the F2P model is much more condusive to me playing that game. If I feel that the game is pushing me towards 'impulse purchasing' in a cash shop, I simply log out and look for another game.
And frankly, from the player's perspective, the subscription model, which is based on magazine subscriptions, really never fit. Essentially, the subscription is paid each month, but the company never delivers anything new for that subscription. If Sports Illustrated took your subscription, sent you one issue then missed 3 months, most people would be mad. Remember back to when your parents subscribed to a newspaper. When the paper went missing, phone calls were made. The subscription model asks for money each month, but the content is always the same until a new expansion comes along.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
I voted keep F2P, because I think its utterly bs to make that distinction. I dont think anymore that a payment model determines quality in a game. There have been too many MMO's that started out as P2P with cashshop included that were seriously overcharged (70% content as part of sub, 30% in cashshop right at launch, like STO, CO and DCUO). If it were left to players like the OP, this wouldve become worse.
Im glad that you see a shifting trend now to F2P models for these games. 5 years ago, I wouldve agreed with the OP when most F2P games were P2W. This is not at all the case anymore, even for F2P games that are from those old asian companies.
This doesnt mean Im against P2P now. But the game really has to offer something extra. Now with GW2 it shows that its not even necessary, so trash like STO, CO, DCUO, Darkfall really dont even earn the P2P model. This is a commercial business and competition weeded them out. Ive seen posts in GW2 threads where players would prefer GW2 to go P2P, because they automatically assume that the company will deliver more quality if you hand them your wallet up front. It doesnt work like that with a commercial company.