Yes, we think companies should have data centers in seprate locations. Thank god you work in HR and have no idea what you are talking about. Even my old dentist kept 3 servers. He left 2 at his office, one unplugged and the 3rd at a seprate location. All that server did was house his exray machine software. Not really all that important in the sceme of things when you are a dentist, yet he had the sense to realize the importance of redundancy.
I dont see it so hard to belive that a company like SE that runs MMO's on thse servers that churn in millions of profit should keep a server center in a different country. Maybe one in america, one in japan and maybe another server center in some european country.
by back ground checks what do u mean? do u admit to invading peoples privacy? do u somehow hack into my desktop through an ip trace and figure out my real name? do u somehow trace my email adress and read through my emails to get my name? do u dare take away people's free speech? how do attach a new hire to some random post on a website like mmorpg?
personally i found ur post sorta stupid and im personally glad u dont work in my HR department or id have u fired
What you don't want to get is that SE is a efing game company Why the hell do they (or should they) have to prepare for a natural disaster of this magnitude?
Like others have mentioned here, never have the IT geeks make the money desicions... unless you want to have on hell of an overhead.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
A lot of fucking stupid people in this thread... Remind me never to let anyone in IT be in charge of money; I guess that's why software development houses have such a high failure rate.
Suggesting that SE have dupulicate servers somewhere else in the world on the off chance a major catastrophe hits their location is insane and if I, working in HR--and I do, noticed comments like this in my background checks I'd throw your resume out faster than I normally do... Which is usually within seconds... Eh, I'm not good with metaphors.
In case you haven't noticed, SE makes and runs games, not run a mission critial service. They aren't incompent for their handling of this situation unless you think CCP should have a back up Trainqulity sitting idle in case a volcano springs up in their neighborhood: Their server being, literally, one of the most powerful and expensive privately owned servers in the world. Or if you think Blizzard would give two shits about being out of service for a week or two should a flood, hurricane or earthquake hit one of their data centers(all of their data centers are vulernable to one or more of those) you are also fooling yourself.
This is why you work in HR and not in IT.
Redundancy is part of IT. CCP's datacenter is located in london not in iceland, I dont know their backup plan should a major issue hit london, but I'm sure they have one.
The fact that you think Blizzard wouldnt care if their service was down for a week blows my mind. Stick to HR.
You realize most of us talking arent talking from gaming prospective we are talking from a business perspective? I haven't played FFXIV since its launch. However, I do currently work in the networking field and thats what most of us are discussing in regards to SE. If you service clients worldwide, you usually have a datacenter at your regional hubs, along with a backup datacenter at those regional hubs. Worst case scenario your datacenter is destroyed, you swap to backup, if that datacenter goes down, you then spread the load to your other regional offices. We realize the magnitude of the catastrophe, however, as business minded individuals we see another catastrophe here of epic proportions when it comes to redundancy.
Square Enix does NOT host localized regional servers. They never have! As everyone around the globe is playing on the same servers. This was both a business decision as a .....oh wait.... here it comes..... a community decision! The FF community do not want localized servers! AGAIN! Square Enix could have kept the servers running, but they answered to their Governments plea to shut down all NON ESSENTIAL services ! I'm trying to figure out if you even understand what you are trying to argue about. it reminds me of a dog barking at a stick, running around that stick and continuing to bark at the stick. Not sure anyone cares if they decided to keep the servers in japan. what everyone who has been in IT for most of their life is saying, is that its really stupid to put all your servers in one location, BECAUSE of natural disasters. you can put the servers in japan and run them from japan, you can then add a datacenter in america and run them from japan. all you need is a small crew here to maintain the servers. where servers are doesnt really matter. its not a community decision, its the head of ITs natural disaster department decision to what he will with the server given the money and power from upper managment. you have no say where the server goes.
my cousin's husband runs the IT department for HP. You can bet your ass he has servers all over to handle natural disaters and non natural disasters. Open your eyes and realise you are takling apple to oranges.
I think perhaps the point you may be missing is that they may have shut down the servers because they wanted to. You are assuming that they do not have an offsite server. I would argue that your assumptions may be wrong considering the magnitude of this catastrophe, SE may be purposely shutting things down out of respect.
