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I've drawn a blank...

zevni78zevni78 Member UncommonPosts: 1,146

CCP recently offered to reactivate my account for 9:95, it sounds good value for money, but I stare at the browser, and I try to think of a reason to go back to EVE, and I can’t.


I don’t have any happy memories, not one activity I enjoyed, I got into the usual goal mindset of lvling up skills, testing the best weapon types, saving for my first cruiser, but the actual game itself has nothing in it I find fun, my mind goes blank at the thought of this game.


The travelling around was dull, remote probe scanning, move one a little, move another a little, move this one a little, extend radius, scan, move one a little.. I mean who thought this would be fun? Mining is dull, so I can’t really manufacture, pvp is out of the question, as I can’t afford to lose my ship more than a couple of times, and re-acquiring all the gear again, and re-equipping it every time is annoying, and the pve missions are duller than FFXIV.


Am I missing something? I seriously do not understand why this game has such a great reputation. I know that there are lots more things to do at higher lvls, but they don’t sound interesting either, and neither does just tagging along with a corp., hoping the enemy focus on the less obviously noob ship.


Any other mmo offers stimulating exploration, npcs to talk to (AoC) a sense of wonder, (Aion), lore, (LOTRO) varieties of mob to kill, (Rift), humour and charm, (WoW) strategy, (Atlantica) great music (GW1) interesting classes (FFXIV, Rift) engaging ship combat, (STO would you believe, rather than orbiting an invisible dot 20km away, exchanging hot keys). The interface and atmosphere is so sterile, lifeless, depressing.


Flame me if you want, but I am genuinely puzzled, and would like to understand what people see in EVE.



  • PyrettaBlazePyrettaBlaze Member Posts: 34

    Well I may be wrong but I think a majority of the big EVE fanatics are the ones in big corps who focus on big time pvp. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming you have not yet experienced that part of the game? I can tell you I have not experienced it but from what I have heard by many that seems to be one of the most appealing things about the game.

    Besides what you find good in those other games, some people will not like.

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Originally posted by zevni78

    I would like to understand what people see in EVE.


    Total freedom to choose your own destiny and carreer from a ton of different gameplay alternatives; mission running, exploring, piracy, mining, merc jobs, trading, suicide ganking, militia pvp, hauling goods for others, sov space holding, spying, scamming, w-space farming, etc., etc.

    All on a vast, single shard.

    Very challenging and expansive pvp options.

    A community policing itself where people's actions can have unexpected consequences.

    A game where you really need to use your wit and talents to do well.

    A community which has the freedom to create its own content and shape its own history.

    I could go one for a while ...

    There hasn't been a single game ever which make me shake and tremble from excitement so much as EVE did.

    Let me ask you something.

    Have you ever ventured into w-space? Or lowsec? Or participated in group pvp like militias?

  • RednecksithRednecksith Member Posts: 1,238

    EVE gives you the freedom to...

    A: Get killed repeatedly in null sec by the big alliances until you join them!

    B: Join a big alliance and gatecamp all day, while being treated like crap by them!

    C: Run dull, repetitive, and uninspired 'missions' handed out by NPCs for cash and reputation!

    D: Stare at space rocks all day while mining! FUN!

    E: Do trade runs! Click 'autopilot' then go make a sandwich or read a book!

    F: Log off and play something else while waiting for skills to train so you can do any of the above slightly more effectively!

    See! You can do all of the above amazing things, only for $9.95 a month. Good deal, eh? Realistically though, EVE isn't nearly as deep as the fanboys would have you believe. I don't think its a bad game by any stretch, and there are some interesting things about it, but this whole 'choose your own destiny' really is just a pile of crap. You WILL be forced to join a large corp to do just about anything other than run missions or trade routes in hi-sec, and you WILL be forced into a certain roll by them.

    It's all just an elaborate illusion of freedom. An occasionally fun one admittedly, but an illusion nonetheless.

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Originally posted by Rednecksith

    EVE gives you the freedom to...

    A: Get killed repeatedly in null sec by the big alliances until you join them!

    B: Join a big alliance and gatecamp all day, while being treated like crap by them!

    C: Run dull, repetitive, and uninspired 'missions' handed out by NPCs for cash and reputation!

    D: Stare at space rocks all day while mining! FUN!

    E: Do trade runs! Click 'autopilot' then go make a sandwich or read a book!

    F: Log off and play something else while waiting for skills to train so you can do any of the above slightly more effectively!

    See! You can do all of the above amazing things, only for $9.95 a month. Good deal, eh? Realistically though, EVE isn't nearly as deep as the fanboys would have you believe. I don't think its a bad game by any stretch, and there are some interesting things about it, but this whole 'choose your own destiny' really is just a pile of crap. You WILL be forced to join a large corp to do just about anything other than run missions or trade routes in hi-sec, and you WILL be forced into a certain roll by them.

    It's all just an elaborate illusion of freedom. An occasionally fun one admittedly, but an illusion nonetheless.

    Sorry but that is a load of crap.

    I've played EVE only in small corps based in hisec and every day I did different things, together with corpies or alone; hunting war targets, bashing posses, hunting in w-space, militia warfare, high and lowsec mission running, suicide ganking, manufacturing, infiltrating other corps on alts, low sec exploring, baiting and bashing pirate gatecamps, ransoming people's ships and posses, etc.

    Solo and small group pvp is much more fun than large lagfests anyway.

    No day has been the same for me, unless you count the first few months which I mainly used to skill up the basics and get some isk while missioning in highsec: same with level based games where you need to get to max level to enjoy "endgame".

    You just have to go out there, have some guts to risk your ships and always use your wits, as people will use their wit to try and profit from your mistakes.

  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760

    An abridged version of the OPs post:

    "I'm lost without the game telling me what to do and I don't consider other players to be of value in a MMORPG."

    "When in a sand box; the sand, bucket, shovel, and water, should entertain me without me having to use them as tools"

    "Death shouldn't have consequences"

    "For a game that is mostly about PVPing the PVE in EVE sucks, and I don`t like PVP for the reason above"

  • SheistaSheista Member UncommonPosts: 1,203

    Originally posted by Hazelle

    An abridged version of the OPs post:

    "I'm lost without the game telling me what to do and I don't consider other players to be of value in a MMORPG."

    "When in a sand box; the sand, bucket, shovel, and water, should entertain me without me having to use them as tools"

    "Death shouldn't have consequences"

    "For a game that is mostly about PVPing the PVE in EVE sucks, and I don`t like PVP for the reason above"

    Even shorter version:

    "I've played other MMOs, but EVE is not like any of them.  I do not like it because all the things I learned from those games do not apply to this one."

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    Originally posted by zevni78
    I got into the usual goal mindset of lvling up skills, testing the best weapon types, saving for my first cruiser 

    That isn't how the game is structured thus there is no wonder you are not having fun.

  • RednecksithRednecksith Member Posts: 1,238

    Originally posted by Gdemami


    Originally posted by zevni78

    I got into the usual goal mindset of lvling up skills, testing the best weapon types, saving for my first cruiser 

    That isn't how the game is structured thus there is no wonder you are not having fun.

    That is EXACTLY how the game is structured, sorry. Get better ships/skills so you can do more stuff. I've yet to see any different in 3+ years of on and off playing.

  • AmanaAmana Moderator UncommonPosts: 3,912

    Please remember to respond to the OP's questions without attacks or baiting.

    To give feedback on moderation, contact [email protected]

  • ErstokErstok Member Posts: 523


    When did you start playing "old school" MMO's. World Of Warcraft?

  • onehunerdperonehunerdper Member Posts: 837

    You haven't played any PVP, that's the best part of the game, and if you think that you have to be high skills or part of a corp to do it then you are pretty fail at EVE.  Me and my bro would hunt for people all the time and being mostly a prober (I know haha) I can say that it was nerve racking trying to hunt someone down especially when a team of people could jump in at any moment.  Eve is an amazing game, but it's definately not a solo game at all.  I'm sure there are a few out there that enjoy it alone, but it's much better even with a smaller group.  It isn't a game you jump into and are changing the universe in a month.


    Originally posted by Hazelle

    An abridged version of the OPs post:

    "I'm lost without the game telling me what to do and I don't consider other players to be of value in a MMORPG."

    "When in a sand box; the sand, bucket, shovel, and water, should entertain me without me having to use them as tools"

    "Death shouldn't have consequences"

    "For a game that is mostly about PVPing the PVE in EVE sucks, and I don`t like PVP for the reason above"


    I think that pretty much sums up what you're really saying.


  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    Originally posted by Rednecksith

    That is EXACTLY how the game is structured, sorry. Get better ships/skills so you can do more stuff. I've yet to see any different in 3+ years of on and off playing., it isn't.

    Ships like Skill Points or ISK are tools only.

  • NicoliNicoli Member Posts: 1,312

    Originally posted by Gdemami


    Originally posted by Rednecksith

    That is EXACTLY how the game is structured, sorry. Get better ships/skills so you can do more stuff. I've yet to see any different in 3+ years of on and off playing., it isn't.

    Ships like Skill Points or ISK are tools only.

    What Gdemami is trying to say though is that is NOT the game and never has been. you need to be concentrating at what you can do with the skills you have now compared to what you can do with skills you may have in the future.

    If i'd start again right now with no help from my main, I'd get my frig, Afterburner, propulsion jamming/EW skills up while doing the tutorials/1st epic arc. that gives me about 1.5mil and about a half dozen ships to full around with. Then I would start looking for any pvp corp I could find explaining that I want to start as a tackler and work/train my way up. Now that I am starting to do the fun stuff with a corp to keep me in my sub 250k isk ships I can pretty much start branching my skills as needed. almost any half decent corp can keep you in tacklers. I can make enough money in 1 hour to buy about 50 of the damn things. As you get more experienced you'll have the money to keep you going yourself.

    PVP is easy to get into early on and much harder the longer you wait. This is since you have more implants in your head to worry about, your flying more expensive ships to replace, and your more and likely going to lose quite a few to you catch on to all the tricks of the trade. Now if you wait long enough(I'm talking 2+ years) it starts becoming easier again as you should have a sizable personal war chest.

  • britzbanbritzban Member UncommonPosts: 260

    Originally posted by Amana

    Please remember to respond to the OP's questions without attacks or baiting.



    He was not asking a realistic question but posting sarcastic questions as he was actually bashing the game.   He was the one that was baiting hoping to start flaming.

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297

    Originally posted by zevni78

    CCP recently offered to reactivate my account for 9:95, it sounds good value for money, but I stare at the browser, and I try to think of a reason to go back to EVE, and I can’t.


    I don’t have any happy memories, not one activity I enjoyed, I got into the usual goal mindset of lvling up skills, testing the best weapon types, saving for my first cruiser, but the actual game itself has nothing in it I find fun, my mind goes blank at the thought of this game.


    The travelling around was dull, remote probe scanning, move one a little, move another a little, move this one a little, extend radius, scan, move one a little.. I mean who thought this would be fun? Mining is dull, so I can’t really manufacture, pvp is out of the question, as I can’t afford to lose my ship more than a couple of times, and re-acquiring all the gear again, and re-equipping it every time is annoying, and the pve missions are duller than FFXIV.


    Am I missing something? I seriously do not understand why this game has such a great reputation. I know that there are lots more things to do at higher lvls, but they don’t sound interesting either, and neither does just tagging along with a corp., hoping the enemy focus on the less obviously noob ship.


    Any other mmo offers stimulating exploration, npcs to talk to (AoC) a sense of wonder, (Aion), lore, (LOTRO) varieties of mob to kill, (Rift), humour and charm, (WoW) strategy, (Atlantica) great music (GW1) interesting classes (FFXIV, Rift) engaging ship combat, (STO would you believe, rather than orbiting an invisible dot 20km away, exchanging hot keys). The interface and atmosphere is so sterile, lifeless, depressing.


    Flame me if you want, but I am genuinely puzzled, and would like to understand what people see in EVE.



    EVE is all about interacting with other players. As you have correctly stated, without that aspect, much of the game is rather mediocre - go play Wing Commander 3 for a solo experience.

    PvP is much more affordable than you may think.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297

    Originally posted by Nicoli

    PVP is easy to get into early on and much harder the longer you wait.


