You can have a ball, a field and a dozen people, but they are not gonna entertain you until you team up, make some rules, and start playing. In time, you may get a quality ball, a more leveled field with painted lines, professional dress and shoes, but they are just better tools to do the thing that you like to do.
If you don't like playing ball-based games with others in open air, and you'd rather visit the Haunted House in Disneyland, well, that's a different thing!
This is actually... a very very good analogy.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
I reckon there's alot of people out there like myself - people who have been keeping an eye on this game for quite some time but haven't as yet dived in. There are I'm sure alot of people who are looking to play a large single shard space-sim. Star Trek online was %^$^#. Major disappointment. Star Wars Galaxies was probably the closest yet, but still not exactly what I was looking for. I'm waiting for Ambulation. Or whatever it's called now. Then I'm gonna wait another 6 months for the contect to really kick in, and the feedback. Then, hopefully, EVE online can really take off. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who want the game to stay mostly as i is, just fixed up a little, or tweaked. But I'm sure for every one of them, there's ten like me, waiting in the wings.
Eve is not a space sim whatsoever. It's a big "entity" (mix of maaany genres of games) that is simply sci-fi themed but could very well be moved to medieval times.
As for numbers of people waiting for eve to change, prolly will never happen. Eve is not a niche game for quite some time (with over 300k active subs) and this number is constantly going up so i wouldn't hope for major changes in direction it takes.
Not really. Ships as Avatars, warp gates, spreadsheet style markets, only being able to travel to specific points (and yes mouse movements). They all serve a very real purpose, to create a massive universe with near limitless possibilities. It really had to be done the way it was for a server to handle it. It would cost way too much to support a network capable of providing so many options, and near complete freedom, on a single server fantasymagic game world.
I reckon there's alot of people out there like myself - people who have been keeping an eye on this game for quite some time but haven't as yet dived in. There are I'm sure alot of people who are looking to play a large single shard space-sim. Star Trek online was %^$^#. Major disappointment. Star Wars Galaxies was probably the closest yet, but still not exactly what I was looking for. I'm waiting for Ambulation. Or whatever it's called now. Then I'm gonna wait another 6 months for the contect to really kick in, and the feedback. Then, hopefully, EVE online can really take off. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who want the game to stay mostly as i is, just fixed up a little, or tweaked. But I'm sure for every one of them, there's ten like me, waiting in the wings.
Eve is not a space sim whatsoever. It's a big "entity" (mix of maaany genres of games) that is simply sci-fi themed but could very well be moved to medieval times.
As for numbers of people waiting for eve to change, prolly will never happen. Eve is not a niche game for quite some time (with over 300k active subs) and this number is constantly going up so i wouldn't hope for major changes in direction it takes.
Not really. Ships as Avatars, warp gates, spreadsheet style markets, only being able to travel to specific points (and yes mouse movements). They all serve a very real purpose, to create a massive universe with near limitless possibilities. It really had to be done the way it was for a server to handle it. It would cost way too much to support a network capable of providing so many options, and near complete freedom, on a single server fantasymagic game world.
Now you're talkin some real lag!
excel online isn't fun.
Then again... apparently thousands of people find space mining as a 2nd job to be enjoyable. People will play anything these days. It is scary. Not a troll...I just don't see the appeal in this game and keep hearing about how 'endless' it is. You can mine...and pvp, which is just a numbers game. Oh, and repeat motonous pve missions. I'd love to see a game in this setting with a little more 'content' - i.e. actual gameplay.
Originally posted by zevni78 Going well so far, found a RP corp, and getting the hang of climping up the agent ladder. Still a long way from pvp though.
Going well so far, found a RP corp, and getting the hang of climping up the agent ladder. Still a long way from pvp though.
It makes me weep when I hear people say that. Listen carefully whilst I tell you a basic truth:
You can PvP within 2-3 days maximum.
It is in fact better to start PvPing early, whilst your ships are cheap and your clones are cheaper. Consider this fit:
[Rifter, kamikaze]
200mm Reinforced Crystalline Carbonide Plates I
Damage Control I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Stasis Webifier I
200mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun, EMP S
200mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun, EMP S
200mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun, EMP S
[empty high slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
The skill requirements are trivial, the fitted cost is about 850k before insurance (about 600k after), it's fun to fly and it's effective. Let me just restate the most important part: IT'S FUN TO FLY!
If you want to PvP, make up like 10 of these and zoom around in them looking for trouble. Did you know that you can fight your corp members with no sec penalty? Encourage them to do the same for so you can practice on each other...
Or how about this: Corp tournaments - these make for a great afternoon's entertainment, as each fight will only last a few minutes, you can easily have 2 or 3 in an evening with different themes. (1v1, 2v2, corp allstars free-for-all!) Total cost: maybe 2-3 mill per participant to lose 5 frigates. Anyone can afford that.
If you want to PvP, the ideal time to start is always now.
CCP recently offered to reactivate my account for 9:95, it sounds good value for money, but I stare at the browser, and I try to think of a reason to go back to EVE, and I can’t.
