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2 quick questions before trial

Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803

ive been looking at this game and before trying it i have 2 quick questions that i have not seen on reviews (ill be honest i have not looked to much in depth yet, have looked at a few youtube reviews)

1 how is death handled? mech loss, full loot? partial loot? (any equivalence to EvE's pod?)

2 how are the corp/alliance mechanics , as deep as eve online? or just a simple way to get people playing together)

3 is there territory/ressource control? claiming territory, cities, buildings, perks for owning/having sovreignty over?

4 any player owned structures? bases, harvestors, cities, anything?


if not... are any of those in the works for future updates? its why i didnt stick with darkfall. no real clan/alliance mechanics other than to facilitate groups for personal gain. there was no real territory control, yet it has potential.



didnt quit eve due to the recent events, i quit back in november 2010. i also don't have any plans to resub. to much time required to do anything worth doing... sorry but i dont have 2 hours to prep for a roam, or a "call to arms"

then another hour to get everyone to destination and then 45 seconds of "yar!!! LAG!!! your dead... i think... let me relog.... yup im back in high is my clone doing in high sec... oh shit i was using my +5 implant clone...(yes we've all done it)



  • DashiDMVDashiDMV Member Posts: 362

    Not a Pvp'er at all and have only been in the game about 5 days now but I will help the best I can.


    1. If you die your mech is destroyed and you leave behind a container of goods that is locked to you for about 2 1/2 mins. After that it is free for anyone to loot. You are not actually in the robot(storyline is you are remote controlling it) so there is no loss of life, or skill points or any of that. You just respawn at your hime base. You can request a starter bot like EvE when you have nothing left. 

    2. Not sure the structure and detail since I am not in one(trial players are not aloowed to join corps) maybe someone else can help you on this.


    3. Right now there are what are called "alpha" islands and "beta" islands. Alpha is hi-sec non pvp(unless you flag yourself) and is what you would expect of a PvE area. The beta islands are full PvP with outposts that can be controlled. The big feature everyone is waiting for is terraforming which will let people put their own mark on territory and then the battle for claims should really get going.

    4. Just the outposts for now that I know of with the o0ther mechanics to come soon.


    Again hopefully someone with more knowledge can help you before you start your trial but maybe this helped a little. Also with the problems going on now with the relay server if you join now, you will almost certainly get extra time so wouldn't hurt to step in now.


    Good luck.



  • thinktank001thinktank001 Member UncommonPosts: 2,144

    1)  There is mech loss and all the loot in it upon death ( although I know there is insurance ).

    I don't think it is full loot, but I know you can loot some items off your kills ( seen it in a video ).

    I don't think there is anything like podding. 


    2)  There is no official alliance mechanic.  There just isn't enough players.

    Corps are still actively being fleshed out, but they are pretty good already.  


    3)  Corps can own outposts on the beta islands and they give industrial and economic perks.   The beta/alpah islands do contain at least one unique resource, and believe the beta islands have better quantities of the higher tier resources.  The devs are still actively developing this system.


    4) I think harvestors are the only player made structures atm.


    A quick look at the what the devs are working on.    Blog

    A quick guide with some info.  Game Guide



    I'm pretty new to the game myself so I'm not sure entirely how accurate my information is.

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