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If any MMORPG that is to be in existence and have a chance at lasting beyond 5 years, holding its own against WoW and keeping a steady population must have all these qualities. (in no particular order) (this is just my opinion)
1. Sexy female characters with realistic body mechanics. (bouncing boobs, ect.) I dont care what anyone sais, this really can be a make or break for any MMO.
2. Graphics that are up to date and a development team willing to update them when they become out of date.
3. Fast Paced combat. Can be 1.2.3 style or Action based, doesnt matter as long its it fast, loud and colourful.
4. Vibrant, believable, dynamic sound effects.
5. Motion Capture technology used in all monster and character models. Its a MUST for any good mmo.
6. Swiming, Climbing, Jumping, Dancing
7. Ground and Flying Mounts, and Mounted Ground Combat
8. At least 4 playable races, with 2 opposing factions
9. Raids, dungeons, solo instances
10. At least 5 playable classes
11. Open world with changing weather, times of day, realistic environment and effects.
12. Wide variety of armor classes for those of us who want skimpy characters, or those us who want toons that look like tanks.
13. Good In Game Music. this can make or break a game for me. Good music that goes with where you are and what youre doing.
14. User friendly and attractive UI. Hate those games where you have no idea where what is.
15. Very Customizable Characters. Basically a Character Creation Engine like in PW or Aion
16. Violence. When Im playing my half naked female warrior, and I hack into an Orc, I wanna see blood flying all over the place, and all over me.
17. Rich In-Depth Story Line. Thats a given. We all wanna feel like were grinding for a greater good, or evil, not just plain ol' grinding.
I may add on to this list, but this is all i can think of for now.
So your #1 requirement of the game you would play forever is bouncing boobs?
I think I recall that being the #1 requirement of my future wife as well and I am proud to admit that I achieved that goal. I think I need to buy a trampoline just to be sure though.
She is quite customizable too and even has a great solo instance. Come to think of it she meets most of your requirements! Unfortunately the server is full and we aren't looking to expand the playerbase.
Wanna see the studio that motion captures real monsters.
Do you have a PC that can support it? Do you want to play with other players? Not everyone has a top of the line Alienware computer.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
If youre implying i need to get a wife. Im a 21 year old girl. And bouncing boobs and fantasy females in skimpy armor is what I happen to like.
An for the other guy, yeah, i have a PC that could take anything.
I approve your fetish.
Most people, who have the same #1 requirement from a game and claim to be a hot young girl, are usually 30+year old far virgin males with gender identity issues ... Now, before you accuse me of anything, I said most people, I never said you. You're 21 and a girl, we know that!
So basically you want WoW with bouncing boobs and mounted ground combat ?
We definitely need more WoW clones.
Heh. WoWs got bouncy tits. I just want something... a little more realistic. Way too 12- year old fantasy for me. Guess Ill have to play Vindictus till TERA comes out... Oh, and dont get me wrong. I have a girlfriend, and I get out as much as I can. But, my dad got me playing Ultima Online when I was 11 and MMOs have just been my thing since then.
Why would an MMO want to hold its own against WoW, instead of carving its own self sustaining niche? WoW already has that market segment dominated, but also act's as an important portal for players into the MMO genre.
Providing a game can pay for its running costs and pay out the initial investment in terms of development, there is no reason for it NOT to last more than five years. Sadly, many titles do not pass this milestone or are not given the opportunity to prove themselves.
The only important factors are if the game is playable, and if it is fun. None of what you have listed applies, although I do understand this is what you would consider to be fun for yourself.
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Medusa Engine SDK - Free MMO Game Engine
Hampton Roads/East Coast Video Gamers Association
I'm sure you can amble down to Walmart and pick up a trampoline for roughly $300... After that all you really need is a lawn chair with a cupholder and you're set.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Im adding # 16 to the list. Violence. When I play a half naked female warrior and I hack into an Orc, I want to see blood flying all over the place, including all over me.
How do you motion cap a dragon? For humans I can buy it.
Besides that you also needs a competent guy in the motion suit, if you don't have that it will look silly anyways.
I think they had motion captured animation for character models in EQ2. Didn't work out to well as the animations, while long an intricate, are fairly robotic and don't flow together very well at all.
I love the honesty.
You should add #17: Bright colors, great music and fresh loot for all achievements and levels.
The Illusion of Choice
Didn't FFXIV use Motion Capture Tech. for their characters?
Heh. WoW, Runes of Magic, Allods, EQ, DDO and prolly a ton more, all used motion capture for their character and humanoid models.
My big point here is that AoC sounds about 90% your dream. Have you played it?
"Boss!! We lost 6 more effects guys trying to get the green bodysuit on the Kraken!
I think your being to specific. i started playing mmorpgs when i was 9 and played runescape. didnt know what quests were back then so i just got like 110 something in mining and smithing (was a member for awhile). then i played Maplestory with my older brother. I still enjoy maplestory cause you can play it with anyone. I been trying other F2P mmorpgs since i was 13. im 15 now.
But this might not follow your satisfaction but here are my recomendations
Runescape - if you dont like to download or a game to play while waiting for a download. im not a fan anymore. Excellent customizationg though
Maplestory - The community has more kids under the age of 13 so its not as fun but i recommend learning how to level fast then when a new server comes out restart there and level fast and make friends with other good gamers who are not annyoing. This is my all time most played mmorpg cause i play it on and off. Since the Big Bang they added more customization to it
WoW - you know it you love it. Problems though - Noobs not welcomed. Expensive for some. Hours of game play if you dont have patience dont play this. Good Reasons are - Arena/PvP is good. Mounts are well thought out. Tons of Customization. I think boobs flop i play male characters cause i dont wana be a fake. It runs on most computers
Battle of Immortals - Fast leveling in beggining. but you dont really do anything till level 30 which takes one hour then things start to slow down. Unique Pet System - you grind for the pet you want. there a your level to monster level ratio of chance to get something as a pet. anything besides bosses and other players can be your pet. if i remember there medium customization. nothing like vindictus though :P but you can choose gender. You can sell and trade pets
Dragon Oath - its a Martial arts mmorpg but has a class like system. There like 10+ classes depending on the weapon you use. Also unique pet system kind of the same as Battle of Immortals but a little more to it. You can sell/trade pets. There good customizationg
GW2 will satisfy all but 7(no mention on mounts but i doubt they will fly if they are in the game), 8 (because of the opposing factions part), and 16 (blood and gore make for an M rated game).
you should try it when it comes out.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
I also want to posit that if one wants jiggle physics so much, then also demand the effect to be equal.
In other words, every male avatar's junk better sway like a speed bag when they walk.Or better yet, give each 'part' it's own gravity and buoyancy.
Otherwise, regardless of gender, you're asking for an entirely pointless feature that caters to a specific market's lust and nothing more, no matter how much you wish to doll up the statement or otherwise.
So give men sway bags, or stop clamoring for balloons.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Men with sway bags is hot too.
I doubt anyone would play a MMORPG (or any non-MMO game) forever. No matter how good a game is. Sooner or later some developer will make a similar game that will be much better.
In terms of game development sooner = 2 years, and later = 5 years
How about we bring the REAL world into this and just say full nudity and sex?! I keep waiting for that but it never comes... Age of Conan to the extreme!!!
That's just weird... all thats gonna do is make people laugh at the game itself. not necesary.. bouncing boobs.. necessary..