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So I have netflix and decided to watch the Stargate SG-1 series. It is really good.
Anyway, my Roommate asked me, why have they not made an MMO out of the Stargate SG-1 shows. It has great lore, a ton of races and endless worlds to explorer.
I thought about it and yea it seems like a good question.
So I did some searches on the web and found that a few have tried but all have gone under because of funding.
Anyone care to provide me with some more information on why this great series that is ripe to be created into MMO has not been after all these years?
Sooner or Later
Google Stargate Worlds for the answer to your question.
Yeah they tried, it was called stargate worlds. It turned out to be vaporware
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Been there, Gone now
Or just google "How to ruin a MMO for dummys"
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
The only one I know of was the last by C. Mountain and it went into lawsuits and everything else.
Basically the answer would be none of the big name companies went for the IP. Starting up an indie company just to do 1 game is ripe for trouble.
Now by what I saw of the adverts etc.... C. Mountain had a lot of good idea's for the game. Flanking, tactically thinking, puzzles etc.... so it might have been a really good game if the boss hadn't spent the money on everything else.
Problem with IP games is the fan's will always think it should go one way and hate if their beloved actors aren't in it, b) the whole strike while the iron is hot thing - shouldn't started it at the end of the series and released it with the movies.
SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter
As others have said it was started and got shit canned. With a great deal of luck maybe someone will pick up where Cheyenne Mountain left off. The game really did look interesting.
Hey it's Scorpius.
I was in the beta (if you can even call it a beta) and with in the first hour i knew it was doomed.
I'd say more as to why but no real point to now we know it went that way.
Please do explain why
It's not pointless if it will satisfy my curiousity.
I dunno, I sorta lump SG1, Battlestar, Sliders, and Enterprise in the same bucket.
They're just not quite Dr Who (which embraces its complete ridiculousness and has awesome scriptwriting) and GITS:Standalone Complex (which explores future tech in interesting ways.)
And it certainly doesn't help that HBO's high quality series have ruined my taste for pulpy sci-fi.
As far as suitability for MMORPGs, I'm not sure any of the sci-fi series I've named (even the good ones) are particularly well-suited.
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
I think that the premise of SG Worlds had promise. Seeing that they weren't restricted to just one environment or type world to use for questing, pvp, etc etc.
What little I remember of it was basically a tab target with the usual action bar skill set up. Though there was an interesting twist of a cover system to mitigate some of the incoming fire. Believe they only had a solider type class when I was in their beta, graphics were fairly decent though the animations were a tad lacking.
Though seeing it was beta gave it excuses due to the bugs on the quests, spawns and other bits and tidbits. Reporting what I could and seeing what could be broken.
The short tutorial i had to do god knows how many times to get past it with all the bugs.
I can't recall anymore what it was but the combat just felt so wrong and hated it right away but this may have been just me.
Well it was beta but still they had yet to give the jaffa armor/clothes so they all were running about in their underwear witch hit me as odd as they didn't even have that much done.
After the tutorial hell got sent to some place i think was meant to be a quest hub with only a few npc and out of them very few even less worked/talk to you. No quests no anything that i found anyways just a lot of other people standing about as clueless as me what there was to do.
I don't think it was even ready for an alpha test stage yet and seeing how things went for them later on i think they wanted to push it out asap.