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Why I changed my views on this game....

 This thread is really just an expression and wanted to get some feed back if anyone else felt the same way. I have said this before in other threads but I used to be a big opponent to this game. I thought it looked dated (before updates), and I was big into Guild Wars 2. Not that my feelings for Guild Wars 2 have changed, I still think it will be amazing for the genre and a well executed game.

   Just, after playing WoW, and Guild Wars, and countless other fantasy games, I feel I have grown slightly tired of the "Medieval" feeling games. Again nothing against these at all, but fantasy seems to have burnt me out, and this is coming from a HUGE Tolkien fan. Since this seems to be one of the big upcoming Sci-Fi games this may be a little bit of fresh air so I don't get burn out on the "mmo genre" in general. I will still try GW2 I just need a fantasy break. Anyone else feeling that these days? I mean I look at the upcoming games list and the ones that seem to spike my interest are SWTOR, TSW, and WOD. They are all different settings and feelings, I think I may be truly burnt out on fantasy, at least for now.

Have Played: FFXI, WoW, Aion, DCUO
Waiting For: TSW, World of Darkness, SWTOR
Currently Playing: KOTOR
Tried: Matrix Online, Rift, Xsyon, LOTRO, EVE, Guild Wars

“Not all those who wander are lost.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien



  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Aye, I think the sci-fi IP could be a breath of fresh air for many. Looking forward to it.

    All the axe wielding, grunting, plate armor sporting heroicness around keeps and castles got a bit stale for me as well.

    It still has similarities though: lightsaber combat for one.

    This is why I'll probably go for an imperial agent first. Also Bioware stated that they get to have the most sexual pick up lines in their personal storyline AND get to fly the sleekest ship to boot!

    *studies fingernails*

  • MeowheadMeowhead Member UncommonPosts: 3,716

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    This is why I'll probably go for an imperial agent first. Also Bioware stated that they get to have the most sexual pick up lines in their personal storyline AND get to fly the sleekest ship to boot!

    Ugh, more dating NPCs in SW:TOR? :(   It always seemed so creepy to me how obsessive Bioware has been with that lately.

    It's like a Japanese dating game being sneakily snuck into a normal game. :T

    I'd trade that in a heartbeat for the ability to be a Wookie.

    Also, SW:TOR seems very fantasy to me.  I mean, even more so than the fantasy roots you see in space opera just in general.  If I was going to do a science fiction based MMO (Not that I am, but if I was), skills would be based more off of what equipment you have... like certain guns would allow certain types of attacks, not something that you get as an ability out of your class.

    I would really love to play a hard SF MMO that really seems less like a scantily dressed up version of wizards and knights.

    Even Anarchy Online seemed too... magical.  ... and EVE doesn't count because you're flying around in spaceships all the time.


  • GoldenDogGoldenDog Member Posts: 586

    I believe that most MMOs choose Fantasy as their setting for two reasons:


    1. It's the second best selling genre (second to romance)

    2. Melee and the delay in spell casting (plus slow moving arrows) is easier to balance in terms of PvP.


    Bullets and lasers fly fast and typically reload instantly.  Warhammer tried to introduce them with slow moving bullets, but it just looked goofy.  Taking an animation in between gun shots that cause a reloading type delay also would not make sense.  In addition, in a fight where there are guns, why would anyone want to go melee and how do you tank (unless it's set up like a first-person-shooter like Team Fortress)?


    So Fantasy was the ideal choice.  I believe Star Wars is a good universe to introduce lasers and such though because of lightsabers.  This still leaves a viable option for melee given the environmental variables and technology.


    As far as the burn out...

    Sure new settings and costuming can be refreshing.  I can't say that I burned out on Medieval era technology as much as I have simply in hours spent.  I just grow tired of the same type of gameplay after a certain numbers of hours in it.  New games bring new skill mechanics, costumes, and play-styles (usually).  It's more the fact that I grow used to a game and find a lack of learning from the process and master it.  Once the game mechanics are mastered, they're mundane.  The setting plays less of a role than the amount of investment required to master the individuals skills.  


    This is why a lot of games have also introduced specialized skill fields where you can take different skills in different directions (deeds, subclasses) to try and retain this variance to the playstyle and uniqness of the character in terms of use.  By rerolling, providing a completely seperate experience is key for keeping long term subscriptions and interest.


    My 2 cents... 

    LineageII | LoTRO | RFO | 9Dragons | Aion | Perfect World | Ether Saga | Dungeon Runners | GuildWars 1 and 2 | Hellgate London | tCoS | Warhammer | AoC | Tabula Rasa | SWTOR
  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Originally posted by Meowhead

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    This is why I'll probably go for an imperial agent first. Also Bioware stated that they get to have the most sexual pick up lines in their personal storyline AND get to fly the sleekest ship to boot!

