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DONE! Guess its not for everyone...

GwingGwing Member Posts: 85

Game is awsome but im quitting it...why u ask? Well i dont liek the fact that players decked out in the best gear in the game camp noob citys and stalk them for the kill....dont u guys have better things to do that kill noobs and thus making them disgusted with the game in turn scaring them away and thus not allowing the darkfall pop to grow? Shoudl be a protection area in noob zones is my opinion....didnt liek the fact that i grinded my ass 3hr to get all the iron i needed to get my armorsmithing to 50 just so i can make scale then get it and go out n get ganked on a quest n lose everything...then i go back to the city mine some more ore and IN CITY get ganked on my way back to the bank and my 210 ore gone...


Like my topic said guess its not for everyone...all in all the gameplay and aside from the retarded eliet players this game is grea a nice change from normal MMO's....sadly i will be leaving and going back to consol since i seem to cannot find a MMO any more that can keep my intrest...untill star wars comes out that is



  • ShodanasShodanas Member RarePosts: 1,933

    I understand your frustration to some extend and agree that Darkfall can be brutal and make you blow steam of your ears. Try to get into a decent clan, it's VERY important as games like this or EVE are NOT made for solo play. The important thing is to hang in there and not get discouraged.

  • GwingGwing Member Posts: 85

    A clan is very important...i heard this alot. but when i asked in game if anyone had one i could join or checked the broken clan tab in the Journal i could not find one or got the awnser..."Check the forums"....i didnt c what was so hard about inviting me? Im shud i would probly still be playing if i could have gotten into one but i found it next to impossible to get into one because of ppl not willing to send out a invite and were quick to dfismiss you to the forums.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261

    Originally posted by Gwing

    A clan is very important...i heard this alot. but when i asked in game if anyone had one i could join or checked the broken clan tab in the Journal i could not find one or got the awnser..."Check the forums"....i didnt c what was so hard about inviting me? Im shud i would probly still be playing if i could have gotten into one but i found it next to impossible to get into one because of ppl not willing to send out a invite and were quick to dfismiss you to the forums.

    You don't understand MMO's like Darkfall, letting someone join your clan is not taken likely by most people as they need to be able to depend on and trust you.

    Application processes are the norm, and it sounds like you were pretty new, and most clans will wait to see if you can "hack" it in DF before letting you join. 

    Same thing happens in EVE, most groups have minimum SP/Playtime requirements before they'll let you join, but there are a decent selection of corps that will take you in once you get past your free trial.

    So asking you to check the forums (where there was likely important information about the clan and what they are looking for in a member) was a reasonable request and one you should have been willing to do.

    I've researched corporations for weeks before joining one in EVE, and yet I've joined almost 10 in my  3.5 years in EVE.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ShodanasShodanas Member RarePosts: 1,933

    Originally posted by Gwing

    A clan is very important...i heard this alot. but when i asked in game if anyone had one i could join or checked the broken clan tab in the Journal i could not find one or got the awnser..."Check the forums"....i didnt c what was so hard about inviting me? Im shud i would probly still be playing if i could have gotten into one but i found it next to impossible to get into one because of ppl not willing to send out a invite and were quick to dfismiss you to the forums.

    Well, decent clans or guilds do not invite their members via the chat channels. Check the relevant forums for a clan matching your expectations, contact an officer or someone in charge in game for some more info and then go to their website and apply. This is how it works my friend.

  • Mad+DogMad+Dog Member UncommonPosts: 788

    Sounds like WoW or Rfit would be better for you.

    Darkfall is for pro active and none soft players out there. One thing Darkfall is not and that's easy mode.

  • DarthRaidenDarthRaiden Member UncommonPosts: 4,333

     i noticed one thing from what you say OP.  210 iron in your bag ? You need to cut down your session in smaller parts, bank more often in short, bank after every node so after 40 - 45 iron. 

    Then i noticed clan tab broken ? journal pages open in a sepaarte process, probably you need to grant that process access rights in firewall.

    $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
    -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!