    This should be pasted in giant neon blinking letters on the screen directly after character creation.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • zevni78zevni78 Member UncommonPosts: 1,146

    Originally posted by Nicoli

    If i'd start again right now with no help from my main, I'd get my frig, Afterburner, propulsion jamming/EW skills up while doing the tutorials/1st epic arc. that gives me about 1.5mil and about a half dozen ships to full around with. Then I would start looking for any pvp corp I could find explaining that I want to start as a tackler and work/train my way up. Now that I am starting to do the fun stuff with a corp to keep me in my sub 250k isk ships I can pretty much start branching my skills as needed. almost any half decent corp can keep you in tacklers. I can make enough money in 1 hour to buy about 50 of the damn things. As you get more experienced you'll have the money to keep you going yourself.

    PVP is easy to get into early on and much harder the longer you wait. This is since you have more implants in your head to worry about, your flying more expensive ships to replace, and your more and likely going to lose quite a few to you catch on to all the tricks of the trade. Now if you wait long enough(I'm talking 2+ years) it starts becoming easier again as you should have a sizable personal war chest.


    At last, practical advice, this is the one post that makes me want to try it again, thanks Nicoli.


    As to other posts, saying it gets more interesting after MONTHS of playing doesn’t sell it for me, and most of what was listed as things to do I’ve already dealt with. I have played many pvp and sandbox mmos before, EVE is the only one I haven’t got into, so most of the assumptions as to my problem with the game are false.


    Nice to see some posters see my point of view on this.




    Thanks for responding, you magnificent stallion, however half the things you listed I tried and didn’t like and the other half I was hoping people could explain why I should bother, as they don’t sound that fun, and what the heck is w-space?


  • zevni78zevni78 Member UncommonPosts: 1,146

    Well, I'm back in the game, lets see how it goes this time...

  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760

    Originally posted by zevni78

    Well, I'm back in the game, lets see how it goes this time...

     Does this mean you'll subject us to another left handed critique of the game in a months time?

    My post wasn't bashing you dude - they're the exact reasons why you don't like the game, and unless you change your attitude towards them you're probably not going to like the game this time around either.

  • PuciekPuciek Member UncommonPosts: 41

    Originally posted by Rednecksith

    Originally posted by Gdemami

    Originally posted by zevni78
    I got into the usual goal mindset of lvling up skills, testing the best weapon types, saving for my first cruiser 

    That isn't how the game is structured thus there is no wonder you are not having fun.

    That is EXACTLY how the game is structured, sorry. Get better ships/skills so you can do more stuff. I've yet to see any different in 3+ years of on and off playing.

    No it's not. There are no better ships. There are no better weapons. There are no better skills. There are only better ships/weapons/skills for certain tasks.

    @OP you are simply a typical new genree player - you like stuff when they walk you by hand, from A to B, tell you what to do. You need direction from 3rd party so eve is not for you, it's a game where you set your own goals.

  • NicoliNicoli Member Posts: 1,312

    Originally posted by zevni78

    Well, I'm back in the game, lets see how it goes this time...

    When you go looking for a corp to pvp with if that is your goal as some suggestions:


    Don't join if they require a sign on fee (it's probably a scam)

    Don't take everything you own out to their space. Take just enough to get you started, For most starters that is just a single tackler. Work with them to help provide you with more equipment on location. (keeps you from flying out and getting all of your stuff blown up either by hostiles or by that supposedly friendly corp)

    Ask about thier ship replacement/purchase/free-ship policy. Most good solid PVP corps will have some policy that will allow you to replace ships lost on official ops for a reduced cost. Some shipstypes that are extremely in demand or cheap they may provide for free at first.

    Let them know your trying to learn and are willing to listen... and once you do join them actually listen. Somethings may seem stupid at first but there is reasoning behind it. For example in Fleet fights rarely do you field a ship with its own local repair system. It may sound stupid at first but with remote repping you can be kept alive a longer.

    Be willing to lose a few ships and get podded. Noone that has PVPed for any length of time can claim they have never lost a ship. Your not going to be the first

    Getting the mods and hull for a pvp ship can be a pain. Traveling to find the best prices etc.... so make sure you buy multiples when you go shopping. Don't just get enough stuff to make one tackler... buy/make enough to fit 5 of them. Make sure you save the fit you use so you can have the game just auto fit the stuff on you extra ships. This also helps make sure you follow the EVE policy of "Don't fly what you can't afford to lose."  If you have 5 of them you can afford to lose them.

