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[Review] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: The Original Release Reviewed



  • JorendoJorendo Member UncommonPosts: 275

    "Check back with us later this year for an update after those changes are live" Allmost a year after the beta came out they still haven't fixed it?


    And sorry to all the fans of this game but i was in the closed beta and SE didn't take any beta tester seriouse. To begin with their installer was broken so you could only download with 3kb p/s. Reported that and SE posted a new downloader on the beta website, problem was that those compleet idiots had made a error with the beta site programming so no beta tester could login there and there for not download it. Many reports send about it and SE just not fixing it. Took me days to download the closed beta and was happy when i reached 30kb/s. So a few weeks later the open beta starts and only then i got a email from SE "sorry the question you asked refers to the closed beta, we as of now are in the open beta there for we cannot be of assistance anymore".


    Many reports had been send that the game was not ready for release, many many bugs and the controlles where terrible, mouse support wasn't reconised. You had to play with a controller otherwise badluck for you. The only thing they fixed was the mouse. SE never took any beta testers report seriouse. So its ironic to say SE listens to the players cause they should have listened  to the beta testers. Its why you are beta testing, not to have a sneakpeak but to test the game on faults and bugs.


    Also the game would be released on the PS3 this march and as far as im aware it hasn't been released for the simple reason, FF14 has been the biggest pile of sh#t that has come out. What idiot thinks its logical to remove hotkeys and instead make you find your way trough a giant menu list. Or the first time you died you having no clue how to get back alive. No button to go to a graveyard, no tutorial telling you how to get revived or corpse run or what ever you had to do to get alive again. Just laying there. Only to find out that you have to be at some stupid stone if you want information about how to play the game. Why wasn't this in the tutorials, why wasn't this in one of the 100 menu's?


    And the defense "atleast the game has no monthly fee right now as other current failed MMORPG's" doesn't count. You don't have to pay a monthly fee because you bought the early beta version of the game. The game is far far from done. Thought AoC was bad during release? FF14 is a 1000 times worse. If they had charge you a monthly fee no one would be playing FF14 atm and they wouldn't be able to finish the game for the PS3 release. No, SE butt raped the fans of FF and put up a middle finger to MMORPG players. Warhammer online was released early...FF14 was even released much much earlyer. They needed atleast 1 to 1,5 year before releasing. Now you just play so they can make a good PS3 game out of it while the pc gamers already gave up on this game. It will never have the size of community as they could have had if they didn't deliver you a turd with a fancy ribbon around it.


    The score FF14 gets is way to high even, but i guess the fixed some minor issues cause other sites gave it a 3 and lower.

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135

    I played this game at beta, and I've gotta say, It's getting a lot better. It's not quite up to subscription status (still F2P), but the new team is putting in quite an effort. I definitely do not envy the amount of work they have on their plates.

    That said, the game still has quite a few issues they still need to deal with, but it's starting to feel a lot more like a FFXI-2, which is what I think a lot of players wanted.

  • JorendoJorendo Member UncommonPosts: 275

    Originally posted by aesperus

    I played this game at beta, and I've gotta say, It's getting a lot better. It's not quite up to subscription status (still F2P), but the new team is putting in quite an effort. I definitely do not envy the amount of work they have on their plates.

    That said, the game still has quite a few issues they still need to deal with, but it's starting to feel a lot more like a FFXI-2, which is what I think a lot of players wanted.


    I really hope the new team doesn't have to do it all for nothing. I mean they can work hard on it but it probally is to late for the pc version of FF14. Once a bad name it will haunt a MMORPG forever even if they improve it. And we are almost a year further and the game has to be redone by the new team almost completely. So probally another year before its PS3 launch ready and in the state it should have been a year ago for the pc release. And thats not even the perfect state, thats the launch ready state, the state you build on from that moment on to improve the game even more.


    FF14 has some nice things though, i liked their class system and the graphics where beautiful. But SE really failed when they decided that the testers didn't know what they where talking about even though now they desperately try to fix these issues.


