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Hi i have played Aion everyday almost for the last year and a half ...most of my free time went into this game... and i just want to say becarefull and read there forums before you think of geting this game....
There forums are full of complaints now and nothing is being done about them...
NCSoft even came out and said that "Quote"
"Aion will be used as funding for our new MMORPG, Blade & Soul".
So this to me is a very bad sign for a once great and very promising game there is now no active pvp in the game apart from the 3 dred per day 11am-7pm-11pm GMT...witch is siposed to be there form of a battleground but all the pvp you do there lasts about 3mins before one team decides to go afk.. the rest is all PvE
If you have a love for PvE and nothing much else then go for it ...
The rifting system in the game has been destroyed because they messed with the one thing that brought people to the game they have an 80% buff on it meaning a lvl40 full pvp gear character cant even kill a lvl21 white gear character... this to me is unaceptable
So instead of me trying to get them to change there game before they lose there whole community to other games and it falling on deaf ears... I came here to warn people looking for a PvP game...they advertise this game as the new PvP sensation it used to be.. but now it is far from it.
Try it if you like only you can decide after all goodluck
Yea, well, I'm sorry if they nerfed all pvp, but I hope you don't consider a level 40 ganking a 21 as pvp. That is unacceptable to a lot of others.
So you create an account just to bash Aion. That's trolling.
Aion is not for everybody! 7 out of every 10 players that try it won't stay. Yet, clearly there are enough that 'get ' what Aion is about to keep the game increasing in revenue each year. It's currently the 2nd most subbed game in the world and is doing very well.
i didnt say thats what i wanted to do im saying noone can kill anyone through the rifting system atall...
and to the person saying its number2....
yes your right it is IN KOREA it is dying a death NA/EU i could make a half assed mmorpg rip of legendofmir2 launch it in korea and have 2k players in the first week they are game nuts over there its that simple..not to mention how many of them run multiple bots
im not here to be flamed or argue my point im just warning new people who are thinking of heading here to look out on there forums before doing so.. you guys can even head over there n look around might change your number2 mmo attitude too
i loved the game as i said i played it for a year and a half but NC NA/EU are not doing there job and saving all the funding for a diffrent game
You are implying that Aion's income won't go toward developing Aion, which is absurd. Don't tell me that Blizzard isn't using WoW money to fund their other games. Your logic is flawed here.
I don't consider his post anything resembling a 'bash'.
You might be righty about money still going to Aion, but comparing their revenue to Blizzard's is silly.
Bending the facts in order to give a negative impression is game bashing. He's trying to imply that Aion's being cannibalized to fund other games, implying that Aion won't be getting the development dollars. This is completely false and misleading. That's like complaining that WoW is using WoW dollars to fund other games will spell the death of WoW.
Are you kidding? I didn't say that Aion has the same income as WoW. Learn to read. When a game has an operating profit, that means a game is making more money that it costs to develop. A company is then free to use those dollars to fund other projects. NCSoft isn't the only company doing's not news.
If it was going to the right place problems would be geting solved and not ignored NA/EU patches would be coming a bit quicker than 8 months after Kaion recive them and also no such nerfs or debuffs exist in Kaion most likely the reson it is doing so well over there...
im not saying its all going to B&S but most of it must be with the time it takes them to sort anything out
and to the WoW comparison lol ofcorse there money can go anyware they have a huge community NA/EU and there game gets patches bugfixes and problems sorted faster than any other game out there so to use that as your defence is absurd
and to be honest judging by what a read from your other aion posts i wouldnt be surprised if you were one of there {CC}'s trying to make the game look better than it is ..because with everything you say about the game and cannot be moved in your defences just shows how possible this is.
i don't think he was comparing the amount of money that each was making. Instead he was making the point that profits can go to maintaining/improving the game while at the same time using profits to fund another game. Profits don't have to be an all or nothing effort. They can be split up into multiple endeavors.
I self identify as a monkey.
Hmm and that makes "Bending the facts in order to give a positive impression" what exactly?
