Such a shame. I was almost tempted to feed into the stunning visuals and the name alone. It just felt like a console RPG except it was online. With all that money SquareEnix has and the simple fact that they had a somewhat successful MMO plus YEARS to watch what actually made WoW and other MMOs survive they still decided to go against the waves and like the their console games, constant changes to make their gameplay new and innovated just dug themselves deeper in a hole. Don't get me wrong. I like different and new but there are just standards to MMOs and no no's that should not be over looked. Oh well. This fall is going to be a massive release of new MMOs which will just make this game fade in time unless they decide to do a massive patch to basically revamp things that suck about this game. Like 75% of it. =/
If you actually read the news then you would know this is what they are in the process of doing right now. 1.18 was the start of the process of a complete overhaul of the game.
{mod edit}
I've seen alot of silly arguments in my time here. This is by far one of the funniest though. When they release a review doesn't matter. How close the review is to the current state of the game is. By your logic no game should ever get a review till either the first expansion or first big patch (or miracle patch). Because it might become "obsolete". The last line is priceless though. You think it needs to be taken down? Who are you exactly?
The timing of a review absolutely DOES matter. Given that in this case, the review basically became invalid in a matter of days (which it is already outdated now) since many of the systems reviewed are no longer there. So, anyone who reads the review now (or even as little as one week after it was written) will not get an accurate representation of the game. Patches are one thing. This was a major systems/mechanic overhaul and deserved to be treated as such. And then to cite confirmed developments as "rumour" illustrates a lack or research and integrity.
"How close the review is to the current state of the game is."
Exactly. The review did not address the current state of the game. Game changing items that are 4 days away are "current."
Reviews have a responsibility to be current and relevant. They should not take a "holier than thou" approach and review games when they "feel" they are ready. It's like saying, "we're not gonna review this until we feel like it, go waste your money." If this had been dropped a few weeks after release, it would have been a relevent article for almost a year, and then they would have an opportunity to re-review, or release an article about the upcoming changes. In this case, the review became invalid after 4 days. To attempt to defend this logic is simply ridiculous. I'm not upset about the rating itself - but about the fact that the content became irrelevent so quickly, and the obviously did not research the game.
MMORPG has been notorious on ignoring this game. They published nothing about the overhaul of the development team, the gigantic, mechanic changing patches, or the new directions of the game. Then, they drop a completely irrelevant review days before a major patch. It's not good journalism, it's not a good practice at all.
Whether you like the game or not, whether it "deserved the rating" at the time of the review, doesn't change that fact that the review was no longer relevant four days afterwards, and is not relevant now. Much of the content/mechanics sited in the review simply no longer exist. It's full of mis-information, and will mis-guide potential new players which the game desperately needs. Rift, WoW, AoC, all of them get articles on patches, updates on development. This game has been largely ignored, misrepresented, and shoved to the bottom of the barrel overall. It's not a balanced approach to game reviews and it's not fair to potential customers and current fans of the game.
Sorry but the game hasn't changed that much. The basic and core features are still the same. Addition of some new contents hardly means that overall game has changed. So the review is still very relevant.
To anyone interested in playing FFXIV. This is someone from the community you might be joining. Just look at how he has to insult people to get his point across. Someone that thinks his opinions are the only opinions that matter and should be taken as fact. He knows absolutely nothing about the person that handled the review, yet goes on and on trashing them.
So before you consider again purchasing the game, don't ask yourself only this question. "Is this game in a playable state." Ask yourself also. "Is this the kind of person I want to run into when I join this game community."
Yes, ask yourself those questions, and then read a current, relevant review. Maybe find a site that has posted one iota of information on the current state of the game, the development team changes, and the mechanic overhauls. Not this outdated, uninformed revieew by someone who lists comfirmed updates as "rumours,"
The timing of a review absolutely DOES matter. Given that in this case, the review basically became invalid in a matter of days (which it is already outdated now) since many of the systems reviewed are no longer there. So, anyone who reads the review now (or even as little as one week after it was written) will not get an accurate representation of the game. Patches are one thing. This was a major systems/mechanic overhaul and deserved to be treated as such. And then to cite confirmed developments as "rumour" illustrates a lack or research and integrity.
"How close the review is to the current state of the game is."
Exactly. The review did not address the current state of the game. Game changing items that are 4 days away are "current."
Reviews have a responsibility to be current and relevant. They should not take a "holier than thou" approach and review games when they "feel" they are ready. It's like saying, "we're not gonna review this until we feel like it, go waste your money." If this had been dropped a few weeks after release, it would have been a relevent article for almost a year, and then they would have an opportunity to re-review, or release an article about the upcoming changes. In this case, the review became invalid after 4 days. To attempt to defend this logic is simply ridiculous. I'm not upset about the rating itself - but about the fact that the content became irrelevent so quickly, and the obviously did not research the game.
MMORPG has been notorious on ignoring this game. They published nothing about the overhaul of the development team, the gigantic, mechanic changing patches, or the new directions of the game. Then, they drop a completely irrelevant review days before a major patch. It's not good journalism, it's not a good practice at all.
Whether you like the game or not, whether it "deserved the rating" at the time of the review, doesn't change that fact that the review was no longer relevant four days afterwards, and is not relevant now. Much of the content/mechanics sited in the review simply no longer exist. It's full of mis-information, and will mis-guide potential new players which the game desperately needs. Rift, WoW, AoC, all of them get articles on patches, updates on development. This game has been largely ignored, misrepresented, and shoved to the bottom of the barrel overall. It's not a balanced approach to game reviews and it's not fair to potential customers and current fans of the game.
Sorry but the game hasn't changed that much. The basic and core features are still the same. Addition of some new contents hardly means that overall game has changed. So the review is still very relevant.
Obviously you aren't a player. Everything they describe regarding combat, guid leves, and conent is outdated. There have even been vast mechanic updates.
Please don't spread misinformation simply because you have an axe to grind or want to play devil's advocate. The game has been completely ignored by this site. Potential users: please go somewhere else to get game information.
Obviously you aren't a player. Everything they describe regarding combat, guid leves, and conent is outdated. There have even been vast mechanic updates.
Please don't spread misinformation simply because you have an axe to grind or want to play devil's advocate. The game has been completely ignored by this site. Potential users: please go somewhere else to get game information.
Like what? addition of auto attack? addition of a raid instance and few quests? a lot of other changes which are sitll on paper and have not been implemented yet? care to give us the list of these big changes which makes FFXIV at core a very different game?
Obviously you aren't a player. Everything they describe regarding combat, guid leves, and conent is outdated. There have even been vast mechanic updates.
Please don't spread misinformation simply because you have an axe to grind or want to play devil's advocate. The game has been completely ignored by this site. Potential users: please go somewhere else to get game information.
Like what? addition of auto attack? addition of a raid instance and few quests? a lot of other changes which are sitll on paper and have not been implemented yet? care to give us the list of these big changes which makes FFXIV at core a very different game?
i'll list the changes.
they added auto attack that made a flawed system an even more flawed system because they only implemented partial changes to take over for a full system. it is more slow and cumbersome than it was before.
they removed leves as being one of the main things that people used to rank up. this leaves grind parties against weak enemies as the most valid way to rank up. yes, leves got boring, but so does anything else when it is the only thing to do.
they added 1 r45 dungeon and 1 r25 dungeon. most people completed these 2 new pieces of content within a week or so and have most of the gear for their classes already so dungeon parties have started to slow already.
they added a besieged type event. this was actually a nice addition to the behests that the camps offered, but then extended the timer between the times you could join a behest.
they added grand companies. as of right now consists of 3 mini quests for each city which only grants access to the same 2 dungeons.
in summary. they did add some stuff that drastically changed the game, but not all changes are good. it is not enough to say the core of the game has changed at all. people that did battle still only do battle(for the most part because alot have stopped and only craft now) and the ones that only craft continue to do so(although the game has increased in the number of full time crafters)
Hm..... I wonder why people keep saying that this is the worst online game.
1st You guys said that the quest and level system is boing. Excuse me, care to tell me what were you doing in LineAge 2 or the stupid SilkRoad or any other online games ? All you guys did was grinding monster to get higher so suck up and stop complain about the quest system here.
2nd You guys complained about the control system ? I will only say; get use to it. I can control the game pretty easy; if your brain cant comprehence to use anything other than mouse and 1 to 0 then dont even try to play.
3rd I have noticed the way you guys play; you guys never ever read the instruction in the hand book or in the game. You guys never read the quest they gave out. So you guys dont have any right to complain how you guys stump in the way. I will give you people an advice, learn to read.
And last but not least you people are far to comfortable with all the interact; teleportation, auction house, monster droping gold etc.... I will say these are what kill the online game. There will be a bunch of gold farmer selling gold everywhere. With the limitation of number of quest and teleportation will allow others to enjoy the game. It's call MMORPG; but every freaking online game i had play were only MMO; a bunch of grinding idiot did not care to enjoy the game.