    Also defenders of this game and call it a bad review. You might wanna keep in mind that many people paid 40 - 50 euro/dollar into this game and never play it again. Also as i read here there are more patches comming out so even if he waited a few days you proball would say "its stupid he released the review already, he should have waited another month when the next patch comes out". The fact remains that the game even in its current state is not launch ready. And he said they will do another review after a few more patches. its great you love the game and by all means please keep loving it, we all have a different taste and thats not a bad thing. But the reviewer was right about that the game can't be  recomanded too atm. Maybe in half a year it will be, but as said there is allot of competition comming and those who might wait now might by then moved on to another mmorpg.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105

    Originally posted by Mustardtiger

    Originally posted by JeroKane

    Originally posted by Delsus1

    Originally posted by punchrx

    Wow, thats low.


    Meh this review is meaningless now, well seeing as the reveiwer only chose to play for about 2hrs most and prolly saw up to rank 15 highest what they saw maybe hasnt.


    This is a fail biased review and should not be taken seriously, imo it was just an attack at SE.

     Be glad she did the review before the 1.18 patch! Otherwise the score would have been even lower!

    Since the 1.18 patch, the game has become even more tedious than it already was! What a utter FAIL patch it is.

    This review was not an attack to SE... it's just the truth about the state of the game!

    Sure after a year it finally runs a bit smoother and UI has become a bit less clunky and more friendly / more responsive.

    But aside from that not much has changed! Not even with the 1.18 patch!

    1.18 is good, what are you playing?

    -Playing Con / Thm is strategic and a nice challenge now

    -Dungeons are good

    -XP is where it should be, no more BW3 bullshit

    -Grand Companies seem good, enjoying the initial quests and story, look forward to raising my recruit rank

    -Combat is heaps better

     How is the combat heaps better since the 1.18 patch?

    What fun is there to watch your character fight in utterly slow auto attack, staring at long cool downs on attacks and abilities?

    The pre 1.18 combat, even with fatigue, was much more fast paced.

    Sorry but they still have a very long way of tweaking and balancing to go with this new combat system. As it's far from fun in my book.

    Grand Companies is just an empty shell now... with only like 0,1% implemented. Restricted to rank22 and up. And people having yet to wait another 1-2 months for the next patch to hopefully add more.

    After patch 1.18 leveling up is still based on mindlesly grinding mobs and doing leve quests. So NOTHING in that regard is changed!

  • LempoLempo Member Posts: 16

    i was in the alpha and closed beta for this game and i can tell you from first hand knowledge the controls turned me off immediately. the largest thread in the beta forums had over 5 thousand posts in it complaining about the the controls layout and 0 got changed. i stopped playing the game soon after realising nothing that was tested was getting any attention, and i never looked back. and from your review it appears as nothing has changed still. what a waste of an iconic IP .. as an oldschool gamer i had high hopes for it. FF7 in my book was one the greatest games of all time. it's such a pitty that it's legacy has lead to this.

  • ZizouXZizouX Member Posts: 670

    Originally posted by Lempo

    i was in the alpha and closed beta for this game and i can tell you from first hand knowledge the controls turned me off immediately. the largest thread in the beta forums had over 5 thousand posts in it complaining about the the controls layout and 0 got changed. i stopped playing the game soon after realising nothing that was tested was getting any attention, and i never looked back. and from your review it appears as nothing has changed still. what a waste of an iconic IP .. as an oldschool gamer i had high hopes for it. FF7 in my book was one the greatest games of all time. it's such a pitty that it's legacy has lead to this.

    Log in and try the game out... it plays differently now because it is far more responsive.


    If you used a mouse and keyboard, try using a controller.... people who use a controller usually love the game.  How many MMO's can you play using a controller.  Sit back, put your feet up and enjoy the ride.  After trying out the game with the changes and you still think it's "horrible" then move on.  At least your decision would be based on first hand knowledge instead of an outdated, poorly thoughtout and poorly written "review."


    Btw, 1.18 came out last week.  Unlike other games, this site hasn't even posted anything in their news reel to indicate it's come out.  I don't think it's on purpose.  I think this site feels that FFXIV will never come back and they dont' want to spend anytime on it.  That's sad and unprofessional because I know of lot of FFXI veterans who are waiting in the wings to see how this game turns out this summer.  



  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    Originally posted by Lempo

    i was in the alpha and closed beta for this game and i can tell you from first hand knowledge the controls turned me off immediately. the largest thread in the beta forums had over 5 thousand posts in it complaining about the the controls layout and 0 got changed. i stopped playing the game soon after realising nothing that was tested was getting any attention, and i never looked back. and from your review it appears as nothing has changed still. what a waste of an iconic IP .. as an oldschool gamer i had high hopes for it. FF7 in my book was one the greatest games of all time. it's such a pitty that it's legacy has lead to this.

    Log in and try the game out... it plays differently now because it is far more responsive.


    If you used a mouse and keyboard, try using a controller.... people who use a controller usually love the game.  How many MMO's can you play using a controller.  Sit back, put your feet up and enjoy the ride.  After trying out the game with the changes and you still think it's "horrible" then move on.  At least your decision would be based on first hand knowledge instead of an outdated, poorly thoughtout and poorly written "review."


    Btw, 1.18 came out last week.  Unlike other games, this site hasn't even posted anything in their news reel to indicate it's come out.  I don't think it's on purpose.  I think this site feels that FFXIV will never come back and they dont' want to spend anytime on it.  That's sad and unprofessional because I know of lot of FFXI veterans who are waiting in the wings to see how this game turns out this summer.  




    once something improves to make it worthwhile then it will be talked about. it's funny i had more fun under the initial game when it was first released than i do now. 1.18 caused me to drop the game when i stayed through even the little content it had before. the game has forgotten the fun factor. the armory, freedom, and versatility was the only redeeming things this game had. this is no longer the case.


    the majority of people asked for content. they got cookie cutter classes, boring kill x mobs, and auto-attack instead. how much more can they ignore people's complaints before even the ones that like the game realize they could care less about what anyone wants?


  • BoreccBorecc Member Posts: 35

    I had to check on my own once again. Man it so sucked in the date of release so I built a nice portion of hate since then towards the game. I blasted it so much on youtube with bad comments since the day. Man, I cant blast it anymore. I tried and played for two days, guys. You can tell what you want, but I actually started to like it more.

    It was trash, so big trash guys. I find it much better now, hell yeah. I tried some party plays and so on, great improvements. Yet it requires more work, this alone isnt enough. But ! damnit, leves were trahsed aside as daily quests - they re no main content of the game now. Ffs I loved this. And was about time.

    Grind now benefits party play greatly with so much new added mobs all around the world. Goats and rats were everywhere before, you can find so many different mobs now.

    There is content, some organizations you can recruit and so on. Great exp rewards for quets and much more. It has got its flaws and it needs work but I can tell I dont need to hate it anymore. I had grudge, guys. Grudge... I think I can threw that aside now.

    I should just keep an eye on the project further, its becoming something good actually. UI still needs major overhaul and game needs more stuff. I see its on good way. It looks like SE can fix their sh´´t at the end.

  • braingame007braingame007 Member UncommonPosts: 98

    After patch 1.18 I upgrade my score from a 6.0 to a 7.5. After 1.19 and 1.20 with all the content coming with those it will likely peak out between 9 and 10. Already just with what 1.18 has given and that is only the beginning the game is already more fun and challenging. I recommend to any who thought about trying the game out now wouldn't be a bad time to start. While the game is still free to play and there is some new content there will be more content added during your level up process. Already 1.18 has already gave FFXIV a breath of fresh air for the older players and has brought many back to the game also I have seen several new players who are coming out of the woodworks.

  • tyrannistyrannis Member Posts: 198

    Originally posted by braingame007

    After patch 1.18 I upgrade my score from a 6.0 to a 7.5. After 1.19 and 1.20 with all the content coming with those it will likely peak out between 9 and 10. Already just with what 1.18 has given and that is only the beginning the game is already more fun and challenging. I recommend to any who thought about trying the game out now wouldn't be a bad time to start. While the game is still free to play and there is some new content there will be more content added during your level up process. Already 1.18 has already gave FFXIV a breath of fresh air for the older players and has brought many back to the game also I have seen several new players who are coming out of the woodworks.