    "There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)

  • alakramalakram Member UncommonPosts: 2,301

    Well If you want ot give Darkfall another chance here is my advice:

    Never risk what you can't afford to loose, that means, before you wear a new armor you must have at least 2 more on your bank. And everything like that, weapons, mounts and so.

    I tried Darkfall, liked it, and decided it was not for me, I got too much angry with some of the darkfall features that I thought it wasn't worth it so I understand you really well, but is a good game.

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    Thanks alot for the 210 iron, gave it away to a clansman in need.

    Vendored everything else.

  • ViareViare Member UncommonPosts: 45

    I think we can all agree DF currently has the most POTENTIAL to be the greatest MMO of all time.      Only problem is,   the devs, aventurine.   Are absolutley useless, extremely SLOW with updates/ content, like even slower than FREE MMOS like Hellbreath ive played.    I mean someone in AV  built the frame to there dream,  then ran out of juice to build the rest of the house.        Its actually an awsome game,  with serious deficits.


    My main problems were, travel-uber wizard/ultimate warrior chars (clearly a sign of an infinite amount of time spent grinding and macroing in the early games development).    Problem with DF is,   if you played early on...  Your UBER because of the various exploits there were.   If you start now,   your uber player food.    


    NEW SERVER!  OH AND MAYBE IMPLEMENT DARKFALL 2010 NOW PLZ!!!  LOL!    So funny even thinking about that "Game changing expansion"  that we never saw.

    Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    Originally posted by chrisel

    Originally posted by Kost

    Thanks alot for the 210 iron, gave it away to a clansman in need.

    Vendored everything else.

    Pretty proud of your "virtual power" I bet.

    Pathetic deed. You are the ones that are bringing nothing but grief to great games like DFO. You are some of the main reasons newbs stop playing the game.


    It was a joke pal, I haven't played DF for nearly a year.

    EDIT: If he was carrying around 210 iron without being concerned, then he deserved exactly what happened. How many warnings do people need about the game before they actually heed the advice that is readily available to ALL new players?

    The main reasons "newbs" quit the game is because they think its going to be a jump-in-and-pwn fest, but the reality of the game is quite the opposite.

    Some people just are not cut out for these types of games, I've read prior posts of yours in the past, and I consider it safe to say that you fit that mold.

  • ViareViare Member UncommonPosts: 45

    Originally posted by Kost

    Originally posted by chrisel

    Originally posted by Kost

    Thanks alot for the 210 iron, gave it away to a clansman in need.

    Vendored everything else.

    Pretty proud of your "virtual power" I bet.

    Pathetic deed. You are the ones that are bringing nothing but grief to great games like DFO. You are some of the main reasons newbs stop playing the game.


    It was a joke pal, I haven't played DF for nearly a year.



    Welcome to Darkfall.


    Theres nothing like exacting sweet revenge in darkfall,  they should just called the game Sweet Revenge.  Its such a beautiful act for the once assailed to conquer his assailer muah

    Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.

  • JuJutsuJuJutsu Member Posts: 331

    Originally posted by chrisel

    Originally posted by Kost

    Thanks alot for the 210 iron, gave it away to a clansman in need.

    Vendored everything else.

    Pretty proud of your "virtual power" I bet.

    Pathetic deed. You are the ones that are bringing nothing but grief to great games like DFO. You are some of the main reasons newbs stop playing the game.


     Cut him some slack, Darkfall is a game specifically designed for asshattery. Anyone who signs up expecting anything other than getting ganked into oblivion is a fool who deserves their fate.

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    ** content removed **

  • chriselchrisel Member UncommonPosts: 990

    Originally posted by Kost

    Originally posted by chrisel

    Originally posted by Kost

    Thanks alot for the 210 iron, gave it away to a clansman in need.

    Vendored everything else.

    It was a joke pal, I haven't played DF for nearly a year.

    [Mod Edit]


    Ah, okay. No harm done then.

    Cheers mate :)


    PS: Darkfall really need some love catered to newbs. It is a harsh game, and it should be, but I have sympathy with them, cause they are litterally thrown to the dogs. I could bare with it thankfully. Sometime I got around the ganking by just asking nicely if I could have some stuff back at least, since I was newb and had little or nothing as backup when I was robbed. Which sometimes worked.