Just asking because someone was informing us about Aion's growth - Yet we all know the facts that the western players experienced: EU Aion "grew" from 18 to 8 servers. NA Aion "grew" from 14 to 5 servers...
Oh and BTW: Blizzard ARE using some of the WoW revenues to fund other activities. Not really a wonder that NCSoft does the same. That's closer related to "evolution" and "expansion" than your visions of cannibalism...
Besides all that: Will be interesting to see Aion, GW2 + Blade and Soul with the same publisher. I guess we could draw some parallels to a "Family feud soap-opera"
We dont need casuals in our games!!! Errm... Well we DO need casuals to fund and populate our games - But the games should be all about "hardcore" because: We dont need casuals in our games!!!
(repeat ad infinitum)
No Qazz, you are putting words in his mouth and interpreting it in a very odd and a way that I do not understand at all, slightly hostile are we ?. If anything you should be the one called a troll, although neither is appropriate. Off topic - but people really need to learn what trolling is and not throw it around in every sentence.
He just voiced his concern that all the surplus from aion was going to be spent on a new game, a reasonable valid concern, although I don't see why they would stop developing stuff to aion seeing as its a successful game from what I know. But who really knows? I wouldn't worry about it though.
So were do you don't there they are making enough money to fund Blade &Soul and Aion. Have you not seen the upgrade pacthes in 2.5-3.0? Its obvious they are using funds to improve Aion NA/EU is not dying not sure what you are talking about. Aion has its problems but compared to it competition its one of the best MMO's out there.
Just wanted to comment your growth arguement. Servers decreasing in number is not a sign that the game is not doing well. Its simply showing that they wanted to have the servers for people to try the game and then reduced it to help with the population.
The writing one the wall was all there a few months after launch.. I too bought AION for the pvp and i loved it, Rifting system was awsome and i still to this day consider the time i rift to get my lv 41 gold weapon as my most memorable moments in a MMORPG.. At launch the Rifts had no stupid nerfs and people pvp'd frequently, the abyss was new and shiney so people formed up in small possies and roamed around looking for pvp.. The first week fort raids were unplayable because of lag but after NC fixed this they too were very active in PvP..
It was about 7months later (3months after AION vision was showed) and there were still no promised updates.. People started to get realize that miragents = huge grind.. As population died, pvp died.. Then came the nerfs.. And why would people wanna own forts when they could grind their guards for bloodstains? So fort raids died.. Once others got miragents they were unstoppable in the abyss so even small possies couldnt take a lvl 50 sorc in miragents, so the pvp in the abyss died.. And dredgion, will it turned it one big choochoo train.
So, my conclusion is this.. If you wanna buy AION for its PvP then invent a time machine, go back to when it launched, and experience it then; because it was epic! NC has sadly nerfed it and put it on the back burner now though.. And, if you wanna buy AION for the PvE, well, you could do a lot better.. AION's instances (havnt played the new ones) are poor, long, and boring.. And if you are one of those perfectionist PvE players then do some backround info on Miragents/Fenrils.
Currently Playing:
Rift + Starcraft II + Gears Of War 3 Beta
Yeah I can accept that to some degree. (Also Sukiyaki's "Funfact 3".)
Aion was and still is a highly successful MMO by western standards. (Excluding WoW comparisons ofc.)
Aion is growing globally but it is pretty obvious that it is still declining in the NA/EU markets. The way that the "" news article was relayed on massively is just plain misleading.
Fact is that NCSoft (with Aion being the main product) have seen a steady decline since the "Assault on Balaura" expansion boosted 2010/Q2 revenue in NA/EU.
Instead of emotional evidence such as server merges take a look at NCSofts "Earnings Release" for Q4 If in a hurry skip to page 6, quarterly sales (boxes, subs and cashshops). Now take a look at NA/EU trending, thats your facts!
We dont need casuals in our games!!! Errm... Well we DO need casuals to fund and populate our games - But the games should be all about "hardcore" because: We dont need casuals in our games!!!
(repeat ad infinitum)
Aion is growing, thats all I was saying. Aion as a whole is growing and looking at just NA/EU and saying that Aion is failing is not accurate. Thats all I was pointing out. Its obvious that the western market is a supplement to Aion and no the main source of revenue. Besides you don't know the factors that lead to the game trending downward. After all we are recovering from a resssion (amoung many factors) in the US.
Well, i hate to burst anyone's bubble about how well aion is doing but this looks alot like the anouncments made back when they merged the servers before. It seems that yet another server may be getting prepped for the chopping block here soon.
I also have to agree that in terms of pvp, the game was far better when rifting was still viable. Now it is pretty rediculous to even consider it as an option. It is a great shame. The one new novel idea this game had and they killed it.
It does seem ever since the balaurea expansion that the dev's really lost hold of any long term plan for this game. For evidence ill point to the new 50-55 land areas, they desighned these huge land masses for a mear 5 lvl range. What happens when they raise the cap again? These huge areas will be underutilized. You could make the argument for the rest of the game areas for prior to current endgame, but at least with those a 5 lvl range area is just a small part of 1 map and so dev's arent wasting so much in resources on area's that players will get through quickly. Not like with the 50-55 range area which is instead 3 entire maps. Are they going to add another 3+ map's every time they add another 5 lvl's? If so it will only further divide the playerbase aways from each other leaving entire maps desolate in terms of ever seeing other players till you get to whatever the current end game area is at a time. On top of that baelic crafting is yet another indicator that they have given up on plans for longevity for this game. Baelic designs were only available at 10 lvl interval's starting at lvl 30(ie. 30-40-50). but with the 2.0 expansion we find ourselves with 55 baelic desighns. Why? Why not wait till they raise the cap to 60 to introduce the next tier?
there is nothing much to do in Aion. no pvp is a boring game. i am lv 54 and i dont even bother to get it to max lv, which is only 1 level away..
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They are letting the people on Nezekan manually transfer off to other servers finally....
Day late, and a re-sub fee short imo
amazing news!!!! haha , i cant wait to play blade and soul, ive been waiting for it since they announced it the first time long time ago... as for Aion... i only play private servers of it, was never into subbing for that specific game....
I played Aion at launch and maybe a couple of more days and lost completely interest...Or maybe it was the annoying D I N G sound everytime I did something and gained xp, it just drove me crazy. Also the game is pretty linear and there is hardly much replay value since the starting areas are the same. It's basically a rip-off of other games and very grindy. You can find free 2 play games with more interesting gameplay than this.
hello, I subscribed to Aion about 2 weeks ago and I can not agree with your opinion. The game is linear (you have some choices, where you want to gain exp) and there are 2 starting zones (how many starting zones would you like to have for 2 races?) but how is it a rip-off other games? It is 100% not true. The game now is not so grindy anymore (you get nice exp from quests), the coin quests are dailys now, the item droprate is much better now, ofc the quests are go kill x mobs or bring me y items from mobs a,b,c but in most mmo games quests look similar (even in wow:P).
More interesting f2p game? Tell me what it is
only 2 weeks.....tell us how you when you are lv 30 or 40......but you not first. a lot of new players love the game, but after lv 40 or above..they will start to leave....
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Hello, I am 28 lvl atm and I play 1-2 hours daily, ( had few days w/o playing at all and some when I played about 3-4 hours). As I stated I am 100% new to Aion, so imo my lvling is rather slow and reaching 30 lvl in 2 weeks for someone who has already played this game is something normal.
I can say that I really enjoy playing Aion (so far), I mostly pve (campaign, dailys and some other random quests, which are not needed to lvl up) but I already had some pvp fun in Abyss and rifted a little. I never run out of quests (and I think that I haven't done about 1/3 available on my lvl) The playerbase on my server is big (EU perento) and there is no problem with getting a group.
Ofc I will share my experience when I get higher lvl, but so far I can say this game is really good (and will be even better when patch 2.5 reaches west servers^^)