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I am wondering if there are any space combat games on the Horizon to watch out for that offer what a lot of us thought we were going to get from Jumpgate Evolution.
Space Combat MMO
Twitch Controls
Zone Control
Guild Stations.
to name but a few of the things I am looking for.
Well considering how far into development JGE was dumped, I'd say it would take a very brave developer/publisher to try to pull it off now...
why would any other developer care about JGE, they got sued for 1.5 million for not completeing the game on time not for having a bad idea.
Doubtful in the MMO scene, about the closest there is Eve with nothing on the horizon. Other than tat there is the X series, X3:Terran Conflict and the upcoming X3: Rebirth would be your best bet, no online play with them so no PvP but fit every other category in your list though.
I could not care any less about single player games, their the Dinosaurs of the gaming world now, its multi player or nothing for me, I think once you taste the joy of human opponents you cant got back to AI.
Anyway I pray that your wrong, I know things like Infinity are being worked on but I think of that as vapour ware in the making they simply dont have the backing and manpower to finish it.
There has to be something its a whole genre just waiting to be tapped and Black Prophecy failed misserably at the task.
"World of tradecraft" with twitch controls? Sounds like you should keep your eyes on Blizzards "Titan"... It will be a MMOFPS but it is said to release 2014 (which means 2016 for anyone not speaking blizzard) so it is rather long waiting time.
Few sci-fi MMOs in the making otherwise, you might want to at least check out SOEs Planetside 2", not sure if it is your cup of tea but at least it is closer to release than Titan.
Titan is going to be a major dissapointment, they guy said in an interview I read on a gamasutra that Titan will be even more casual than wow, or what wow is now they want Titan to hit more than 11 million subs or users, and the only they I can see them doing that is if they make it supper easy for people to pick up and play.
Which in a nut shell means SHIT! for the more mmo hardcore like us to enjoy.
And its not space combat its as you say fps. I pew pew in space with space ships.
Mostly i feel the same way and avoided single player games until a couple of years ago but now i find they often fill the void when the MMO market is barren of what i like in games other those i've already played.
What you're asking for just doesn't exist in the MMO world other than EVE. Unfortunately it's combat is about as close to twitch as watching paint dry is to a destruction derby. It doesn't sound like you will but i still suggest you try out X3:Terran Conflict even though it is single player it has everything EVE does but with better graphics and FPS style combat rather than lock on, push a button and wait, it can be had dirt cheap too.
If EGOSOFT would make an MMO based on the X series they would take the genre by storm, EVE and many other sand box type games would die a quick death IMO.
I'v played the X games. their ok. but as I said not what I am looking for.
Don't you just hate it when corprate get involved and end up pissing all over our hopes. were nothing more than cash flow to these big companies I wish more developers were in a Blizzard position and able to develope something as long as they like and until its ready, instead of the current situation with publishers forcing devs to release early unfinished games or worse canning them before they launch.
I think most of us on this site feel that way fella. What can we do though? It's not likely anything is going to shake it up in our gaming lifetimes. The only ones willing to take the risks are the indie companies that can't follow through and don't have the acash backing right now.
I have my fingers crossed that there is something in development that will cater, but crossing fingers and holding breath are two different things.
What you're looking for does not exist.
Bummer. I played Jumpgate1 for a coupl emonths, hauling cargo and mining. It was actually fun hauling cargo and mining.
"How fun is hauling cargo"? With newtonian physics, you're in a massive ship trying to dock somewhere or even aim somewhere, it's a challenge.
"How fun is mining?" You've got to orbit an asteroid to mine at any reasonable speed. With newtonian physics orbiting an asteroid is quite a challenge. I was actually pretty good at it. Looking for asteroids was an adventure too, this wasn't just "hit a rock with a pick" wow-clone, or afk mine in Eve Online, it was a quite involved process.