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An idea re. skill-based systems?

gurugeorgegurugeorge Member UncommonPosts: 481

Amateur game development ideas time image

I was just musing about EVE's offline skilling system, its advantages (e.g. it's a great leveller in some ways) and disadvantages (e.g. not connected to playing time). 

I wondered if it would be possible to combine an offline skilling system with something that would somewhat reward putting in play time, and I came up with this.

Temporary sp boosters like CoX's "inspirations", that you just come across and suck up at a certain random frequency (based on killing mobs or other in-game tasks), that boost your sp learning rate by a small but not negligible amount (obviously would have to be balanced right).

That way you still have an offline skill system that obviates the whole ridiculous thing of macroing swimming or whatever for hours, while at the same time there is some reward for actually putting in play time.

It wouldn't be farmable because it would be private to you (like CoX inspirations) and the rate fixed, but dependent on putting time in-game.

Thoughts?  How could it be broken by players, etc.?

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