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Hey, All-
As you have no doubt noticed, our community has been growing and we are working hard to keep up with all of you! We are striving to make this forum a friendly and productive place for discussions about RIFT.
We had already told you a while back that we would be making a change requiring that you have an active game account to be able to post on the forums once the game is live. But given the amount of traffic we have been getting and the time it is taking us to deal with posts by users who are clearly not here to become part of the community, we have decided to take some action ahead of time.
As of today, you will need to have a pre-order of RIFT to be able to post on the public forums. Anyone can access and read them. But in order to post, your account must show that you have pre-ordered the game. If you have a pre-order and find you are unable to post, log out and back in again and it should take care of the problem for you.
The Beta forum will still be open during the beta event. Since this is an open beta, that forum is now public and you will be able to read and post in it if you have a valid Trion account.
We appreciate your patience as we make changes and get things ready for launch!
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
Agreed, this was another smart move by Trion.
Nice move by Trion !!!
Too many "wow fanboys" trolling on forums that didn´t even tried the game at Betas...
I just hope they leave some open to public section of the forum for players that may stop playing for some months due to some personal or finnacial issues.
Cya in game!
This is how it should be if you have no interest in the game you shouldnt be allowed post on their forum. If you are interested then pre-order i dont see a problem here, unless you just want to troll the forum.