I don’t have any happy memories, not one activity I enjoyed, I got into the usual goal mindset of lvling up skills, testing the best weapon types, saving for my first cruiser, but the actual game itself has nothing in it I find fun, my mind goes blank at the thought of this game.
The travelling around was dull, remote probe scanning, move one a little, move another a little, move this one a little, extend radius, scan, move one a little.. I mean who thought this would be fun? Mining is dull, so I can’t really manufacture, pvp is out of the question, as I can’t afford to lose my ship more than a couple of times, and re-acquiring all the gear again, and re-equipping it every time is annoying, and the pve missions are duller than FFXIV.
Am I missing something? I seriously do not understand why this game has such a great reputation. I know that there are lots more things to do at higher lvls, but they don’t sound interesting either, and neither does just tagging along with a corp., hoping the enemy focus on the less obviously noob ship.
Any other mmo offers stimulating exploration, npcs to talk to (AoC) a sense of wonder, (Aion), lore, (LOTRO) varieties of mob to kill, (Rift), humour and charm, (WoW) strategy, (Atlantica) great music (GW1) interesting classes (FFXIV, Rift) engaging ship combat, (STO would you believe, rather than orbiting an invisible dot 20km away, exchanging hot keys). The interface and atmosphere is so sterile, lifeless, depressing.
Flame me if you want, but I am genuinely puzzled, and would like to understand what people see in EVE.
I did the exact same thing, then I decided to reactivate and give it another try. I joined a 0.0 corp, and man its completly different. Its like another game, where everyone is needed to achieve a certain role in corp etc. Try to join a corp, big or moderate doesn't rly matter as long as they have VOIP and they are active you will have lots of fun. Hell I created an alt while I never considered to do that for any other game I played on the past.
I'll be trying out flying a RIfter for pvp in the next few days. wasted my cash on a battlecruiser i cant even use in agent missions yet, so going to focus on frigates.
I'll be trying out flying a RIfter for pvp in the next few days. wasted my cash on a battlecruiser i cant even use in agent missions yet, so going to focus on frigates.
Someone found out about gate restrictions Note that some plexes have these as well.
BTW you didn't "waste" your cash - that BC will be of use when you start doing level 2/3 missions. You just invested a little early
If you post your BC fit here, we can advise you with it (this really can help you avoid wasting your ISK)
Thanks, i have half a dozen corp members constantly giving me advice on fittings, so i should be ok. The only problem so far is that i dont roleplay the way they want me to, rather fussy it seems.
I have found finding RP corps fairly difficult. I think you will have better luck if you are playing when more EU people are on. I can't remember the last American player I saw RP'ing. I have found this in other games as well. If you are European, disregard. If memory serves, Morses Mihi used to have a strong RP element in it...but teaming up with them is entirely up to you. I also believe they were a Matari RP corp, so that may make a difference.
Don't worry about purchasing that BC, you'll need it in the future. You could try and do a bit of low/sell high...I prefer that to missioning tbh. Also remember while you are running missions, you are building standings with that NPC corp, and to a lesser extent that race. All of this will come back later when you are trying to install jumpclones.
Absolutely start pvp'ing now...because you will be much better off in the long run. Per Malcanis' suggestion, corp pvp is where I started. You should constantly be trying new fittings, new drones, new guns/EW...whatever you are trained to use, use it. It will come back in the long run.
Good's never too early to start. You will always lose ships, so you might as well start learning how to use them.
Playing: BF4/BF:Hardline, Subnautica 7 days to die Hiatus: EvE Waiting on: World of Darkness(sigh) Interested in: better games in general
I gave pvp a try with a alliance fleet, in 0.4 - 0.2 areas, it consisted of mostly warping from gate to gate, and waiting for 15 or more mins for the odd pirate, not impressed. In the end I was taken out by a gate for breaking one of those many little rules of engagement things.
I may try a 0.0 fleet if i can find one, but for now i want to try trading or manufacturing.
I gave pvp a try with a alliance fleet, in 0.4 - 0.2 areas, it consisted of mostly warping from gate to gate, and waiting for 15 or more mins for the odd pirate, not impressed. In the end I was taken out by a gate for breaking one of those many little rules of engagement things.
I may try a 0.0 fleet if i can find one, but for now i want to try trading or manufacturing.
Low-sec PVP is a bit bad unless you stay in the area frequently, best bet is just to go and try to do a raid into a 0.0 area. you should be able to find some people that way... though they may be a bit tough to handle. either way just go in with the expectation of your corp to not only lose everyship but be podded back to your clone. As long as you know this off the bat it isn;t really that bad.
Thanks, i have half a dozen corp members constantly giving me advice on fittings, so i should be ok. The only problem so far is that i dont roleplay the way they want me to, rather fussy it seems.
RP ettiquete (however the hell you spell that) can be rather... intricate. Most people find it too much effort. But if they're putting in that effort, obviously they dont want anyone in corp spoiling it.
