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Apparently nothing needs to be changed at all, but the language from korean to english, as all people I've talked to playing on the korean server currently don't see anything that needs to be changed actually to appeal to the western countries.
The game is fun to play, has not too much grind and is quiet polished. There's lot's of quests and group-instances and it's multi-player oriented instead of a solo-grind-fest.
What kind of stuff will be done by this "westernization" EnMasse/Frogster is talking about?
I don't see them changing the artstyle, which is apparently pretty much asian style, but the rest is good as it is, even for us western players.
I actually fear, that they will screw up the game instead of making it better...
Probably, but nobody is really ballsy enough in this world to challenge the norm, beside for Indie companies.
to start you know pretty well people will complain its a grind game anyway just to say something bad about something.
then you have other tecnical things to solve, because tera will have a problem, lag and you know they will never launch the game any faster just because you want.
if you wan to play just hope they work fast enough to launch it still in this year
AFAIK they were going to add PvE servers, as the Korean version only has PvP servers (unless I am mistaken).
But overall, the process of "Westernization" is mysterious. Noone is really clear about what it means.
Yeah, but every western player currently playing the korean version will tell you, that the gind is pretty much non-existant.
And lag? Why should there be lag on a NA or EU server, when lag is pretty much non-existant on the korean server?
People have stated over and over again, that the game is pretty much polished up and that there's not alot of bugs anymore.
So what technical issues are we talking about here?
There's areas, where you can PK, but the servers are pretty much PvE-servers in korea, with a duel-system.
In most cases, Westernization consists of contextual localization, extending/adding character creation options, making sure WASD is available (in addition to point-n-click and mouse movement) and reducing level grind.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
I was mostly referring to the cryptic statements Frogster and EnMasse have made about "Westernization", where they consistently fail at getting any sort of point or meaning across.
Were those actual examples of TERAs localization or just typical changes applies to Eastern MMOs?
Conextual localization aka. changing the language is all fine, but that doesn't require another 6 month and a few beta-stages imho.
As for WASD... you can even grab a gamepad and map your keys to it from within the game. Keymappings are totally up to personal preferances and they're totally customizable allready.
Grind? There's no more grind then in WoW... and that's for the korean version, so I wonder how much more further they want to go down with it. Much more further reducing it means that you can reach max level in 3 days oO
Westernization sounds like they're going to remodel the characters and weapons to appeal more to the western artstyle and that they're going to make this into a solo-player-game aswell, which is exactly what I do fear there.
I do like the artstyle and the forced grouping, and reaching max level in two weeks isn't too much grind either imho.
* Simple Language Differences - It's not enough to just translate the words, the phrases, content and 'slang' are going to be different.
* Playstyle Differences - most Western players play from their homes, with a hand on the keyboard and a hand on the mouse. Most Eastern players are in an Internet Cafe or some kind of Gaming Hall with a hand on the mouse and a cigarette. Many more Eastern gamers smoke, to the point that more of the game happens with just the mouse instead of a mouse and keyboard.
* Playstyle Differences - more Western players are 'solo' players. More Eastern players are group players. If you're a solo player, having a quest chain not only isn't a problem, it's a benefit. If you're a group player, quest chains are a pain point because everyone has to be at the same point in the quest chain. Also, in groups you're going to mow through a lot more mobs than the solo players. If you have 10 solo players in an area, and 10 players in a raid in the same area, the raid is going to go through all the mobs faster than the 10 solo players. The grouped players will feel the 'grind' less compared to the solo players.
I think that's the "Get In The Door" changes. I'm sure there's more. Anything that Blue Hole thinks will increase sales to a Western audience. The eyes on the avatars, the voice actors (which would be cooler voiced in Korean imo), and visual effects such as damage numbers come to my mind.
But the "Why" is simple. You need to sell the game to a Western audience, so you want it to seem exotic, but at the same time comfortable. There is a best case balance between exotic and comfy that will sell the most copies of the game and that's what they're trying to do. If they do well with this game, then they can eventually have a forumula for games that release in the West and in the East at the same time, doubling their potential income from any game they make from here on out.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Westernization is a delay matter. There isn't enought end game content atm in the K Tera, they have to polish the game a bit more and release the last 10 levels (cap will be 60 with 60 gear/weapons and not 50). Don't worry about the rest, Tera is developed as global game like they said in the last interview and both koreans and West version will be the same with some variance is the exp curve + dedicated pvp servers.
Also consider that the Japanese release will be released this summer too not now and you know that Japan and korea are very close. The delay is needed to polish the game and adding more content, you have to consider the Korean release like a beta test.
Westernization is a delay matter. There isn't enought end game content atm in the K Tera, they have to polish the game a bit more and release the last 10 levels (cap will be 60 with 60 gear/weapons and not 50). Don't worry about the rest, Tera is developed as global game like they said in the last interview and both koreans and West version will be the same with some variance is the exp curve + dedicated pvp servers.
Also consider that the Japanese release will be released this summer too not now and you know that Japan and korea are very close. The delay is needed to polish the game and adding more content, you have to consider the Korean release like a beta test.
The korean version is allready quiet polished as it is and not a beta-test-version. You should talk to people playing the korean version I guess.
And lowering the EXP-curve is exactly one of those things I don't want to see happen actually, as it is allready low enough.
There is no click to move in Tera if that's what you mean.
Seriously... lower exp cap? ; S
What else?
Are the majority of western people actually such bad players that they need some kinda help? wow... Let big brother hold your hand.
World of Warcraft ruined the MMO market.
"We aren't noobs,we are just casuals" wink wink
Aka i want everything fast,easy (nerf the PVE) and handed to me,if it takes more than 1 month,it's a grind fest.
BS,all BS,if you are casual,you should get to max lvl in 6-9 months,not in 1 month,ffs whats the point of lvling so fast if you are gonna complain about lack of endgame content.
Go back to wow.
Or Rift,they are the same game so...
I have the same fear you do.
The game looks amazing, i want it now.
Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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hotix plays Rift.
/enough said
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
O'Rlly? Currently it is less grindy than Rift (which is pretty grindless) of course Xenophobes and racial sterotyping will always trump ....well having a clue.
Racist troll is racist.
Seriously,go back to Rift.
You are a carebear.
BTW,the lvling is faster in Tera,LOL.
Don't be mad because Tera is a true AAA mmo and another generic and uninspired clone:(
Is this the only argoument the haters have? A bit sad and redundant but whatever, hope you rift fans have fun.
Tera = Nice graphics, crap game!
I'd play Rift over TERA anyday, even if it is old school.
Oh, and anyone who says that TERA has no grind is lying!
Even Korean players are whinging that there is not enough content!
You know nothing about the game but if you think so why you post here in the first place with lies and false statement?
Please go play your beloved rift and stop messing up our forum bringing hate here with this arrogant and unfriedly attitude toward a game that you know nothing and you will never play aniway.
Look,another Rift just opened!
meh.... ill go to the next quest hub.
As much as i'm looking forward to Tera, i just hope they don't make the same mistake as what happened with RFOnline, loved that game for it's first 3 months, stayed on it for 9 when it was released, got to have content at end, and none of the awfull grind that RF had, and it will do ok, unrealistic to think it going to be a world beater, but more then anything i do hope it's fun.
There is grind in all MMOs...
When people say there is no grind they are more refering to how quick you can level... which I hear is fast as 2 weeks up to a month or 2... that is pretty fast for a Korean game.
Anybody please message me how to play Tera while being in america.
Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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