Well It seems like it was bound to happen. Trion took the Racials, that a vocal minority was complaining about, and they used that as an Excuse to nerf the Flexibility of the Races. NOW there is No Reason to have a Warrior that isn't a Bahmi, or a Mage that isn't an Eth, or a Rogue that isn't a Kelari. Its really, Truly, MONUMENTALLY, Pathetic...!! I can only imagine what they'll do next to make the game completely FUBAR.
On top of that their Customer Service Department seems to be "dropping the ball", or "out to lunch", cause they messed up sending out invitations to beta 6. And they can't even answer a simple question when its asked of them. With each passing day I'm regretting my pre-purchase through Direct2Drive (since I cannot get a refund). Because I suspect this game isn't going to be worth the DVD its recorded on by the time it releases...
Guess that means I go back to some single player games, while I wait for SWTOR to come out. :-(
All of my friends got their beta invites, did you not? Or are you complaining because they didn't send them out a week early this time, even though you still couldn't log on? And the racials give +10 to a certain stat, if you honestly think that is pigeonholing people into certain races, then you are lost.
I never got an Invitation Email. I was however able to log in and play in the last event. And I had opened a ticket but it took them well over 24hrs to respond (which doesn't surprise me as I'm sure they are busy). Still all I got was a "form letter" with nothing in it even indicating that they even read my "ticket". That isn't very good service.
Oh, and my objection to the "+10 stat" things is that people are going to pay attention. Even if you chose not to do so. And the Crux is that it replaces a more flexible system, and its still not balanced between the factions. Whether or not it will make a difference at level 50, I very much doubt. But if this indicates the kind of changes they will make to try and "please Everyone" then I'm really worried that they will do something far more drastic in the future.
I personally didn't think that the orginal Kelari Racial was really going to make a difference at End Game. Still all they needed to do was change the racials just a bit. I see no benefit to having "ghost foxes", or flying a short distance, or running and jumping. All of that is useless, or practically useless, filler substituting for a well though out game mechanic.
The sky is falling - the sky is falling. There was a time that people got excited about games and talked about what they liked. Now we are discussing a beta as if it were a final product and balance issues as if they are going to release the game and let it go, never to update it. Look at WoW, by far the most successful MMO of all time, they STILL can't get class balance right and they redesigned their game. Ever MMO launches with a ton of things that are implemented that need tweaks, large and small, to claim that this game wont make it, before even playing the full release, shows something more about your personality than your "educated opinion". I don't see how City of Heroes made it past a year, but it did, because people enjoyed it and it had great ideas for those it clicked with. There is no doubt Rift takes a ton of inspiration from WoW and they will have a HUGE battle to keep the classes in line... but it is a new world to explore, with new ideas, new gear, new classes, new bosses, and tons of room for expansion. If you don't wanna play it now, more power to ya, expansions will come - Aion is still around, this wont be going anywhere.
Now mind ya, I don' think Rift is a totally bad game. It has some very promising ideas. Potential. (Yes, again...) And of course it is in many aspects a matter of taste. But there are certain reasons I just think it will die down after a short time, similar to Aion or Warhammer. IMO the rifts are the crucial point of the game, and it offers way more problems, esp. in the long run.
- You always hear this "point X is under attack, defend it at all costs" "oh no, outpost X was lost". It is exciting the first dozen of times. But at a certain point I just felt like I cared less and less if outpost X was invaded or not. So the much needed feel of urgency just vanishes when you have 20 invasions per day, at some point you begin to lose the feeling that it is something special.
- The Warhammer Castle-Siege issue: WAR castle sieges were fun. Really. For a few weeks. The issue was: one castle siege was in the end like every other. The same is true with the Rifts. Besides the visuals of Life/Fire/Death, they all function the exact same way. There is no variance in strategy whether you fight a life or a fire rift, whether you fight a level 7 or a level 29 rift. It's always the exact same. How long can that be exciting?
- Rifts are extremely disturbing to what you planned. Like questing. Often I just wasn't able to dodge the rift mobs, because Telara is full to the rim with mobs, filling the landscape dense, and with the uber fast respawn, you just can't escape via some safe routes as in EQ2 or WOW or LOTRO. In many areas you are just trapped. I had 6 or 7 Epic high level rift groups passing by and stomping me into the ground several times this day. There were only a handful of other players around, so we had no chance to stop this super invasion or escape from the area to any place. It was just frustrating. They camped the quest zones, there weren't enough players to drive them off (it was mid-20ies mobs), and so I was stuck. I know it may feel cool and dangerous now that it's new. But trust me: over time the frustration will get the upper hand. People want to plan their doings, they love their routine and it can be very frustrating much faster than you guys think.
- All this leads still to the question: won't the entire quest hubs be conquered at some point, when people get apathic agains the constant invasions? It balances towards the number of player you say... I didn't see that in the beta! But even then, what if most people present have no will to fight the invasions? You'd essentially be stuck in that area.
- Let's be honest here: the rest of the game is ok, but not SO thrilling to really justify people leaving their fav. MMO where they invested time and hard work into, whatever it is. I just don't see that. It's an ok game. But not the hyper killer MMO to really keep people. Nothing in this game is anything else but "ok". Neither combat nor gameplay nor visuals are that special. Not bad, but not so great as well.
- I still think that this hectic aspect, feeling like playing Tabula Rasa, will in the long run drive away some players. I know, when you are young you think it is "cool" to have always stuff going on, you don't really know your own limits and have even less understanding that others prefer it slow. I don't blame you young guys to have this flaw, because such is the way of things. But reality is: both younger and older people WILL feel drained after some time. Some sooner, some later. When ALL is rush rush rush - gogogo, when there is nothing calm and serene to balance, a lot of people will feel burned out from the constant pressure, EVEN you who now claim that this is exactly what you seek. Or rather you THINK you seek. It WILL tire you. It has something to do with the natural "biorhythm" every human being has that just needs calm to contrast and balance the stressful moments. No human is above such things, and Rift just doesn't HAVE such "calmer" sides. It is all Yang and entirely devoid of Yin, so to speak.