Conclusion; i prefer Square Enix keeps the game this way, if not their Final Fantasy name will be just one of the stupid online game in the rank with silk road or line age where people only do 2 things there; grinding level and fighting.
Hm..... I wonder why people keep saying that this is the worst online game.
1st You guys said that the quest and level system is boing. Excuse me, care to tell me what were you doing in LineAge 2 or the stupid SilkRoad or any other online games ? All you guys did was grinding monster to get higher so suck up and stop complain about the quest system here.
2nd You guys complained about the control system ? I will only say; get use to it. I can control the game pretty easy; if your brain cant comprehence to use anything other than mouse and 1 to 0 then dont even try to play.
3rd I have noticed the way you guys play; you guys never ever read the instruction in the hand book or in the game. You guys never read the quest they gave out. So you guys dont have any right to complain how you guys stump in the way. I will give you people an advice, learn to read.
And last but not least you people are far to comfortable with all the interact; teleportation, auction house, monster droping gold etc.... I will say these are what kill the online game. There will be a bunch of gold farmer selling gold everywhere. With the limitation of number of quest and teleportation will allow others to enjoy the game. It's call MMORPG; but every freaking online game i had play were only MMO; a bunch of grinding idiot did not care to enjoy the game.
Conclusion; i prefer Square Enix keeps the game this way, if not their Final Fantasy name will be just one of the stupid online game in the rank with silk road or line age where people only do 2 things there; grinding level and fighting.
You are totally correct
That is my only concern with version 2.0, hope they dont turn it in to the same as every other game just to bow down to the folks that wont evebn hang around as soon as a new title hits ( just to go and complain about that).
The review was out of date for the game it was reviewing, which no longer even exists. This out dated review is still here and attatched to a realm reborn, which is a different game. I think the review should be moved to a version 1.0 site, or deleted since the game doesn't exist anymore.
And... why are all the recent comments all the way at the bottom of the page? Shouldn't recent comments appear at the top? I don't think many people scroll down, especially on a page this long. ^^;
Kudos on the website changing the name to "Review of the ORIGINAL release" ... It makes it much more clear now that this is a review of the old version of the game rather than the upcomming version.
Nice to see this website is staying on top of things
Though i still wonder if anyone is going to see my response to this waaaay down here on teh page. hehe ;p
FULLY disagree with this review. ofcourse both my comment as the review are fully subjective opinions but alot of "problems" mentioned dont exsist for anyone but the reviewer :P
ok.. they changed the title now.. ORIGINAL version yeah..
Things i don't like about the game,is the leveling system with other class.When i started to level my conjurer to 20.then i changed to my arcanist.I was so confused what should i do next.So options is to leves or grind Fates.I would rather have leveling system like in RoM.The second thing is the shadows,u can't disable them.Shadows are totally useless.
this game is not ready to launch worldwide at all, IMO
i am saying this because I am a pre order CE customer and as well all CBT player.
I (includes all my friends) been spending most of my time trying to login and hoping not to see the error 1017 code. every login attempt hoping to see a queue number, not 1017.
it sad to realized SE underestimate the number of players flooding each servers especially JP. why SE didn't increase server capacity, only answer i thought of is either they lack of funds after this re-make AAR or they have extreme little faith in their product.
I do not accept the answer that due to consideration about stability of server issue & gameplay etc thus you are restricting number of login. Then why you allowed us to create character in that server in the first place???
I been jumping and randomly selecting server to allow me login just to fxxkin play the game . how many times you want me to play over and over lvl 1-10 in almost 10 different servers? fxxkin 1017.
Sorry but the game hasn't changed that much. The basic and core features are still the same. Addition of some new contents hardly means that overall game has changed. So the review is still very relevant.
Yes, ask yourself those questions, and then read a current, relevant review. Maybe find a site that has posted one iota of information on the current state of the game, the development team changes, and the mechanic overhauls. Not this outdated, uninformed revieew by someone who lists comfirmed updates as "rumours,"
Obviously you aren't a player. Everything they describe regarding combat, guid leves, and conent is outdated. There have even been vast mechanic updates.
Please don't spread misinformation simply because you have an axe to grind or want to play devil's advocate. The game has been completely ignored by this site. Potential users: please go somewhere else to get game information.
