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Beware slot loss!

gurugeorgegurugeorge Member UncommonPosts: 481

Just a quick heads up, there's a bug atm.  If you were previously a subscriber, and decide to play Silver and DELETE (as opposed to convert) a Freeform char, so you can free up a slot to start a Silver AT afresh, you may lose the slot.  I learned this the hard way and am waiting for updates on this issue, which is known, and for which a fix will be incoming at some point.

The slot I lost was in an extra slot I'd gotten for getting a toon to max level, so the bug may not affect slots within the normal allowance as was (when the game was p2p), but just be careful.


  • gurugeorgegurugeorge Member UncommonPosts: 481

    Update, this issue has now been resolved with the latest patch.  Playing CO again on Silver with one of the ATs - there's like 40 instances of MC!!! I'm in shock!!! 

    Looks like the game's rocking and people are having fun.  Well done Cryptic!

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