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Love it or hate it, Aion is still growing



  • JuaksJuaks Member UncommonPosts: 271

    Originally posted by Qazz

    Originally posted by Juaks

    It might be growing in Korea/Japan but everybody knows Aion failed in the west market. Don't you remember the server merge?

    Aion west support is poor compared to Korea and it shows.

    I would expect more server merges after RIFT,SWTOR, GW2 and TERA launches.

    So are you suggesting that any mmo that has had server merges is a failure?

    Ok, maybe not a failure for them economically speaking, they might still making some money from US/EU servers and even more now that there is a chash shop, but server merge indicates that a lot of people don't play anymore.

    As I said their support in the west is sub-par and that in my book is fail.

  • QazzQazz Member Posts: 577

    Originally posted by Juaks

    Originally posted by Qazz

    Originally posted by Juaks

    It might be growing in Korea/Japan but everybody knows Aion failed in the west market. Don't you remember the server merge?

    Aion west support is poor compared to Korea and it shows.

    I would expect more server merges after RIFT,SWTOR, GW2 and TERA launches.

    So are you suggesting that any mmo that has had server merges is a failure?

    Ok, maybe not a failure for them economically speaking, they might still making some money from US/EU servers and even more now that there is a chash shop, but server merge indicates that a lot of people don't play anymore.

    As I said their support in the west is sub-par and that in my book is fail.

    I agree that NA support needs some love.  As poor as it's been and the game is still making money is news unto itself. 

  • pedrostrikpedrostrik Member UncommonPosts: 396

    Originally posted by Juaks

    It might be growing in Korea/Japan but everybody knows Aion failed in the west market. Don't you remember the server merge?

    Aion west support is poor compared to Korea and it shows.

    I would expect more server merges after RIFT,SWTOR, GW2 and TERA launches.

    after Gw2 on west and tera on east i think aion will close as tabula rasa, come on dont fool yourselves aion its a pure time sink with huge RNG and awfull PvP, and support mades it even worse....( i was playing till L53 and quit for good 5 months ago

  • gracefieldgracefield Member UncommonPosts: 279

    Originally posted by drbaltazar

    aion does grow!just not where this website customer are!



    And once again, this time in English please....

  • gracefieldgracefield Member UncommonPosts: 279

    Originally posted by mgilbrtsn

    Originally posted by Socman75

    Originally posted by Qazz



    "Much to the chagrin of fail-trolls across the internet, NCsoft has also publicized the fact that Aioncontinues to be a financial success after "recording consecutive growth for the last three years." Taken together, NCsoft's big three (LineageLineage 2, and Aion) have now accounted for $2.7 billion in lifetime sales. "

    Aion isn't a game for everyone, and it's pro's and con's have been hotly debated on these forums.  It's clear that there are plenty of gamers around the world that can't wait to see future developments in the world of Atreia.

    NIce slective quote....this says nothing about its growth in the North american market which i doubt it did...ofc it's growing in korea....such irresponsible reporting from Massively...

    Growth is growth.  If its making money, then good for them.

    Absolutely, there's nothing "selective" or "irresponsible" about it - if the game is growing and making money for its progenitors then they'll be happy with that. I recently went back to this game and it does have pros and cons as the OP says - much like any game - bit it's better than a lot of the bilge that's currently available for play...


  • CrynswindCrynswind Member Posts: 290

    Aion is one of the mmos with more subs IN THE WEST.



    MMO's with more subs in the west? WoW and EvE.


    That's it,if Aion failed in the west,the whole western market is dead.

  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381

    Uh... yeah.  The Asian market is huge for MMOs.  They like games like Aion.


    Time and again it's been proven that North American customers just don't.  Period.


  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381

    Originally posted by mmogawd

    Originally posted by Socman75

    Originally posted by Qazz



    "Much to the chagrin of fail-trolls across the internet, NCsoft has also publicized the fact that Aioncontinues to be a financial success after "recording consecutive growth for the last three years." Taken together, NCsoft's big three (LineageLineage 2, and Aion) have now accounted for $2.7 billion in lifetime sales. "

    Aion isn't a game for everyone, and it's pro's and con's have been hotly debated on these forums.  It's clear that there are plenty of gamers around the world that can't wait to see future developments in the world of Atreia.

    NIce slective quote....this says nothing about its growth in the North american market which i doubt it did...ofc it's growing in korea....such irresponsible reporting from Massively...

    This kind of ethnocentric attitude is nothing but thinly veiled racism.


    How is it racist, at all, to point out one market catagory prefers a product that another market catagory doesn't?


    Have you ever been to Japan or China?  I have.  They have softdrinks there, that are very popular in Asia (grass jelly drinks, anyone?) that won't ever catch on in America because American tastes are different.


    That's not racist at all - take any business course specializing in global economics, or, better yet go visit the countries yourself.


    I think it's more "racist" to assume every culture is the same, personally.  Now that's offensive.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,109

    Hey, as long as we're quoting articles, how about this part

    "NCsoft's largest success came courtesy of the booming Korean market (which represented a $370 million cut of its $576 million total revenue). Next up was the Japanese market at $70 million, followed by North America at $43.4 million and Europe at $30.1 million."

    Yup, big success in Korea, as all NCSoft games usually are. (Note they mentioned a huge upsurge in Lineage 1)

    NA was a very small percentage of the total revenue, and at that in includes all NCSoft products which probably included Lineage 1/2, COX, and Aion.

    Despite their claims of Aion growth, they don't publish exact sub numbers for each region, something they used to do in the past leading me to believe all might not be as rosy as they are portraying things in this fanboi article.

    Fail game is still fail here in the West.  And no, I don't care how well it does anywhere else.


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  • mmogawdmmogawd Member Posts: 732

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Hey, as long as we're quoting articles, how about this part

    "NCsoft's largest success came courtesy of the booming Korean market (which represented a $370 million cut of its $576 million total revenue). Next up was the Japanese market at $70 million, followed by North America at $43.4 million and Europe at $30.1 million."

    Yup, big success in Korea, as all NCSoft games usually are. (Note they mentioned a huge upsurge in Lineage 1)

    NA was a very small percentage of the total revenue, and at that in includes all NCSoft products which probably included Lineage 1/2, COX, and Aion.

    Despite their claims of Aion growth, they don't publish exact sub numbers for each region, something they used to do in the past leading me to believe all might not be as rosy as they are portraying things in this fanboi article.

    Fail game is still fail here in the West.  And no, I don't care how well it does anywhere else.


    right, everything you hate is a failure.  got it.

  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Despite their claims of Aion growth, they don't publish exact sub numbers for each region, something they used to do in the past leading me to believe all might not be as rosy as they are portraying things in this fanboi article.

    Same applies to WoW, no separate sub numbers being declared for each region since 2008, which could lead to the conclusion that the US and EU region have been slowly doing worse with a steadily higher number of the total subs coming from the cheaper Asian/China subs, where each account that was played for even 1 paid game hour in a month is being counted as equally as a 15 dollar EU/US sub.

    However, it'll be hard to claim that the fact that Blizzard doesn't publish regional sub numbers is a sign that WoW is a fail. I'd say the same applies to NCSoft and Aion, since they're still making more money in the EU and US with Aion than most other MMO titles besides WoW.

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • Lathander81Lathander81 Member Posts: 611

    Originally posted by Justarius1

    Uh... yeah.  The Asian market is huge for MMOs.  They like games like Aion.


    Time and again it's been proven that North American customers just don't.  Period.

    I agree with you. However, since Aion is such a success in the East its doesn't have to be a hit in the West. The point is Aion as a whole is growing and that includes the West even if the East is doing better.

  • romrotsromrots Member Posts: 5

    Originally posted by MMO.Maverick

    If I read the article correctly, they made still 43 million dollars in the US and 30 million dollars in Europe last year, which is still pretty good, especially compared to as good as all other MMO's (except WoW).

    Not really. That's less than Age of Conan (counting West only for both games).

    Aion isn't DEAD in the West but to try and spin it as as "doing good" (again, in the West) is absurd.

    In all likelihood Tera and GW2 will devilver a 1-2 knockout punch to this game.

  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by romrots

    Originally posted by MMO.Maverick

    If I read the article correctly, they made still 43 million dollars in the US and 30 million dollars in Europe last year, which is still pretty good, especially compared to as good as all other MMO's (except WoW).

    Not really. That's less than Age of Conan (counting West only for both games).

    Aion isn't DEAD in the West but to try and spin it as as "doing good" (again, in the West) is absurd.

    In all likelihood Tera and GW2 will devilver a 1-2 knockout punch to this game.

    Do you mean me with spinning? Lol. I've played AoC for 2 years off and on, a lot longer than Aion, and I loved that game, but even I'm not trying to sell that AoC is doing better than Aion, certainly not in revenue.

    In fact, I have to see the cold, hard proof in figures of any MMO besides WoW that's doing better than Aion for now. Most just don't, even the AAA ones.


    If GW2, SWTOR, Rift and TERA will deliver knockout punches, than a lot of other MMO's will share them, Lotro, AoC, Aion, WAR, CO, STO, you name it, all themepark styled ones will suffer.

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • binary_0011binary_0011 Member Posts: 528

    Originally posted by vesavius


    IMO, if they had implemented PvE servers (with PvP restricted to the abyss, or even just the Fort islands), and spent more cash on putting in more quest content and world fluff in from the start, then it would have retained a stack more more players in the West.


    people left because there is no pvp content.   if you want pve content, go back now, coz no one actaully pvp nowadays....


    another reason why people is so afraid of pvp is that you loss more AP then you gain AP.  AP is something you can exchange for PVP items.  people will grind upper fort instances or lower fort instance to farm ap...sooner or later they will feel bore.

    if they want people to pvp more, they need to remove AP loss penalty.....or else everyone will hide behind the guard and spam the taunt or chicken emote.

    for those who played this game before will know exactly what i mean..

  • jmcgrathjmcgrath Member Posts: 23

    Fundamentally I think Aion is a good game, and it brings alot to the world of MMOs in the western world.

    I am glad that it is still growing, it has many good features which other mmos could learn to use. The powerup stones are quite good, dying gear, the cityscapes and ofc the flying is all well handled imo. Pets with storage capabilities is cool too.

    The biggest issues for me were macros and addons. I love addons, and when I'm not working with addons I am working with macros, and the macro creation feature and associated interface were very unwieldy in my opinion.


    But its nice to see things grow, I might resub in a while to see how their new crafting is going and their new expansion.

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