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So I got a buddy invite the other day and tried out Aion. Given the extremely limited scope of the trial you don't get to see much of the game. Aerial combat seems like the big draw for this game but since the trial ends at level 7 and from what I understand you don't get your wings until 10, it was very disappointing. I didn't get to try any PvP either, maybe I was in the wrong zone. From what I read you don't get to enter the abyss until about level 25.
What I was left with was the standard kill 10 mobs and gather 5 items type quests. Not a very good first impression. Maybe if you're new the genre that will be enough to get you buy the box and pay for a sub. Based on what I saw the game played like Generic MMORPG #9238.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
It honestly dosn't start opening up till 25+ when it comes to pvp.. I hit lvl 50 when that was max lvl (and havnt played after any of the major patches) but end-game pvp was lacking unless you wanna try to enter dregdion (only popped 3 times a day 5-8hrs a part when i played) or go gank in the abyss.. Fort raids were fun but died off very quickly and were awfully laggy when many showed up (from what i understand this still hasn't been addressed but i'am sure it is better then how it was at launch.)
I loved AION, it was my favorite MMO of last year.. But the end game grind and some very poor westernization descisions kept me from playing it any longer.. I hear the game is takeing a step back from being grindy though and sort of going for the more WoW-ish route.. Honestly if you're looking for a new MMO that is WoW-ish then you should wait for Rift.
Currently Playing:
Rift + Starcraft II + Gears Of War 3 Beta
Actually I was hoping for something different from WoW... been there, done that. I've had other people tell me that things improve after level 25 also, but I'm not willing to pay to find out if I like it.
You would think that NCSoft would try to put it's best foot forward with the buddy invite and show potential players the big selling points of the game.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
Well, there's your problem. There are no selling points to the game.looks pretty, that's it. If anyone find the game fun, it's probably because they have a social circle and are associating the 'fun' of Aion with the fun they have talking with their friends.
Aion is not fun.
Level 50 Cleric and 50 Sorc.
I agree, the Aion trial is a complete joke. Too restrictive and short.
Its hard to believe you would go to level 50 twice if the game was not fun at all. I agree there can be fustrating aspect of any game but there had to be some fun for you to level twice.