    Ugh, more dating NPCs in SW:TOR? :( 


    Well, the cool thing is that you wil have a choice. I bet that you can cruely reject all npc attempts at intimacy and make them sulk and hurt their feelings. I for one, think that would be a very harsh thing to do.

    They also said that Sith Warriors get the option to punish their npc companions if they failed at tasks. Probably by force-choking too.

    Looks like they want the personal storylines to be very diverse and immersive and that isn't a bad thing imo, as long as you have a choice :)


  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    Well this game will not be a day 1 purchase for me but if they have a good launch and reviews turn out well I'll be more than happy to play it. It concerns me when I hear so many out there comparing this game to WoW because once your game gets compared to WoW chances are it doesn't bode well for you. I guess we'll see.


  • NasaNasa Member UncommonPosts: 749

    You want a break from fantasy game and of all the Sci-Fi games you choose one that includes knights and wizards imageimage

  • GrumpyMel2GrumpyMel2 Member Posts: 1,832

    I'm definately looking forward to a SCI-Fi MMO...but unfortunately for me TOR isn't it. It's not the style of MMO I like...and has far too many similarties (for me) to a typical fantasy MMO.

    Oh well... I've still got a chance to find something closer to what I'm looking for in Secret World or WH40K Online.... just have to wait a bit for those.

    I'm happy to see Publishers are trying different genre's more these days.

  • Originally posted by Meowhead

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    This is why I'll probably go for an imperial agent first. Also Bioware stated that they get to have the most sexual pick up lines in their personal storyline AND get to fly the sleekest ship to boot!

    Ugh, more dating NPCs in SW:TOR? :(   It always seemed so creepy to me how obsessive Bioware has been with that lately.

    It's like a Japanese dating game being sneakily snuck into a normal game. :T

    I'd trade that in a heartbeat for the ability to be a Wookie.

    Also, SW:TOR seems very fantasy to me.  I mean, even more so than the fantasy roots you see in space opera just in general.  If I was going to do a science fiction based MMO (Not that I am, but if I was), skills would be based more off of what equipment you have... like certain guns would allow certain types of attacks, not something that you get as an ability out of your class.

    I would really love to play a hard SF MMO that really seems less like a scantily dressed up version of wizards and knights.

    Even Anarchy Online seemed too... magical.  ... and EVE doesn't count because you're flying around in spaceships all the time.


    guess you won't be happy to know that the slave leia outfit will be in the game in some form. ;)


    Non-combat aesthetics like pets?

    JO: Not talking about it but will have something. The Return of the Jedi Slave Leia Outfit is in the game in some form.

    DE: It's important for social aspects.

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Originally posted by Nasa

    You want a break from fantasy game and of all the Sci-Fi games you choose one that includes knights and wizards imageimage

    Lol :)

    And derp.

  • romanator0romanator0 Member Posts: 2,382

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by Nasa

    You want a break from fantasy game and of all the Sci-Fi games you choose one that includes knights and wizards imageimage

    Lol :)

    And derp.

    He has a point.


  • Dorko2kDorko2k Member Posts: 107

    I'm kind of a weirdo with this genre- I can't stand fantasy mmo's anymore just because its so old & tired although I did like the Warhammer look since it was slightly more gritty & tough looking than other mmo's. I don't really like sci-fi either though & I can't realy explain why but it just doesn't grab. Sc-fi fantasy on the other hand just grabs me like nothing else & I can't really explain it. I've been dying for another sc-fi fantasy mmo ever since I left Anarchy Online. I think I loved the look & story of that game so much because it was completely original & brilliant.

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Originally posted by romanator0

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by Nasa

    You want a break from fantasy game and of all the Sci-Fi games you choose one that includes knights and wizards imageimage

    Lol :)

    And derp.

    He has a point.

    That's why it made me lol + happy smiley.

    But saying that having light sabers and the force makes the game look and feel like a fantasy mmorpg altogether would be rushing to conclusions on lunatic speed.

    I will admit to this though:

    WOW |----SWTOR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| EVE

    That isn't a problem for me though: I've enjoyed both other games.

    edit: + Swtor will add new and different features.

  • jeremyjodesjeremyjodes Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 679

    My only concern was immersion, and I found your ship is technicaly your house in space. even though space is on rails this game appeals to me because I like to solo play and mainly craft. I had enough with forced grouping via wow type games. I'm curious to see if BW can pull off the RPG elements without having a riot on the forums. I also like GW2 for the same reason. VO does not matter to me at all. I wish that they focused on more important thing's then fully voiced characters.

    If all else failes I will head to archeage for the sandbox.


    We gotta wait all we can do really.


