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[Review] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: The Original Release Reviewed



  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by Chilliesauce

    So anyone tried the new patch and did it change the game completely like most of the fans have been saying since this review came out? i am downloading the patch but it won't finish for another 6 hours or so. Patcher is too slow.


    yes, it changed the game dramatically. i been in game since day 1 and stayed even with as bad as it was hoping it would get better. i was wrong. the original battle system that was released with the game is more fluid and enjoyable than it is now. i have finally decided i am done with battle classes until this jumbled mess of a patch gets sorted. i will either craft only or give up the game completely in the meantime.


    the dungeons are nice and the fact fatigue is gone are good things. nothing else can i say i even remotely enjoyed at all.


  • ChilliesauceChilliesauce Member Posts: 559

    Originally posted by Exilor

    Originally posted by Chilliesauce

    So anyone tried the new patch and did it change the game completely like most of the fans have been saying since this review came out? i am downloading the patch but it won't finish for another 6 hours or so. Patcher is too slow.

    It did not change the game completely, read the patch notes and you can save yourself the bother.

    I did read the ptach notes but some things are lot more clearer when you actually play the game and sadly i am not getting in any time sooner so i was looking for opinions of those who already tried it and if they can still justify their reasoning that review should have been kept on hold till this patch.


  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by Chilliesauce

    Originally posted by Exilor

    Originally posted by Chilliesauce

    So anyone tried the new patch and did it change the game completely like most of the fans have been saying since this review came out? i am downloading the patch but it won't finish for another 6 hours or so. Patcher is too slow.

    It did not change the game completely, read the patch notes and you can save yourself the bother.

    I did read the ptach notes but some things are lot more clearer when you actually play the game and sadly i am not getting in any time sooner so i was looking for opinions of those who already tried it and if they can still justify their reasoning that review should have been kept on hold till this patch.


    have no fear the people that are not happy with this patch are already getting "this is only the first part of the changes wait until 1.19 and 1.20" replies or the "well if you don't like the changes quit the game". if the reviever made the review right now they would have gotten slammed even harder than they did by releasing it last week. if you have an account step on their official forums and see the outright war going on in there as we speak. if you think those supporters were rude here you should see how they are treating the players on their forums.

  • QSatuQSatu Member UncommonPosts: 1,796

    It's the same after patch. Combat is slightly more enjoyable for me but it's not for all. I like the auto attack. Besides that nothing really changed. you have 2 new dungeons so there is a little more to do I guess but on the day to day basis it's still the same boring game. The game will b e good at the end of they year woth more patches but it will only be good not spectacular. There is not and propably won't be anything special about it.

    It seems it will be just a wow for FF fans. Standard mmo with japanese flavour.

    Edit: And I agree that ff fanboys are one of the worst I've ever seen. Surprisingly people actually in game are usually better untill you mention other game, then they get angry just like those on forums.

  • BoreccBorecc Member Posts: 35

    Be glad that it was reviewed before patch.

  • nordyanordya Member Posts: 82

    I was reading the official forums to get the pulse on how the patch was and those that are unhappy with the changes are quickly told to gtfo and leave their precious by the rabid fanbois of FF. So much for this wonderful fabled community of Final Fatnasy fans (it was a myth during XI, the game was full of elitist ***hats that would backstab you for loot.). 

    The patch seems to have brought not much changes, but hey theres always 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24...

  • ZizouXZizouX Member Posts: 670

    The peole on the official forums that are complaining about the patch are primarily concerned with two things:  The mage changes or the archer changes.


    Both classes needed to be changed.  Healing was a joke.  All you did was spam aoe heals and never ran out of mana.  The changes makes the group dynmaic more challenging.  DPS can't go all out because they will draw agro and die, because the healer needs mana for the main tank.  The main tank needs to mitigate as much damage as possible because resources are finite.  Conj becomes main healer while Thm becomes debuffer/buffer/nuker.  The changes, to any reasonable person were necessary.

    Edit: Thaumaturges could solo same leve Notorious Monsters.  Not very notorious if game mechanics allowed you to do that.  The changes are "harsh" but absolutely necessary for balance.

    The third complaint is lack of experience points that leves offer now.  YoshiP has said that leves are no longer the focal point of the game.  They are for solo players.  BTW, quests now offer experience points to offset some of the SP lost.  Also, main quest-storline arcs offer sp.  My R38 story quest offers 32k SP.  That's a lot.


    The Grand company quests are well done.  The dialogue is rich, there are cut scenes, and the quests are directly related to the story in the game.  They ARE NOT filler quests of kill this over there and bring back X amount of Y item.  The Company quests are also tied into the dungeons.  The dungeons are tied into the story.


    This patch offers a lot of syneregy between different elements.  The UI looks slick, the icons look badass.  The timer's on the skills are also a welcome change.  There are new combat animations for certain abilities.  50 Marauder has Storm's Path which looks a little like Steel Cyclone from FFXI. Doomspike for lancer looks great, not to mention Chaos Thrust.  The UI lag is vertually gone.  Zoning from area to area to teleporting is much faster.  You get rewarded for going from nation to nation and some game elements even require certain things be done in a certain nation.  12 different outposts have been added throughout the world.  Coming to a patch in the near future, they will be quest hubs for people to level up and get better acquianted with the story.


    If this is the work product of YoshiP and his new team, I'm very very happy with this patch.  A lot of people in my shell felt that the game took a great step forward.


    For those of us who wanted to see if FFXIV is worth sticking around for, this patch really made it more clear.  BTW, I left the game for 6 months (December - June) for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread.  I've seen the changes and the forward memomentum.  So when people complain about minor things and miss the big picture,  then "fanbois" may take offense.  If you have a right to criticize the game (which you absolutely do), then I have the right to criticize your criticism.

  • BoreccBorecc Member Posts: 35

    Something like this. I am actually glad that I am not member of that ffxiv forum community, I have FFXIV title and I tried patch. From what I read on ffxiv forums, people are bitching there at each other for different opinions. Oh, senate. Here we are !

  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    The peole on the official forums that are complaining about the patch are primarily concerned with two things:  The mage changes or the archer changes.


    Both classes needed to be changed.  Healing was a joke.  All you did was spam aoe heals and never ran out of mana.  The changes makes the group dynmaic more challenging.  DPS can't go all out because they will draw agro and die, because the healer needs mana for the main tank.  The main tank needs to mitigate as much damage as possible because resources are finite.  Conj becomes main healer while Thm becomes debuffer/buffer/nuker.  The changes, to any reasonable person were necessary.

    Edit: Thaumaturges could solo same leve Notorious Monsters.  Not very notorious if game mechanics allowed you to do that.  The changes are "harsh" but absolutely necessary for balance.

    The third complaint is lack of experience points that leves offer now.  YoshiP has said that leves are no longer the focal point of the game.  They are for solo players.  BTW, quests now offer experience points to offset some of the SP lost.  Also, main quest-storline arcs offer sp.  My R38 story quest offers 32k SP.  That's a lot.


    The Grand company quests are well done.  The dialogue is rich, there are cut scenes, and the quests are directly related to the story in the game.  They ARE NOT filler quests of kill this over there and bring back X amount of Y item.  The Company quests are also tied into the dungeons.  The dungeons are tied into the story.


    This patch offers a lot of syneregy between different elements.  The UI looks slick, the icons look badass.  The timer's on the skills are also a welcome change.  There are new combat animations for certain abilities.  50 Marauder has Storm's Path which looks a little like Steel Cyclone from FFXI. Doomspike for lancer looks great, not to mention Chaos Thrust.  The UI lag is vertually gone.  Zoning from area to area to teleporting is much faster.  You get rewarded for going from nation to nation and some game elements even require certain things be done in a certain nation.  12 different outposts have been added throughout the world.  Coming to a patch in the near future, they will be quest hubs for people to level up and get better acquianted with the story.


    If this is the work product of YoshiP and his new team, I'm very very happy with this patch.  A lot of people in my shell felt that the game took a great step forward.


    For those of us who wanted to see if FFXIV is worth sticking around for, this patch really made it more clear.  BTW, I left the game for 6 months (December - June) for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread.  I've seen the changes and the forward memomentum.  So when people complain about minor things and miss the big picture,  then "fanbois" may take offense.  If you have a right to criticize the game (which you absolutely do), then I have the right to criticize your criticism.


    and for all of your so called improvements the game is lucky it got the 5.1 rating before the update because if it got one now i doubt it would make it to a 4.5. the game took massive steps backwards and made yoshi a true hypocrite. he stated the changes would be to make balance and to allow people to be able to play how they want.


    standing with my wand put away for half a battle because of using one or 2 cures is not fun.


    he's right dps cannot go all out because they broke the hate management of the tank even farther and added a hate meter. you can actually see if you are pulling hate off the tank.... that made for really skillful play. "i have to stop hitting the mob because i am about to make it mad so keep hitting it and i will join back in later". you fight mobs that will aoe and do 1k damage to the entire party repeatedly, but the cost of one aoe cure is roughly 20% of your mp.


    as far as thm becoming the nuker/buffer/debuffer is concerned thm does not even have buff spells in the first place. those belong to con, but they can be cross classed. if the con has the buffs they should actually be the buffer not thm. con can use every skill the thm has besides 1 so you cannot actually believe people will take a thm into a party because of the shadowsear spell. that one spell is the only thing that a thm can do that a con cannot do just as well and it is on a 3 minute timer. any party with half a mind will take an additional con and leave the thm out of the party because of the added benefit that if the mage runs low on mp they can stop debuffing and nuking and go onto part time healing duty while they recover and the thm cannot do so.


    the changes to thm to not allow them to solo the notorious monsters were needed, but to nerf it to the point it is not even a viable party member anymore is beyond nerfing and went into ignorance. a thm went from the most fun class in the game to the point it is less fun to play than crafting is. i'm sorry i enjoyed the freedom to do multiple things for a party and so did con. geez, the con's are mad that they are now completely relegated to healing duty instead of being able to use their nukes and dot's. they have more of each than the thm did already anyways so the idea that thm is going to be dot/nuker is completely false as well.


    the changes to the ui lag, spell animations, and other things have been asked for since day 1. they had nothing to do with the actual changes in the battle system so to claim it was needed to make them is comletely false.


    if you left the game for 6 months then you failed to see that the system had already taken major steps forward in terms of ui lag so you are comparing now to 6 months ago. if you had been playing for the last 6 months like i have been you would have seen that it has been getting better a little at the time.


    the fanbois may feel free to voice their happiness in the direction in all things yoshi did, but they do not have the right to personally attack anyone they do not agree with. of course they can get away with it since the moderators allow the fanbois to personally attack people even more than they did when they came over to this site. they are not and will not get anything said to them by the moderators so they may attack anyone they deem as non fanboi.

  • ZizouXZizouX Member Posts: 670

    Originally posted by dsp1

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    The peole on the official forums that are complaining about the patch are primarily concerned with two things:  The mage changes or the archer changes.


    Both classes needed to be changed.  Healing was a joke.  All you did was spam aoe heals and never ran out of mana.  The changes makes the group dynmaic more challenging.  DPS can't go all out because they will draw agro and die, because the healer needs mana for the main tank.  The main tank needs to mitigate as much damage as possible because resources are finite.  Conj becomes main healer while Thm becomes debuffer/buffer/nuker.  The changes, to any reasonable person were necessary.

    Edit: Thaumaturges could solo same leve Notorious Monsters.  Not very notorious if game mechanics allowed you to do that.  The changes are "harsh" but absolutely necessary for balance.

    The third complaint is lack of experience points that leves offer now.  YoshiP has said that leves are no longer the focal point of the game.  They are for solo players.  BTW, quests now offer experience points to offset some of the SP lost.  Also, main quest-storline arcs offer sp.  My R38 story quest offers 32k SP.  That's a lot.


    The Grand company quests are well done.  The dialogue is rich, there are cut scenes, and the quests are directly related to the story in the game.  They ARE NOT filler quests of kill this over there and bring back X amount of Y item.  The Company quests are also tied into the dungeons.  The dungeons are tied into the story.


    This patch offers a lot of syneregy between different elements.  The UI looks slick, the icons look badass.  The timer's on the skills are also a welcome change.  There are new combat animations for certain abilities.  50 Marauder has Storm's Path which looks a little like Steel Cyclone from FFXI. Doomspike for lancer looks great, not to mention Chaos Thrust.  The UI lag is vertually gone.  Zoning from area to area to teleporting is much faster.  You get rewarded for going from nation to nation and some game elements even require certain things be done in a certain nation.  12 different outposts have been added throughout the world.  Coming to a patch in the near future, they will be quest hubs for people to level up and get better acquianted with the story.


    If this is the work product of YoshiP and his new team, I'm very very happy with this patch.  A lot of people in my shell felt that the game took a great step forward.


    For those of us who wanted to see if FFXIV is worth sticking around for, this patch really made it more clear.  BTW, I left the game for 6 months (December - June) for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread.  I've seen the changes and the forward memomentum.  So when people complain about minor things and miss the big picture,  then "fanbois" may take offense.  If you have a right to criticize the game (which you absolutely do), then I have the right to criticize your criticism.


    and for all of your so called improvements the game is lucky it got the 5.1 rating before the update because if it got one now i doubt it would make it to a 4.5. the game took massive steps backwards and made yoshi a true hypocrite. he stated the changes would be to make balance and to allow people to be able to play how they want.


    standing with my wand put away for half a battle because of using one or 2 cures is not fun.


    he's right dps cannot go all out because they broke the hate management of the tank even farther and added a hate meter. you can actually see if you are pulling hate off the tank.... that made for really skillful play. "i have to stop hitting the mob because i am about to make it mad so keep hitting it and i will join back in later". you fight mobs that will aoe and do 1k damage to the entire party repeatedly, but the cost of one aoe cure is roughly 20% of your mp.


    as far as thm becoming the nuker/buffer/debuffer is concerned thm does not even have buff spells in the first place. those belong to con, but they can be cross classed. if the con has the buffs they should actually be the buffer not thm. con can use every skill the thm has besides 1 so you cannot actually believe people will take a thm into a party because of the shadowsear spell. that one spell is the only thing that a thm can do that a con cannot do just as well and it is on a 3 minute timer. any party with half a mind will take an additional con and leave the thm out of the party because of the added benefit that if the mage runs low on mp they can stop debuffing and nuking and go onto part time healing duty while they recover and the thm cannot do so.


    the changes to thm to not allow them to solo the notorious monsters were needed, but to nerf it to the point it is not even a viable party member anymore is beyond nerfing and went into ignorance. a thm went from the most fun class in the game to the point it is less fun to play than crafting is. i'm sorry i enjoyed the freedom to do multiple things for a party and so did con. geez, the con's are mad that they are now completely relegated to healing duty instead of being able to use their nukes and dot's. they have more of each than the thm did already anyways so the idea that thm is going to be dot/nuker is completely false as well.


    the changes to the ui lag, spell animations, and other things have been asked for since day 1. they had nothing to do with the actual changes in the battle system so to claim it was needed to make them is comletely false.


    if you left the game for 6 months then you failed to see that the system had already taken major steps forward in terms of ui lag so you are comparing now to 6 months ago. if you had been playing for the last 6 months like i have been you would have seen that it has been getting better a little at the time.


    the fanbois may feel free to voice their happiness in the direction in all things yoshi did, but they do not have the right to personally attack anyone they do not agree with. of course they can get away with it since the moderators allow the fanbois to personally attack people even more than they did when they came over to this site. they are not and will not get anything said to them by the moderators so they may attack anyone they deem as non fanboi.

    I think you're just a "glass half empty" type of person, so nothing i can say will change your mind.

    "Those convinced against their will are of the same Opinion still."


    I'm having a great time in FFXIV, i'm sorry that you're not.  You can move onto other games or wait for SWTOR/GW2.  

  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    Originally posted by dsp1

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    The peole on the official forums that are complaining about the patch are primarily concerned with two things:  The mage changes or the archer changes.


    Both classes needed to be changed.  Healing was a joke.  All you did was spam aoe heals and never ran out of mana.  The changes makes the group dynmaic more challenging.  DPS can't go all out because they will draw agro and die, because the healer needs mana for the main tank.  The main tank needs to mitigate as much damage as possible because resources are finite.  Conj becomes main healer while Thm becomes debuffer/buffer/nuker.  The changes, to any reasonable person were necessary.

    Edit: Thaumaturges could solo same leve Notorious Monsters.  Not very notorious if game mechanics allowed you to do that.  The changes are "harsh" but absolutely necessary for balance.

    The third complaint is lack of experience points that leves offer now.  YoshiP has said that leves are no longer the focal point of the game.  They are for solo players.  BTW, quests now offer experience points to offset some of the SP lost.  Also, main quest-storline arcs offer sp.  My R38 story quest offers 32k SP.  That's a lot.


    The Grand company quests are well done.  The dialogue is rich, there are cut scenes, and the quests are directly related to the story in the game.  They ARE NOT filler quests of kill this over there and bring back X amount of Y item.  The Company quests are also tied into the dungeons.  The dungeons are tied into the story.


    This patch offers a lot of syneregy between different elements.  The UI looks slick, the icons look badass.  The timer's on the skills are also a welcome change.  There are new combat animations for certain abilities.  50 Marauder has Storm's Path which looks a little like Steel Cyclone from FFXI. Doomspike for lancer looks great, not to mention Chaos Thrust.  The UI lag is vertually gone.  Zoning from area to area to teleporting is much faster.  You get rewarded for going from nation to nation and some game elements even require certain things be done in a certain nation.  12 different outposts have been added throughout the world.  Coming to a patch in the near future, they will be quest hubs for people to level up and get better acquianted with the story.