A lot of fucking stupid people in this thread... Remind me never to let anyone in IT be in charge of money; I guess that's why software development houses have such a high failure rate.
Suggesting that SE have dupulicate servers somewhere else in the world on the off chance a major catastrophe hits their location is insane and if I, working in HR--and I do, noticed comments like this in my background checks I'd throw your resume out faster than I normally do... Which is usually within seconds... Eh, I'm not good with metaphors.
In case you haven't noticed, SE makes and runs games, not run a mission critial service. They aren't incompent for their handling of this situation unless you think CCP should have a back up Trainqulity sitting idle in case a volcano springs up in their neighborhood: Their server being, literally, one of the most powerful and expensive privately owned servers in the world. Or if you think Blizzard would give two shits about being out of service for a week or two should a flood, hurricane or earthquake hit one of their data centers(all of their data centers are vulernable to one or more of those) you are also fooling yourself.
you made me laugh. proof that if you are apart of an HR department, you have little knowledge of what goes on in your company. if you are part of company that has an IT department, go ask the lead engineer what he has to do to ensure you have a job if the servers crashed, the back up server crashed. you just might get a better understanding.
CCP doesnt have the most powerful and expensive privately owned server farm. They may have a powerful and expensive server farm, but then they run a MMO and would be really stupid to run it on a desktop computers. OH and i bet your ass when that volcano erupted they had backup plans in place if they had to shut down their main server farm.
My point was and is that it's a collosal waste of money to have a full set of back-up servers fully capable of running a live service on the off chance a major disaster will hit. Again, this is not a mission critical service. I'm sure SE has back-ups of character data-- you people do realize there is insurance that covers downtime like this, right?
Rather than spend double your deployment cost, you just buy insurance which covers the loss of profit. It's far cheaper and... More sane. Again, this is not critical infrastructure, it's a fucking game.
eh it is funny. why wouldnt a huge corporation want to protect its profit margin even if that doesnt save lives. As a post said, it is possible that SE is actually capable of shutting down the japan branch and open up a profit train at a separate location. Maybe SE does have this ability and did in fact shut down their services out of respect. That would make alot of sense to me. Maybe it is good PR. And being japanese I would assume that their IT guys are sorta smart.
A lot of fucking stupid people in this thread... Remind me never to let anyone in IT be in charge of money; I guess that's why software development houses have such a high failure rate.
Suggesting that SE have dupulicate servers somewhere else in the world on the off chance a major catastrophe hits their location is insane and if I, working in HR--and I do, noticed comments like this in my background checks I'd throw your resume out faster than I normally do... Which is usually within seconds... Eh, I'm not good with metaphors.
In case you haven't noticed, SE makes and runs games, not run a mission critial service. They aren't incompent for their handling of this situation unless you think CCP should have a back up Trainqulity sitting idle in case a volcano springs up in their neighborhood: Their server being, literally, one of the most powerful and expensive privately owned servers in the world. Or if you think Blizzard would give two shits about being out of service for a week or two should a flood, hurricane or earthquake hit one of their data centers(all of their data centers are vulernable to one or more of those) you are also fooling yourself.
This is why you work in HR and not in IT.
Redundancy is part of IT. CCP's datacenter is located in london not in iceland, I dont know their backup plan should a major issue hit london, but I'm sure they have one.
The fact that you think Blizzard wouldnt care if their service was down for a week blows my mind. Stick to HR.
Yes Blizzard has backup contingencies. They could lose their entire HQ in Irvine CA as well as a Datacenter/Server farm and you would still be playing WoW.
My point was and is that it's a collosal waste of money to have a full set of back-up servers fully capable of running a live service on the off chance a major disaster will hit. Again, this is not a mission critical service. I'm sure SE has back-ups of character data-- you people do realize there is insurance that covers downtime like this, right?
Rather than spend double your deployment cost, you just buy insurance which covers the loss of profit. It's far cheaper and... More sane. Again, this is not critical infrastructure, it's a fucking game.
No I dont think so, I dont think the actual cost of servers would be a whole lot to a company like SE. I think what would cost mroe is employees and paying the lease for the actual building that these thigns are at.
The fact that you said its a collosal waste of money to have a full set of back-up servers fully capable of running a live service...... well when faced with this amount of pure genious, one can only bow down to obivous superior acumen.
I'm pretty incredulous. I looked up EVE's server, and you're right. I guess I misremembered 'the largest in gaming' as the largest privately owned... Though I would've sworn I heard that from somewhere.
In any case, I don't buy that the a total loss of the data-center for any MMO wouldn't lead to a disruption in service. I'm sure they have redundancey for partial failures, and, obviously, data loss but the most I see happening is having a contract with another provider in another location to provide the service in case of extended damage, which would still lead to downtime as the account data was moved.
You realize most of us talking arent talking from gaming prospective we are talking from a business perspective? I haven't played FFXIV since its launch. However, I do currently work in the networking field and thats what most of us are discussing in regards to SE.
If you service clients worldwide, you usually have a datacenter at your regional hubs, along with a backup datacenter at those regional hubs. Worst case scenario your datacenter is destroyed, you swap to backup, if that datacenter goes down, you then spread the load to your other regional offices.
We realize the magnitude of the catastrophe, however, as business minded individuals we see another catastrophe here of epic proportions when it comes to redundancy.
Square Enix does NOT host localized regional servers. They never have! As everyone around the globe is playing on the same servers.
This was both a business decision as a .....oh wait.... here it comes..... a community decision! The FF community do not want localized servers!
AGAIN! Square Enix could have kept the servers running, but they answered to their Governments plea to shut down all NON ESSENTIAL services !
I'm trying to figure out if you even understand what you are trying to argue about. it reminds me of a dog barking at a stick, running around that stick and continuing to bark at the stick.
Not sure anyone cares if they decided to keep the servers in japan. what everyone who has been in IT for most of their life is saying, is that its really stupid to put all your servers in one location, BECAUSE of natural disasters. you can put the servers in japan and run them from japan, you can then add a datacenter in america and run them from japan. all you need is a small crew here to maintain the servers. where servers are doesnt really matter. its not a community decision, its the head of ITs natural disaster department decision to what he will with the server given the money and power from upper managment. you have no say where the server goes.
my cousin's husband runs the IT department for HP. You can bet your ass he has servers all over to handle natural disaters and non natural disasters. Open your eyes and realise you are takling apple to oranges.
Read my previous post! And then go hide in a corner and go shame yourself!
You guys really got some serious brain damage and need to go see a mental hospital real quick. If it ain't too late already.
Oh... and I work in the IT for over 12 years myself now. That you guys even come up with this and expect a game company, responsible for some simple entertainment, to do the same thing as companies responsible for critical, live dependend services.... that really boggles my mind!
It really shows how dangerous MMO games can be to sertain individuals and how damaging they can be.
As AGAIN.... you people really need to wake up and get a sense of reality again! As this ain't funny anymore.
no what it really shows is you havent had to deal with anything important. when a company makes "anything" they have a great deal of money invested in that product. when you have an MMO with potentially millions to hundreds of millions invested, you better believe they will have redundency. having redundency in the same country makes no sense.
I'm pretty incredulous. I looked up EVE's server, and you're right. I guess I misremembered 'the largest in gaming' as the largest privately owned... Though I would've sworn I heard that from somewhere.
In any case, I don't buy that the a total loss of the data-center for any MMO wouldn't lead to a disruption in service. I'm sure they have redundancey for partial failures, and, obviously, data loss but the most I see happening is having a contract with another provider in another location to provide the service in case of extended damage, which would still lead to downtime as the account data was moved.
you speak of privately owned like it was you or me... CCP is a corporation. I'm willing to bet blizzard/activions server farm for WoW alone is 3 to 4 times the size of CCP's server farm.
I think perhaps the point you may be missing is that they may have shut down the servers because they wanted to. You are assuming that they do not have an offsite server. I would argue that your assumptions may be wrong considering the magnitude of this catastrophe, SE may be purposely shutting things down out of respect.
This is kind of what I had thought as well. I mean, we are talking about a company who is not new to running online games and the supporting infrastructure associated with them. It could just as easily be a decision based on cultural norms versus IT ability. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's easy to discuss arm chair IT strategy. I'm guilty of it myself. We look at things from our own points of view/experience and, as a result, might not be viewing this at the right angle.
As far as the previous comments that this is not a "critical service", that is true. However, I would argue that, for SE, it is their critical service (At least for their MMO division).
With that in mind, it could be just a cost/benefit decision. I mean, the team planning their failover strategy would be justified in thinking that several data centers in different regions of the country would be adequate. 99.9% of the time they would probably be right.
Ultimately, there are a lot of assumptions being thrown around. For me, it is difficult to believe that a company of this magnitude, and with their experience, is simply incompetent. But that's just another assumption for the discussion.
At any rate, whether they had/have a failover strategy or not is really backseat when weighed against the fact that Japan, where they are headquartered, is going through a catastrophe that is still unfolding. While it might not have been the intention, I thnk shutting down the servers was a good idea as it is one less thing for SE employees in the region to have on their minds as they try to locate loved ones or aid their fellow citizens.
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Im still waiting for one of you guys to actually prove that SE doesnt have a backup server. You are just assuming they dont. Your entire argument is based on an assumption that you have not yet proven.
I think perhaps the point you may be missing is that they may have shut down the servers because they wanted to. You are assuming that they do not have an offsite server. I would argue that your assumptions may be wrong considering the magnitude of this catastrophe, SE may be purposely shutting things down out of respect.
This is kind of what I had thought as well. I mean, we are talking about a company who is not new to running online games and the supporting infrastructure associated with them. It could just as easily be a decision based on cultural norms versus IT ability. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's easy to discuss arm chair IT strategy. I'm guilty of it myself. We look at things from our own points of view/experience and, as a result, might not be viewing this at the right angle.
As far as the previous comments that this is not a "critical service", that is true. However, I would argue that, for SE, it is their critical service (At least for their MMO division).
With that in mind, it could be just a cost/benefit decision. I mean, the team planning their failover strategy would be justified in thinking that several data centers in different regions of the country would be adequate. 99.9% of the time they would probably be right.
Ultimately, there are a lot of assumptions being thrown around. For me, it is difficult to believe that a company of this magnitude, and with their experience, is simply incompetent. But that's just another assumption for the discussion.
At any rate, whether they had/have a failover strategy or not is really backseat when weighed against the fact that Japan, where they are headquartered, is going through a catastrophe that is still unfolding. While it might not have been the intention, I thnk shutting down the servers was a good idea as it is one less thing for SE employees in the region to have on their minds as they try to locate loved ones or aid their fellow citizens.
yes this point of view might be right. i would think that SE does have headquarter locations everywhere. it is possible they are disabling service due to some sorta emotional reason instead of technical or power issues. I just dont get why they wouldnt flip a switch somewhere else and still mourn while they are making money, I dunno, Im no japanese or work for SE. I would like to know why they are doing this exactly. To be clear I hate SE games. I hated all but the first few FF games. So I have no love for the company or anything like that. If you can show me a good SE game made in the past 10 years Id be shocked.
Ok, I assumed too much and was/am wrong about the extent of redundancy in even such frivious services. More thinking on the matter has brough up another point, though. The servers are only a thing and much pre-planning can go into them; let me ask all the IT people here if they would be able to go in to work normally and continue as if nothing had happened if their country had just been hit by a major disaster?
Even if not for the electricity excuse, I'd excuse them for taking some time off regardless; though I wouldn't have thought about it.
Im still waiting for one of you guys to actually prove that SE doesnt have a backup server. You are just assuming they dont. Your entire argument is based on an assumption that you have not yet proven.
the assumption is, if they had a backup server, it would be running right now. people would be gaming. SE's post about taking their servers down in japan would only be that, but as it is, they are taking everything down in japan.
if they had a backup server the message would be that everything in japan is comming down and the backup site will be taking over in X ammount of time, asuring us they had a backup system.
Ok, I assumed too much and was/am wrong about the extent of redundancy in even such frivious services. More thinking on the matter has brough up another point, though. The servers are only a thing and much pre-planning can go into them; let me as all the IT people here if they would be able to go in to work normally and continue as if nothing had happened if their country had just been hit by a major disaster?
Even if not for the electricity excuse, I'd excuse them for taking some time off regardless; though I wouldn't have thought about it.
this is a MMO game company, they onlymake money when the srevers are online!!!!!
also we arent forgetting there was a major disaster, thats the whole point of many of our threads. if they had an off site location out of country, this thread would be completely different.
Im still waiting for one of you guys to actually prove that SE doesnt have a backup server. You are just assuming they dont. Your entire argument is based on an assumption that you have not yet proven.
Well then if they would have simply said "We are shutting down for a week out of respect." or something of that nature 1) I wouldn't have even had anything critical to say about it. 2) right now that is also an assumption.
If they had a remote back up they would not need to shut down due to rolling black out and power conservation. Which is why they said they are shutting down for a week.
Originally posted by DeathTouch Originally posted by Foomerang Im still waiting for one of you guys to actually prove that SE doesnt have a backup server. You are just assuming they dont. Your entire argument is based on an assumption that you have not yet proven.
the assumption is, if they had a backup server, it would be running right now. people would be gaming. SE's post about taking their servers down in japan would only be that, but as it is, they are taking everything down in japan. if they had a backup server the message would be that everything in japan is comming down and the backup site will be taking over in X ammount of time, asuring us they had a backup system.
Ok well Im going to assume that they shut down their servers out of respect for the dead and at the request of their government.
You can go ahead and assume they shut down their servers because they have poor infrastructure and business planning.
Of course you must know by know why so many people think youre an asshole heh.
My sympathies go out to the countless victims of the earthquake in Japan. I apologize for some of the callous attitudes shown here.
One thing to note about the US is how large it is. Any disaster that could effect as much of the US, percentage wise, as Japan is being effected now would also be absolutely huge-- talking meteor, here-- which would effect much of the rest of the world as well.
With smaller nations, I imagine it's... closer to home, so to speak.
Katrina, for example, though effecting me in many ways, didn't have any practical effects on my life because I live so far away from where it occured. If I lived as far away from New Orleans as from the center of this earthquake, I could be living nearly in the middle east rather than Japan.
if they cant get a fresh water supply for the reactors, it might be longer. i'm hoping it doesnt take that long though.
Yes, we think companies should have data centers in seprate locations. Thank god you work in HR and have no idea what you are talking about. Even my old dentist kept 3 servers. He left 2 at his office, one unplugged and the 3rd at a seprate location. All that server did was house his exray machine software. Not really all that important in the sceme of things when you are a dentist, yet he had the sense to realize the importance of redundancy.
I dont see it so hard to belive that a company like SE that runs MMO's on thse servers that churn in millions of profit should keep a server center in a different country. Maybe one in america, one in japan and maybe another server center in some european country.
by back ground checks what do u mean? do u admit to invading peoples privacy? do u somehow hack into my desktop through an ip trace and figure out my real name? do u somehow trace my email adress and read through my emails to get my name? do u dare take away people's free speech? how do attach a new hire to some random post on a website like mmorpg?
personally i found ur post sorta stupid and im personally glad u dont work in my HR department or id have u fired
What you don't want to get is that SE is a efing game company Why the hell do they (or should they) have to prepare for a natural disaster of this magnitude?
Like others have mentioned here, never have the IT geeks make the money desicions... unless you want to have on hell of an overhead.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
This is why you work in HR and not in IT.
Redundancy is part of IT. CCP's datacenter is located in london not in iceland, I dont know their backup plan should a major issue hit london, but I'm sure they have one.
The fact that you think Blizzard wouldnt care if their service was down for a week blows my mind. Stick to HR.
This was both a business decision as a .....oh wait.... here it comes..... a community decision! The FF community do not want localized servers!
AGAIN! Square Enix could have kept the servers running, but they answered to their Governments plea to shut down all NON ESSENTIAL services !
I'm trying to figure out if you even understand what you are trying to argue about. it reminds me of a dog barking at a stick, running around that stick and continuing to bark at the stick.
Not sure anyone cares if they decided to keep the servers in japan. what everyone who has been in IT for most of their life is saying, is that its really stupid to put all your servers in one location, BECAUSE of natural disasters. you can put the servers in japan and run them from japan, you can then add a datacenter in america and run them from japan. all you need is a small crew here to maintain the servers. where servers are doesnt really matter. its not a community decision, its the head of ITs natural disaster department decision to what he will with the server given the money and power from upper managment. you have no say where the server goes.
my cousin's husband runs the IT department for HP. You can bet your ass he has servers all over to handle natural disaters and non natural disasters. Open your eyes and realise you are takling apple to oranges.
I think perhaps the point you may be missing is that they may have shut down the servers because they wanted to. You are assuming that they do not have an offsite server. I would argue that your assumptions may be wrong considering the magnitude of this catastrophe, SE may be purposely shutting things down out of respect.
you made me laugh. proof that if you are apart of an HR department, you have little knowledge of what goes on in your company. if you are part of company that has an IT department, go ask the lead engineer what he has to do to ensure you have a job if the servers crashed, the back up server crashed. you just might get a better understanding.
CCP doesnt have the most powerful and expensive privately owned server farm. They may have a powerful and expensive server farm, but then they run a MMO and would be really stupid to run it on a desktop computers. OH and i bet your ass when that volcano erupted they had backup plans in place if they had to shut down their main server farm.
My point was and is that it's a collosal waste of money to have a full set of back-up servers fully capable of running a live service on the off chance a major disaster will hit. Again, this is not a mission critical service. I'm sure SE has back-ups of character data-- you people do realize there is insurance that covers downtime like this, right?
Rather than spend double your deployment cost, you just buy insurance which covers the loss of profit. It's far cheaper and... More sane. Again, this is not critical infrastructure, it's a fucking game.
eh it is funny. why wouldnt a huge corporation want to protect its profit margin even if that doesnt save lives. As a post said, it is possible that SE is actually capable of shutting down the japan branch and open up a profit train at a separate location. Maybe SE does have this ability and did in fact shut down their services out of respect. That would make alot of sense to me. Maybe it is good PR. And being japanese I would assume that their IT guys are sorta smart.
Yes Blizzard has backup contingencies. They could lose their entire HQ in Irvine CA as well as a Datacenter/Server farm and you would still be playing WoW.
My theme song.
No I dont think so, I dont think the actual cost of servers would be a whole lot to a company like SE. I think what would cost mroe is employees and paying the lease for the actual building that these thigns are at.
The fact that you said its a collosal waste of money to have a full set of back-up servers fully capable of running a live service...... well when faced with this amount of pure genious, one can only bow down to obivous superior acumen.
I'm pretty incredulous. I looked up EVE's server, and you're right. I guess I misremembered 'the largest in gaming' as the largest privately owned... Though I would've sworn I heard that from somewhere.
In any case, I don't buy that the a total loss of the data-center for any MMO wouldn't lead to a disruption in service. I'm sure they have redundancey for partial failures, and, obviously, data loss but the most I see happening is having a contract with another provider in another location to provide the service in case of extended damage, which would still lead to downtime as the account data was moved.
To my understanding the town alot of Final Fantasy's staff were located in, is underwater.
no what it really shows is you havent had to deal with anything important. when a company makes "anything" they have a great deal of money invested in that product. when you have an MMO with potentially millions to hundreds of millions invested, you better believe they will have redundency. having redundency in the same country makes no sense. "Japan - slightly smaller than California"
you need more training in the IT field.
edit: OH and they are on an Island, on a fault line.The head of IT should know what needs to be done.
you speak of privately owned like it was you or me... CCP is a corporation. I'm willing to bet blizzard/activions server farm for WoW alone is 3 to 4 times the size of CCP's server farm.
This is kind of what I had thought as well. I mean, we are talking about a company who is not new to running online games and the supporting infrastructure associated with them. It could just as easily be a decision based on cultural norms versus IT ability. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's easy to discuss arm chair IT strategy. I'm guilty of it myself. We look at things from our own points of view/experience and, as a result, might not be viewing this at the right angle.
As far as the previous comments that this is not a "critical service", that is true. However, I would argue that, for SE, it is their critical service (At least for their MMO division).
With that in mind, it could be just a cost/benefit decision. I mean, the team planning their failover strategy would be justified in thinking that several data centers in different regions of the country would be adequate. 99.9% of the time they would probably be right.
Ultimately, there are a lot of assumptions being thrown around. For me, it is difficult to believe that a company of this magnitude, and with their experience, is simply incompetent. But that's just another assumption for the discussion.
At any rate, whether they had/have a failover strategy or not is really backseat when weighed against the fact that Japan, where they are headquartered, is going through a catastrophe that is still unfolding. While it might not have been the intention, I thnk shutting down the servers was a good idea as it is one less thing for SE employees in the region to have on their minds as they try to locate loved ones or aid their fellow citizens.
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Im still waiting for one of you guys to actually prove that SE doesnt have a backup server. You are just assuming they dont. Your entire argument is based on an assumption that you have not yet proven.
yes this point of view might be right. i would think that SE does have headquarter locations everywhere. it is possible they are disabling service due to some sorta emotional reason instead of technical or power issues. I just dont get why they wouldnt flip a switch somewhere else and still mourn while they are making money, I dunno, Im no japanese or work for SE. I would like to know why they are doing this exactly. To be clear I hate SE games. I hated all but the first few FF games. So I have no love for the company or anything like that. If you can show me a good SE game made in the past 10 years Id be shocked.
Ok, I assumed too much and was/am wrong about the extent of redundancy in even such frivious services. More thinking on the matter has brough up another point, though. The servers are only a thing and much pre-planning can go into them; let me ask all the IT people here if they would be able to go in to work normally and continue as if nothing had happened if their country had just been hit by a major disaster?
Even if not for the electricity excuse, I'd excuse them for taking some time off regardless; though I wouldn't have thought about it.
the assumption is, if they had a backup server, it would be running right now. people would be gaming. SE's post about taking their servers down in japan would only be that, but as it is, they are taking everything down in japan.
if they had a backup server the message would be that everything in japan is comming down and the backup site will be taking over in X ammount of time, asuring us they had a backup system.
this is a MMO game company, they onlymake money when the srevers are online!!!!!
also we arent forgetting there was a major disaster, thats the whole point of many of our threads. if they had an off site location out of country, this thread would be completely different.
Well then if they would have simply said "We are shutting down for a week out of respect." or something of that nature 1) I wouldn't have even had anything critical to say about it. 2) right now that is also an assumption.
If they had a remote back up they would not need to shut down due to rolling black out and power conservation. Which is why they said they are shutting down for a week.
My theme song.
Please cut out the trolling guys. Personal Arguements can be left out of the discussion. Thanks.
if they had a backup server the message would be that everything in japan is comming down and the backup site will be taking over in X ammount of time, asuring us they had a backup system.
Ok well Im going to assume that they shut down their servers out of respect for the dead and at the request of their government.
You can go ahead and assume they shut down their servers because they have poor infrastructure and business planning.
Of course you must know by know why so many people think youre an asshole heh.
My sympathies go out to the countless victims of the earthquake in Japan. I apologize for some of the callous attitudes shown here.
One thing to note about the US is how large it is. Any disaster that could effect as much of the US, percentage wise, as Japan is being effected now would also be absolutely huge-- talking meteor, here-- which would effect much of the rest of the world as well.
With smaller nations, I imagine it's... closer to home, so to speak.
Katrina, for example, though effecting me in many ways, didn't have any practical effects on my life because I live so far away from where it occured. If I lived as far away from New Orleans as from the center of this earthquake, I could be living nearly in the middle east rather than Japan.
Like me but I have an excuse. The account making system was an endless pain in the ass and the game never worked. Couldn't care less about FFXIV.
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.