    One thing about Darkfall that people (newbs) fail to understand though, is that the game is all about the skills trained/level on the toon, and not so much about the gear.

    Hearing that players who are not in a clan is ganked inside NPC cities, are really disturbing; that shows theres low population cause there should be people around that was able to pick the stuff up from the one who attacked you since he/she mostly sure was killed towers?

    It is vital, even in clans to stay alert when you are mining or do any crafting; I was once attacked by a traitor from a friendly clan; he had brought with him someone from a clan which was infamous for their shady behaviour. I was fortunate to bank everything before I died. The dude acted "noob" afterwards, and said he had not played DFO much; well he was hitting me for 50dmg each arrow hit... hardly much "newbish" about that.

    I left DFO as part of that reason; they were unable to get rid of the dude from the friendly clan. I wanted to be no more part of that shit; last thing I want at my table are traitors or need the drama around it. If I want garbage, i can look for it in the bin.

    Let me make it clear though; it was the grind that was the main reason for my leave. But every drop makes the cup fuller...

    Make us care MORE about our faction & world pvp!

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    Originally posted by JuJutsu

    Anyone who signs up and then runs around hitting nodes till they have 200+ of that resource in there bag, never once bothering to bank when the first piece of advice every DF Player gets is "bank often" expecting anything other than getting ganked into oblivion and losing there shit is a fool who deserves their fate.

    Fixed it, but you were pretty much bang on.

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    Originally posted by chrisel

    The dude acted "noob" afterwards, and said he had not played DFO much; well he was hitting me for 50dmg each arrow hit... hardly much "newbish" about that.I left DFO as part of that reason; they were unable to get rid of the dude from the friendly clan. I wanted to be no more part of that shit; last thing I want at my table are traitors or need the drama around it. If I want garbage, i can look for it in the bin.

    You can achieve that kind of damage with a bow, by investing a single months playtime, assuming you concentrate on the appropriate areas and do not sidetrack yourself. Now with meditation and the reduced grind its even easier, I bet someone could manage it within a week.

    He was probably telling the truth.

  • FlawSGIFlawSGI Member UncommonPosts: 1,379

       Sorry to hear you hated DF so much. I can relate with the OP as I also tried it and disliked it. The game seems to cater to asshats and that's ok. Not sure what the campers are gonna do when they chase off any chance of a decent population. I was told to stick with it and it would get better, but the buddy that said so also did the same thing that was annoying the hell outta me so it made litte sence to stick around and invest my time into a game I didn't agree with.

       Giving those that got there first a system that allows them to abuse the new people doesn't make the game harder, just a PITA. To those that  like this kind of behavior, enjoy your sad little power trip, it doesn't make you better than those you curbstomp. For me, I'll just say it wasn't for me.

    RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and Paul Gray.

  • chriselchrisel Member UncommonPosts: 990

    Originally posted by Kost

    Originally posted by chrisel

    The dude acted "noob" afterwards, and said he had not played DFO much; well he was hitting me for 50dmg each arrow hit... hardly much "newbish" about that.I left DFO as part of that reason; they were unable to get rid of the dude from the friendly clan. I wanted to be no more part of that shit; last thing I want at my table are traitors or need the drama around it. If I want garbage, i can look for it in the bin.

    You can achieve that kind of damage with a bow, by investing a single months playtime, assuming you concentrate on the appropriate areas and do not sidetrack yourself. Now with meditation and the reduced grind its even easier, I bet someone could manage it within a week.

    He was probably telling the truth.

    Nah. I had it confirmed he was a veteran. I saw it on lot's of things personally; spells etc etc. He had been playing for a year I think. He might though, have bought the account. That is as far I am willing to let his "free from guilt" go; but then, he must have been a retard, attacking an allied who's crafting inside an NPC city.

    So, definately a traitor.

    Make us care MORE about our faction & world pvp!

  • ThorkuneThorkune Member UncommonPosts: 1,969

    Originally posted by Mad+Dog

    Darkfall is for pro active and none soft players out there.

    So because he/she doesn't have patience to deal with stupidity...they are soft? You must be one of the campers huh?

  • chriselchrisel Member UncommonPosts: 990

    Originally posted by JuJutsu

    Originally posted by chrisel

    Originally posted by Kost

    Thanks alot for the 210 iron, gave it away to a clansman in need.

    Vendored everything else.

    Pretty proud of your "virtual power" I bet.

    Pathetic deed. You are the ones that are bringing nothing but grief to great games like DFO. You are some of the main reasons newbs stop playing the game.


     Cut him some slack, Darkfall is a game specifically designed for asshattery. Anyone who signs up expecting anything other than getting ganked into oblivion is a fool who deserves their fate.

    Oh, I could cope with the newbie ganking. Withstood it for 2 weeks before it started to become reduced. 99% of others newbs could not. It was a reason that I quit yes, but not the major one.

    I did quit right after I was attacked by someone allied. Whether it was the drop that made the cup run over I'm not sure. It was the total I guess. But not much reduce in grind would have made me stay though.

    It is a great game for the one who are willing to be 2nd best for 6 months or more. Depending on if you are willing to make it a 24/7 job or not. I was not.

    The paradox here was that I felt I was gaining more being without a clan that I was being in one. Oh yes, I got lots of free gear. But I was alot safer when alone. Cause most I met then had to kill some aligned to them. I find that paricular part a huge flaw with the game.

    Still, I understand why OP left.

    Make us care MORE about our faction & world pvp!

  • Mad+DogMad+Dog Member UncommonPosts: 788

    Originally posted by bigsmiff

    Originally posted by Mad+Dog

    Darkfall is for pro active and none soft players out there.

    So because he/she doesn't have patience to deal with stupidity...they are soft? You must be one of the campers huh?

    Darkfall is what it is, deal with it or move along.


    edit, no i live west agaon and pvp round the middle a bit. Not interested in killing noobs.

  • Bislobo7Bislobo7 Member Posts: 2

    I love Darkfall cuz it scares carebears right from the begining, leaving the world for fully grown men and maybe 3 or 4 women. BTW i wanna date them, leave contact...

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    "join a clan join a clan"  Then when you log on, nobody in your clan is online so you sit around with you're you know what in your hand.

  • helthroshelthros Member UncommonPosts: 1,449

    I'm just curious what race/area did you start in? People told me originally to start in human area because there would be people to group with, but really that translated to more people to gank you.


    I started as an Elf and my playing time for the past few days has been pretty damn fun. I don't know if I'm going to continue the game because I hate playing solo and grinding non-combat skills (I don't mind skilling up my nukes, that's fun getting those hits in on mobs, but training a useless self buff like the spell chanting one is really where the game started losing me).


    I've had fun in Elf lands. I've only been ganked a couple of times and one of the times it was avoidable. Actually the 1 day I spent in human lands to meet up with some random guy I got ganked more than in the several days I've been in elf land.


    PS. With all this "Darkfall is for hard non-set pro leeters" I wonder how much lower the average age is in Darkfall compared to other games. Eve with its hard rules and equally unforgiving nature boasts what I would venture to say is higher average age than other games. I don't think I've even run into anyone under the age of 18 in my Corp/Alliance.

  • RevivialRevivial Member Posts: 194

    So many exploits when Euro went live, then all the craziness trying to get your toon transfered, or if i would have to buy another client to play in the US.

    Even if DF 2.0 fixed most of the issues, and they wiped the servers, i probably would not give this another go just because I don't believe they have the resources to combat those who seek advantage through bugs, game mechanics with unintended results, and third party apps that grind for them.

    Concept was awesome, Had high hopes. Loved DAoC Mordred/Andred, being able to claim and seige keeps for your guild, and thought this would be a step up from that.

    As for DF's failing population, we had the same problems on the Dreds in DAoC.  Even with those of us who would defend the lower level areas, people would still rage quit, and move on. 

    "I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
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