    This game will never have the requirements to rate a 9-10. Clearly you are smitten with the game. That's great but your opion of the game is clearly not objective.

    Lastly, you can't count serveral new players as "players comming out of the woodworks."

    ##Best SWTOR of 2011
    Posted by I_Return - SWTOR - "Forget the UI the characters and all ofhe nitpicking bullshit" "Greatest MMO Ever Created"

    ##Fail Thread Title of 2011
    Originally posted by daveospice
    "this game looks like crap?"

  • QSatuQSatu Member UncommonPosts: 1,796

    Wow people are actually happy that FF XiV is becoming the same old boring mmo as every other since WoW's release. Boring quests and dungeons. Oh and some grinding. The game needs so much more to be anything worth playing. If somebody is fine with the game right now they should be happy with every single f2p mmo released in the past 4 years. There is nothing in this game which makes it original. maybe there will be, I hope so since I like japanese games they have some nice feeling to them but right now it's just a shell.

  • sudosudo Member UncommonPosts: 697

    I went back after 1.18 to see the changes after not playing the game for over 6 months. 

    Long story short, I'm not leaving again for sure... The ammount of changes is immense for somebody who hasn't been around for that long. Majority of my issues with the game is fixed / improved.

    1. The UI is really fast and is, imo, just great (at least for playing with a xbox controller).

    2. The combat is fast enough while still staying a FF combat (I absolutely loved FFXI), auto attack improved the feeling a lot but it's still much more strategic than most other button smashing mmorpgs out there.

    3. There are interesting world quest with long and deep stories that are connected to the main storyline / lore and are very fun to do / complete. They also bring very nice rewards / exp.

    4. Experience for all the non-combat leves has been greately increased upon succeeding.

    5. Market wards are MUCH easier to navigate and find whatever you need to find. They aren't a chore anymore. There's absolutely no need to go around and search for stuff vendor by vendor. AH will still help but for now it's quite good.

    6. They made some graphic improvements. I increased my settings and am now playing at close to max settings with 8xAA and it's VERY smooth, even though my machine isn't anywhere near top (core2duo, ati 5850, 4g ddr).

    7. Gathering is much faster now. Fishing isn't boring as it used to be due to faster animations, lesser wait times without action. Crafting is faster too. The horrible lag we used to have while crafting is completely gone!

    Would still love to see stuff like better party searching tool (current one works but people hardly use it, sadly), AH, chocobos, airships.


    Edit: wrote Dodos instead of chocobos yesterday night...

    "Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
    Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
    Hans Margolius

  • Delsus1Delsus1 Member Posts: 48

    lol you can delete the previous post.

    But nice out of date review wonder why its out of date, maybe because it was released 4 days before a major patch tut, tut, tut broke one of the first rules of jornalism. I hope there is a new compotant reviewer in the game now trying out the NEW things, you know things that were added after release, which this review failed to mention. Oh yeah I forgot your reviewers dont see rank 25 nevermind rank 45.

  • Kain_DaleKain_Dale Member UncommonPosts: 378

    I agree 5/10 this game.  I have played it on release day.... the game graphic is excellent(best thing about the game).  However the thing is really affecting the game:

    --UI(User interface)--

    Ex:  when ur talking to NPC and it takes while to go next section whta u want(buy or sell). Or crafting, takes awhile to get recipe ready to make.

    --Very Solo Game--

    Ex: You can solo for 90% of the time.  You have to spend much time to craft, leves, till they are all maxed due to repair.  Then finally you can level your job class to max.  This is dumb setup, needs to refix this whole system so we can social better!!


    The content isnt big enough.  Its hard to explain...


    Believe it or not.. its VERY repeatitive and dull.  It needs to be eliminated or revamp.  Its like ur on leash to do it to max your growth.

    Its just couple things to mention.. there is much more to say but those above i post is most important thing to fix about the game.


  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by braingame007

    After patch 1.18 I upgrade my score from a 6.0 to a 7.5. After 1.19 and 1.20 with all the content coming with those it will likely peak out between 9 and 10. Already just with what 1.18 has given and that is only the beginning the game is already more fun and challenging. I recommend to any who thought about trying the game out now wouldn't be a bad time to start. While the game is still free to play and there is some new content there will be more content added during your level up process. Already 1.18 has already gave FFXIV a breath of fresh air for the older players and has brought many back to the game also I have seen several new players who are coming out of the woodworks.


    this makes one of us that will rank it up after this patch. i think the review was right inline at 5.1 before the patch. the game is alot closer to a 4.5 after the patch than it is a 6.0 and the extreme 7.5. the only people that would rank it this high are the believers in yoshism(yes, the official forums have started a faith in yoshi cult that nothing he does can be wrong.)


    you are being very generous to think this game is even on pace to ever break the 6.0 mark much less 9.0.  if you like to stand around in a battle and chat like you are in a dating site then auto-attack and standing around in passive mode would make it more fun. if you like to actually be involved in the battle you do not.


  • sudosudo Member UncommonPosts: 697

    People who are unsure who to listen to ( forums are full of haters for the sake of hating and nonbelievers), please take a minute and check this post on the official forums:


    FYI, I'm not a fanboy and I didn' play the game for a very long time before 1.18 because it simply wasn't fun in my eyes. Right now I'm feeling exactly like that posts OP. Enjoying the game immensly and can't wait to log back in :)

    There are a lot more players around as well. The majority of players on official forums and a couple of other popular ones (ffxivcore and zam) are agreeing that the game has improved a lot since 1.18 and is finally moving in the right direction.

    Might as well read this ffxivcore review of 1.18:


    "Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
    Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
    Hans Margolius

  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by sudo

    People who are unsure who to listen to ( forums are full of haters for the sake of hating and nonbelievers), please take a minute and check this post on the official forums:


    FYI, I'm not a fanboy and I didn' play the game for a very long time before 1.18 because it simply wasn't fun in my eyes. Right now I'm feeling exactly like that posts OP. Enjoying the game immensly and can't wait to log back in :)

    There are a lot more players around as well. The majority of players on official forums and a couple of other popular ones (ffxivcore and zam) are agreeing that the game has improved a lot since 1.18 and is finally moving in the right direction.

    Might as well read this ffxivcore review of 1.18:



    yeah, also make sure you notice the same people supporting these changes are the same people that came attacking the author or the review as well as this site itself. here's the little cult following they have started and anyone that says anything about the game they will attack you because it goes against their faith.

  • QSatuQSatu Member UncommonPosts: 1,796

    I have to agree that YoshiPism is one of the strangest thing I have ever seen. It simply bogles my mind that there are people with such ideas, I understand having some faith he will do something good to the game but this.. Just woow and it speaks a lot about the kind of people visiting FF XIV forums.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105

    Originally posted by sudo

    People who are unsure who to listen to ( forums are full of haters for the sake of hating and nonbelievers), please take a minute and check this post on the official forums:

    FYI, I'm not a fanboy and I didn' play the game for a very long time before 1.18 because it simply wasn't fun in my eyes. Right now I'm feeling exactly like that posts OP. Enjoying the game immensly and can't wait to log back in :)
    There are a lot more players around as well. The majority of players on official forums and a couple of other popular ones (ffxivcore and zam) are agreeing that the game has improved a lot since 1.18 and is finally moving in the right direction.
    Might as well read this ffxivcore review of 1.18:

     When I go to the official forums I see actually the complete OPPOSITE! When you take off those rose tinted glasses.

    A lot of negativity by vast majority of players, but being BASHED, INSULTED, FLAMED left and right by a handful of extremists religeous fanbois, also busy spamming lots of "positive" topics to try burry all the critical ones.