This is actually... a very very good analogy.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
Not really. Ships as Avatars, warp gates, spreadsheet style markets, only being able to travel to specific points (and yes mouse movements). They all serve a very real purpose, to create a massive universe with near limitless possibilities. It really had to be done the way it was for a server to handle it. It would cost way too much to support a network capable of providing so many options, and near complete freedom, on a single server fantasymagic game world.
Now you're talkin some real lag!
excel online isn't fun.
Then again... apparently thousands of people find space mining as a 2nd job to be enjoyable. People will play anything these days. It is scary. Not a troll...I just don't see the appeal in this game and keep hearing about how 'endless' it is. You can mine...and pvp, which is just a numbers game. Oh, and repeat motonous pve missions. I'd love to see a game in this setting with a little more 'content' - i.e. actual gameplay.
Obviously you haven't actually done any PvP in EVE or you wouldn't have been fooled, but can I ask who told you that it was "just a numbers game"?
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Going well so far, found a RP corp, and getting the hang of climping up the agent ladder. Still a long way from pvp though.
It makes me weep when I hear people say that. Listen carefully whilst I tell you a basic truth:
You can PvP within 2-3 days maximum.
It is in fact better to start PvPing early, whilst your ships are cheap and your clones are cheaper. Consider this fit:
[Rifter, kamikaze]
200mm Reinforced Crystalline Carbonide Plates I
Damage Control I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Stasis Webifier I
200mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun, EMP S
200mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun, EMP S
200mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun, EMP S
[empty high slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
The skill requirements are trivial, the fitted cost is about 850k before insurance (about 600k after), it's fun to fly and it's effective. Let me just restate the most important part: IT'S FUN TO FLY!
If you want to PvP, make up like 10 of these and zoom around in them looking for trouble. Did you know that you can fight your corp members with no sec penalty? Encourage them to do the same for so you can practice on each other...
Or how about this: Corp tournaments - these make for a great afternoon's entertainment, as each fight will only last a few minutes, you can easily have 2 or 3 in an evening with different themes. (1v1, 2v2, corp allstars free-for-all!) Total cost: maybe 2-3 mill per participant to lose 5 frigates. Anyone can afford that.
If you want to PvP, the ideal time to start is always now.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I did the exact same thing, then I decided to reactivate and give it another try. I joined a 0.0 corp, and man its completly different. Its like another game, where everyone is needed to achieve a certain role in corp etc. Try to join a corp, big or moderate doesn't rly matter as long as they have VOIP and they are active you will have lots of fun. Hell I created an alt while I never considered to do that for any other game I played on the past.
I'll be trying out flying a RIfter for pvp in the next few days. wasted my cash on a battlecruiser i cant even use in agent missions yet, so going to focus on frigates.
Someone found out about gate restrictions
Note that some plexes have these as well.
BTW you didn't "waste" your cash - that BC will be of use when you start doing level 2/3 missions. You just invested a little early
If you post your BC fit here, we can advise you with it (this really can help you avoid wasting your ISK)
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Thanks, i have half a dozen corp members constantly giving me advice on fittings, so i should be ok. The only problem so far is that i dont roleplay the way they want me to, rather fussy it seems.
I have found finding RP corps fairly difficult. I think you will have better luck if you are playing when more EU people are on. I can't remember the last American player I saw RP'ing. I have found this in other games as well. If you are European, disregard. If memory serves, Morses Mihi used to have a strong RP element in it...but teaming up with them is entirely up to you. I also believe they were a Matari RP corp, so that may make a difference.
Don't worry about purchasing that BC, you'll need it in the future. You could try and do a bit of low/sell high...I prefer that to missioning tbh. Also remember while you are running missions, you are building standings with that NPC corp, and to a lesser extent that race. All of this will come back later when you are trying to install jumpclones.
Absolutely start pvp'ing now...because you will be much better off in the long run. Per Malcanis' suggestion, corp pvp is where I started. You should constantly be trying new fittings, new drones, new guns/EW...whatever you are trained to use, use it. It will come back in the long run.
Good's never too early to start. You will always lose ships, so you might as well start learning how to use them.
Playing: BF4/BF:Hardline, Subnautica 7 days to die
Hiatus: EvE
Waiting on: World of Darkness(sigh)
Interested in: better games in general
I gave pvp a try with a alliance fleet, in 0.4 - 0.2 areas, it consisted of mostly warping from gate to gate, and waiting for 15 or more mins for the odd pirate, not impressed. In the end I was taken out by a gate for breaking one of those many little rules of engagement things.
I may try a 0.0 fleet if i can find one, but for now i want to try trading or manufacturing.
Low-sec PVP is a bit bad unless you stay in the area frequently, best bet is just to go and try to do a raid into a 0.0 area. you should be able to find some people that way... though they may be a bit tough to handle. either way just go in with the expectation of your corp to not only lose everyship but be podded back to your clone. As long as you know this off the bat it isn;t really that bad.
RP ettiquete (however the hell you spell that) can be rather... intricate. Most people find it too much effort. But if they're putting in that effort, obviously they dont want anyone in corp spoiling it.
Give me liberty or give me lasers