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Logged onto trial, didn't expect much, but I have to say it's pretty solid and well playable; few bugs but nothing too annoying. I'm not a great mecha fan, but the robots are cute and fun to control and do stuff with. Combat is surprisingly absorbing, and the PvE is a bit more hands-on engaging than EVE's. The lore is decent enough, and the art design, including both robot design and world design, is actually very good indeed, as is the atmospheric ambient music. All in all, a pretty high immersion factor for me.
Comparisons to EVE are inevitable, but it's no direct clone: there are enough subtle but pleasant differences from EVE to make it its own game; the skill system is actually slightly better than EVE's, in that you accrue points so long as you are subscribed, and you can spend them as you will - no skill queue worries (just restraint and patience worries now ).
Terraforming is on the cards for the future, and that should be interesting.
All in all, dammit, I think I'm going to subscribe. There's an exciting "new frontiers" feeling to the game at the moment, especially with the influx of new players from the recent EVE shenanigans.
It's not really a solo-friendly MMO (as I said, the PvE is more fun than EVE's, but there isn't a lot of mission variety at the moment), and I think most of the juice will be in PvP and corp v. corp activity in the game's equivalent of 0.0 space, so I will probably be joining a corp at some point.
But I do recommend it if you like the complexity, player-driven nature and overall playstyle of EVE, but are otherwise not a fan of that game per se. The only thing that EVE does better, really, is the avatars and the mind-expanding nature of the vastness of space, which can be super-immersive; otherwise, EVE is simply older and has lots more detail and complexity because of that, but in some ways - mainly in the fact that you directly WASD control your avatar - this is actually a more fun game.
I think I will give it a shot as well. I played Eve for over 5 years before I finally decided to park the titan, give away the dreadnaughts and hand over the keys to the station while at the same time laying down MMOs for a while.
Now I have a shiny new computer that is fully speced to handle these newer MMOs coming out. And I think this one seems like it should be fun
There is a Madness that has grown in the Light. And it is coming to burn you a cinder
I think this is on the money. Because you directly control the bot it feels more interactive.
There are a few other things about combat, the npc's for one.. they arnt dumb! and apart from a few of the low level bots you really have to group up to kill the spawns. So many people lose bots to begin with.. which is annoying because money isnt easy come by at the start.
Meaning that you dont really have a choice, you have to join up with others and get into a corp.
One or two other small things;
Missile turrets! All turrets in game have a model they are well animated (and arnt so small you cant see them)
Explosions are explosive! The sound and explosion effect when bots blow are very satisfying and bring a little smile to your face
No clones to worry about... the only thing you lose is your bot, no need to fuss about implants and clones.