    I thought that FFA PVP game communities were extremely hostile. But so far the FFXIV forums are the worst I've seen to date at the moment. What a sheer hostility that is going on in there right now. It's not even funny anymore!

  • NaqajNaqaj Member UncommonPosts: 1,673

    Originally posted by sudo

    Might as well read this ffxivcore review of 1.18:



    Sorry, but no. I really like Brian, always enjoyed listening to him in the podcast, but he is so enthusiastic about XIV he couldn't write an unbiased review if his life depended on it. If you read his stuff as a fans perspective on the game, that is fine, and it's worth reading, but it's not a balanced review. 

  • AkaisAkais Member UncommonPosts: 274

    Given the amount of work the developers are putting into this presently, I'd say a review is a trifle unfair. Of course, they did launch the game in a worse state than it's in now which does make it fair game for reviewers.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105

    Originally posted by Akais

    Given the amount of work the developers are putting into this presently, I'd say a review is a trifle unfair. Of course, they did launch the game in a worse state than it's in now which does make it fair game for reviewers.

     No one is question their hard work.

    Problem is it's just taking too long and people's patience is starting to run out.

    And since the 1.18 patch and the new combat system, the game feels like a beta again. They now have a long road of tweaking, adjusting and balancing ahead.

    It just shows the kind of horrible state the game was in at launch and a huge slap in the face it was towards their fans.

    That it takes the new team this long to rework the core of the game and now finally can start slowly working on content.

    Now it will take at least 6 months to another year for them to add enough content for the game to become actual launch worthy.

    By then, only the most diehard fans will be left. Especially with titles like SW:TOR, GW2, TSW, EQ:Next, etc coming up.

    I am sure they will keep a decent amount of loyal fans in Japan, but it will be a tough cake here in the west for SE to retain enough people.

    So again... it just takes them too long!  Free 2 Play or not... doesn't matter. I rather pay 15/month and play a finished game with content, then hanging around in an empty hollow game void of content.

  • MuruganMurugan Member Posts: 1,494

    Originally posted by TwilightEdge

    I have to agree that YoshiPism is one of the strangest thing I have ever seen. It simply bogles my mind that there are people with such ideas, I understand having some faith he will do something good to the game but this.. Just woow and it speaks a lot about the kind of people visiting FF XIV forums.


    You have to realize that Yoshi P is apparently one of the best directors/producers currently in the business you can have working on your MMORPG.  What he is doing to revamp this game is unprecedented in a AAA mmo, it blows what Sony did with EQ2 out of the water.  I've played a lot of Sony games and Square Enix is just proving they are exponentially the better developer that is actually commited to their MMO's/players.  If Yoshi P/Square Enix had been at the helm of Vanguard I guarantee that game would have gone much differently.  


    That game, and many other quality MMO's have simply been railroaded by their publishers and the incompetent people in charge of their development, so you'll have to forgive people for apprieciating the guy for actually being commited to fixing their game, it is a rare thing in MMO's these days.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105

    Originally posted by Murugan

    Originally posted by TwilightEdge

    I have to agree that YoshiPism is one of the strangest thing I have ever seen. It simply bogles my mind that there are people with such ideas, I understand having some faith he will do something good to the game but this.. Just woow and it speaks a lot about the kind of people visiting FF XIV forums.


    You have to realize that Yoshi P is apparently one of the best directors/producers currently in the business you can have working on your MMORPG.  What he is doing to revamp this game is unprecedented in a AAA mmo, it blows what Sony did with EQ2 out of the water.  I've played a lot of Sony games and Square Enix is just proving they are exponentially the better developer that is actually commited to their MMO's/players.  If Yoshi P/Square Enix had been at the helm of Vanguard I guarantee that game would have gone much differently.  


    That game, and many other quality MMO's have simply been railroaded by their publishers and the people in charge of their development, so you'll have to forgive people for apprieciating the guy for actually being commited to fixing their game, it is a rare thing in MMO's these days.

     Really?? I hope you are not part of that YoshiPism fanatical group. 0.0

    I understand your pasion for the game. But you start to become a little scary now!