I am really not trying to bash this game. And I wanted to like it, because it has a lot of likeable qualities. But some of the fundamental design ideas are IMO great mistakes, and the rifts may in the long run very well prove to be Rifts undoing.
You hit the nail on the head with most of your points here in a different way than I articulated in my own post.
- The "hectic" aspect just...doesn't...do...it...for...me... Life is hectic. Your job can be hectic. Who wants a hectic game?
- WAR castle sieges were more fun - and you're right, even the fun there didn't last for long. I see the rifts and such as being more an annoyance than anything else.
- And... yeah, it's not a horrible game or anything. I just didn't find it compelling enough to play. There's other stuff out there - no, not just WoW - that's a lot more compelling.
Some of you need to get a grip on reality instead of hounding someone over their opinions, criticism is always good for a MMORPG as long as the developers read up on it and decide to tackle the issues. Rift has a long way to go if it wants to keep subscribers over a sustained period of time, the engine they picked is out of date it wasn’t even good when it was used for Warhammer Online. Rift isn’t helped by the fact that TERA and Guild Wars 2 look to be on another level with regards to graphics, AI and questing. You would expect some sort of voice overs with important quests to make it come to life but it just seems dull.
The AI in Rift is shoddy at best and even games from 5 years ago would put it to shame, the combat just seems to be glow effects with different colours and the sounds need work. The combat is just bland at best; it feels like I am just bashing buttons mindlessly without any skill. The questing system in place is unimaginative and will drive many players away especially because after level 10 Rift becomes a grind. When I say grind I mean boring, taking time to level up doesn’t bother me if I am enjoying the experience of it. Rifts are average at best; it’s just random mob spawn there seems to be no significance in completing them, there isn’t even any memorable characters that I have come across so far.
Performance issues need to be work on, this can be changed massively over time but I worry for the engine once more because Warhammer never had real multisampling AA. This isn’t the game for me I tried to like it and I have reinstalled Beta 3 times to give it another shot. This doesn’t mean people should go on the defensive due to my opinion; the Rift community is going downhill due to peoples negative reactions to criticism. If Rift is to survive in a subscription model and not end up F2P the community needs to be constructive and allow people from all walks of life to have their voice heard. I am finished with this game but wish Trion luck in the future in providing people a profitable MMO that they enjoy. Thanks for the beta invite!
Here is my final post that I did on the official forums with regards why I am not playing Rift. Hopefully I will have more luck with Tera beta in finding a MMO I can enjoy again!
*nods* A good post.
IMO, Trion really cares about the game, and I think it does look good, at least the world graphic-wise I felt was nice enough. It has a chance to be a really good game for people interested in "classic" style MMOs. Stuff along the EQ/EQ2 line of gaming.
Still, it has all the issues you mentioned.
For me personally there is also the issue that uber respawn, wide reaching roamers, and some places VERY dense covered with mobs made the game a chore to me. These days I prefer a bit a slower and more easygoing pace. But thats just me.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Some of you need to get a grip on reality instead of hounding someone over their opinions, criticism is always good for a MMORPG as long as the developers read up on it and decide to tackle the issues. Rift has a long way to go if it wants to keep subscribers over a sustained period of time, the engine they picked is out of date it wasn’t even good when it was used for Warhammer Online. Rift isn’t helped by the fact that TERA and Guild Wars 2 look to be on another level with regards to graphics, AI and questing. You would expect some sort of voice overs with important quests to make it come to life but it just seems dull.
The AI in Rift is shoddy at best and even games from 5 years ago would put it to shame, the combat just seems to be glow effects with different colours and the sounds need work. The combat is just bland at best; it feels like I am just bashing buttons mindlessly without any skill. The questing system in place is unimaginative and will drive many players away especially because after level 10 Rift becomes a grind. When I say grind I mean boring, taking time to level up doesn’t bother me if I am enjoying the experience of it. Rifts are average at best; it’s just random mob spawn there seems to be no significance in completing them, there isn’t even any memorable characters that I have come across so far.
Performance issues need to be work on, this can be changed massively over time but I worry for the engine once more because Warhammer never had real multisampling AA. This isn’t the game for me I tried to like it and I have reinstalled Beta 3 times to give it another shot. This doesn’t mean people should go on the defensive due to my opinion; the Rift community is going downhill due to peoples negative reactions to criticism. If Rift is to survive in a subscription model and not end up F2P the community needs to be constructive and allow people from all walks of life to have their voice heard. I am finished with this game but wish Trion luck in the future in providing people a profitable MMO that they enjoy. Thanks for the beta invite!
Here is my final post that I did on the official forums with regards why I am not playing Rift. Hopefully I will have more luck with Tera beta in finding a MMO I can enjoy again!
*nods* A good post.
IMO, Trion really cares about the game, and I think it does look good, at least the world graphic-wise I felt was nice enough. It has a chance to be a really good game for people interested in "classic" style MMOs. Stuff along the EQ/EQ2 line of gaming.
Still, it has all the issues you mentioned.
For me personally there is also the issue that uber respawn, wide reaching roamers, and some places VERY dense covered with mobs made the game a chore to me. These days I prefer a bit a slower and more easygoing pace. But thats just me.
You ever stop and think for a minute and say to yourself...
"I wonder if all the crazy massive rift invasions and constant chaos in the game might be Trion trying to stress test the server"
I hear from some beta testers that theres to many Rifts and the world is always chaotic i can't enjoy the game and relax, that there day to day job's are stressfull enough yada yada yada...
Once again i will repeat to you stressed out MMORPG gamers out there (lol just that sentence alone makes me laugh) that Rift is in a beta stress test now and has been for several weeks, thats what this beta is about more or less.
The zones scale in activity based on population so please for the love of the Vigil stop and think for a second...
Take a deep breath, squeeze your stress balls (lol) and remember your in beta......