  • LaterisLateris Member UncommonPosts: 1,849

    I don't think a  studio has come into full fruition yet for a good all around sci fi game that appeals to a broad style of "in depth science fiction". I have seen more of a collective of really good ideas and game play from a few games.  But making a game where all you do is shoot and kill gets really boring for a hard core sci fi fan.  I am looking for an in depth sci fi with avatars, no loading screens to land on a planet from space, amazing crafting, colonization, terraforming, politics, diplomacy, and amazing physics system.  Player run content and economy. Massive amounts of story. Eve gives me half of this vision. The engine for Infinity gives half of this. SWG gave another half as well as Vanguard just to name a few.  I suppose in 20 years there might be a game that my mind envisions. But I am still really into playing BioWare games and  I look forward to TOR. I think it will be a really good game. I just want more of a true element of space and ground sci fi simulator in the long run.  I think this is part of the evolutionary process off MMO gamers after so many years they crave more immersion and in depth creativity for game play without subtracting the current style of gameplay. We just see how to build upon what already exists. But I think Bioware has made huge improvements with the development of TOR. The combat looks better. The  misson and quest system looks great. The art work has really improved. The lighting and shaders have improved. I think they have a strong foundation that they have built upon for this game for future content based on the information we have seen. I wish them well. OP- I see your point ;)

  • DonkirealDonkireal Member Posts: 24

    Well, I don't really understand the hype for the sci fi setting of Swtor, as I see it, swtor the mmo will be like a fantasy game with a sci-fi skin, only instead of fireballs you will have flamethrowers and instead of poisons you will have toxic plasma guns...Imo, TSW and WoD appear to have a much more original setting and concept for MMOs, and for sci-fi of course EvE, BP and if it's on ground then even Earthrise or a ME online version (strictly talking about concepts). I'm really looking forward to swtor but the fact that I should see this game as a different setting from the other hundred MMOs doesn't excite me one bit.

  • sJenksFTWsJenksFTW Member Posts: 63

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by romanator0

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by Nasa

    You want a break from fantasy game and of all the Sci-Fi games you choose one that includes knights and wizards imageimage

    Lol :)

    And derp.

    He has a point.

    That's why it made me lol + happy smiley.

    But saying that having light sabers and the force makes the game look and feel like a fantasy mmorpg altogether would be rushing to conclusions on lunatic speed.

    I will admit to this though:

    WOW |----SWTOR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| EVE

    That isn't a problem for me though: I've enjoyed both other games.

    edit: + Swtor will add new and different features.

     Lol, ok I'll give you that one. But I mean the usual dwarves/trolls, mage - cast fireball kind of stuff.


    But touche sir ^^

    Have Played: FFXI, WoW, Aion, DCUO
    Waiting For: TSW, World of Darkness, SWTOR
    Currently Playing: KOTOR
    Tried: Matrix Online, Rift, Xsyon, LOTRO, EVE, Guild Wars

    “Not all those who wander are lost.”
    -J.R.R. Tolkien

  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088

    Originally posted by Nasa

    You want a break from fantasy game and of all the Sci-Fi games you choose one that includes knights and wizards imageimage

    Yeah lol, but SWTOR will have also lasers! Pew Pew!

  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088

    Originally posted by jeremyjodes

    My only concern was immersion, and I found your ship is technicaly your house in space. even though space is on rails this game appeals to me because I like to solo play and mainly craft. I had enough with forced grouping via wow type games. I'm curious to see if BW can pull off the RPG elements without having a riot on the forums. I also like GW2 for the same reason. VO does not matter to me at all. I wish that they focused on more important thing's then fully voiced characters.

    If all else failes I will head to archeage for the sandbox.


    We gotta wait all we can do really.

    I hate to disappoint you (actually I dont hate it, why do I even write that? :p ), but your ship is only your house on the ground. What happens in space on rails has nothing to do with it. In space it wont have an interior unfortunately.

    Im also looking forward to SWTOR for the Bioware rpg elements.

  • MeowheadMeowhead Member UncommonPosts: 3,716

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Yeah lol, but SWTOR will have also lasers! Pew Pew!

    Fired at nearly point blank range. :(

    Even for Star Wars, the range is really close.

    wake me up when there's a hard SF game where you can snipe somebody with a laser from orbit.

    ... okay, sure, that will make the aggro range of enemies ludicrous, and the deaths horribly frustrating (I died.  Again.  From an orbital beam cannon. :(  ), but the normal range of lasers in SF MMOs is soooo short. :(

  • Originally posted by someforumguy

    Originally posted by jeremyjodes

    My only concern was immersion, and I found your ship is technicaly your house in space. even though space is on rails this game appeals to me because I like to solo play and mainly craft. I had enough with forced grouping via wow type games. I'm curious to see if BW can pull off the RPG elements without having a riot on the forums. I also like GW2 for the same reason. VO does not matter to me at all. I wish that they focused on more important thing's then fully voiced characters.

