I was pumped too. But then logged and my 80 ToS that has the RotGS xpac tied to my account can not enter any of the lvl 80 xpac zones without buying a 3/7 day pass.
Guess I can level another toon, but that has me seriously bummed out. Maybe FC will change that up. I really thought that I read that I would have access to the outdoor zones, and some instances since I purchased it originally. But no xpac content despite having paid for it at launch is a hard pill to swallow.
We shall see. I was really looking forward to playing again. =(
Current: BDO Looking forward to: Crowfall & Chronicles of Elyria
I should think it is more of an expanded free trial than a full-on F2P system like you see in LOTRO/DDO etc. Well a few f2p players are not really happy with AOC F2P model http://forums.ageofconan.com/showthread.php?t=234581
NO F2P GAME is tailored to favour end-game players. Lotro and DDO does not give you more access to content if you're free player. It's a myth, get over it. If you want to play a game for more than a couple of days--played time, and see every bit of content you really shouldn't expect to not pay anything. Nothing in this world is free, where the hell do you live?
I was pumped too. But then logged and my 80 ToS that has the RotGS xpac tied to my account can not enter any of the lvl 80 xpac zones without buying a 3/7 day pass.
Guess I can level another toon, but that has me seriously bummed out. Maybe FC will change that up. I really thought that I read that I would have access to the outdoor zones, and some instances since I purchased it originally. But no xpac content despite having paid for it at launch is a hard pill to swallow.
We shall see. I was really looking forward to playing again. =(
Current: BDO
Looking forward to: Crowfall & Chronicles of Elyria
I should think it is more of an expanded free trial than a full-on F2P system like you see in LOTRO/DDO etc. Well a few f2p players are not really happy with AOC F2P model http://forums.ageofconan.com/showthread.php?t=234581
Pardon my English as it is not my 1st language
NO F2P GAME is tailored to favour end-game players. Lotro and DDO does not give you more access to content if you're free player. It's a myth, get over it. If you want to play a game for more than a couple of days--played time, and see every bit of content you really shouldn't expect to not pay anything. Nothing in this world is free, where the hell do you live?
Duplicate thread.
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