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look at Minecraft...

GwingGwing Member Posts: 85

so i watch some videos of Minecraft and i must say....its look actually quite fun...if u dont mind gonna give it a shot would be a nice change from a mmo since the genera is dying to me...



  • jjjk29jjjk29 Member Posts: 295

    Originally posted by Gwing

    so i watch some videos of Minecraft and i must say....its look actually quite fun...if u dont mind gonna give it a shot would be a nice change from a mmo since the genera is dying to me...

      It is painfully fun.  By painfully I mean my eyes hurt I play it so much.  It and SC2....


      But no really it rules.  Have fun.


      Good luck on trying to find a server if you are looking for a multiplarer exp.

  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701

    MC is an insane amount of fun. I have been playing it for over 6 months and it's as fun today as it was the day I started. Every once in a while I need to break for a couple of weeks, but it's always amazingly fun when I start back up again. Not since I was playing infocom games on my Commodore 64, have I lost so many hours on end, day in and day out, on a game. If I didn't have to work so darn much I'd live in the damn game.

    Screw Notch for making this. I hate him dammit.

    It may not be for everyone, but I'll be damned if it hasn't been for everyone I've turned on to it... and that's quite a few people including a bunch of old fogie "non-gamers"

    Just pure, primal fun!


  • NevulusNevulus Member UncommonPosts: 1,288

    Originally posted by Mithrandolir

    MC is an insane amount of fun. I have been playing it for over 6 months and it's as fun today as it was the day I started. Every once in a while I need to break for a couple of weeks, but it's always amazingly fun when I start back up again. Not since I was playing infocom games on my Commodore 64, have I lost so many hours on end, day in and day out, on a game. If I didn't have to work so darn much I'd live in the damn game.

    Screw Notch for making this. I hate him dammit.

    It may not be for everyone, but I'll be damned if it hasn't been for everyone I've turned on to it... and that's quite a few people including a bunch of old fogie "non-gamers"

    Just pure, primal fun!


    Just curious, what's so fun about it? 

    Sidenote: Damn I miss my Commodore 64k, lol.

  • EqvaliserEqvaliser Member Posts: 74

    Been running a couple of servers for 6 months now..  great game..

    So much entertainment and fun for such a little price..  and the 1.7 major update is just around the cornor.

    Notch (developer) refers to it as the adventure update, but will not let us know what that includes ;)

    Playing MMO's since my first which was Ultima online, then Anarchy online. and so on.. ;)
    Now a days im very critical before i ewen bother downloading a Free to play mmo.

  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701

    Originally posted by Nevulus

    Originally posted by Mithrandolir

    MC is an insane amount of fun. I have been playing it for over 6 months and it's as fun today as it was the day I started. Every once in a while I need to break for a couple of weeks, but it's always amazingly fun when I start back up again. Not since I was playing infocom games on my Commodore 64, have I lost so many hours on end, day in and day out, on a game. If I didn't have to work so darn much I'd live in the damn game.

    Screw Notch for making this. I hate him dammit.

    It may not be for everyone, but I'll be damned if it hasn't been for everyone I've turned on to it... and that's quite a few people including a bunch of old fogie "non-gamers"

    Just pure, primal fun!


    Just curious, what's so fun about it? 

    Sidenote: Damn I miss my Commodore 64k, lol.

    The open ended, non linear exploration of each randomly generated world (both above and below the surface)

    The primal survival instinct as that first night falls and all hell breaks loose.

    The discovery through trial and error of all of the recipes and craftables.

    The manipulation of everything and anything in the game, which leads to another primal emotion that occurs when one creates something really cool out of pretty much nothing. I mean, you really are limited only to your imagination in this one :)

    And that primal (have I used that word enough? ;) ) fear of being a mile under ground at 3am, lights out and headphones on, and turning around to see a creeper face to face with you, hissing and then KABOOM! dead, all those resources dropped and my heart needing to be kicked to restart it, lol!

    It simply never seems to get old for me. I do need to break once in a blue moon, simply because I play a LOT and eventually start to dream in blocks and hear that pick axe in my head all day, lol

    And I too miss my 64. So much fun had with that machine... back when games were made out of a love for gaming. Kinda like Minecraft :) Quantumlink was my first online experience and I think I racked up like 40 bucks per day in phone access! LOL My poor parents... they were champs :)




  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701

    Originally posted by Eqvaliser

    Been running a couple of servers for 6 months now..  great game..

    So much entertainment and fun for such a little price..  and the 1.7 major update is just around the cornor.

    Notch (developer) refers to it as the adventure update, but will not let us know what that includes ;)


    and nice avatar! ;)

  • GwingGwing Member Posts: 85

    god this game sounds great! So whats the problem with multiplayer? Is it no one plays?

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    I thought Minecraft was okay,  I played it for about a month but just couldn't keep going.  I have a lot more fun playing Terraria.  


    Same basic concept,  different implementation.  Ultimately though its fun when you get  a lot of people in game at once and PvP it up.  I ran a server for a couple months and now I just start it up when I have people wanting to play, or join someone elses.

  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679
    D00d you can download high res skins for minecraft! Itll look sexy and sleek d00d!

    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

  • spookydomspookydom Member UncommonPosts: 1,782

    Originally posted by Mithrandolir

    Originally posted by Nevulus

    Originally posted by Mithrandolir

    MC is an insane amount of fun. I have been playing it for over 6 months and it's as fun today as it was the day I started. Every once in a while I need to break for a couple of weeks, but it's always amazingly fun when I start back up again. Not since I was playing infocom games on my Commodore 64, have I lost so many hours on end, day in and day out, on a game. If I didn't have to work so darn much I'd live in the damn game.

    Screw Notch for making this. I hate him dammit.

    It may not be for everyone, but I'll be damned if it hasn't been for everyone I've turned on to it... and that's quite a few people including a bunch of old fogie "non-gamers"

    Just pure, primal fun!


    Just curious, what's so fun about it? 

    Sidenote: Damn I miss my Commodore 64k, lol.

    The open ended, non linear exploration of each randomly generated world (both above and below the surface)

    The primal survival instinct as that first night falls and all hell breaks loose.

    The discovery through trial and error of all of the recipes and craftables.

    The manipulation of everything and anything in the game, which leads to another primal emotion that occurs when one creates something really cool out of pretty much nothing. I mean, you really are limited only to your imagination in this one :)

    And that primal (have I used that word enough? ;) ) fear of being a mile under ground at 3am, lights out and headphones on, and turning around to see a creeper face to face with you, hissing and then KABOOM! dead, all those resources dropped and my heart needing to be kicked to restart it, lol!

    It simply never seems to get old for me. I do need to break once in a blue moon, simply because I play a LOT and eventually start to dream in blocks and hear that pick axe in my head all day, lol

    And I too miss my 64. So much fun had with that machine... back when games were made out of a love for gaming. Kinda like Minecraft :) Quantumlink was my first online experience and I think I racked up like 40 bucks per day in phone access! LOL My poor parents... they were champs :)




    This sums up my feelings pretty much. I love Minecraft. Best £13 I have spent in a long time. I am with you totaly on the 3am lights out, under ground thing. This games ability to freak me out is something amazing. But you know?, you have to find diamonds so that you can mine obsidian so you can build that portal to hell on the roof of your castle that you aways wanted. Such a simple game, so much fun. As you say it takes me right back to the days of Comadore and Amiga gaming I loved so much.

  • GwingGwing Member Posts: 85

    just downloaded it...what is a good server ip for multiplayer?

  • GwingGwing Member Posts: 85

    well all i have to say is WOW! this game is loads of fun n really addicting! i cant stop playing it. got a lil village growing on a nicely populated server, have opend trades with a neighboring village. Cant wait for this game to get out of beta n launch its 10/10 in my book. FAR FAR FAR superior to WoW lol and i been playing it for 6yrs.


    Needless to say i will be deleting wow and never going back :p

    That is untill SW:TOR comes out...

  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648

    Minecraft is the only game that has made my physically jump out of my seat.

    The only game that has made me build creative structures for no good reason other than to simply build them because I can.

    The only game that you start with absolutely nothing whatsoever and end up creating an entire mansion/castle/keep/fortress of doom out of the raw materials found entirely in the environment.

    You can plant a freakin' garden and sow fields on a homestead!

    You can mine a mile or two underground, and build up to the sky at the same time.

    You can create rail carts that double as automated roller coasters for those long mine shafts (and pretend you're playing the old Indiana Jones game for NES).

    The only game where this face   :(   gives you nightmares.


  • MeridionMeridion Member UncommonPosts: 1,495

    Originally posted by Gwing

    well all i have to say is WOW! this game is loads of fun n really addicting! i cant stop playing it. got a lil village growing on a nicely populated server, have opend trades with a neighboring village. Cant wait for this game to get out of beta n launch its 10/10 in my book. FAR FAR FAR superior to WoW lol and i been playing it for 6yrs.


    Needless to say i will be deleting wow and never going back :p

    That is untill SW:TOR comes out...

    So you're going back to WoW when SW:TOR hits the shelves? Uuuum?


  • quentin405quentin405 Member Posts: 468

    Originally posted by Gwing
    well all i have to say is WOW! this game is loads of fun n really addicting! i cant stop playing it. got a lil village growing on a nicely populated server, have opend trades with a neighboring village. Cant wait for this game to get out of beta n launch its 10/10 in my book. FAR FAR FAR superior to WoW lol and i been playing it for 6yrs.
    Needless to say i will be deleting wow and never going back :p

    Yikes.. Maybe you should give minecraft a bit more time... It IS really fun for everyone the first day or two.. but thats when people either stay playing minecraft or move on with life :)


  • WoopinWoopin Member UncommonPosts: 1,012

    Originally posted by quentin405


    Originally posted by Gwing

    well all i have to say is WOW! this game is loads of fun n really addicting! i cant stop playing it. got a lil village growing on a nicely populated server, have opend trades with a neighboring village. Cant wait for this game to get out of beta n launch its 10/10 in my book. FAR FAR FAR superior to WoW lol and i been playing it for 6yrs.


    Needless to say i will be deleting wow and never going back :p


    Yikes.. Maybe you should give minecraft a bit more time... It IS really fun for everyone the first day or two.. but thats when people either stay playing minecraft or move on with life :)

    I think you need to re-read what he/she said.


    Also I have a minecraft server pivate one and me and friends have had some real fun on it the 1.8 update sounds awesome even deleting our current world soon as 1.8 hits.


  • ErifNevowErifNevow Member Posts: 97

    Too bad that if you bought beta, your supposedly going to have to rebuy the launch version. At least that's what it sounded like at the end of Alpha testing back in December.


    Oh, and because I don't think there is any harm in it, check out We are a huge server, friendly community and all that. The mods are actually trying to do there jobs, and the owners are great guys.

    Newb= Newly Enrolled Wannabe Badass.

  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679

    Originally posted by Gwing

    so i watch some videos of Minecraft and i must say....its look actually quite fun...if u dont mind gonna give it a shot would be a nice change from a mmo since the genera is dying to me...

    Download some high res skins for minecraft and you wont have any eye bleeding problems anymore :)

    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    This game proves that mmos are overrated. Minecraft is a great game!

  • lornphoenixlornphoenix Member Posts: 993

    Originally posted by ErifNevow

    Too bad that if you bought beta, your supposedly going to have to rebuy the launch version. At least that's what it sounded like at the end of Alpha testing back in December.

    Uh, no. You buy the game now while in beta you just get it at a reduced price.

    only way you may need to buy it again, is if you get it on Xbox.

  • marinridermarinrider Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    Originally posted by lornphoenix

    Originally posted by ErifNevow

    Too bad that if you bought beta, your supposedly going to have to rebuy the launch version. At least that's what it sounded like at the end of Alpha testing back in December.

    Uh, no. You buy the game now while in beta you just get it at a reduced price.

    only way you may need to buy it again, is if you get it on Xbox.



    I do know that beta and after users will have to pay for any extras that come up like if he decides to do DLCs some time in the future.  Alpha users will never have to pay for anything related to the game again (not sure if that includes xbox as it wasnt really in the pipeline back then).

  • Aoshi_XAoshi_X Member Posts: 6

    I actually don't find hte game that interesting =/

  • bumuscheekusbumuscheekus Member Posts: 214

    It does have diminishing returns but I'm kind of ashamed to say I've had more fun breaking into and exploring caverns with torches and a flimsy bow, shitting myself expecting creepers around every corner that the entire last three years I played of wow. And it's just blocks. And it likely cost about 1 millionth of the price to make. Back to basics is sometimes not a bad thing at all at all. Looking forward to see how he develops the system in the future.   

  • Drekker17Drekker17 Member Posts: 296

    Originally posted by Aoshi_X

    I actually don't find hte game that interesting =/

    This. It's good for the first few days, then just extremely boring after that. Not worth the $20 at all, I should've just bought another sub for WoW (however I was bored with that, so it likely would've been a waste as well). Hopefully when the game is considered done it will be much better.

    "Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
    "Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security." -Norman Vincent Peale

  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648

    Originally posted by Drekker17

    Originally posted by Aoshi_X

    I actually don't find hte game that interesting =/

    This. It's good for the first few days, then just extremely boring after that. Not worth the $20 at all, I should've just bought another sub for WoW (however I was bored with that, so it likely would've been a waste as well). Hopefully when the game is considered done it will be much better.

    Most games you pay a good $40 or $50 for and get maybe a week out of them.  Minecraft is at least on par with its pricing, not to mention with only 2 days of play time, unless you pulled all-nighters, there was a lot of the game you didn't see/experience.

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