Like what? addition of auto attack? addition of a raid instance and few quests? a lot of other changes which are sitll on paper and have not been implemented yet? care to give us the list of these big changes which makes FFXIV at core a very different game?
i'll list the changes.
they added auto attack that made a flawed system an even more flawed system because they only implemented partial changes to take over for a full system. it is more slow and cumbersome than it was before.
they removed leves as being one of the main things that people used to rank up. this leaves grind parties against weak enemies as the most valid way to rank up. yes, leves got boring, but so does anything else when it is the only thing to do.
they added 1 r45 dungeon and 1 r25 dungeon. most people completed these 2 new pieces of content within a week or so and have most of the gear for their classes already so dungeon parties have started to slow already.
they added a besieged type event. this was actually a nice addition to the behests that the camps offered, but then extended the timer between the times you could join a behest.
they added grand companies. as of right now consists of 3 mini quests for each city which only grants access to the same 2 dungeons.
in summary. they did add some stuff that drastically changed the game, but not all changes are good. it is not enough to say the core of the game has changed at all. people that did battle still only do battle(for the most part because alot have stopped and only craft now) and the ones that only craft continue to do so(although the game has increased in the number of full time crafters)
Hm..... I wonder why people keep saying that this is the worst online game.
1st You guys said that the quest and level system is boing. Excuse me, care to tell me what were you doing in LineAge 2 or the stupid SilkRoad or any other online games ? All you guys did was grinding monster to get higher so suck up and stop complain about the quest system here.
2nd You guys complained about the control system ? I will only say; get use to it. I can control the game pretty easy; if your brain cant comprehence to use anything other than mouse and 1 to 0 then dont even try to play.
3rd I have noticed the way you guys play; you guys never ever read the instruction in the hand book or in the game. You guys never read the quest they gave out. So you guys dont have any right to complain how you guys stump in the way. I will give you people an advice, learn to read.
And last but not least you people are far to comfortable with all the interact; teleportation, auction house, monster droping gold etc.... I will say these are what kill the online game. There will be a bunch of gold farmer selling gold everywhere. With the limitation of number of quest and teleportation will allow others to enjoy the game. It's call MMORPG; but every freaking online game i had play were only MMO; a bunch of grinding idiot did not care to enjoy the game.
Conclusion; i prefer Square Enix keeps the game this way, if not their Final Fantasy name will be just one of the stupid online game in the rank with silk road or line age where people only do 2 things there; grinding level and fighting.
You are totally correct
That is my only concern with version 2.0, hope they dont turn it in to the same as every other game just to bow down to the folks that wont evebn hang around as soon as a new title hits ( just to go and complain about that).
The review was out of date for the game it was reviewing, which no longer even exists. This out dated review is still here and attatched to a realm reborn, which is a different game. I think the review should be moved to a version 1.0 site, or deleted since the game doesn't exist anymore.
And... why are all the recent comments all the way at the bottom of the page? Shouldn't recent comments appear at the top? I don't think many people scroll down, especially on a page this long. ^^;
Kudos on the website changing the name to "Review of the ORIGINAL release"
... It makes it much more clear now that this is a review of the old version of the game rather than the upcomming version.
Nice to see this website is staying on top of things
Though i still wonder if anyone is going to see my response to this waaaay down here on teh page. hehe ;p
ok.. they changed the title now.. ORIGINAL version yeah..
so.. WTF is it still doing it at ARR?
Kinda funny that they give FF ARR such low score and crap mmo's like SWTOR almost a 9 -_-
FF ARR aint perfect but its better then any mmo on the market today, i loved that they hold true on traditional elements.
Finaly a healer class again instead of the massive no skill zerg investations like GW2 and soon EQN.
To each his own playstyle but for me FF ARR is a top notch product, deserves a 9.0 on my list.
There is not a developer that can stand in the shadow of Naoki Yoshida, and PvP isnt even released yet ^^
Knowing this man was a legend in DaoC and a brutal pvp lover i alrady feel this wont be a simple aftertought we see in every themepark mmo.
Epic mmo and i dont give a shit about launch problems, i play for the long term anyway
That is a review for ff before ARR.
this game is not ready to launch worldwide at all, IMO
i am saying this because I am a pre order CE customer and as well all CBT player.
I (includes all my friends) been spending most of my time trying to login and hoping not to see the error 1017 code. every login attempt hoping to see a queue number, not 1017.
it sad to realized SE underestimate the number of players flooding each servers especially JP. why SE didn't increase server capacity, only answer i thought of is either they lack of funds after this re-make AAR or they have extreme little faith in their product.
@SE, if you happen to read this....
I do not accept the answer that due to consideration about stability of server issue & gameplay etc thus you are restricting number of login. Then why you allowed us to create character in that server in the first place???
I been jumping and randomly selecting server to allow me login just to fxxkin play the game . how many times you want me to play over and over lvl 1-10 in almost 10 different servers? fxxkin 1017.
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