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The good old Ultima Online days:
Player Housing - Check
Crafting that meant something - Check
Player Driven economy - Check
Flexible Skill Trees - Check
Open world PvP - Check
Open world dungeons - Check
Great community - Check
Not a gear grind - Check
Player Skill > Gear - Check
Good Lore - Check
Multi Faction Wars (Guild Wars That meant something) - Check
SERIOUSLY! It's got a following. There's no denying nostalgia will sell plenty of boxes. EA now owns the name.... If anyone has the money to sink into a game it's them. DO IT!!!
Please.... Update the graphics a bit... You don't even have to make it 3rd person. The overview type of game still works for people... Look at Diablo III! It will sell millions of copies. Easy.
Please for the love of anything holy. Do it. Stop digging up other ideas for games that COULD be a good MMO. Ultima Online WAS a good MMO. It's got the lore to build on top of. Like, what, 8 single player games before UO came out? That's up there with Final Fantasy...
What the hell is up with people... Notch (Minecraft) has made millions off a simple concept. Let people have the freedom to do what they want. Build things. Adventure. We don't need something stringing us along. GIVE US SOMETHING. I have my wallet out right now waiting for the next game that can acheive this...
Loot tables!??!?!?!! WTF are those? Your purple armor of Azeroth helped slay the Dragon of One Million Respawns? Congrats? How many times did you wipe? Only 2x? Nice! What did you lose?! 5% off your total health of 1,000,000 gazillion hit points?! Oh noes, better pick up your gravestone to be back at 100%! And you finally got the "Bracers of 900 Hours of Raiding" Lucky drop dude. Only a .5% chance of them dropping on the second Wednesday following a full moon.
Give me a GM Katana and some decent plate and lets see what we can do.
The problem isn't that nobody has made a copy of UO, the problem is the people that it attractcs.
UO was good because it was one of a kind on the market. You had people who played it purely to be a crafter, or a trader, or a dungeon raider.
Now when someone makes a UO clone all that it attracts are the Reds.
A sandbox can't survive where every player is a murdering d-bag.
Other than Xsyon and Wurm, have we seen many other attempts toward a UO clone? Dawntide is one, but ... attracting reds?
Please tell me you aren't considering DFO and MO to be attempts at UO clones.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
I'd be back in a heart beat.
No, the problem is that modern attempts at UO (MO/Darkfall) are DEVELOPED by the reds.
The criminal/murder systems are designed to be abused and have giant gaping loopholes.
If someone was actually able to make a new MMO that used all of UO's old systems with a new graphics system and UI that didn't suck, MO/DF would go bankrupt, and we'd have a new contender for MMO of the year.
Unfortunately, the modern philosophy for MMO devs is, "Steal WoW's playerbase, add a feature or two that we think makes us unique."
Except maybe Guild Wars 2. I can respect a lot of the stuff they're doing. It's no UO, but as far as theme parks go at least it looks innovative.
Both Darkfall and Mortal Online developers have said in multiple interviews that their primary goal was recreating the Ultima Online experience.
I'm not going to try and argue what your (or anyone's) opinion of the game is, when the developer states that they are "making the spiritual successor to Ultima Online" I'd consider it to be a UO clone.
See above.
MO has an awful interface and is buggier than hell.
Darkfalls criminal/murderer system is one of the worst I've ever seen in an MMO, and the lack of a skill cap means "you grind or bot, you win."
By your logic, I could make Eve into a WoW clone by stating that my purpose was to imitate WoW.
It doesn't matter what their end goal was; the result is what counts, and the result for both teams is utter shit.
Just figured you may like this... EA may not want to update the client but some people do!
This is a 3d Client made for UO... A true 3D not that Third Dawn crap...
EDIT:: I know its no Eye grabber but it gives UO a whole new feel...
What the DF/MO devs say and what they have done are 2 different things.
My theme song.
Ok, allow me to ask this then:
Why do you guys want a new UO if it isn't for the full PvP and open loot.
