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...let's hope it doesn't fail like Earthrise did tho.
Seriously, the whole thing reads like the information about Earthrise. The only difference is, that there's no manual targetting, but the crafting, skills, item-decay, full-loot, open FFA PvP etc is just the same.
I've got a bad feeling about this...
nothing like earthrise well a few things but this game isnt ffa pvp its rvrvr and earthrise didnt have a main resource that fuels your race crafters either.
and they actully have a good team together(experinced devs) and not using there own engine like earthrise did
I hope it doesnt either, OP. Yes, there is tab-targeting, but not auto-firing. So even this games early development combat and animations appears more fluid, natural and less laggy than Earthrise; though it's early yet.
But everyone that 'is' familiar with Earthrise, should be concerned, as it's a natural state of caution. But I'll always give a new studio the benefit of the doubt and drawing any comparison of Prime to Earthrise is really an ill-informed diservice at this stage.
Also, there isn't full-loot pvp (harvested resources are lootable though), so you really should read-up on it more; it will be a very organic, open-ended, player-driven game with all the sandboxy elements you eluded to, plus some; pve & pvp, 3-races, 7-professions, 6-classes, a mission system, base and advanced skill-sets to develop, player-driven economy, resource control of "Prime" (which is dynamic), crafting, territorial control, base-building & management, 3-faction RvR, guild-control and in-factional politics, etc.
The devs are very active, as is the community on their site.
Erm... sure it'll be FFA PvP and full loot. The only thing is, you don't drop your equipment, but that's okay as it decays anyways.
Once you're killed your corpse is open for grabs... for everyone I might add! and this is exactly how it is in Earthrise, if we do count the insurance so that your equipment doesn't drop either.
To be clear. I'm not against FFA PvP and full loot. Been playing EvE Online for the last six years and that system is fine. What I got a problem with is, that there's no "safe/r" areas n Prime, just like in Earthrise. That's why I compared it to Earthrise in the first place.
Also, the crafting-process look allmost exactly as Earthrise from the pictures, and the ressources being gathered only by mobs is aswell to be found in Earthrise.
What I want to see is more safe PvE to actually drive the economy and atleast a little bit of decent questing to have something other to do then gathering materials or diong PvP. Not just a handful of kill X mobs like in Earthrise.
The game beeing buggy or the netcode being horrible wasn't even integrated into my bad feelings about this ^^
I was pretty stoked when I first saw this...but bothersome that its not an fps style aim...can't stand tab target.
"You're either with us or against us"
Well, the demo videos for Prime show the game running better than the demo videos (and my personal play experience) of Earthrise. The combat wasn't terribly exciting, but it worked.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
"You're either with us or against us"
home worlds are safe areas... you cant pvp your own race only in the lowbie arenas /duels. umm you cant get crafting materials from your harvestor too earthrise doesnt have them
could always give it a shot
you mean looks alot better than earthrise
So then I'm guessing this is just like Earthrise, only its not going to fail at launch?
That's what I read on the forum. RvR not FFA.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
The way I read it, there's the option to fight against clans of the same faction aswell, which would turn it into FFA, no? Players of the same faction but not in your clan can loot your corpse, so atleast looting is FFA.
Anyways, all this doesn't matter much currently, as I found out that the game won't be released in EU at start
I hope you are right...eithe rway, after researaching, this game looks really good!
"You're either with us or against us"
Do some research before you bash a game, you need to say used to lag in earthrise, I been playing ER on and off since release , yes it had a bad release like most games do, WOW inlcuded, but the game does not lag hardly at all, unless you have a crappy computer.. If someone says the graphics looks bad it ER, you need you eyes checked they always had nice eye candy as well.
Using your own engine is not a bad thing at all, being in game design my self, its better in many ways as you can design stuff the way you want, not around teh engine you bought... So before you talk, get your facts straight, I tested this game and its not good at all. Earthrise's combat is 1000% times better and TW in ER is way better..
The tab targeting makes me wanna throw up its so 1985 ...
lol, dude you have no idea what you're talking about.
Long story short, there have only been 2 tests for PBD, just from what you've said thus far, I know you weren't in either of them.
You have an uphill battle trying to defend ER my friend. The reason the game has no lag is because no1 plays...if the pop were to come back, you'd see instant lag. MHS is the worst dev ever. I had no problem with the graphics in ER, but they are not to try and act like they are beast graphics is a bit shocking. That said, they aren't bad either.
While I agree, aiming for targets are more fun than tab target games...there are downsides as well. Aim to target = pixel detection macro ftw. Not much you can do to a tab target as far as a hack.
"You're either with us or against us"
In the end game pvp, you will only be fighting the two opposing factions in the open world pvp zones. If you die with harvested materials on you, the opposing factions or your group can loot your corpse. There is speculation that perhaps after some time others may or may not loot your corpse within your faction outside your group. No definitive on this as of yet.
The best gear in the game is crafted, the best resources for this crafted gear are in the pvp zones. The three factions will be fighting for control of these resources as well as the base points(which give faction bonuses to those who control them). Course you could just form a group to indulge your blood lust and go on a killing spree if you so wish as well. You don't have to craft, but with item decay it's good to make friends at least with people who do.
There are points within the zones for one of seven designated structures to be built(bases). An opposing faction must destroy your base before they are given the opportunity to build their own. One person can build a base, but it will take much longer than a group. I think guilds can claim one of the bases, but the bonuses they give are all faction based. These bases will have auto turrets for defense, but players will by in large have to defend their bases themselves. Not much else has been released by PBG concerning bases.
there was another test before the alpha test but it was just a quicky test it hink not many people at all
and i know oyu havent tested it because if you know you cant base your opions on what weve tested so far
no that doesnt make it ffa bacuse the fighting agianst a same race clan is like /duel for the most part
If I can base my opinion only on stuff I've read on this forum, I'm sure they can base their opinion on what they've played (or not played). That's the wonder of opinions, you can have them almost before you realize what they are. Everything after you realize what your opinion amounts to is just a justification for that opinion.
For that matter, I could review games I haven't played. I could base all my reviews on random internet flotsam and jetsam. I might even watch a video of the games I review.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
How dare you.
Anyways, long story short, at this point, it would be hard for anyone to really review the combat of this game. Tab targeting doesn't have to mean that combat is bad, you can have a lot of great games with awesome combat, yet they still have locked targeting.
How dare you.
Anyways, long story short, at this point, it would be hard for anyone to really review the combat of this game. Tab targeting doesn't have to mean that combat is bad, you can have a lot of great games with awesome combat, yet they still have locked targeting.
This is true. Not to mention the entire rest of the game. Don't get me wrong, combat is important, but it's the game as a whole that you're playing. Even if the combat in Earthrise is better* the rest of the game is total garbage. If Prime was merely functional with most of the features listed being active, it would beat out Earthrise easily.
* I find this hard to believe based on my experience. The combat, when it worked, was a frustrating spam fest. Perhaps it would be better if the game was totally functional, but it wasn't.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Tab targetting is standard in mmorpgs. Aim targetting would make this more like an fps with classes. There's Team Fortress for that.
The gathering skill is called Harvesting. You run around doing a scan for materials, then if you see you are in an area with mats, you put down a harvester. You can deploy more than one of these. For the next period of time, I believe it's 24 hours, it harvests materials for you. You return later and pick up the harvester, and you get whatever it grabbed. Only the player that deployed the harvester can retrieve it.
There are more and more mmos trying fps, Darkfall, mo, er, planetside...its actually quite awesome, but im fine with either side as long as there are some uniqe ideas in the combat.
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