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
I honestly don't even know why people bother to try to say anything positive or to correct any inaccuracies. All we are ever met with is getting called fanbois, carebears, etc.
The reality is there is SO much misinformation being spewed about Rift its not even funny. Its really REALLY sad.
First and foremost, people, especially on this forum, have an utter inability to see the forest for the fucking trees. Trion has been doing this in beta events, basically 3-6 day long betas testing certain aspects of the game. The first beta was levels 1-20 on the defiants side. Second beta was 1-20 on Guardian, BETA 3 introduced some PVP and allowed both sides to play at the same time, etc.
The most recent beta event was called "Planar Invasion"...
Now, stop for about 3 seconds and actually let that sink in... could that mean that they might have upped the rate of invasions and rift events?!!!! *Gasp* NOOOO, madness! Could it be, could it possibly be, that this isnt the intended format for release of the game and that they're "gasp* TESTING how the game/playerbase responds to massive invasions? ZOMG NO!
Period. I ran this last beta on a 4 year old core 2 duo e6600 with a GTX 260 on ultra settings just fine. Yeah if i got 40 people on screen in a massive rift it would drop into the low 20's and occasionally teens. But im on a 4 yr old cpu with a 2 yr old video card. My roommate who has a more moden I7-860 with a GTX 460... guess what, its fucking flawless. never drops below 30 and is silky smooth.
Now, i say all this having played extensively just about every AAA (or borderline AAA) mmo thats released since EQ1. That includes WOW, AoC, EVE, EQ2, etc etc etc. The only game that comes close is Aion's character models, and AoC's overall world/graphics. Even then there are aspects of Rifts graphics that are literally stunning.
The reality is all that people on this forum have against Rift is the same STALE arguments that get thrown at every single game that comes out:
1. Its the same old stale theme park fantasy mmo (notice how people to this day still buy shitloads of fantasy novels, even though they're all the same variation on the same friggin theme, could it be because, omfg people like fantasy settings?!?!)
2. Its not NEW and INNOVATIVE enough. This one is my favorite. Everyone likes to play this card, but to this date i have not seen a single person who has come up with a viable idea for an MMO outside of their Anime/Fanfiction stroke a thon masturbatory ideas for what would be a "badass mmo"
3. It uses a class system, class systems are stupid, skill systems are so much better, even though they are really just class systems with an extra layer because invariably you get shoehorned into filling a particular role, be it tank, healer, dps.
Anybody who has actually tried to play this game past the initial 10 or so hours has realized this game actually is inspired and is very well done. The 2 starting dungeons in the game make most of WOW's best dungeons look like garbage.
The class system is one of the coolest and most innovative things that has been brought to the MMO table ever, and people are just discounting it because i honestly believe it is beyond their capability to understand, in terms of the intricacies of it all. They can't just make their cookie cutter build they looked up be super l33t, they actually have to l2p. Its amazing.
Anyways, im sure ill get flamed for this post, but frankly i dont care, i've said my piece.
[mod edit]
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
Some of you need to get a grip on reality instead of hounding someone over their opinions, criticism is always good for a MMORPG as long as the developers read up on it and decide to tackle the issues. Rift has a long way to go if it wants to keep subscribers over a sustained period of time, the engine they picked is out of date it wasn’t even good when it was used for Warhammer Online. Rift isn’t helped by the fact that TERA and Guild Wars 2 look to be on another level with regards to graphics, AI and questing. You would expect some sort of voice overs with important quests to make it come to life but it just seems dull.
The AI in Rift is shoddy at best and even games from 5 years ago would put it to shame, the combat just seems to be glow effects with different colours and the sounds need work. The combat is just bland at best; it feels like I am just bashing buttons mindlessly without any skill. The questing system in place is unimaginative and will drive many players away especially because after level 10 Rift becomes a grind. When I say grind I mean boring, taking time to level up doesn’t bother me if I am enjoying the experience of it. Rifts are average at best; it’s just random mob spawn there seems to be no significance in completing them, there isn’t even any memorable characters that I have come across so far.
Performance issues need to be work on, this can be changed massively over time but I worry for the engine once more because Warhammer never had real multisampling AA. This isn’t the game for me I tried to like it and I have reinstalled Beta 3 times to give it another shot. This doesn’t mean people should go on the defensive due to my opinion; the Rift community is going downhill due to peoples negative reactions to criticism. If Rift is to survive in a subscription model and not end up F2P the community needs to be constructive and allow people from all walks of life to have their voice heard. I am finished with this game but wish Trion luck in the future in providing people a profitable MMO that they enjoy. Thanks for the beta invite!
Here is my final post that I did on the official forums with regards why I am not playing Rift. Hopefully I will have more luck with Tera beta in finding a MMO I can enjoy again!
*nods* A good post.
IMO, Trion really cares about the game, and I think it does look good, at least the world graphic-wise I felt was nice enough. It has a chance to be a really good game for people interested in "classic" style MMOs. Stuff along the EQ/EQ2 line of gaming.
Still, it has all the issues you mentioned.
For me personally there is also the issue that uber respawn, wide reaching roamers, and some places VERY dense covered with mobs made the game a chore to me. These days I prefer a bit a slower and more easygoing pace. But thats just me.
You ever stop and think for a minute and say to yourself...
"I wonder if all the crazy massive rift invasions and constant chaos in the game might be Trion trying to stress test the server"
I hear from some beta testers that theres to many Rifts and the world is always chaotic i can't enjoy the game and relax, that there day to day job's are stressfull enough yada yada yada...
Once again i will repeat to you stressed out MMORPG gamers out there (lol just that sentence alone makes me laugh) that Rift is in a beta stress test now and has been for several weeks, thats what this beta is about more or less.
The zones scale in activity based on population so please for the love of the Vigil stop and think for a second...
Take a deep breath, squeeze your stress balls (lol) and remember your in beta......
Blah blah It's beta blah. That is such an old tired statement. It's not even a solid arguement.