    If this is the work product of YoshiP and his new team, I'm very very happy with this patch.  A lot of people in my shell felt that the game took a great step forward.


    For those of us who wanted to see if FFXIV is worth sticking around for, this patch really made it more clear.  BTW, I left the game for 6 months (December - June) for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread.  I've seen the changes and the forward memomentum.  So when people complain about minor things and miss the big picture,  then "fanbois" may take offense.  If you have a right to criticize the game (which you absolutely do), then I have the right to criticize your criticism.


    and for all of your so called improvements the game is lucky it got the 5.1 rating before the update because if it got one now i doubt it would make it to a 4.5. the game took massive steps backwards and made yoshi a true hypocrite. he stated the changes would be to make balance and to allow people to be able to play how they want.


    standing with my wand put away for half a battle because of using one or 2 cures is not fun.


    he's right dps cannot go all out because they broke the hate management of the tank even farther and added a hate meter. you can actually see if you are pulling hate off the tank.... that made for really skillful play. "i have to stop hitting the mob because i am about to make it mad so keep hitting it and i will join back in later". you fight mobs that will aoe and do 1k damage to the entire party repeatedly, but the cost of one aoe cure is roughly 20% of your mp.


    as far as thm becoming the nuker/buffer/debuffer is concerned thm does not even have buff spells in the first place. those belong to con, but they can be cross classed. if the con has the buffs they should actually be the buffer not thm. con can use every skill the thm has besides 1 so you cannot actually believe people will take a thm into a party because of the shadowsear spell. that one spell is the only thing that a thm can do that a con cannot do just as well and it is on a 3 minute timer. any party with half a mind will take an additional con and leave the thm out of the party because of the added benefit that if the mage runs low on mp they can stop debuffing and nuking and go onto part time healing duty while they recover and the thm cannot do so.


    the changes to thm to not allow them to solo the notorious monsters were needed, but to nerf it to the point it is not even a viable party member anymore is beyond nerfing and went into ignorance. a thm went from the most fun class in the game to the point it is less fun to play than crafting is. i'm sorry i enjoyed the freedom to do multiple things for a party and so did con. geez, the con's are mad that they are now completely relegated to healing duty instead of being able to use their nukes and dot's. they have more of each than the thm did already anyways so the idea that thm is going to be dot/nuker is completely false as well.


    the changes to the ui lag, spell animations, and other things have been asked for since day 1. they had nothing to do with the actual changes in the battle system so to claim it was needed to make them is comletely false.


    if you left the game for 6 months then you failed to see that the system had already taken major steps forward in terms of ui lag so you are comparing now to 6 months ago. if you had been playing for the last 6 months like i have been you would have seen that it has been getting better a little at the time.


    the fanbois may feel free to voice their happiness in the direction in all things yoshi did, but they do not have the right to personally attack anyone they do not agree with. of course they can get away with it since the moderators allow the fanbois to personally attack people even more than they did when they came over to this site. they are not and will not get anything said to them by the moderators so they may attack anyone they deem as non fanboi.

    I think you're just a "glass half empty" type of person, so nothing i can say will change your mind.

    "Those convinced against their will are of the same Opinion still."


    I'm having a great time in FFXIV, i'm sorry that you're not.  You can move onto other games or wait for SWTOR/GW2.  


    yes, considering i stayed in the game while you took a 6 month break meant that i had hopes the game would get better. i stayed when it was bad originally. i stayed while they were doing little updates that fixed one thing here and there. i even stayed after the nm's were made so easy that even without the overpowered thm you could duo the high level nm's.


    i stayed because i was still having fun in game. that was the "glass half full" to me. the game needed alot of work, but it was fun to me so i stayed for 10 months non stop. a game is meant to be fun and standing in passive mode half of a battle is not fun no matter how you try to justify it.


    you are right nothing you can say will convince me pigeonholing, forcing cookie cutter classes, and standing in passive mode for half a battle is fun. i could have fun in a battle before by, ya know, actually fighting. it reminds me of a pick up game in basketball and you are the last one picked sitting on the sidelines watching. the people playing are having fun, but all you are doing is wishing you were able to join in.

  • Joseph_KerrJoseph_Kerr Member RarePosts: 1,113

    Wow, thats low.

  • sungodrasungodra Member Posts: 1,376

    I have they changed anything about this game?


    "When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"

  • ZizouXZizouX Member Posts: 670

    Originally posted by dsp1

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    Originally posted by dsp1

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    The peole on the official forums that are complaining about the patch are primarily concerned with two things:  The mage changes or the archer changes.


    Both classes needed to be changed.  Healing was a joke.  All you did was spam aoe heals and never ran out of mana.  The changes makes the group dynmaic more challenging.  DPS can't go all out because they will draw agro and die, because the healer needs mana for the main tank.  The main tank needs to mitigate as much damage as possible because resources are finite.  Conj becomes main healer while Thm becomes debuffer/buffer/nuker.  The changes, to any reasonable person were necessary.

    Edit: Thaumaturges could solo same leve Notorious Monsters.  Not very notorious if game mechanics allowed you to do that.  The changes are "harsh" but absolutely necessary for balance.

    The third complaint is lack of experience points that leves offer now.  YoshiP has said that leves are no longer the focal point of the game.  They are for solo players.  BTW, quests now offer experience points to offset some of the SP lost.  Also, main quest-storline arcs offer sp.  My R38 story quest offers 32k SP.  That's a lot.


    The Grand company quests are well done.  The dialogue is rich, there are cut scenes, and the quests are directly related to the story in the game.  They ARE NOT filler quests of kill this over there and bring back X amount of Y item.  The Company quests are also tied into the dungeons.  The dungeons are tied into the story.


    This patch offers a lot of syneregy between different elements.  The UI looks slick, the icons look badass.  The timer's on the skills are also a welcome change.  There are new combat animations for certain abilities.  50 Marauder has Storm's Path which looks a little like Steel Cyclone from FFXI. Doomspike for lancer looks great, not to mention Chaos Thrust.  The UI lag is vertually gone.  Zoning from area to area to teleporting is much faster.  You get rewarded for going from nation to nation and some game elements even require certain things be done in a certain nation.  12 different outposts have been added throughout the world.  Coming to a patch in the near future, they will be quest hubs for people to level up and get better acquianted with the story.


    If this is the work product of YoshiP and his new team, I'm very very happy with this patch.  A lot of people in my shell felt that the game took a great step forward.


    For those of us who wanted to see if FFXIV is worth sticking around for, this patch really made it more clear.  BTW, I left the game for 6 months (December - June) for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread.  I've seen the changes and the forward memomentum.  So when people complain about minor things and miss the big picture,  then "fanbois" may take offense.  If you have a right to criticize the game (which you absolutely do), then I have the right to criticize your criticism.


    and for all of your so called improvements the game is lucky it got the 5.1 rating before the update because if it got one now i doubt it would make it to a 4.5. the game took massive steps backwards and made yoshi a true hypocrite. he stated the changes would be to make balance and to allow people to be able to play how they want.


    standing with my wand put away for half a battle because of using one or 2 cures is not fun.


    he's right dps cannot go all out because they broke the hate management of the tank even farther and added a hate meter. you can actually see if you are pulling hate off the tank.... that made for really skillful play. "i have to stop hitting the mob because i am about to make it mad so keep hitting it and i will join back in later". you fight mobs that will aoe and do 1k damage to the entire party repeatedly, but the cost of one aoe cure is roughly 20% of your mp.


    as far as thm becoming the nuker/buffer/debuffer is concerned thm does not even have buff spells in the first place. those belong to con, but they can be cross classed. if the con has the buffs they should actually be the buffer not thm. con can use every skill the thm has besides 1 so you cannot actually believe people will take a thm into a party because of the shadowsear spell. that one spell is the only thing that a thm can do that a con cannot do just as well and it is on a 3 minute timer. any party with half a mind will take an additional con and leave the thm out of the party because of the added benefit that if the mage runs low on mp they can stop debuffing and nuking and go onto part time healing duty while they recover and the thm cannot do so.


    the changes to thm to not allow them to solo the notorious monsters were needed, but to nerf it to the point it is not even a viable party member anymore is beyond nerfing and went into ignorance. a thm went from the most fun class in the game to the point it is less fun to play than crafting is. i'm sorry i enjoyed the freedom to do multiple things for a party and so did con. geez, the con's are mad that they are now completely relegated to healing duty instead of being able to use their nukes and dot's. they have more of each than the thm did already anyways so the idea that thm is going to be dot/nuker is completely false as well.


    the changes to the ui lag, spell animations, and other things have been asked for since day 1. they had nothing to do with the actual changes in the battle system so to claim it was needed to make them is comletely false.


    if you left the game for 6 months then you failed to see that the system had already taken major steps forward in terms of ui lag so you are comparing now to 6 months ago. if you had been playing for the last 6 months like i have been you would have seen that it has been getting better a little at the time.


    the fanbois may feel free to voice their happiness in the direction in all things yoshi did, but they do not have the right to personally attack anyone they do not agree with. of course they can get away with it since the moderators allow the fanbois to personally attack people even more than they did when they came over to this site. they are not and will not get anything said to them by the moderators so they may attack anyone they deem as non fanboi.

    I think you're just a "glass half empty" type of person, so nothing i can say will change your mind.

    "Those convinced against their will are of the same Opinion still."


    I'm having a great time in FFXIV, i'm sorry that you're not.  You can move onto other games or wait for SWTOR/GW2.  


    yes, considering i stayed in the game while you took a 6 month break meant that i had hopes the game would get better. i stayed when it was bad originally. i stayed while they were doing little updates that fixed one thing here and there. i even stayed after the nm's were made so easy that even without the overpowered thm you could duo the high level nm's.


    i stayed because i was still having fun in game. that was the "glass half full" to me. the game needed alot of work, but it was fun to me so i stayed for 10 months non stop. a game is meant to be fun and standing in passive mode half of a battle is not fun no matter how you try to justify it.


    you are right nothing you can say will convince me pigeonholing, forcing cookie cutter classes, and standing in passive mode for half a battle is fun. i could have fun in a battle before by, ya know, actually fighting. it reminds me of a pick up game in basketball and you are the last one picked sitting on the sidelines watching. the people playing are having fun, but all you are doing is wishing you were able to join in.

    I have opinion A of how the game should be.

    You have opinion B ofhow the game should be.


    SE looks at suggestions and combines it with their own vision of the game and comes up with something called patch 1.18.  How do you suppose SE is going to make the game great for both us when we have a difference of opinion of what the game should.


    So once again I say.... I'm sorry you don't like the direction of  FFXIV after 1.18.  I do.  I love it.  If FFXIV is turning out to be something you don't like... move on.

  • NesrieNesrie Member Posts: 648

    Originally posted by ZizouX

    I have opinion A of how the game should be.

    You have opinion B ofhow the game should be.


    SE looks at suggestions and combines it with their own vision of the game and comes up with something called patch 1.18.  How do you suppose SE is going to make the game great for both us when we have a difference of opinion of what the game should.


    So once again I say.... I'm sorry you don't like the direction of  FFXIV after 1.18.  I do.  I love it.  If FFXIV is turning out to be something you don't like... move on.

     I think the problems with FFXIV isn't just about taste though, there are technical and foundational flaws there. It's such a beautiful game with a nice soundtrack; it's too bad it is still hampered by some very poor design decisions. Don't get me wrong; it's perfectly fine to enjoy a game despite the flaws, but denying those flaws exist is another matter entirely.

    parrotpholk-Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better.

  • NesrieNesrie Member Posts: 648

    Originally posted by Dawnbr3aker

    Originally posted by Nesrie


     I think the problems with FFXIV isn't just about taste though, there are technical and foundational flaws there. It's such a beautiful game with a nice soundtrack; it's too bad it is still hampered by some very poor design decisions. Don't get me wrong; it's perfectly fine to enjoy a game despite the flaws, but denying those flaws exist is another matter entirely.


    Flaws are different in every other eyes.

     Are you seriously claiming that there is nothing, nothing at all that you would want changed about FFXIV?

    parrotpholk-Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better.

  • nmalthusnmalthus Member CommonPosts: 98

    It was a steaming pile of trash a year ago and still is.

  • M1sf1tM1sf1t Member UncommonPosts: 1,583

    The game still has horrible controls which hamper combat. The addition of "auto-attack"  one of the most fundamental basic features found in any MMO just illustrates the major flaws in this game and the band-aid approach being used by SE to address these issues. Avoid at all costs IMHO. This game still blows chunks.

    Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.

    Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:

    GW2 (+LoL and BF3)

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,623

    Can you tell us why this review did not come out in the first month of release? If it was released too early, it should be reviewed and should tell people what crap it is.


    Instead, you allowed people to buy it, which I am sure made SE happy as they ripped of loads of players.


    Next time and there will be a next time, don’t kowtow to the big companies, tell it like it is.

  • LawliedoodleLawliedoodle Member Posts: 10

    Originally posted by Scot

    Can you tell us why this review did not come out in the first month of release? If it was released too early, it should be reviewed and should tell people what crap it is.


    Instead, you allowed people to buy it, which I am sure made SE happy as they ripped of loads of players.


    Next time and there will be a next time, don’t kowtow to the big companies, tell it like it is.


    Aside from Square Enix pleading to media not to a review it for a full month, the game was universally panned as the utter abomination it is. Lori May, the reviewer, probably conducted this review hoping, rather naively, that Square Enix had made significant changes to the game.


  • Delsus1Delsus1 Member Posts: 48

    Originally posted by punchrx

    Wow, thats low.


    Meh this review is meaningless now, well seeing as the reveiwer only chose to play for about 2hrs most and prolly saw up to rank 15 highest what they saw maybe hasnt.


    This is a fail biased review and should not be taken seriously, imo it was just an attack at SE.

  • BlessingsBlessings Member Posts: 66

    Let me start by saying I actually played FFXIV on release, and from everything I'm reading, nothing has changed really.

    This is my character, Cheshire Cat, on Gysahl. I quit after a little less than a month of playing, and the last two weeks was spent mainly working on crafting. I am a HUGE fan of the FF series, and the games visual effects are amazing if you have a computer that can handle the output. I ran everything on high, and I have a superclocked GTX 460, and it sometimes made my computer get so hot it would heat my room up to crazy levels. That turned a lot of people off to the game, not being able to experience everything it had to offer with low spec computers. Another thing is it is NOT a solo friendly game. You almost have to go into the game with a group of friends to get much out of it, because the chat system doesn't promote idle chatter, or really much in the way of any kind of chatter at all. The leveling can be downright tedious unless you do it the right way, but they don't tell you the right way, and its very difficult to stumble on unless you are playing with a group of people regularly.


    My guild was able to figure out how to get the most out of the leveling system fairly quickly, and we wound up getting over 20 in a few days, but they thought people were leveling too fast, and shut down the XP gain to miniscule amounts to try and hold people back. We found a way around that and got over 30 the next week, but by then most of the rest of the population of the game was getting tired of getting stuck at ~16-18. There was a mass exodus from the game and one by one the guild started dying, so we all just called it quits. Honestly, if you want to see a graphically amazing game that will leave you gaping in awe at the cinematics, the level of detail in the field and in town, AND you have a comp that can handle it, try this game at least. I can promise you that it will be shortlived, that you will probably come to hate the game within days, but there really is a lot of amazing things to see in the game. I was able to see all of it as far as you could go back then, and I'm glad I at least saw it and experienced it once. Its an amazing ride the first time through if you can handle the grind, but one ride is enough, theres no need to ride more than once, or stay on the ride.

  • phaydeephaydee Member Posts: 36

    I think I will still give it a try.  It's free right for the time being, the retail box is around 10.00, players are say the patches are making the game better, and all the bad press is keeping the jerks away.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,104

    Originally posted by Delsus1

    Originally posted by punchrx

    Wow, thats low.


    Meh this review is meaningless now, well seeing as the reveiwer only chose to play for about 2hrs most and prolly saw up to rank 15 highest what they saw maybe hasnt.


    This is a fail biased review and should not be taken seriously, imo it was just an attack at SE.

     Be glad she did the review before the 1.18 patch! Otherwise the score would have been even lower!

    Since the 1.18 patch, the game has become even more tedious than it already was! What a utter FAIL patch it is.

    This review was not an attack to SE... it's just the truth about the state of the game!

    Sure after a year it finally runs a bit smoother and UI has become a bit less clunky and more friendly / more responsive.

    But aside from that not much has changed! Not even with the 1.18 patch!

  • MustardtigerMustardtiger Member Posts: 17

    Originally posted by JeroKane

    Originally posted by Delsus1

    Originally posted by punchrx

    Wow, thats low.


    Meh this review is meaningless now, well seeing as the reveiwer only chose to play for about 2hrs most and prolly saw up to rank 15 highest what they saw maybe hasnt.


    This is a fail biased review and should not be taken seriously, imo it was just an attack at SE.

     Be glad she did the review before the 1.18 patch! Otherwise the score would have been even lower!

    Since the 1.18 patch, the game has become even more tedious than it already was! What a utter FAIL patch it is.

    This review was not an attack to SE... it's just the truth about the state of the game!

    Sure after a year it finally runs a bit smoother and UI has become a bit less clunky and more friendly / more responsive.

    But aside from that not much has changed! Not even with the 1.18 patch!

    1.18 is good, what are you playing?

    -Playing Con / Thm is strategic and a nice challenge now

    -Dungeons are good

    -XP is where it should be, no more BW3 bullshit

    -Grand Companies seem good, enjoying the initial quests and story, look forward to raising my recruit rank

    -Combat is heaps better

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