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New freedom (PVE) server!

bdewbdew Member UncommonPosts: 192

Just got a mail that Rolf is going to add another freedom ruleset server next week.

I think this is a great move and will be probably coming back to the game and moving over to it (quit playing a few months ago).

Anyone else still playing around here? Are you on freedom1 and will you move to the new one?


  • NaowutNaowut Member UncommonPosts: 663

    Apparently its just a new island on the freedom server.

    Either way, I will give the game another go tomorow. 6PM CET

  • bdewbdew Member UncommonPosts: 192

    Actually from what i understand it'll be a separate server.

    It's going to be 1/4 (2048x2048 tiles) the size of the current freedom server but will have more inhabitable space due better terrain.

    You will be able to travel back and forth with a boat crossing the current southern border of freedom map, with no limits on anything.

    You can own a deed on each server on the same character. Not sure if chat/mail/etc will be linked between the servers.

    They used a similar setup at some point before freedom where Wild (PVP) and two Home (PVE, a bit different ruleset tho) servers were connected together.

    Anyway, i'm back as well since a few days ago, tomorrow i'll go to the new land and if i find a nice spot move over.

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