Every time that I see a thread asking for devs to develop a new UO it's because they're tired of PvP with no consequences in other games. DF and MO came out with open PvP and full loot, and guess what, that's exactly the kind of players that they got.
You want a game that's an updated version of UO? Go play PotBS.
Full PvP? Check.
PvP that matters? Check.
Crafting? Check.
Crafting that matters? Check.
Player Driven Economy? Check.
Not a gear grind? Check.
You can ignore my posts all you like; there is little to no downfall to being a red in Darkfall, and Mortal Online is a shoddy game with a shoddy engine with awful controls and more bugs than any game I've ever played.
We would like a company with the funding to follow up on the big game they talk.
Keep repeating what you want though. It's making you look ridiculous.
If it was done well i'd shell out $200+ for that game.
(better then waisting my $50-$60 here and there on crap)
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
You're right. The community can and will kill a game. The good thing about UO was the penalties for such things. 5 blue kills meant red status.
Red Status meant free reign to being attacked and killed and a much more difficult time to level up skills.... What if you kill more than 5 people after obtaining red status? You had better not die and resurrect because you'll lose 5% of your skills. A big hit if you're at 100% down the line.
Thus, I found most of the UO community was blue with maybe 20-30% being red. Plenty of trading and crafting to reequip the constant red vs. blue battles
Alright, everyone here go sign up for Dawntide:
Take a look at the features they are planning on having at release and their roadmap:
Everything that the OP asked for is there. The game won't have everything fully available at release, but guess what, it isn't $200, it's free with a small monthly subscription fee (once it launches).
If you want to say that games like UO can succede, it's time to put your money where your typing fingers are.
UO was together with Meridian 59 the father of MMORPGs, an amazing game.
But we don't need a new UO, UO is already made and we need something rather different for the future.
You see what made UO and M59 so great was the fact that they didn't copy anyone else. Both games looked on single player games and P&P RPGs and molded that into something new and amazing.
If UO just would have been a polished up version of another game you would probably not remember it.
Someone needs to start fresh, not rehash the same old games again and again. Both Darkfall and Mortal online tried to make a new UO and it didn't work, part of that because Origin did have more competent people of course but still...
CCP is right now mixing P&P and MMOs in their upcomming game "World of darkness online", we need stuff like that instead of remakes of old games.
It didn't work because THEY DIDN'T MAKE A NEW UO. They made a hollowed out shell of what UO was, cherry picking whatever systems they liked and getting rid of those they didn't.
Why is this so complicated for you people?
Excellent argument. I missed an 'e' so my entire post is invalid.
No. It didn't work because they didn't have any original thoughts and just stole stuff from other games. UO did nothing like that and therefor you can't remake UO.
Easy enough?
"The problem isn't that nobody has made a copy of UO, the problem is the people that it attractcs."
That was your statement. I don't doubt that those developers said at some point they wanted to make a UO type game. The problem is that they DIDN'T. The games they made were FFA 3rd person hack-n-slash PVP games. Now, this is not to say they are bad games. They simply aren't UO clones by any stretch of the imagination thus the issue IS that nobody has made a copy of UO since SWG and EVE, although Xsyon seems to have the potential to pull it off if it lands an investor and gets a couple industry pros on board.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Champions Online is based on the Champion System pen and paper rule set. I don't recall anyone claiming how fresh CO was when it launched.
I just LOL when I stumble across threads like this, OP has to be right. Posters have to be wrong.
Me, I say shut up and try it ^^
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Yes, lets recreate a game full of inconviences for a few thousand people that used to enjoy UO. If I were an investor, I'd invest in this great idea!
Unfortunately your accurate description of the situation will soon by tainted by one of the asshats in this thread quoting you and saying "You're wrong" without actually providing any evidence to the contrary (Likely because they never played either of the games they are comparing as spiritual successors to UO.)
Thanks for the attempt though. It was valiant.
I don't get your point there. CO used some D6 ruleset that few people outside of PnP gamers have ever heard of. You would have been better off using DDO as your example.
Loke didn't say it was the first time PnP systems went to an MMO - he simply said we need more of that.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre