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I know by default the game will have none but I was wondering if they had ever mentioned anything about maybe a few specialty servers with it enabled? GW2 has so much to look forward to but not having any world PvP is more or less a deal breaker for me.
Anet has always valued consensuel PvP very highly so I seriously doubt it, sorry.
they havent talked much about pvp at all yet
but i doubt that there will be any pvp servers, dont even think it will work anyways with all the dynamic events
World PvP doesnt fit into the lore. The mists will be huge like Frontiers for DAoC. Wait for the PvP info though.
I think the dynamic events are a large part of what would make world PvP so good. World PvP is at its best when you have PvE oriented objectives to fight over, that seems to be the thing that developers always miss when they think about PvP. That is why instanced PvP isn't 'real pvp' for the crowd that does enjoy non consensual world PvP.
I'm also doubting it is going to happen but I figured I'd ask just to make sure they haven't ruled it out completely yet.
if its made for that yes but im sure anet didnt make them like that, they made the events to coop with everyone not to slaughter everyone
I think you have to settle for WvW or World PvP since it is a sort of PvE/PvP hybrid even if it takes place in it's own seperate area. in World PvP you have objectives like attacking a caravan or protecting that caravan, taking over villages, mines, castles etc. And I remember reading something about dynamic events also being a part of it but I can't find it at the moment.
Sure, but appealing to a broad range of customers is never a bad thing. EQ didn't design the game around PvP and barely even did anything with PvP yet PvP was better in that game than in most titles to come out since just because you had the PvE to compete over instead of some silly flag in an instance. I think a world PvP server would work very well in the game but if they have no interest in it then oh well. I'm just not sure I could stand leveling up completely in PvE land, I've tried that in other games and it just gets too boring without the PvP to spice things up from time to time.
This is three severs all trying to control land and keeps and anything else in that land with week long battles. Any level can join the SvS pvp on there server and level up in that zone. It's not an instance it's an open zone that anyone on your server can enter.
Your server will have rewards for the controlling land such as server wide buffs and speeded up loot drops or xp and many other rewards.
The OP needs to understand that you are all on the same side on that server You also have instanced battleground PVP but for me that's just a training ground.
There is no need for PVP servers because every server will have access to the mists
They haven't gone into much detail about the PvP systems. However, I don't believe there will be non-consensual PvP in any form on any server. They have a very strong opinion about the interaction between players and non consensual PvP is a no no for them.
But things change so if i were you i'd wait for them give us more info on PvP
Pretty much what nightangel said.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
If you're talking about Open World PvP servers then No, ArenaNet has never talked about adding them and they just won't work. I can't picture seeing the 5 Races just fighting each other, over the Dynamic Events, trying to claim the rewards for saving a burning village. Just seems stupid, especially when ArenaNet have put so much effort into making the DEs not griefable (if that's even a word).
If you want griefable dynamic content then I'd suggest you go play Rift, or just settle for Guild Wars 2's WvWvW PvP.
Just a note:
They've said that players can level up entirely within WvWvW if they so choose.
Sadly not. The core of the game actually permits it. It will never happen. Was a big disapointment for me too. Everyone on your server is your buddy in the open world.
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You also have instanced battleground PVP but for me that's just a training ground.
The other form of PvP will be arenas not battlegrouns. And you seem to have it the wrong way. Mist PvP is the training ground for arenas as arenas are a much more competitive and skill intensive form of PvP.
Notice i said "for me battleground type PVP is a training ground" that's not me saying that AN class it as a training ground. My PVP will done in the mist.
No I understand that and PvP like this can be fun for sure. But I just prefer true world PvP. It is why I played on Mordred in DAOC as well. It doesn't need to 'fit the lore', the player base who would play on a specialty server probably doesn't really care about that.
Anyway this is a debate that won't go anywhere and my question has already been answered, I'll just hope that enough people ask for this type of thing to make them considering having one server like this. Specialty servers aren't as common as they used to be though so I won't hold my breath.
That is good news at least, I could live with that probably. I just can't do 100% PvE, it gets way too boring for me.
On the other hand, the amount of douchebaggery such as ganking, camping and whatnot won't be present for those who ignore WvW-PvP.
Also, to the OP: WvW-PvP will basically be an alternative to PvE-levelling. But we still need to hear more about that feature.
Can't wait myself.
Didn't he say he thinks HE will play it the most, not people in general?
Meh. That's where you have seperate rule sets for in most games. On a pve server you'd be safe from that delicious sense of excitement and unpredictability in the open world as well ;-)
And WvW PvP is still consensual and maybe hugely favoring zergs like in *coughs* RVR games. Also in the mists Charr will be killing Charr, Asura will be killing Asura, etc. (If we're talking about "fitting the lore", that bit only fits with the help of a pneumatic hammer ... )
I really respect people who don't want other people interfering with their pve gameplay, I really do. But I feel GW2 doesn't respect those who do thrive on that added sense of danger and love the unlimited amount and diversity of player encounters in the open world.
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The idea of members of a specfic race killing members of the same race is rather present in the lore of Guild Wars actually.
And about the last point in your post: imagine the amount of griefing of Dynamic Events that would take place. PvE would be even more heavily affected than in other games.
And again, we really aren't aware of the (non-)existance of elements in WvW-PvP that could function as a replacement for open-world PvP providing equal amounts of danger and unlimited herp-derp-berp.
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And ArenaNet is well known for its Anti griefing fokus. Part of going with instances in GW1 was avoid griefing!
so I think that not having to deal with world PvP in PvE is one of the first decissions in the making of GW2.
so to make it short ... forget it and move on!
ANet has a specific philosophy they've built their game around - namely a heavily anti-griefing, anti-grind etc. philosophy, and it would seem that having an open-world PvP environment mixed with PvE does not fit in with that particular philosophy.
They are no more disregarding the wishes of open-PvP afficianados than they are the wishes of those who need to push up health bars to feel valuable, or those who wish to bypass the story journey entirely just so they can raid (as opposed to just so that they can PvP), those who use PvE same-faction restrictions to grief other players by stealing mobs/resources, and etc.
That, and the repurcussions of an open-PvP server are farther-reaching than simply turning on a switch. What will become of the death penalty on those servers? Will there be player looting? Can there be any real sense of danger without the risk of loss? Can one escape conflict by using waypoints to travel, and how would this not undermine the very sense of constant danger/adventure that open-PvPers crave? The world would have to be remade with special rules to serve the mechanic.
The game to watch will be Age of Conan after their Blood and Glory server goes live. I think the numbers who flock to that server (and stay there) will determine the fate of this constant question for future games, namely, whether there is a sizeable audience for this at all.
I completely agree, I find it funny the amount of people that harp on this! Wait for the PVP announcements if the WvWvW is not enough for you then move on, not all games are made for all people.
It is funny to me the amount of people that want Anet to add world PVP so people can grief other players in the open world. When Anet is spending countless hours and money making it impossible to grief dynamic events, which seems to me like a waste of time, if they are going to allow ganking afterwards with PVP servers! Why not just appease everyone then, I want full collision detection in GW2, so Anet should add that. Who cares Anet said it will not be in game because it allows griefing, lets add it and make it so the dynamic events are grief central! Screw all the money and time Anet is making the game so you cannot grief, I want the game my way and I want it now!
Grief Wars 2!
The only confirmed type of PvP is world vs. world.
Three worlds (servers) have a week long match against each other. Three is the magical number because all sorts of strategies can arise from three competing worlds. Two worlds can team up against one world, there can be backstabbing, so many different social strategies. The match is massive itself. There are seiges, castle invasions, so on and so forth. People do not have to fight with large groups to succeed, there are soloing options for smaller parts as well. You can enter and exit these whenever, and it helps give a sense of world pride.
There was said to be two types of PvP, but the final one has not been mentioned yet.
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