Seriously? You expecting some major overhauls? Yeah, no. A few tweaks and some file compression and It's off to the races.
You're welcome to love Rift to death. The fact that it is mediocre (or a rehash) and not revolutionary is spot on. I really can't see how this as a general statement can be argued.
Again, feel free to sing to the world that this the greatest thing since ... I don't know what, for you. Just don't go raving about how innovative it is and stuff. You're just lying to yourself.
I honestly don't even know why people bother to try to say anything positive or to correct any inaccuracies. All we are ever met with is getting called fanbois, carebears, etc.
The reality is there is SO much misinformation being spewed about Rift its not even funny. Its really REALLY sad.
First and foremost, people, especially on this forum, have an utter inability to see the forest for the fucking trees. Trion has been doing this in beta events, basically 3-6 day long betas testing certain aspects of the game. The first beta was levels 1-20 on the defiants side. Second beta was 1-20 on Guardian, BETA 3 introduced some PVP and allowed both sides to play at the same time, etc.
The most recent beta event was called "Planar Invasion"...
Now, stop for about 3 seconds and actually let that sink in... could that mean that they might have upped the rate of invasions and rift events?!!!! *Gasp* NOOOO, madness! Could it be, could it possibly be, that this isnt the intended format for release of the game and that they're "gasp* TESTING how the game/playerbase responds to massive invasions? ZOMG NO!
So, all the people bitching that there are too many mobs and the events get boring and blah blah, can now shut the hell up.
Second, anybody who claims the games graphics arent heads and tails above anything else thats been released are smoking crack or have a piece of shit computer. Period. I ran this last beta on a 4 year old core 2 duo e6600 with a GTX 260 on ultra settings just fine. Yeah if i got 40 people on screen in a massive rift it would drop into the low 20's and occasionally teens. But im on a 4 yr old cpu with a 2 yr old video card. My roommate who has a more moden I7-860 with a GTX 460... guess what, its fucking flawless. never drops below 30 and is silky smooth.
Now, i say all this having played extensively just about every AAA (or borderline AAA) mmo thats released since EQ1. That includes WOW, AoC, EVE, EQ2, etc etc etc. The only game that comes close is Aion's character models, and AoC's overall world/graphics. Even then there are aspects of Rifts graphics that are literally stunning.
The reality is all that people on this forum have against Rift is the same STALE arguments that get thrown at every single game that comes out:
1. Its the same old stale theme park fantasy mmo (notice how people to this day still buy shitloads of fantasy novels, even though they're all the same variation on the same friggin theme, could it be because, omfg people like fantasy settings?!?!)
2. Its not NEW and INNOVATIVE enough. This one is my favorite. Everyone likes to play this card, but to this date i have not seen a single person who has come up with a viable idea for an MMO outside of their Anime/Fanfiction stroke a thon masturbatory ideas for what would be a "badass mmo"
3. It uses a class system, class systems are stupid, skill systems are so much better, even though they are really just class systems with an extra layer because invariably you get shoehorned into filling a particular role, be it tank, healer, dps.
Anybody who has actually tried to play this game past the initial 10 or so hours has realized this game actually is inspired and is very well done. The 2 starting dungeons in the game make most of WOW's best dungeons look like garbage.
The class system is one of the coolest and most innovative things that has been brought to the MMO table ever, and people are just discounting it because i honestly believe it is beyond their capability to understand, in terms of the intricacies of it all. They can't just make their cookie cutter build they looked up be super l33t, they actually have to l2p. Its amazing.
Anyways, im sure ill get flamed for this post, but frankly i dont care, i've said my piece.
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
I just really don't see Rift being all that successful either. It does nothing particularly noteworthy (Rift grinding will get old), and it's going to be released way to close to three upcoming MMORPGs that will absolutely destroy it in terms of box sales and subscriber numbers.
Wish people like you would have been at E3 and had a chance to actually test some of these three upcoming mmo's like I did, then you might get off your soapbox and give RIFT a real chance.
A certain huge game everyone seems to be all excited about just does not work. I am in the friends and family for it and its broken, they can not get the game to play they way they want it to play within the confines of its engine, as a result to meet deadlines instead of fixing the problems they are ripping them out of the game. Granted it does have some coolness to it, but as it stands overall gameplay sucks atm.
I just really don't see Rift being all that successful either. It does nothing particularly noteworthy (Rift grinding will get old), and it's going to be released way to close to three upcoming MMORPGs that will absolutely destroy it in terms of box sales and subscriber numbers.
Wish people like you would have been at E3 and had a chance to actually test some of these three upcoming mmo's like I did, then you might get off your soapbox and give RIFT a real chance.
A certain huge game everyone seems to be all excited about just does not work. I am in the friends and family for it and its broken, they can not get the game to play they way they want it to play within the confines of its engine, as a result to meet deadlines instead of fixing the problems they are ripping them out of the game. Granted it does have some coolness to it, but as it stands overall gameplay sucks atm.
I just really don't see Rift being all that successful either. It does nothing particularly noteworthy (Rift grinding will get old), and it's going to be released way to close to three upcoming MMORPGs that will absolutely destroy it in terms of box sales and subscriber numbers.
Wish people like you would have been at E3 and had a chance to actually test some of these three upcoming mmo's like I did, then you might get off your soapbox and give RIFT a real chance.
A certain huge game everyone seems to be all excited about just does not work. I am in the friends and family for it and its broken, they can not get the game to play they way they want it to play within the confines of its engine, as a result to meet deadlines instead of fixing the problems they are ripping them out of the game. Granted it does have some coolness to it, but as it stands overall gameplay sucks atm.
And what game would this be?
I would like to know too along with the 3 games you tested at E3.
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
Those 3 letters in red up there is the entire issue - Rift HATES ATI, or maybe its ATI hates Rift, either way they aren't planning on getting married and having 6 kids anytime soon. Your on the same chip and ram as me (I'm not OC'd) but I dont use one of those weird three letter heat generation devices in my machine and I run Ultra just fine.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
You probably played during beta 4. They have already identified and fixed the ATI issues. Unfortunately there was an issue where ATI released a new driver literally the same day they started the beta event, and of course people updated to the new driver which was causing all kinds of issues. That was a few weeks ago. So far i havent seen many people with ATI setups complaining anymore. A coworker of mine runs a 4870 and hasnt bitched at all about performance.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
Wow..Able to run at ultra? Your rig is not at all able, and should not be!
6850 is a low-end card.. worse than 5850. You still run DDR2 ram (8GB wont help in games..4GB is max) and you run a old phenom II quad?
srsly.. come on! And atm ATI is bad supported in the game (Which they fix for release) so please come again when you got a proper rig and then complain.
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
You probably played during beta 4. They have already identified and fixed the ATI issues. Unfortunately there was an issue where ATI released a new driver literally the same day they started the beta event, and of course people updated to the new driver which was causing all kinds of issues. That was a few weeks ago. So far i havent seen many people with ATI setups complaining anymore. A coworker of mine runs a 4870 and hasnt bitched at all about performance.
Actually the best performance I got was during beta 4... Tbh I played in 5-6 and that is where the problems started.
Maybe because of all the stress testing I don't know.
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
Wow..Able to run at ultra? Your rig is not at all able, and should not be!
6850 is a low-end card.. worse than 5850. You still run DDR2 ram (8GB wont help in games..4GB is max) and you run a old phenom II quad?
srsly.. come on! And atm ATI is bad supported in the game (Which they fix for release) so please come again when you got a proper rig and then complain.
What are you talking about man, You have a 460, that is the same thing in performance as a 6850 and in some games it out performs your card. Yea, I see you have it on sli.... but still My card is not that bad of a card.
Yes, I do expect to be able to run a game like rift on ultra settings with lil to no problems and at least 30-40 FPS. Right now I get 15-25 on ultra.
Nothing wrong with my Quad Core .. the game doesn't even support 4 cores.. so it doesn't matter.
Some of you need to get a grip on reality instead of hounding someone over their opinions, criticism is always good for a MMORPG as long as the developers read up on it and decide to tackle the issues. Rift has a long way to go if it wants to keep subscribers over a sustained period of time, the engine they picked is out of date it wasn’t even good when it was used for Warhammer Online. Rift isn’t helped by the fact that TERA and Guild Wars 2 look to be on another level with regards to graphics, AI and questing. You would expect some sort of voice overs with important quests to make it come to life but it just seems dull.
The AI in Rift is shoddy at best and even games from 5 years ago would put it to shame, the combat just seems to be glow effects with different colours and the sounds need work. The combat is just bland at best; it feels like I am just bashing buttons mindlessly without any skill. The questing system in place is unimaginative and will drive many players away especially because after level 10 Rift becomes a grind. When I say grind I mean boring, taking time to level up doesn’t bother me if I am enjoying the experience of it. Rifts are average at best; it’s just random mob spawn there seems to be no significance in completing them, there isn’t even any memorable characters that I have come across so far.
Performance issues need to be work on, this can be changed massively over time but I worry for the engine once more because Warhammer never had real multisampling AA. This isn’t the game for me I tried to like it and I have reinstalled Beta 3 times to give it another shot. This doesn’t mean people should go on the defensive due to my opinion; the Rift community is going downhill due to peoples negative reactions to criticism. If Rift is to survive in a subscription model and not end up F2P the community needs to be constructive and allow people from all walks of life to have their voice heard. I am finished with this game but wish Trion luck in the future in providing people a profitable MMO that they enjoy. Thanks for the beta invite!
Here is my final post that I did on the official forums with regards why I am not playing Rift. Hopefully I will have more luck with Tera beta in finding a MMO I can enjoy again!
*nods* A good post.
IMO, Trion really cares about the game, and I think it does look good, at least the world graphic-wise I felt was nice enough. It has a chance to be a really good game for people interested in "classic" style MMOs. Stuff along the EQ/EQ2 line of gaming.
Still, it has all the issues you mentioned.
For me personally there is also the issue that uber respawn, wide reaching roamers, and some places VERY dense covered with mobs made the game a chore to me. These days I prefer a bit a slower and more easygoing pace. But thats just me.
You ever stop and think for a minute and say to yourself...
"I wonder if all the crazy massive rift invasions and constant chaos in the game might be Trion trying to stress test the server"
I hear from some beta testers that theres to many Rifts and the world is always chaotic i can't enjoy the game and relax, that there day to day job's are stressfull enough yada yada yada...
Once again i will repeat to you stressed out MMORPG gamers out there (lol just that sentence alone makes me laugh) that Rift is in a beta stress test now and has been for several weeks, thats what this beta is about more or less.
The zones scale in activity based on population so please for the love of the Vigil stop and think for a second...
Take a deep breath, squeeze your stress balls (lol) and remember your in beta......
Blah blah It's beta blah. That is such an old tired statement. It's not even a solid arguement.
Seriously? You expecting some major overhauls? Yeah, no. A few tweaks and some file compression and It's off to the races.
You're welcome to love Rift to death. The fact that it is mediocre (or a rehash) and not revolutionary is spot on. I really can't see how this as a general statement can be argued.
Again, feel free to sing to the world that this the greatest thing since ... I don't know what, for you. Just don't go raving about how innovative it is and stuff. You're just lying to yourself.
This one is good so i'm going to have a little fun with this post. Hope you don't mind lol?!
I do not expect any major overhauls cause the game is perfectly fine the way it is, and i would also go as far as saying Rift could go down as one of the best launches if not the best in a very long time... Not sure what your geeking about here?
Second i would love for you to answer one question for us all.... What revolutionary MMO are you playing lol?
No where in any of my posts or the one you just quoted did i mention Rift as being an innovation or raving about anything, your complete nerd rage break down was interesting but left me a little confused..
Did you quote the wrong person or are you just made that people like Rift?
Anyways thanks for the Nerd Rage it was funny and i did pee a little when i read it, so thank you and i would encourage you to respond with something as good as this...
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
One thing to look for too on your FPS is windowed vs full screen. From my experience you will get significantly less FPS in windowed. Oh and character shadows makes a huge difference too, environmental shadows isnt too significant, but the character shadows can eat you for lunch on performance for some reason.
EDIT: Oh and to the blah blah its Beta person whoever it was, guess what, it is BETA. My suggestion for you and anyone else who doesn't want to hear a game is in Beta when it is in Beta is stop playing or talking about games that are in Beta. I recommend you centralize your concerns on games that have already gone golden so you no longer have to hear the TRUTH!
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
Wow..Able to run at ultra? Your rig is not at all able, and should not be!
6850 is a low-end card.. worse than 5850. You still run DDR2 ram (8GB wont help in games..4GB is max) and you run a old phenom II quad?
srsly.. come on! And atm ATI is bad supported in the game (Which they fix for release) so please come again when you got a proper rig and then complain.
What are you talking about man, You have a 460, that is the same thing in performance as a 6850 and in some games it out performs your card. Yea, I see you have it on sli.... but still My card is not that bad of a card.
Yes, I do expect to be able to run a game like rift on ultra settings with lil to no problems and at least 30-40 FPS. Right now I get 15-25 on ultra.
Nothing wrong with my Quad Core .. the game doesn't even support 4 cores.. so it doesn't matter.
BTW I run my 6850 overclocked.
My overlcocked 460 is way way better than yours thats for sure.
Try put shadows off or put it on edge smoothing (remember its beta.. yes there's a bug with this setting atm)
Yes they just introduce AA in the game a few weeks ago and there still tweeking it, i'm sure if you use edge smoothing for now till they work on AA a bit more you would run high FPS..
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
My overlcocked 460 is way way better than yours thats for sure.
Try put shadows off or put it on edge smoothing (remember its beta.. yes there's a bug with this setting atm)
I'm not trying to get into some kind of E-peen competition here. You do got a better set up than I do. I also plan to upgrade to a newer mother board, then I will get DDR3 ram, and newer cpu. With crossfire support on the board. Just havnt gotten around to it yet, because this system meets my needs... (bumbumbum) until..... Rift reared its ugly head.
Anyways, All i expect to get with my system is at least 30-40 stable FPS on ultra settings. Is that asking too much from my system?
You know I have heard this tune "its beta" so many times. I can only judge a game from what I see, not from what other players tell me *eventually* will be.
I say clear: I like Rift. But there are a few issues which just kill the game for me. One is, the uber fast respawn. And I am talking about the NORMAL mobs, not the Rift mobs. The normal mobs often INSTA respawn. Kill, 1-2-3... back. All too often the walking space of mobs is so, that you'll easily catch 1-2 additional mobs, which in most cases for most classes now means death. With the density of mobs, escape is almost impossible. So essentially you can plan as you want, you just can't avoid regular death. They also nerfed many souls now, so it takes even longer to take some enemies, and it all gets worse. Then, some mobs roam VERY wide ranges, adding even more mobs. All these things just kill the game for me, and I am not yet even talking about Rifts!
When the Rifts add to this, it all often gets insane! Yeah, when you only experience the level 1-18 area, you think Rifts are easy. There are plenty of new players all willing to form raids for a Rift. But once your Guardian enters the next zone, all too often I found myself alone with tons of Rift mobs roaming the streets. I stood in some spots and 5-6 or 7 GROUPS of heroic Rift mobs walked in a line, and maybe two or three players around = no chance in hell to defeat them. I experienced this regularly.
You can tell me a 1000 times it is for beta, but tbh, I dont believe that. Maybe so, maybe not. But after years of letdowns I am just DONE buying a game on the blind faith it will all be good by some miracle patch soon (tm). I really think Rift could be a good enough game, no uber game, but good. But the respawn and tons of mobs everywhere just make it for my preferrence - relaxed soloing - impossible. I just prefer a wee bit more laid back gaming that this uber hectic chaos going on all around. That so reminds me of the always ongoing hectic of Tabula Rasa or Warhammer. After a while it just tires me. And neither combat nor quests are THAT innovative or interesting to really compensate for that.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I never got an Invitation Email. I was however able to log in and play in the last event. And I had opened a ticket but it took them well over 24hrs to respond (which doesn't surprise me as I'm sure they are busy). Still all I got was a "form letter" with nothing in it even indicating that they even read my "ticket". That isn't very good service.
Oh, and my objection to the "+10 stat" things is that people are going to pay attention. Even if you chose not to do so. And the Crux is that it replaces a more flexible system, and its still not balanced between the factions. Whether or not it will make a difference at level 50, I very much doubt. But if this indicates the kind of changes they will make to try and "please Everyone" then I'm really worried that they will do something far more drastic in the future.
I personally didn't think that the orginal Kelari Racial was really going to make a difference at End Game. Still all they needed to do was change the racials just a bit. I see no benefit to having "ghost foxes", or flying a short distance, or running and jumping. All of that is useless, or practically useless, filler substituting for a well though out game mechanic.
The sky is falling - the sky is falling. There was a time that people got excited about games and talked about what they liked. Now we are discussing a beta as if it were a final product and balance issues as if they are going to release the game and let it go, never to update it. Look at WoW, by far the most successful MMO of all time, they STILL can't get class balance right and they redesigned their game. Ever MMO launches with a ton of things that are implemented that need tweaks, large and small, to claim that this game wont make it, before even playing the full release, shows something more about your personality than your "educated opinion". I don't see how City of Heroes made it past a year, but it did, because people enjoyed it and it had great ideas for those it clicked with. There is no doubt Rift takes a ton of inspiration from WoW and they will have a HUGE battle to keep the classes in line... but it is a new world to explore, with new ideas, new gear, new classes, new bosses, and tons of room for expansion. If you don't wanna play it now, more power to ya, expansions will come - Aion is still around, this wont be going anywhere.
You hit the nail on the head with most of your points here in a different way than I articulated in my own post.
- The "hectic" aspect just...doesn't...do...it...for...me...
Life is hectic. Your job can be hectic. Who wants a hectic game?
- WAR castle sieges were more fun - and you're right, even the fun there didn't last for long. I see the rifts and such as being more an annoyance than anything else.
- And... yeah, it's not a horrible game or anything. I just didn't find it compelling enough to play. There's other stuff out there - no, not just WoW - that's a lot more compelling.
*nods* A good post.
IMO, Trion really cares about the game, and I think it does look good, at least the world graphic-wise I felt was nice enough. It has a chance to be a really good game for people interested in "classic" style MMOs. Stuff along the EQ/EQ2 line of gaming.
Still, it has all the issues you mentioned.
For me personally there is also the issue that uber respawn, wide reaching roamers, and some places VERY dense covered with mobs made the game a chore to me. These days I prefer a bit a slower and more easygoing pace. But thats just me.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
You ever stop and think for a minute and say to yourself...
"I wonder if all the crazy massive rift invasions and constant chaos in the game might be Trion trying to stress test the server"
I hear from some beta testers that theres to many Rifts and the world is always chaotic i can't enjoy the game and relax, that there day to day job's are stressfull enough yada yada yada...
Once again i will repeat to you stressed out MMORPG gamers out there (lol just that sentence alone makes me laugh) that Rift is in a beta stress test now and has been for several weeks, thats what this beta is about more or less.
The zones scale in activity based on population so please for the love of the Vigil stop and think for a second...
Take a deep breath, squeeze your stress balls (lol) and remember your in beta......
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
This website/community gives me a headache.
I honestly don't even know why people bother to try to say anything positive or to correct any inaccuracies. All we are ever met with is getting called fanbois, carebears, etc.
The reality is there is SO much misinformation being spewed about Rift its not even funny. Its really REALLY sad.
First and foremost, people, especially on this forum, have an utter inability to see the forest for the fucking trees. Trion has been doing this in beta events, basically 3-6 day long betas testing certain aspects of the game. The first beta was levels 1-20 on the defiants side. Second beta was 1-20 on Guardian, BETA 3 introduced some PVP and allowed both sides to play at the same time, etc.
The most recent beta event was called "Planar Invasion"...
Now, stop for about 3 seconds and actually let that sink in... could that mean that they might have upped the rate of invasions and rift events?!!!! *Gasp* NOOOO, madness! Could it be, could it possibly be, that this isnt the intended format for release of the game and that they're "gasp* TESTING how the game/playerbase responds to massive invasions? ZOMG NO!
Period. I ran this last beta on a 4 year old core 2 duo e6600 with a GTX 260 on ultra settings just fine. Yeah if i got 40 people on screen in a massive rift it would drop into the low 20's and occasionally teens. But im on a 4 yr old cpu with a 2 yr old video card. My roommate who has a more moden I7-860 with a GTX 460... guess what, its fucking flawless. never drops below 30 and is silky smooth.
Now, i say all this having played extensively just about every AAA (or borderline AAA) mmo thats released since EQ1. That includes WOW, AoC, EVE, EQ2, etc etc etc. The only game that comes close is Aion's character models, and AoC's overall world/graphics. Even then there are aspects of Rifts graphics that are literally stunning.
The reality is all that people on this forum have against Rift is the same STALE arguments that get thrown at every single game that comes out:
1. Its the same old stale theme park fantasy mmo (notice how people to this day still buy shitloads of fantasy novels, even though they're all the same variation on the same friggin theme, could it be because, omfg people like fantasy settings?!?!)
2. Its not NEW and INNOVATIVE enough. This one is my favorite. Everyone likes to play this card, but to this date i have not seen a single person who has come up with a viable idea for an MMO outside of their Anime/Fanfiction stroke a thon masturbatory ideas for what would be a "badass mmo"
3. It uses a class system, class systems are stupid, skill systems are so much better, even though they are really just class systems with an extra layer because invariably you get shoehorned into filling a particular role, be it tank, healer, dps.
Anybody who has actually tried to play this game past the initial 10 or so hours has realized this game actually is inspired and is very well done. The 2 starting dungeons in the game make most of WOW's best dungeons look like garbage.
The class system is one of the coolest and most innovative things that has been brought to the MMO table ever, and people are just discounting it because i honestly believe it is beyond their capability to understand, in terms of the intricacies of it all. They can't just make their cookie cutter build they looked up be super l33t, they actually have to l2p. Its amazing.
Anyways, im sure ill get flamed for this post, but frankly i dont care, i've said my piece.
[mod edit]
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Blah blah It's beta blah. That is such an old tired statement. It's not even a solid arguement.
Seriously? You expecting some major overhauls? Yeah, no. A few tweaks and some file compression and It's off to the races.
You're welcome to love Rift to death. The fact that it is mediocre (or a rehash) and not revolutionary is spot on. I really can't see how this as a general statement can be argued.
Again, feel free to sing to the world that this the greatest thing since ... I don't know what, for you. Just don't go raving about how innovative it is and stuff. You're just lying to yourself.
I love you.
You should hear the talk on the forums. Everyone is rushing out to buy new computers because rift handles so poorly on certain machines. Even if you have a decent machine, people feel like they need to go upgrade and get better builds...
My specs.
940 BE 3.0 oced to 3.2 GHz phenome @2 X4
6850 ATI
8gb DDR2 corsair ram
No reason I should not be able to run this on ultra settings and pull in decent FPS , but unfortunately with rift you can have a good rig and still do poorly in the performance dept. It's ridiculous.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Wish people like you would have been at E3 and had a chance to actually test some of these three upcoming mmo's like I did, then you might get off your soapbox and give RIFT a real chance.
A certain huge game everyone seems to be all excited about just does not work. I am in the friends and family for it and its broken, they can not get the game to play they way they want it to play within the confines of its engine, as a result to meet deadlines instead of fixing the problems they are ripping them out of the game. Granted it does have some coolness to it, but as it stands overall gameplay sucks atm.
And what game would this be?
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
I would like to know too along with the 3 games you tested at E3.
Those 3 letters in red up there is the entire issue - Rift HATES ATI, or maybe its ATI hates Rift, either way they aren't planning on getting married and having 6 kids anytime soon. Your on the same chip and ram as me (I'm not OC'd) but I dont use one of those weird three letter heat generation devices in my machine and I run Ultra just fine.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
You probably played during beta 4. They have already identified and fixed the ATI issues. Unfortunately there was an issue where ATI released a new driver literally the same day they started the beta event, and of course people updated to the new driver which was causing all kinds of issues. That was a few weeks ago. So far i havent seen many people with ATI setups complaining anymore. A coworker of mine runs a 4870 and hasnt bitched at all about performance.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Wow..Able to run at ultra? Your rig is not at all able, and should not be!
6850 is a low-end card.. worse than 5850. You still run DDR2 ram (8GB wont help in games..4GB is max) and you run a old phenom II quad?
srsly.. come on! And atm ATI is bad supported in the game (Which they fix for release) so please come again when you got a proper rig and then complain.
Actually the best performance I got was during beta 4... Tbh I played in 5-6 and that is where the problems started.
Maybe because of all the stress testing I don't know.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
What are you talking about man, You have a 460, that is the same thing in performance as a 6850 and in some games it out performs your card. Yea, I see you have it on sli.... but still My card is not that bad of a card.
Yes, I do expect to be able to run a game like rift on ultra settings with lil to no problems and at least 30-40 FPS. Right now I get 15-25 on ultra.
Nothing wrong with my Quad Core .. the game doesn't even support 4 cores.. so it doesn't matter.
BTW I run my 6850 overclocked.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Do you know if you had shadows on or AA turned on past Edge Smoothing?
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Sometimes I removed full and used environmental only. Made a small difference. I had aa off.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
This one is good so i'm going to have a little fun with this post. Hope you don't mind lol?!
I do not expect any major overhauls cause the game is perfectly fine the way it is, and i would also go as far as saying Rift could go down as one of the best launches if not the best in a very long time... Not sure what your geeking about here?
Second i would love for you to answer one question for us all.... What revolutionary MMO are you playing lol?
No where in any of my posts or the one you just quoted did i mention Rift as being an innovation or raving about anything, your complete nerd rage break down was interesting but left me a little confused..
Did you quote the wrong person or are you just made that people like Rift?
Anyways thanks for the Nerd Rage it was funny and i did pee a little when i read it, so thank you and i would encourage you to respond with something as good as this...
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
One thing to look for too on your FPS is windowed vs full screen. From my experience you will get significantly less FPS in windowed. Oh and character shadows makes a huge difference too, environmental shadows isnt too significant, but the character shadows can eat you for lunch on performance for some reason.
EDIT: Oh and to the blah blah its Beta person whoever it was, guess what, it is BETA. My suggestion for you and anyone else who doesn't want to hear a game is in Beta when it is in Beta is stop playing or talking about games that are in Beta. I recommend you centralize your concerns on games that have already gone golden so you no longer have to hear the TRUTH!
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
My overlcocked 460 is way way better than yours thats for sure.
Try put shadows off or put it on edge smoothing (remember its beta.. yes there's a bug with this setting atm)
Yes they just introduce AA in the game a few weeks ago and there still tweeking it, i'm sure if you use edge smoothing for now till they work on AA a bit more you would run high FPS..
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
I'm not trying to get into some kind of E-peen competition here. You do got a better set up than I do. I also plan to upgrade to a newer mother board, then I will get DDR3 ram, and newer cpu. With crossfire support on the board. Just havnt gotten around to it yet, because this system meets my needs... (bumbumbum) until..... Rift reared its ugly head.
Anyways, All i expect to get with my system is at least 30-40 stable FPS on ultra settings. Is that asking too much from my system?
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
You know I have heard this tune "its beta" so many times. I can only judge a game from what I see, not from what other players tell me *eventually* will be.
I say clear: I like Rift. But there are a few issues which just kill the game for me. One is, the uber fast respawn. And I am talking about the NORMAL mobs, not the Rift mobs. The normal mobs often INSTA respawn. Kill, 1-2-3... back. All too often the walking space of mobs is so, that you'll easily catch 1-2 additional mobs, which in most cases for most classes now means death. With the density of mobs, escape is almost impossible. So essentially you can plan as you want, you just can't avoid regular death. They also nerfed many souls now, so it takes even longer to take some enemies, and it all gets worse. Then, some mobs roam VERY wide ranges, adding even more mobs. All these things just kill the game for me, and I am not yet even talking about Rifts!
When the Rifts add to this, it all often gets insane! Yeah, when you only experience the level 1-18 area, you think Rifts are easy. There are plenty of new players all willing to form raids for a Rift. But once your Guardian enters the next zone, all too often I found myself alone with tons of Rift mobs roaming the streets. I stood in some spots and 5-6 or 7 GROUPS of heroic Rift mobs walked in a line, and maybe two or three players around = no chance in hell to defeat them. I experienced this regularly.
You can tell me a 1000 times it is for beta, but tbh, I dont believe that. Maybe so, maybe not. But after years of letdowns I am just DONE buying a game on the blind faith it will all be good by some miracle patch soon (tm). I really think Rift could be a good enough game, no uber game, but good. But the respawn and tons of mobs everywhere just make it for my preferrence - relaxed soloing - impossible. I just prefer a wee bit more laid back gaming that this uber hectic chaos going on all around. That so reminds me of the always ongoing hectic of Tabula Rasa or Warhammer. After a while it just tires me. And neither combat nor quests are THAT innovative or interesting to really compensate for that.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert