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Well i played it at launch and lest just say i was less than it has been a while is it still the smae old game? have they improved? should i start playing again?(currently went back to 11)
I have only been playing a week so my response probably won't be as informative as the next poster(s) but all I can say is it is free to play now ( incase you didn't know) so I'm assuming you have already purchased it so why not give it a try and see for yourself?
I myself bought the Game at launch and i found it very dissapointing but i endured it to my glad to around the 30's until i couldnt stand the grind nemore, so i quit but i've been checking the offical website and by the looks of it theres alot changing like the battle system and bartering systeming for looking what u need is improving I'm still gonna give it another couple of months though before i come back myself
Like many said right from the start. No AH = no play....and
wth did they change the UI? pfft...
I'm sure you won't see changes in the UI for GW2. and
if WoW ever makes a sequel you can bet they won't either.
No AH...really? nice try.
Square Enix dropped the ball on many fronts imo....all I
really wanted was a ffxi-2...not the mess they released.
If a man speaks in the woods and there's no woman there to hear he still lying?
Weird. FFXI had no AH at the start and a slightly worse UI than XIV. If you wanted XI-2, you got it. I play casually, and am enjoying myself. The UI with a controller doesn't bother me the slightest (though I played XI for years), and I'm not paying a thing, so it's no loss.
The problem is 'at the start' was many moons ago. The ghost town that is FF11 is testament to the fact that it has not aged well. I know someone is bound to come in here and try to say it's not empty, but I actually played it. It is. Unless of course you're paying to get power leveled in Abyssea then sure, lots of people. Sorta.
Anyway back to my original point, gamers evolve and come to expect a certain standard as time goes on. What worked for games in the past doesn't always work for games that come almost a decade later. Just the way it is.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
are you talking about a UI change from first game to sequel (for GW2),or in the process of developement?
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
FFXI a ghost town? It has 17 servers that have ~2000 online at all times. It's still doing well.
And yes, there was no excuse to have the market wards as the sole way to trade at launch. But they way they have them set up now, you can find any item and lowest prices in a minute tops, which is fine enough until they implement the AH (which they mentioned in the last producers letter).
I also find myself consistently batting an eye at the FFXIV box whenever I'm at Best Buy -- I played in the last beta phase, and at launch a friend let me use his buddy key (as I wasn't sure if i wanted to purchase it yet) ---
I was sorely disappointed as well..
Like some others have said, all I really wanted was FFXI-2, and they made me believe that's what I was getting, (what, with the SAME races just with different names, and the same artwork, etc)
I really really really wanted to like the game, and tbh, I did like it for the first day. The graphics were beyond beautiful, and the music was stellar (had no doubt there) --
What I was most let down by was:
-No AH
-Bad job mechanics (i like mixing abilities, but after a short time I found it to be rather nonbeneficial to mix much and ended up seeing everyone stick with pure builds anyways as they worked better - ) I think the mainjob/subjob mechanic was far superior
- Land/Terrain/Zones were just copies from FFXI zones with less travel freedom! Everywhere I went looked like somewhere I've been in FFXI (but prettier) but I felt limited in how much I could actually explore
- Cities were also just copies of the main cities in FFXI, allbeit, a bit bigger versions, and slightly redesigned, but come on... anyone who's played FFXI could see that there was almost 0 creative efforts put into FFXIV's cities
- Quest Hubs. Thumbs down.
- Repeatable/Daily quests. Thumbs down.
- Guildleve(quest) system/UI/execution was horrible
- Combat felt weird, like they were trying to merge together FFXI's combat with a typical tab-target system and it just didn't mix well to me
============ Did any of this stuff change? I'm willing to jump right back in and check it out if enough has been improved by now
This is not a troll, flame, or anything else worth banning me over. It is simply my pure opinion, and I have a right to share it.
blah blah blah....
The game sux and it's because SE dropped the ball...they
disappointed their ffxi fans. It was an experiment to see if the mmo fans
out there wanted something different then the main stream mmo's that
are out there now....and no we don't...shocker there huh.
You can go on and on about this and that, but the fact remains that most
ppl have left, the game play stinks, and it's an epic fail...and they realize it too.
They didn't make it F2P for no reason. They didn't fire the boss cuz the game rocks.
They didn't send me many emails of apology because the game is awesome. They're
cutting their losses, nothing drastic will be done to repair the mess, and they'll just
move on...just like us.
If a man speaks in the woods and there's no woman there to hear he still lying?
Hmm.. well thanks for the quick response and the answers I was looking for.
What I gather is that the state of the game is exactly as it was when I left, short of a slightly improved market wards.
Any other dev I'd probably just say "nope, not gunna wait. I don't trust you to roll out the changes you promised. You just want my sub." -- But this isn't any other dev. I loved FFXI, with a passion, and they still are supporting it, after all these years. Still working on content and updates, etc... that means a lot to me.
I can't deny that having no sub for FFXIV 'until we fix it' is a great thing. I feel like they respect their players and hold a high standard for themselves that they just didn't live up to, and are very embarrassed about that to the point where they won't stop until the game is better.
One thing i was very happy about in FFXIV was the community. Seemed the be the exact same mentality and friendly atmosphere that was in FFXI. Eveyrone was helpful, and helping others myself just felt gratifyijng. The emote system was great and detailed, and the social 'glue' just all together rocked.
Think I'll spend the 30 bucks and pick it up today afterall, just because of the community alone. No monthly fee is no monthly fee.
Anyone got a server suggestion?
This is not a troll, flame, or anything else worth banning me over. It is simply my pure opinion, and I have a right to share it.
You can get it for $14 at Gamestop.
I played in open beta through to about 3 weeks after launch. Although I somewhat enjoyed the game at first, I came to the realization that it was just crap and I was constantly fighting the game just to play it and forcing myself to enjoy it. I ended up leaving the game vowing I would never touch it again.
My original character was on Palamecia, and occasionally I would just pop in to see how the game was and laugh at how empty it was. Each time I logged in, I couldn't stand it for more then 10 minutes before I logged off vowing to never touch it again.
Then came the Battle Blueprint and Producer Letter X. After reading them and liking what I read as to what would soon be implemented, I decided to start fresh and give the game another shot. Last week, I abandoned the character on Palamecia and created a brand new character on Besaid. I decided to try and erase from my mind the knowledge of how utterly god-awful the game was at launch and go into it with an open mind knowing they have made improvements to the game.
Much to my amazement, I am really enjoying the game. I have to admit that it has improved. I don't know exactly how they did it, but the entire game feels different. It feels better. I have only gotten to 20 PUG and 14 THM, but up to this point, it has been fun. I no longer am fighting the game just to play it. I am no longer grinding random mobs to level up. I am no longer forcing myself to enjoy it. The enjoyment is just coming naturally. There are a lot of people on the Besaid server. A lot. It is not the 3000 plus that were on at launch, but it is quite busy. If you are in North America and are going to create a new character, then this is definately the server to create it on. It is not the ghost town that Palamecia was over the last 6 months.
Now I am not going to say the game is perfect. It isn't. I could list a lot of things that I think need work or should just be removed entirely, but instead, I will list the changes that have happened since launch that I think have made the game much better.
1) Leveling from 1 to 20 is much faster - From what I remember, it used to take a long time to get to 20. It was a grind. Not anymore. If it drastically slows down after 20 then I don't know. I haven't gotten that far. But as for hitting 20 I was very happy with the speed it took. Not too fast. Not too slow.
2) Market Wards are searchable - You can find what you are looking for in seconds now. If it isn't available, the search menu says 0 are available. The main drawback is that you have to know what you are searching for. You still can't type in an item to find it. You have to select it from a list. However, the Market Wards actually seem to be useful now. With some tweeks to the search functions, I believe that there actually would be no need for an Auction House.
3) The UI lag is gone.
4) There are now other quests - There aren't a lot, and they aren't deep, but there is actually some quests to do besides the levequests and the main story quests. The ones I have found so far are your standard "kill x" and "delivery" quests, but it is a start and it is a vast improvement from what existed at launch.
5) Targetting has improved - It isn't perfect, but /targetmode and the larger size mobs have made it so it is no longer incredibly frustrating to the point that you want to throw your gamepad through the monitor like it used to be. If they fix it so that non combat mobs don't stand on top of combat mobs then I think much of the targetting problems will go away.
I could come up with more but this is getting long, and to me, just these 5 things that have been improved have taken this game from a frustrating disaster to an relatively enjoyable experience. I don't have any comment on the state of crafting or havesting as I haven't retried those yet. They could still be a frustrating mess, but I do see a lot of people doing them, so they can't be all that bad.
It isn't a deep hardcore MMO and may never be, but IMO, it does appear to be improving overall.
The moment I read "It's like" or "WoW" is the moment I stop reading your post.
ur talking about FFXI right?
edit: nevermind, just checked their site and hell i am buying it
I think this may be giving the game a significant boost in players at the moment. I have heard multiple people mention in game that they just bought it and just started playing because they got the standard game for $15 or the CE for $30 from Gamestop.
The moment I read "It's like" or "WoW" is the moment I stop reading your post.
FFXI is a ghost town, you can walk through every major city and barely come across a handful of active players. As for 2k on at one time, once again I have not seen those kinds of numbers in years. In fact when I left FFXI a lil over a year ago it had around 900-950 players on at one time and that was during prime time. If you logged on when it wasn't a peak time, then youd see around 500-600 on. Also you would have to factor in the 100's who sit afk everywhere bazaaring everything.
The wards were terrible, I do understand why they thought it was going to be popular considering the amounts of 24hr mules FFXI had, but part of that was the horrible mail system and very limited Auction House. Add in the Auction house cuts for large ticket items, most people just chose to bazaar it. As it stands the way the crafting system in FFXIV is set up, it needed a A.H at launch pretty bad.
FFXIV should have been improvements to the good qualities of FFXI, and a major overhaul to everything in FFXI that was not.
I'm stuck in wow in the arena grind with my roommates until the june patch releases and changes combat. After that I am coming back. I originally started on Kashuan with a full guild. Only a couple people in the guild that still play.
biggest turn offs for me in ffxiv was the inability to get good xp while fully partied (just not enough spawns anywhere), and the constant reuse of so few different terrain templates in each major zone. I can only pass AROUND (no jump..) the same rock/hill structure a few times before I go insane..
I recently rolled a new character on Phoenix in FFXI and there was atleast 4k players on the other day but here is the thing, the vast majority are all are high level people. For new players it is still a struggle to get to the top even with the xp changes. I like FFXI alot but in actuality I am thinking now I might want to go play FFXIV. Atleast I know there are people to do things with.
Although there won't be all of the stuff in that single update, everything should be implemented before Summer ends.
All this includes combat overhaul (in two patches starting from the next one), a new major crafting feature (enchanting), class system overhaul, server and engine technical improvements, content, areas and major UI tweaks.
That still leaves quite a bit to do for the rest of the year, but should keep people occupied for a while.
Actually, the thing might be bazaars as well. I don't know about now but when I quit, players never afk-logged so bazaars were always online and on a server with 1700, 2-300 were bazaars scattered across all the places they might be. A few around the teleporter guy in whitegate. A few in every nation, several dozen or a few hundred in or outside Jeuno.
No doubt that forcing afk-logouts would have a noticeable, if not significant, impact on logged-in population.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
Someone said it's free, but this says it's $13 a month >.<
Not free anymore? =o
It's still free, I guess they haven't updated that on the site.
God help them if they actually began charging....
This is painful to read about in forums, like a sick mangy dog... someone call animal control and put it out of it's misery already.
i left the game in disgust about 3 weeks into launch (like many others) but kept an eye ever since SqEnix did their mea culpa and admitted they made horribad mistakes and were going about fixing.
i logged in for the first time again (even deleted old character and made a new one) and yeah, it's gotten better.
it's improved a lot but it still needs to improve more to be where a FF game should be. When it gets there, if they start charging again (which, they said they won't do til it's worth it) and it's worth it, i'll stay and pay.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins