The lack of fluid fast paced lip numbing combat turns me off. But when everything comes into play, I'd have to say this is my least favorite mmorpg of all time.
Lame saying is lame.
Friday is the start of the big revamp for this game. Including a combat overhaul...
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?
Only thing good about this game was the pretty graphics. Other than that it was one of the worst games I ever played. I agree with some ppl 5/10 is generous.
Feel bad for those people in japan, but this game came out before that disaster and I'm not gonna cut them a break and imma speak my opinion. The game sucks. You need to change the whole thing around or just get rid of it.
I think I lasted a month. That was at least 6 months ago. I see nothing has changed.
{mod edit}
Think I may try and go check it out to see if I notice much of a difference. Last time I played it was the same thing over and over. Pick up a few cards go do a few kill quests and that was all there was to do. Very boring.. maybe it has changed, I hope that's the case because like other people said it was boring and tedious.
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?
No one is calling it a "wonder patch" it's laying the foundation.
And yes....... there is full map and zone overhauls coming in future, so there is a patch for that. They have already realized the issues with the maps / zones, and are doing full overhauls.
Just another example of people who played during Beta / the initial release, and have no idea the new direction and shape the game is talking.
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
"What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?"
In one of the interviews, the producer even admitted that they copied and pasted some parts of the world.
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?
No one is calling it a "wonder patch" it's laying the foundation.
And yes....... there is full map and zone overhauls coming in future, so there is a patch for that. They have already realized the issues with the maps / zones, and are doing full overhauls. Just another example of people who played during Beta / the initial release, and have no idea the new direction and shape the game is talking.
I really have to disagree with you there. A week ago I loged in, it took me good few minutes to figure out how to kill a mob. So the UI is still just as horrandous.
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
"What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?"
In one of the interviews, the producer even admitted that they copied and pasted some parts of the world.
Yeah, admitted they are aware of the shitness of some of the maps, and informed us that they are doing full zone redesigns on these.
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
"What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?"
In one of the interviews, the producer even admitted that they copied and pasted some parts of the world.
Yes there is actually.
Here is some information on it from the producer himself:
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
"What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?"
In one of the interviews, the producer even admitted that they copied and pasted some parts of the world.
Yeah, admitted they are aware of the shitness of some of the maps, and informed us that they are doing full zone redesigns on these.
Dude, after almost a year or so, if we're still complaining about UI, than I would call this bad progress. And if as little thing as UI has not been fixed in a year, than when are we going to see the world re-disign?
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?
No one is calling it a "wonder patch" it's laying the foundation.
And yes....... there is full map and zone overhauls coming in future, so there is a patch for that. They have already realized the issues with the maps / zones, and are doing full overhauls. Just another example of people who played during Beta / the initial release, and have no idea the new direction and shape the game is talking.
I really have to disagree with you there. A week ago I loged in, it took me good few minutes to figure out how to kill a mob. So the UI is still just as horrandous.
What are you disagreeing with? I wouldn't call it "horrandous" and it's definitely less shit if you use a controller.
And the review pretty much sums up my feelings about most Square Enix games at the moment. I just really REALLY hope Deus Ex is the one exception to that rule...
I was just thinking that I was thinking that that ------
Who said they got away with it? The original producer did get the shitcan... so...? The game is free still, while they attempt to save it.
If it was actually his fault, or the big boss rushing him, who knows. I don't like the game in it's current state, I definitely don't love it, but I've been playing since release, and I like the new direction.
... are we still talking about a game? What game? Where is the game? I only see a list of things.. TO BE FIXED..
Not sure on your point? I was simply pointing out your statement about the maps had already been addressed, making you look a bit silly for making statements before doing the slightest amount of research.
Along with the review calling confirmed facts, rumors.
... are we still talking about a game? What game? Where is the game? I only see a list of things.. TO BE FIXED..
I find it funny you hate this game with a passion, and still post here. Get over it, the old producer got fired, as well as other lead managers. The new ones can't come in and be like "OH WELL, WE OVERHAULED ALL THINGS ALREADY HERE YOU GO!!"
It takes time, give them time. They are already beginning the revamp process this friday. If you hate this game so much, leave it be and MOVE ON.
Apologies to those who enjoy it because my intent is not to offend you, but this game has become mostly irrelevant. It actually would have been a better thing to not even bother with the review at this point. It only confirms what most of us were safely assuming and ticks off those who number themselves fans.
Just do the reviews when the game comes out so the paying public can form some sort of opinion on whether or not it's worth an investment, even a meager one. You can always re-review later if the game undergoes fundamental changes to warrant it. A couple of weeks from now might have been a good time for just such a re-review.
When a game gets released, the product is on the market and it should be your job to give your readers a fair assessment of what's been put out there, clamoring for their gaming dollars. The kind of special treatment extended to this game only makes me wonder why an honest review was verboten all this time. Is someone in MMORPG's executive a big FF franchise fan?
I've gotta agree with the point you made. This game should have been reviewed about a month after release, back when it was relevant and if enough had been change/improved since then; could have easily done a re-review, like they do with other games. This review really serves no purpose but to insight the fans of the game. It's not as if anyone is clamouring to read a review that says pretty much the same thing we have known for months, unless it's the kind of person who wants to validate the thoughts, they share with the reviewer.
I can't even comprehend how the game launched as it did. Incomplete is an understatement. The release version of FFXIV was barely worthy of an Alpha build two years from release.
Square Enix could have fixed the game, if they really wanted to and were willing to spend the needed money and devote the needed manpower. However, looking at how little progress they've made since launch, it's clear they opted to pretend to fix it while devoting a shoe sting budget and a tiny staff.
I had some small hope when they suspended monthly fees and promised to make the game worthy. The very barest skeleton of a good game are their, but it lacks all the flesh, blood, muscles, tendons, skin and grey matter needed to be considered complete and viable.
FFXIV and Tabula Rasa seem to be two of a kind. Big budget MMOs helmed by reknowned game designers that were more than utter disappointments, they were extremely incomplete disappointments that seem to have forgotten that MMOs need actual content. Both titles and the people that worked on them boggle my mind in a way no other games ever have in the genre. There have been many bad MMOs, but never has badness been so pointless. In both cases, it's almost akin to paying a reknowned aircraft manufacturer millions for an ultimate private jet and getting a paper air plane in return. Then being told that the paper airplane does everything you would expect of a world class jet, even though it's clearly just a piece of paper folded a few times pretending to be something it's not.
I can't even comprehend how the game launched as it did. Incomplete is an understatement. The release version of FFXIV was barely worthy of an Alpha build two years from release.
Square Enix could have fixed the game, if they really wanted to and were willing to spend the needed money and devote the needed manpower. However, looking at how little progress they've made since launch, it's clear they opted to pretend to fix it while devoting a shoe sting budget and a tiny staff.
I had some small hope when they suspended monthly fees and promised to make the game worthy. The very barest skeleton of a good game are their, but it lacks all the flesh, blood, muscles, tendons, skin and grey matter needed to be considered complete and viable.
Yeah I agree, I've often wondered how it actually released as it was. I guess now I'm just commited, and the upcoming changes, up until the PS3 release sound decent. I'm purely hoping it all works out, but I am not delusional, I don't have fun with the current game.
I can't even comprehend how the game launched as it did. Incomplete is an understatement. The release version of FFXIV was barely worthy of an Alpha build two years from release.
Square Enix could have fixed the game, if they really wanted to and were willing to spend the needed money and devote the needed manpower. However, looking at how little progress they've made since launch, it's clear they opted to pretend to fix it while devoting a shoe sting budget and a tiny staff.
I had some small hope when they suspended monthly fees and promised to make the game worthy. The very barest skeleton of a good game are their, but it lacks all the flesh, blood, muscles, tendons, skin and grey matter needed to be considered complete and viable.
FFXIV and Tabula Rasa seem to be two of a kind. Big budget MMOs helmed by reknowned game designers that were more than utter disappointments, they were extremely incomplete disappointments that seem to have forgotten that MMOs need actual content. Both titles and the people that worked on them boggle my mind in a way no other games ever have in the genre. There have been many bad MMOs, but never has badness been so pointless. In both cases, it's almost akin to paying a reknowned aircraft manufacturer millions for an ultimate private jet and getting a paper air plane in return. Then being told that the paper airplane does everything you would expect of a world class jet, even though it's clearly just a piece of paper folded a few times pretending to be something it's not.
Not really, they have actually retained a full development staff (after restructuring), and have multiple teams working on both the revisions and content. However because they are doing major revisions to just about the entire game the foundations of that have to be built from the ground up. Now that we are getting 1.18, 1.19, and 1.2 they will have much of that foundation and have stated that future updates bringing more content will be more frequent.
The game is not on lifesupport no matter how many of you want to try and pretend it is. The difference between this game and many other MMO's with a bad launch is that this Square Enix is still commited to putting in the resources and talent to salvage and re-release the game.
Lame saying is lame.
Friday is the start of the big revamp for this game. Including a combat overhaul...
Dare I say Friday will be the final straw...
I already talk players online, they say they will leave if the overhaul is failure..
The combat overhaul every fan boi is harping about... it's auto attacking...
Yea, sad.
Face it, the game is the same piece of trash that it was on release.
And about the patch, I have NEVER EVER saw a wonder patch, in any game.
Sure, I can write a bunch of titles that claim that are preparing a wonder patch. But no such thing exists! It NEVER existed!
So, I should believe that SE, that launched a game that was so bad that I quit while testing it (so I couldn't bare playing/testing it for free), will get themselves together and release the grand-daddy of all patches. Seriously? You people are naive, if you believe that.
What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?
Only thing good about this game was the pretty graphics. Other than that it was one of the worst games I ever played. I agree with some ppl 5/10 is generous.
Feel bad for those people in japan, but this game came out before that disaster and I'm not gonna cut them a break and imma speak my opinion. The game sucks. You need to change the whole thing around or just get rid of it.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Think I may try and go check it out to see if I notice much of a difference. Last time I played it was the same thing over and over. Pick up a few cards go do a few kill quests and that was all there was to do. Very boring.. maybe it has changed, I hope that's the case because like other people said it was boring and tedious.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
No one is calling it a "wonder patch" it's laying the foundation.
And yes....... there is full map and zone overhauls coming in future, so there is a patch for that. They have already realized the issues with the maps / zones, and are doing full overhauls.
Just another example of people who played during Beta / the initial release, and have no idea the new direction and shape the game is talking.
"What about the actual maps in the game? Are you gonna claim that they are not copy/pasted from small premade pieces, and put together in a big "deja-vu"-puzzle? Is there a patch for that too?"
In one of the interviews, the producer even admitted that they copied and pasted some parts of the world.
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
I really have to disagree with you there. A week ago I loged in, it took me good few minutes to figure out how to kill a mob. So the UI is still just as horrandous.
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
Yeah, admitted they are aware of the shitness of some of the maps, and informed us that they are doing full zone redesigns on these.
Yes there is actually.
Here is some information on it from the producer himself:
It's called research.
Dude, after almost a year or so, if we're still complaining about UI, than I would call this bad progress. And if as little thing as UI has not been fixed in a year, than when are we going to see the world re-disign?
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
What are you disagreeing with? I wouldn't call it "horrandous" and it's definitely less shit if you use a controller.
The game sucks harder than a collapsed star!
And the review pretty much sums up my feelings about most Square Enix games at the moment. I just really REALLY hope Deus Ex is the one exception to that rule...
I was just thinking that I was thinking that that ------
Who said they got away with it? The original producer did get the shitcan... so...? The game is free still, while they attempt to save it.
If it was actually his fault, or the big boss rushing him, who knows. I don't like the game in it's current state, I definitely don't love it, but I've been playing since release, and I like the new direction.
To sum all this up:
- The map is TO BE FIXED..
- The quest system is TO BE FIXED..