    If all else failes I will head to archeage for the sandbox.


    We gotta wait all we can do really.

    I hate to disappoint you (actually I dont hate it, why do I even write that? :p ), but your ship is only your house on the ground. What happens in space on rails has nothing to do with it. In space it wont have an interior unfortunately.

    Im also looking forward to SWTOR for the Bioware rpg elements.

    while you wont be able to take control and fly it any where, you can walk around your ship while its in space.

      this can be seen during the space combat playthru from pax east.  when the smuggler goes to the cockpit to use the star map, you can see that he/she is in space.

  • MercurialGMercurialG Member UncommonPosts: 50

    Originally posted by Meowhead

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Yeah lol, but SWTOR will have also lasers! Pew Pew!

    Fired at nearly point blank range. :(

    Even for Star Wars, the range is really close.

    wake me up when there's a hard SF game where you can snipe somebody with a laser from orbit.

    ... okay, sure, that will make the aggro range of enemies ludicrous, and the deaths horribly frustrating (I died.  Again.  From an orbital beam cannon. :(  ), but the normal range of lasers in SF MMOs is soooo short. :(


     Planetside had orbital strikes.  And yeah it sucked being on the receiving end of it.

  • GrumpyMel2GrumpyMel2 Member Posts: 1,832

    Originally posted by Meowhead

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Yeah lol, but SWTOR will have also lasers! Pew Pew!

    Fired at nearly point blank range. :(

    Even for Star Wars, the range is really close.

    wake me up when there's a hard SF game where you can snipe somebody with a laser from orbit.

    ... okay, sure, that will make the aggro range of enemies ludicrous, and the deaths horribly frustrating (I died.  Again.  From an orbital beam cannon. :(  ), but the normal range of lasers in SF MMOs is soooo short. :(

    Exactly.... TOR may have a Sci-Fi skin....but the combat mechanics don't seem all that different from a typical Fantasy-based MMO. 

    Note: That's not actualy all that contrary to the Star Wars IP....which is kind of like a typical Fantasy set in a Space.

    Compare that to something like Star-Gate or maybe Aliens or Starship Troopers, Space: Above & Beyond, Independance Day, etc. Where the combat plays out alot closer to modern warfare in style.... you might have melee combat once inawhile (heck the Japanese were still doing bayonet charges in WWII) but it's more the exception then the rule.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by Meowhead

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Yeah lol, but SWTOR will have also lasers! Pew Pew!

    Fired at nearly point blank range. :(

    Even for Star Wars, the range is really close.

    wake me up when there's a hard SF game where you can snipe somebody with a laser from orbit.

    ... okay, sure, that will make the aggro range of enemies ludicrous, and the deaths horribly frustrating (I died.  Again.  From an orbital beam cannon. :(  ), but the normal range of lasers in SF MMOs is soooo short. :(

    But, troopers do call down air strikes.  And you do have IAs sniping players from behind cover.  Its not like you won't see players with ranged weapons using them at close range in other new upcoming games.   They don't HAVE to fire on people at close range,  sometimes it just happens that way.

  • Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Meowhead

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Yeah lol, but SWTOR will have also lasers! Pew Pew!

    Fired at nearly point blank range. :(

    Even for Star Wars, the range is really close.

    wake me up when there's a hard SF game where you can snipe somebody with a laser from orbit.

    ... okay, sure, that will make the aggro range of enemies ludicrous, and the deaths horribly frustrating (I died.  Again.  From an orbital beam cannon. :(  ), but the normal range of lasers in SF MMOs is soooo short. :(

    But, troopers do call down air strikes.  And you do have IAs sniping players from behind cover.  Its not like you won't see players with ranged weapons using them at close range in other new upcoming games.   They don't HAVE to fire on people at close range,  sometimes it just happens that way.

    IA can also use orbital strike.  it can be seen that the end of its class trailer.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Meowhead

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Yeah lol, but SWTOR will have also lasers! Pew Pew!

    Fired at nearly point blank range. :(

    Even for Star Wars, the range is really close.

    wake me up when there's a hard SF game where you can snipe somebody with a laser from orbit.

    ... okay, sure, that will make the aggro range of enemies ludicrous, and the deaths horribly frustrating (I died.  Again.  From an orbital beam cannon. :(  ), but the normal range of lasers in SF MMOs is soooo short. :(

    But, troopers do call down air strikes.  And you do have IAs sniping players from behind cover.  Its not like you won't see players with ranged weapons using them at close range in other new upcoming games.   They don't HAVE to fire on people at close range,  sometimes it just happens that way.

    IA can also use orbital strike.  it can be seen that the end of its class trailer.

    IAs are OP'd  ... pre-release nerf?

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