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I think this is great news. I re-installed a few weeks ago and have been enjoying the trial. Now I get to enjoy a whole lot more of the game on my payment terms.
I can see a flood of people new and old downloading this for another go.
Are you going to give a whirl this summer??
Free Vs sub comparison
i wonder why they decided to go f2p
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
Yeah. I have been waiting for it to turn F2P so i can give it a try.
They saw the kind of success F2P brings DDO & LOTRO? They read the research that 70+% of US MMO players only play F2P?
This isn't the first game that funcom has switched over to the f2p model, they also did anarchy online.
I shall gladly play this again now I have to look into the formula they'll use I never really like the LotRo F2P.
I am not a fan of F2P. I usually prefer P2P as a whole, but I think for this particular title, it's worth it at this point to bring back more players.
I'll play a F2P as long as it has a P2P (as in get everything for one price) option.
For the most part, I think you're correct. I play LOTRO at the moment and think its great as F2P, and I imagine the devs are happy with the increased cash flow. I think AoC will benefit greatly for the switch, and on the coat tails of the new movie - Genious !
I hope they allow freeps access to lots of content.
I tried LotRO but pretty much all the content after level 25 you have to pay for.
Or at least a way to earn enough points to buy it all, even if it's a grind.
I'm waiting for a content sale in LotRO. They happen but not often.
I also like to multibox free games.
glad to hear it
I'll be trying the new model this summer
EQ2 fan sites
I'll probably come back and try it too. If nothing else, it will help fill the gap until GW2 and TOR comes out.
I recently resubbed and the game actually runs great on my PC. Found a good, well populated guild and have been having a lot of fun leveling my Demo to 44 so far. I think this game going f2p is going to help bring in tons of new players. If anything this game is a pleasant distraction until GW2 comes out. I haven't played an MMO in almost a year because I was so fed up with the choices out there atm. If you decide to level up look me up. I'm on the RP-PvP server Cimmeria. Nyxeris is the main toon I'm playing right now.
I will definitely give it a go. Great gfx, interesting combat system, great quests/storyline. I guess my final answer will determine on which freemium model they choose. I have no qualms about the LOTRO model, takes a little grind but you can have access to everything for free. What more can you ask for, seriously?
I also have been trying the free trial.
The game is much, MUCH improved from release.
Going F2P is a great idea for saving this game.
this is really good news - both for AoC and for Funcom as a company.
Originally posted by BishopB:
Are a lot of the trolls just angry kids with old gaming hardware?
No, it doesnt matter, because every single of your assumptions is plain wrong
ddo got more players as ftp then they ever had as ptp so its hardly a death knell, use google before you spam bs
i cant wait till they start the f2p model although i realize the game will only be successful as freemium depending on what they limit to free users. i saw the limitations chart and at least i wont have to spend a dime plus i have the expansion already so plenty of content for me. i just hope they dont screw the free users like soe did with eq2x
Agree, completelly
Getting an items and loot that you are not able to use is plenty of annoyance.
I hope that we wont see gameplay mechanics that actually force you to use CS like on some other F2P games *cough*Allods*cough*
Main MMO at the moment: Guild Wars 2
Waiting for: Pathfinder Online
Gonna try it out myself then
no i
It's already FTP. You just start the trial and after the trial runs out you start the FTP
unfortunately they didnt stay.. so while a lot of people did try the game out.. they moved on.. its a double edged sword in a way.. going F2P will generate a lot of interest initially.. but.. not necessarily the right 'kind' of players.. when all is said and done.. the vast majority of MMO players prefer the P2P option.. ..probably why so many games are 'modeled' on WoW.. which btw.. is not the same as saying 'cloned' .. will this mean the end of AoC .. not yet.. but.. their definitely going to have to work at it harder now.. though my guess is that they'll pare it down to a 'skeleton' crew running it.. as their focus now is probably shifting more to their upcoming game.. server consolidation etc.. must be in the works. Everything imo.. points towards this game being sidelined..
"...Funcom is also introducing an in-game store to the game where both free players and premium subscribers can purchase exclusive content such as weaponry and mounts..."
RIP AoC. This will go the way as Allods and every other MMO with a cash shop.
It's a real shame, AOC could have been an amazing game. But Funcom just could not deliver.
Already a thread on this here: Make sure to check the first few couple of pages before posting any recent news. Locking this.
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