- The UI is TO BE FIXED..
- The combat is TO BE FIXED..
... are we still talking about a game? What game? Where is the game? I only see a list of things.. TO BE FIXED..
Not sure on your point? I was simply pointing out your statement about the maps had already been addressed, making you look a bit silly for making statements before doing the slightest amount of research.
Along with the review calling confirmed facts, rumors.
I find it funny you hate this game with a passion, and still post here. Get over it, the old producer got fired, as well as other lead managers. The new ones can't come in and be like "OH WELL, WE OVERHAULED ALL THINGS ALREADY HERE YOU GO!!"
It takes time, give them time. They are already beginning the revamp process this friday. If you hate this game so much, leave it be and MOVE ON.
Like how FFXIV is just another piece of evidence of the detrimental effects of poor game development?
What excuse would the FFXIV apologists have come up with if the review came out a month or two after the upcomming patch and it still got a low score?
Personally I would give it a thumbsup, and not be playing the game any longer, if their second attempt fails.
This game is piece of trash and review 10 months after release proves it.
I've gotta agree with the point you made. This game should have been reviewed about a month after release, back when it was relevant and if enough had been change/improved since then; could have easily done a re-review, like they do with other games. This review really serves no purpose but to insight the fans of the game. It's not as if anyone is clamouring to read a review that says pretty much the same thing we have known for months, unless it's the kind of person who wants to validate the thoughts, they share with the reviewer.
I can't even comprehend how the game launched as it did. Incomplete is an understatement. The release version of FFXIV was barely worthy of an Alpha build two years from release.
Square Enix could have fixed the game, if they really wanted to and were willing to spend the needed money and devote the needed manpower. However, looking at how little progress they've made since launch, it's clear they opted to pretend to fix it while devoting a shoe sting budget and a tiny staff.
I had some small hope when they suspended monthly fees and promised to make the game worthy. The very barest skeleton of a good game are their, but it lacks all the flesh, blood, muscles, tendons, skin and grey matter needed to be considered complete and viable.
FFXIV and Tabula Rasa seem to be two of a kind. Big budget MMOs helmed by reknowned game designers that were more than utter disappointments, they were extremely incomplete disappointments that seem to have forgotten that MMOs need actual content. Both titles and the people that worked on them boggle my mind in a way no other games ever have in the genre. There have been many bad MMOs, but never has badness been so pointless. In both cases, it's almost akin to paying a reknowned aircraft manufacturer millions for an ultimate private jet and getting a paper air plane in return. Then being told that the paper airplane does everything you would expect of a world class jet, even though it's clearly just a piece of paper folded a few times pretending to be something it's not.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

{mod edit}
Originally posted by fiontar
I can't even comprehend how the game launched as it did. Incomplete is an understatement. The release version of FFXIV was barely worthy of an Alpha build two years from release.
Square Enix could have fixed the game, if they really wanted to and were willing to spend the needed money and devote the needed manpower. However, looking at how little progress they've made since launch, it's clear they opted to pretend to fix it while devoting a shoe sting budget and a tiny staff.
I had some small hope when they suspended monthly fees and promised to make the game worthy. The very barest skeleton of a good game are their, but it lacks all the flesh, blood, muscles, tendons, skin and grey matter needed to be considered complete and viable.
Yeah I agree, I've often wondered how it actually released as it was. I guess now I'm just commited, and the upcoming changes, up until the PS3 release sound decent. I'm purely hoping it all works out, but I am not delusional, I don't have fun with the current game.
Not really, they have actually retained a full development staff (after restructuring), and have multiple teams working on both the revisions and content. However because they are doing major revisions to just about the entire game the foundations of that have to be built from the ground up. Now that we are getting 1.18, 1.19, and 1.2 they will have much of that foundation and have stated that future updates bringing more content will be more frequent.
The game is not on lifesupport no matter how many of you want to try and pretend it is. The difference between this game and many other MMO's with a bad launch is that this Square Enix is still commited to putting in the resources and talent to salvage and re-release the game.