    I have yet to see Yoshi P. pull off something like the Echoes of Faydwer expansion for EQ2, but then for FFXIV ! 

    EoF was the best and largest expansion to date of any MMO I have seen. It was THE expansion that really turned around EverQuest 2 and brought back a hell lot of people to the game!  Rise of Kunark after that was also a pretty huge expansion. (unfortunately after Kunark SOE pulled away lot of devs and the game went downhill from there on... but that is a different matter.... but it's still a way better game than FFXIV in it's current state almost a year after release!)

    So lets keep both feet on the ground shall we? and not float of to Fantasy land.

    As tell me what has REALLY changed to FFXIV the past whole year? What has Yoshi P. and his team delivered so far?

    So far it's mostly UI rework, battle system rework and adding a handful of side quests.

    From content perspective and game world atmosphere perspective (two really large issues with FFXIV) not much has changed still.

    The game still feels soulless, empty and void of any meaningful content, besides repeatable guild leaves, a handful of side quests and heavily fragmented story quest chain! ...and some dungeons for the higher ranks.

    They only now start to talk about revamping the zones, to give it some soul / atmosphere / more vibrant lifeness. Which who knowns how long it's gonna take before we actually see it on the live servers!

    After a whole year we might finally start seeing chocobos and airships with the next patch (lets cross your fingers).


    So please. Lets keep EverQuest 2 out of this discussion, as eventho it's issues and flaws it still had superior amount of content and features compaired to FFXIV!

    Everquest 2 has been around for over 7 years now... a lifespan we will yet have to see FFXIV ever to reach.

  • MuruganMurugan Member Posts: 1,494

    Originally posted by JeroKane

    Originally posted by Murugan

    Originally posted by TwilightEdge

    I have to agree that YoshiPism is one of the strangest thing I have ever seen. It simply bogles my mind that there are people with such ideas, I understand having some faith he will do something good to the game but this.. Just woow and it speaks a lot about the kind of people visiting FF XIV forums.


    You have to realize that Yoshi P is apparently one of the best directors/producers currently in the business you can have working on your MMORPG.  What he is doing to revamp this game is unprecedented in a AAA mmo, it blows what Sony did with EQ2 out of the water.  I've played a lot of Sony games and Square Enix is just proving they are exponentially the better developer that is actually commited to their MMO's/players.  If Yoshi P/Square Enix had been at the helm of Vanguard I guarantee that game would have gone much differently.  


    That game, and many other quality MMO's have simply been railroaded by their publishers and the people in charge of their development, so you'll have to forgive people for apprieciating the guy for actually being commited to fixing their game, it is a rare thing in MMO's these days.

     Really?? I hope you are not part of that YoshiPism fanatical group. 0.0

    I have yet to see Yoshi P. pull off something like the Echoes of Faydwer expansion for EQ2, but then for FFXIV !  Until then lets keep both feet on the ground and keep things more in perspective okay??

    EoF was the best and largest expansion to date of any MMO I have seen. It was THE expansion that really turned around EverQuest 2 and brought back a hell lot of people to the game!  Rise of Kunark after that was also a pretty huge expansion. (unfortunately after Kunark SOE pulled away lot of devs and the game went downhill from there on... but that is a different matter)

    Those were paid expansions though.  Overall I think there was less work to be done in EQ2 and they still botched it and threw in the towel.  Vanguard is more comparable, Vanguard got no expansions in fact they told us not to even get our hopes up for one because they wouldn't fix the code to allow expansions to be added.  They chipped away at a skeleton crew in charge of developing/fixing the game, and a much better game than EQ2 (even after Faydwer) basically was left to basically stagnate with no hope of ever being what it could have been.  That was sad for the people who actually enjoyed the game.


    The YoshiPism religion thread is a joke, they are just supporting what he has done as developer so far.  They don't actually worship him, or do anything else that was posted above (like systematically attacking negative posters lol).  But no, I'm a tarvuist.  I'll be a tarvuist to the day I die.  My hatred of the evil Barvu and all who follow him (Phil Collins) is simply beyond words.


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