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Hey everyone!
I made a video about the top ten reasons I'm interested in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and I'd like to share it with you here.
Hope you enjoy!
Nice vid man, though I cringed a little at you stating that companions "simplify" crafting. Actually in other ways they make it much more complex as you get to manage those (up to) five companions and have to make a lot of choices in what they do as well as requiring you to keep track of their progress to be the most effective.
Oh, and at the trinity bit you could have mentioned tanks having a specific guard functionality like in WAR in order to soak up damage dealt to a specific team member, as well as the trinity being kind of rewritten due to classes having access to multiple roles ^_^
But I'm in a nitpicking mood today, great vid overall and good use of visuals and audio. Loved the Imperial theme bit when you mentioned EA
My brand new bloggity blog.
Thanks for the comments, bro. I wanted to go more in depth, but honestly, it's already 9 minutes long and I just didn't want to go on and on and on.
Glad you liked it!
It was a nice video, some small erorrs and you repeated a few sentences a couple of times, but it is definitely a good video to show to people to get them interested in the game and make sure they get some facts straight. Instead of blindly following some extremely pessimistic game reporters who have no real MMO experience. * Cough * Kotaku * Cough *
Nice done!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Quick question, is that the up to date gfx in the game on the video?
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
It's from varying degrees throughout the last few years. If you want up to date GFX, then you'll want to see this video
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
The choice of music went well with the reasons you gave, especially when you brought up EA. That made me chuckle, however as I watched the video, I couldn't help but think of this one.
Haha, that's funny. I guess great minds think alike. That dude made a great vid, for sure.
It's definitely great and popular, because now when I search "Guild Wars 2" in youtube that vid comes up as the 2nd option. Maybe your vid will eventually reach 1st oe 2nd page status, when I search "Star Wars: The Old Republic".
Nice vid!
Out of curiosity, how long would you estimate it took to pull all of that content together and patch it together?
Amazing video - truly great job.
I enjoyed it from start to finish.
Good work - I wish we had more fans like you!
I thought that was very well done. I forgot about the PVP Crowd Control :-). Agreed with all of your points.
There Is Always Hope!
Actual time, I'm not really sure, been working on it for about a month total. I'd estimate about 40 hours or so. The entire audio bed was laid down and written long before I started on any video, so it's really tough to tell.
Oh, and I HIGHLY doubt it'll ever get to the first ten pages of searches for The Old Republic, much less the first overall, but that's a nice thought.
Very well done! That video deserves to be shared on the official site.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
vid is pure fanboyism for a few reasons.
- "because it's BW, because it's star wars, because it's EA"...because there hasnt been bad SW games and BW cant fail and EA hasnt published terrible games? amirite? numbers 9 and 10 are not rational arguments/reasons
- "pvp that rewards trinity": tanking is highly rewarding in both WoW, EVE and Global Agenda; multiple tank-ish specs are successful in WoW's pvp; EVE's pvp revolves around tanked out decoys; tanks are necessary to hold control points in GA; healing wrecked both WoW's and GA's pvp. the typical trinity is a reason to fear TOR's pvp (imo)
- you try to diss WoW/Blizzard: WoW is successful for a reason, Blizz is successful for a reason, and WoW being a tired old MMO does not good TOR make
- tons of content: 200 hours of gameplay to start; again, this does not good game make; from what's been previewed, the quests, instances and raids are same-old.
- no autoattack as #4 reason: i mean, this is good. but really, should this be something to be so proud of? how about designing a more interesting combat system overall?
- choice/story: we've yet to see how this is going to play out; so far, they havent actually demonstrated how choice will affect the game...a little bit? will it change your game entirely? cuz your choice doesnt make any difference in the persistent world. it does for your personal story...but who cares, others will be doing the same quest after you with no tangible effect on the world.
i see what you did here, youre definitely trying, it was good. but the vid will resonate only with TOR's fanbase...those who are on the fence or on the other side of it probably wont feel too intrigued.
@Sonoggi: and yet here you are, trashing the OP and his video for the audacity to be enthusiastic about SWTOR, how dare he!
Anyway, let's look at your arguments that you're using to trash the OP and SWTOR, the game you apparently passionately dislike:
- "because it's BW, because it's star wars, because it's EA"...because there hasnt been bad SW games and BW cant fail and EA hasnt published terrible games? amirite? numbers 9 and 10 are not rational arguments/reasons
BW has a good trackrecord and a lot of credibility among normal gamers, SW is together with Tolkien's Lord of the Rings still 1 of the most popular and wellknown franchises around the world, and EA has the clout to back up the game with PR and advertising and financial funds, where lesser companies would have to do with a lot less of that.
- you try to diss WoW/Blizzard: WoW is successful for a reason, Blizz is successful for a reason, and WoW being a tired old MMO does not good TOR make
Shrug. People might be open for other MMO's, a new MMO home, but one that still feels 'comfy' and close to WoW gameplay yet different enough to be interesting. Only time will tell how things will develop, but WoW decreasing in popularity sure creates opportunities.
- tons of content: 200 hours of gameplay to start; again, this does not good game make; from what's been previewed, the quests, instances and raids are same-old.
Not really, in fact the majority of people that actually played the game, which you haven't, said that the questing felt totally different. People like lots of content, it gives them something to pick to play around with when they log in.
- choice/story: we've yet to see how this is going to play out; so far, they havent actually demonstrated how choice will affect the game...a little bit? will it change your game entirely? cuz your choice doesnt make any difference in the persistent world. it does for your personal story...but who cares, others will be doing the same quest after you with no tangible effect on the world.
They actually gave a number of examples but I'm too lazy to look them up. One that I recall right away is that you encounter a Sith again later on after a lot of leveling, that is if you didn't kill him earlier on, and you'll find that he has converted to become a Jedi.
People care who like questing. You apparently don't, so I can't figure out for the hell of me why you keep hanging around in forums of a game you're not really interested in except trashtalking it, but there are enough people who very much like an improvement of the quest system to make them more immersive and engaging.
But, you're welcome to keep doing textbased quests where you can't make any decisions at all in them, because apparently that's what you like faaaaar more, right?
Really, you're protesting so much against SWTOR that I think I won't even be surprised if at launch date you'll decide to buy and play SWTOR anyway
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
not attacking anyone. just saying, the video is fanboyish because half the arguments arent exactly rational (i.e. based on facts/demonstrations).
Not that fanboish and a number of his arguments actually appeal to common sense regardless whether they're used regarding SWTOR or would have been used separately all by their own. See my comments above.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Well, I would agree with you on the fan part, I'm a huge fan of BioWare and the original Knights of the Old Republic, and I think this game has the potential to be all that and more. If that makes me a fan boy, then so be it.
Your opinions are yours, I disagree, but that's fine. Except for one.
I did not bash WoW/Blizzard at all in the video, just said that EA was planning to take them on. I've played WoW since launch and I love the game, so I have no reason to trash it.
Great vid, there were even some shots in there I've never seen before and the music... excellent.
@ sonoggi
I'm sorry dude but what did you expect entering the SWtor forum and clicking on a vid that says "reasons I'm INTERESTED" in SWtor? Actually its not a vid of pure fanboyism, quite a few facts in there. Some a totally new, and some are seen rarely in MMOs. Do you seriousl mean that because another game has a good feature it cannot be mentioned in a star wars video? Bashing blizzard.... that right there speaks for itself.
{mod edit}
Great vid, and I learnt something about the game, that I'll pass on to the guild I'm part of in Wow, as they plan to play it as well. The new thing I learn was about tanks in PvP, I didn't like in Wow that as a Warrior tank spec is pointless, people still kill you, you can't kill anyone, and anyone with any sence just avoided you. I liked RF Online for that reason, as tanks were there as meat shields and annoyed the hell out of everyone that tried taking them on realising "oh crap, I've been tricked now 10 ppl are on me
" lol. Getting rewarded for absorbing damage seems pretty sweet, I might have to be a tank in SW to complete the group, so good to know.
Little confused on the CC bar, you CC players in your party? Why? As in heal, or damage reflect or something? New concept for me, maybe I should read up more on the game i'm so eagerly awaiting. I just don't want to spoil the suprise, or want the game more than I already do lol.
The CC Resolve Bar is a Crowd Control monitor. When people use Crowd Control abilities on you, the bar starts to fill. when it's full, you are immune to CC for a while (I think it's 8 seconds in the current build).
WoW has a similar mechanic, but this is more aggressive, and there's a visual bar that you can see above your head, an other players' heads, so you don't waste an ability on someone who is immune.
Hope this helps!
As far as Im concerned being a fan is a good thing. Calling someone names by adding letters to the word fan doesn't make you the factual genius. On the other hand, all it does it make your post look foolish when you troll a thread that is meant to share enthusiasm regarding things the OP likes...which actually contains quite a number of facts. So to your nasty toned rhetorical questions like "should this be something to be proud of?" or "...but who cares?"....or "same-old", /yawn....WE DO and the millions of KOTOR fans and those who will be new to the game who just like Star Wars.
There Is Always Hope!
Best part was how you combined the reaseon EA with the theme song of Darth Vader. Or wasn't that intended ?
If you don't mind I would suggest one improvement. The end titles should be done like the intro text from the star war wars movies.
All in all a very well done video, thanks for sharing.
P.S. And of course it's a fan video, don't know why some people argue about that.
Oh, it was definitely intended. some people hate EA a lot, and playing the Emperor's Theme just seemed to work
I thought about that for the credits, but honestly, it's a real pain in the ass to do and keep it viewable. Most people don't watch the credits anyway, so it's more for legal reasons and whatnot.
Glad you enjoyed it!