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how to exit the game?

hockeyplayrhockeyplayr Member UncommonPosts: 604

I downloaded the trial but for the life of me I can't figure out how to exit the client when I am in game.  any help would be greatly appreciated


  • ProstiProsti Member Posts: 45

    You could always try going into Task Manager, go into processes and find the .exe name for it. Or literally Alt+F4 when in game. /shrug


  • romerokromerok Member Posts: 104

    hey, I have played the game a long time ago so Im not sure if it works but try a command like /camp  /logout /quit 

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  • TalinTalin Member UncommonPosts: 923

    The interface hasn't aged well, as after going back to the trial it was little nuances like this that drove me crazy. There is an option for logging out somewhere but I believe /quit works.

    Wouldn't it have been easier to ask via a chat channel instead of these forums though?

  • hockeyplayrhockeyplayr Member UncommonPosts: 604

    i tried asking via chat and got no response.  thanks im going to try all that stuff 

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,098

    This list of /slash commands may help you.


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  • CasualMakerCasualMaker Member UncommonPosts: 862

    I can't quite recall (haven't played in a few months), but I think if you hit ESC key a couple times you'll see an exit prompt.

  • FeydiirFeydiir Member UncommonPosts: 26

    lol, I forgot about that.  I haven't played that game in a long time... it was /quit or /logout.  Think /logout took you to the character select screen and /quit exited out of the game completely.

  • LawlieLawlie Member Posts: 49

    lol having to type /quit to exit a game is absolutely rediculous, everquest didnt even have that problem and that game is older than daoc... Pro Tip to daoc devs: REMAKE YOUR UI OR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A GROWING POPULATION, UI is one of the first things a player sees when they start a new game...  this is just 1 of the many problems this game has.

    Dont get me wrong i love this game to death, but its slowly dieing because the daoc team are just clueless.

    Bloody shame.

  • galoarigaloari Member UncommonPosts: 72

    Ok first of all it's not a problem.... and also you can click your way out, there's a command windowsthat u can open by a shortcut or from ure (i dont remember the window :P) character window ,there u can find the log out option :p


  • rashherorashhero Member UncommonPosts: 510

    Originally posted by Lawlie

    lol having to type /quit to exit a game is absolutely rediculous, everquest didnt even have that problem and that game is older than daoc... Pro Tip to daoc devs: REMAKE YOUR UI OR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A GROWING POPULATION, UI is one of the first things a player sees when they start a new game...  this is just 1 of the many problems this game has.

    Dont get me wrong i love this game to death, but its slowly dieing because the daoc team are just clueless.

    Bloody shame.

    Funny how the post after yours says there is a button in the UI you can use to exit the game. Hell, I haven't played DAoC since high school and I even remember using a quit button. How can you love the game and call the devs clueless when you didn't even know that? Pot, kettle, black. Figure it out.

  • whilanwhilan Member UncommonPosts: 3,472

    Originally posted by rashhero

    Originally posted by Lawlie

    lol having to type /quit to exit a game is absolutely rediculous, everquest didnt even have that problem and that game is older than daoc... Pro Tip to daoc devs: REMAKE YOUR UI OR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A GROWING POPULATION, UI is one of the first things a player sees when they start a new game...  this is just 1 of the many problems this game has.

    Dont get me wrong i love this game to death, but its slowly dieing because the daoc team are just clueless.

    Bloody shame.

    Funny how the post after yours says there is a button in the UI you can use to exit the game. Hell, I haven't played DAoC since high school and I even remember using a quit button. How can you love the game and call the devs clueless when you didn't even know that? Pot, kettle, black. Figure it out.

    Plus everquest did have the following slash commands

    /camp would take to you to the character select screen

    /camp desktop would take you out of the game with you being able to watch your character for the 30 second countdown

    /exit would do the same as /camp destop except you didn't see the 30 seconds and you could die if something killed you in that 30 seconds

    They then later added in /camp server and that would log you out of one server and log you into the other, say like /camp drinal would take you out of your current server and plop you into the character select for the drinal server

    regardless everquest had several slash commands to get out of the game

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