  • ryuga81ryuga81 Member UncommonPosts: 351

    Tools are, well, just tools.

    You can have a ball, a field and a dozen people, but they are not gonna entertain you until you team up, make some rules, and start playing. In time, you may get a quality ball, a more leveled field with painted lines, professional dress and shoes, but they are just better tools to do the thing that you like to do.

    If you don't like playing ball-based games with others in open air, and you'd rather visit the Haunted House in Disneyland, well, that's a different thing!

  • willybachwillybach Member Posts: 39

    I reckon there's alot of people out there like myself - people who have been keeping an eye on this game for quite some time but haven't as yet dived in. There are I'm sure alot of people who are looking to play a large single shard space-sim. Star Trek online was %^$^#. Major disappointment. Star Wars Galaxies was probably the closest yet, but still not exactly what I was looking for. I'm waiting for Ambulation. Or whatever it's called now. Then I'm gonna wait another 6 months for the contect to really kick in, and the feedback. Then, hopefully, EVE online can really take off. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who want the game to stay mostly as i is, just fixed up a little, or tweaked. But I'm sure for every one of them, there's ten like me, waiting in the wings.

  • PuciekPuciek Member UncommonPosts: 41

    Originally posted by willybach
    I reckon there's alot of people out there like myself - people who have been keeping an eye on this game for quite some time but haven't as yet dived in. There are I'm sure alot of people who are looking to play a large single shard space-sim. Star Trek online was %^$^#. Major disappointment. Star Wars Galaxies was probably the closest yet, but still not exactly what I was looking for. I'm waiting for Ambulation. Or whatever it's called now. Then I'm gonna wait another 6 months for the contect to really kick in, and the feedback. Then, hopefully, EVE online can really take off. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who want the game to stay mostly as i is, just fixed up a little, or tweaked. But I'm sure for every one of them, there's ten like me, waiting in the wings.

    Eve is not a space sim whatsoever. It's a big "entity" (mix of maaany genres of games) that is simply sci-fi themed but could very well be moved to medieval times.
    As for numbers of people waiting for eve to change, prolly will never happen. Eve is not a niche game for quite some time (with over 300k active subs) and this number is constantly going up so i wouldn't hope for major changes in direction it takes.
  • CactusJackCactusJack Member UncommonPosts: 393


     If you are asking complete random strangers why you should spend time, effort and your money in a game that you have tried before and didn't care for or like...why would you ask? If I tried lemon cake and didn't like it, I most assuredly wouldn't ask you if i should try it again here. It could be that EvE isn't your type of game. Not all games are for all people. All I ask rookies in my corp least log into vent/TS and INTERACT with the rest of us for 3 or 4 weeks.

    If they aren't having any fun or they don't like the GUI, least I know they went on some lo sec roams with me FC'ing, they mined some, they ran some missions and got all the loot, they got to see a few capital ships, they got to refuel a POS, they got to do some PI, they "crafted"...or made some ammo or something with a BPC, they went to Jita, Amarr Prime, Hek, Ouraselurt and saw these hubs teeming with people. They either mined ice or helped. They get to see at least one wormhole.

    Have you done all these things? Have you ever fitted a cloak and tried to fly from Fountain to Geminate? EvE is for people to LEARN and EXPERIENCE it with others.

    Do you go to the movies or concerts by yourself alot? Do you go out to eat by yourself alot? Most people go with others b/c they not only want to eat/get entertained....they want to EXPERIENCE it in a group setting. Disassociate your thinking from.."where's my next quest at.."  and think..."who can teach me the skills I need to scan down a wormhole' or "who can teach my what falloff vs optimal range means"...that's what you should be asking yourself.

    Good luck. Start with EvE university...they apparently are good for greenhorns. Agony Unleashed used to run a PvP course for people too. Get involved with other HUMANS and worry less about what the NPC's in the game are saying to you.

    God speed.

    Playing: BF4/BF:Hardline, Subnautica 7 days to die
    Hiatus: EvE
    Waiting on: World of Darkness(sigh)
    Interested in: better games in general

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