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Why Rift just doesn't function



  • SuperXero89SuperXero89 Member UncommonPosts: 2,551

    Originally posted by Hyperwolf

    Originally posted by SuperXero89


    I'm not sure what you expect to gain by highlighting my use of British english over US english in some places, but whatever floats your boat. Still, a nice response. 

     I'm perplexed about the image you chose from WoW, but to each their own. If anything I feel it perfectly reflects the difference between Rift and WoW, and that Rift is superior in both art direction and use of the GPU for added 'shiny' stuff. That picture of a Night Elf is something you think of as being nice?

    What "shiny" stuff did you see in that picture I linked?  It looks muddier than the Florida Everglades.  For a similar effect, go check out Stone Hills (level 20 area for Defiant if I didn't get the name right).  Looks absolutely terrible, and slogging my way through the more aptly named "Turdhills" would almost make me want to quit the game if not for Rift grinding and the quick pace of leveling.

    The chosen photograph of WoW was given more to showcase what's in the background than the Night Elf model.  A screenshot of Storm Peaks, Silvermoon City, Feralis, Winterspring, or Dun Morogh should suffice as additional evidence. 


    It's obviously particular to my gaming experience but no I didn't find Rift sluggish at all, either in FPS or generally. I do deplore the current run animations, especially on my Bahmi, but I'm hoping they might fix that. It's not game breaking to me. I'd like better ambulation animations, way more emotes, furniture sit and swim animations too.

    I'm not a massive fan of Trion. I had no idea who they were or even what Rift was until I came to one day and saw a story on it. I have developed an appreciation due to the polished state of their beta releases, the degree of change between each beta and funnily enough their sense of humo[]r (yes I've used British English again, feel free to point that out)

    This is exactly why I think it's fair to question the potential success for the game.  Here we have a game developed by an unknown company featuring a generic fantasy world that has an intriguing multiclass system and randomly spawning public quests.  In the face of three of the biggest MMORPG releases in years, I'm not sure if that's going to be enough for realistic success in the face of all the oncoming competition.  SW:TOR and GW2 have yet to reach any sort of a public beta stage, but do you think either of those games "won't" be polished by the time they're at that stage? Arenanet is apparently CEO'd by Jesus Christ himself, and BioWare has never released a bad game in the company's entire history.  

    In fact, I may argue that we may never see a public beta test for SW:TOR or GW2 or at least not one in the magnitude of Trion's Rift, and do you know why?  The reason is because they don't need to hold week long beta events and hype them to the moon to get anyone's attention because they already have it.  GW2 has an enormous fanbase from current and past GW players and BioWare's SW:TOR simply speaks for itself.  Rift is begging for attention and trying to build a working fanbase with these beta events, and hey, a little extra input from players never hurt.  


    As you say in your last para response 'has been done before'. Yes I agree. I believe I mentioned that in my reply. Not a debated issue... Rift is clearly a mashup of several existing successful MMO's. Not a bad thing at all IMO.

    True, and if I felt that any of these aspects that were shared with WoW were done better than WoW, I would be more of a fan of Rift.  Unfortunately, I do not.  Rift has a very unique and fun class system, but what it all comes down to is the gameplay, and I just don't find the gameplay to be as fluid as in other games.

    The thing is I played Cataclysm to Lvl 30 recently. I don't remember the quests being remotely fascinating or interesting. Sorry.  The art style just makes me cringe. The human avatars have literally remained unchanged since the original game, which is to say terrible.

    So now we know why you think Rift is such a beautiful game.  You hate the cartoony artstyle of World of Warcraft.  I used to be like you too.  Never could get into WoW because the game felt like a parody of itself, so I kept playing games with more realistic graphics like EQ2.  I kept coming back to WoW to visit friends, and despite the goofiness of a lot of it, I was still amazed at the exotic look of even some of the game's most mundane locations, and I was also amazed at how smoothly it ran.  Replicating anything similar on the behemoth that was the EQ2 engine would take a NASA computer. It made going back to the relatively sterile world of EQ2 harder and harder each time.  

    Rift tries to balance this by including areas that are visually appealing yet realistic like the level 10-19 area for Guardian, and the respective starting areas for each faction, yet there are simply some areas in that game that look awful such as Stone Hills and several areas in and around Freemarch, and I'm sure in others that I have yet to explore.

    The lack of options in class progression was a real problem, actually backwards from previous versions of the game I believe. People love to tweak and customise their characters. Why release a new version where you take some options away?

    How was it a step backwards?  WoW simply removed the useless skills that people would be stupid to point points in, and highlighted the more useful skills.  Rift currently suffers an issue similar to early WoW talent trees.  Many skills you learn via dual classing simply overlap with one another and make finding skills and abilities that integrate well with your main class a clunky and irritating experience.  In essence, you are flipping through pages and pages of newly learned skills for each soul that you're never going to use, finding ways to mix and match the good ones in ways that is beneficial.

    The combat is the same as it was when I used to play. I literally had to force myself to play, but in the end it's over for WoW in my opinion. For me at least. That is not to say that WoW won't remain the King of MMO's for several more years. Even if they do bleed subs to Rift, Tera, GW2 etc,. it will be a long slide I suspect.

    Here is an example of the areas where I really have trouble understanding your thought process:

    History just doesn't support the idea of Rift being a huge hit, but that doesn't mean it can't be. I just don't have much faith that it will be.  My guess is that it will be a cult-like success reaching, at best, comparative subscriber levels to pre-F2P LotRO.

    This is just a very unusual take on things to me. What do you mean exactly? It's not like many other recent MMOs I can think of. It's not based on established IP like LoTRO, AoC, WAR. It's not hardcore like Darkfall or EVE with their PVP and loot mechanics. It's not asian themed like Aion, Lineage II, etc., which is to say light on story and grindy on play. I suspect if we were to compare it to anything it would be EQ, with their IP developed specifically for their MMO vehicle. What makes you think it's likely to be cult-like with limited appeal? From what I have seen Trion has planned to appeal to the exact same audience as players of EQ2 and WoW amongst other games. Not a bad idea given the subscriptions they probably hope to get. It's my opininon that Rift looks to be one of the few MMO releases in the last year to be clearly aiming to bleed off subs - people who liked WoW and EQ2 but have lost interest in the ride. In that I believe they will succeed. Blizzard has only helped them with the release of Cata which demonstrates that they have nothing of substance left in the WoW engine.

    It's going to be cult-like with limited appeal because you have three behemoths about to be released as well as the 800lb gorilla of the room, World of Warcraft.  There isn't enough of Rift be it pre-existing fanbase or distinguishing features to believe that it will see the same success as either of the three upcoming releases, let alone WoW.  You may ask, but what distinguishing features does SW:TOR have?  I would tell you that, like Rift, it appears rather barren from what we know.  I mean, there's the storyline and then there's the spaceship minigame -- hardly enough to make people give up their 7 year old raid toons in WoW.  The difference is simply the fact that SW:TOR can get away with being a clone much more than Rift can.   SW:TOR can coast on being a BioWare title and being a Star Wars game.  Rift has no such luxury.  It needs to have a defining feature that makes a big, loud noise that makes everyone turn their heads to its direction.  I'm not sure I've seen that.  I believe SW:TOR and GW2 will attract the majority of those who leave WoW, but Rift will attract more former EQ2 players than any other soon to be released title for obvious reasons.  Given what we know from the current MMORPG scene, I just don't believe there's enough room for five resoundingly successful titles. Someone has to be the "little engine that could" so to speak, and given what information we have, I see no reason to believe that Rift will be any more successful than any of those titles.

    I'll look up your post and have a read. In summation, I disagree with your take on Rift, and I do feel their seems to be a lot of Rift bashing going on. It is certaintly not remotely being represented in the 'actual' game where you see people really having a great time and making some pretty positive statements. I guess the people like you have already left though. Maybe we'll meet in the next Beta ;-)

    Chances are that if there's a lot of us here talking about how much we don't like the game, and we're all talking about the same things, then it's a legitimate issue that may or may  not keep out more players from the game than just those represented on this website.  Nobody should be so quick to discount our complaints because they are legitimate issues. I played EQ2 on and off four two years and I criticized that game as I did Vanguard, WoW, and just about any other MMORPG I have ever played, because no game is perfect.  The problem is a lot of the fans here aren't addressing our complaints with anything other than put down type responses and telling us that we just don't get the developers' vision.  That may be true.  We may not get the developers' vision.  You know what else might be true?  The developers' vision may not be what it takes to create a successful MMROPG.

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460

    Just like Warhammer, this game has a single leveling path. No multiple starter areas like WoW or LOTRO, individual races have close to no specific history, all go through exactly the same quests. You are on rails from level 1 to max, with absolutely no choice, you can't even skip a region for another like WoW or LOTRO.

    Also, just like Warhammer again, quests completely lack variety and originality. To refer to the same games again, both LOTRO and even more WoW have introduced different types of quests, including some with vehicles and many other mechanics making them feel different. I have yet to see anything like in Rift, everything is generic and bland.

    Yeah, the game is remarkably polished for a beta, but that's not enough for a success. And don't even get me started about the bad balancing of Rifts and how annoying they can become, or the huge balance problems they gonna have in PvP with their soul system too. As I said, I see the game work well for a few months, then people will, just like they did for Warhammer, Conan and others, realize how empty and bland it is and either go back to their previous games or, for the usual game hoppers which are present in each MMO release, flock in masses to the "next new shiny thing in beta".

    A new MMORPG has two challenges ahead...

    1) Get a decent amount of players at launch. Rift will more likely achieve that.

    2) Keep a decent amount of players after a few months, or when the next big thing launches. I don't see Rift achieve that without massive content releases and changes to the game.

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
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    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
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  • corpusccorpusc Member UncommonPosts: 1,341

    Originally posted by Elidien

    Originally posted by Elikal

    1- You always hear this "point X is under attack, defend it at all costs" "oh no, outpost X was lost". It is exciting the first dozen of times.

    2- The Warhammer Castle-Siege issue:

    3- Rifts are extremely disturbing to what you planned.

    4- All this leads still to the question: won't the entire quest hubs be conquered at some point, when people get apathic agains the constant invasions?

    5- Let's be honest here: the rest of the game is ok, but not SO thrilling to really justify people leaving their fav. MMO where they invested time and hard work into, whatever it is. I just don't see that.

    6- I still think that this hectic aspect, feeling like playing Tabula Rasa, will in the long run drive away some players.

    Okay, you wanted comments:

    1. Great! Its a dynamic game where things can change. I think its a ton of fun that outposts can be lost and the world can change albeit in small ways. It sure as hell beats an un-changing game world that never changes.

    2. You misunderstand this issue. The reason this was such an issue was that it was so easy to take castles. it felt more like a mini-game than anything was psuedo-pvp.

    3. See point 1. I am glad I might login and the town be gone and now my night just took a turn and I have something interesting and exciting to do.

    4. Don't you think trion has considered this and planned accordingly?

    5.With this line of thinking, why did people leave EQ for SWG or WOW or EQ2. People want different things and want to experience different things. They get tired of the same ole same ole.

    6. You only bring up TR because its the cool new "I hate Rift" comparison. There is nothing comparable between the two games at all. TR didn't knoww what it wanted to be and was changed drastically in its development cycle.


    #6  you are totally wrong on that.


    off the top of my head i can't think of any other MMO other than Tabula Rasa and Rift that have bases that mobs drops in or rifts in to attack it, and players are supposed to defend against these waves.  maybe Istaria had that as part of its plan, but.....

    its a fairly unique feature and they both have it.  and people had similar reactions about both liking it and disliking it cuz it disrupted their routines of quest grinding.


    Corpus Callosum    


  • LeucentLeucent Member Posts: 2,371

    OP has it right. I ve said it before, the game has nothing really new to offer except Rifts, which really aren t new either. The biggest proble, I find is they become a pain in the ass after a few times. Not very fun really at all. I see a big first few months sales and then the repetitive nature of the game will hit, and will hover around 50k-100k. I could be wrong, but it just has the WAR feel to it all over again.

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640
    Lol... Do you really think anyone looking into buying rift is going to listen to you guys? This forum is known as a pro sandbox/old school fanboi forum. Really if anyone cared what you haters through no one would be playing wow. On this site you would think the most popular game ever was some two bit Indy browser game. Honestly if you've spent any amount of time on these forums you would know it's the same 10-15 people repeating themselves over and over again.


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • GorillaGorilla Member UncommonPosts: 2,235

    Well err yes. Personally I ignore outliers or people with an obvious axe to grind and listen to those that have rational points to make. The better reasone and the more detail the better. Do you thing people are really going to listen to the "Next Gen" "Dynamic Content" hyperbole?


    It's a very solid, well polished game. It's not a 'clone' but it obviously 'tips it hat' to stuff that has gone before. The most intrest aspect to me is the soul system, however having played with a lot of them it is my opinion that skills and souls require the most work. I am not sure why the first one that got big time attention (the Cabalist) was one of the more satisfying to play (well pre beta 5 it was). Anyway getting way to specific in a thread full of rhetoric.

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460

    Originally posted by Rockgod99

    Lol... Do you really think anyone looking into buying rift is going to listen to you guys? This forum is known as a pro sandbox/old school fanboi forum. Really if anyone cared what you haters through no one would be playing wow. On this site you would think the most popular game ever was some two bit Indy browser game. Honestly if you've spent any amount of time on these forums you would know it's the same 10-15 people repeating themselves over and over again.

    I'm a sandbox/old school MMO player, and I'm doubtious about Rift's long term success or ability to keep a high player base over time. I'm still most likely gonna buy it at release and play it 2 or 3 months - which will be worth my money then. I just don't think it will be the next MMO a massive amount of people will play for 2+ years long - but more likely one of the transition games to keep people busy until SW:TOR and GW2.

    Everything isn't just white or black in the world - something most educated people know, except apparently on internet forums.

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
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    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • MacLinuxMacLinux Member Posts: 93

    If you like public quests take rift

    If you don't like public quests don't take rift.

    Rifts brings nothing new on the table, nothing. i'ts not a bad game, it's one of the best beta i've made with aion and lotro's betas. But it's nothing else than a aion + war+ wow+eq2 clone. Quests are repetitive and not interesting, the lore is only a paste copy of aion's universe, Bg is the worst i played, design is ok, beta is ok, rift are fun. Take rift for rifts, or keep your money for GW2, SWTOR or something else. EQ2, Wow, Vanguard, Aion, AOC, Lotro, War, are better than Rift.

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640

    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Originally posted by Rockgod99

    Lol... Do you really think anyone looking into buying rift is going to listen to you guys? This forum is known as a pro sandbox/old school fanboi forum. Really if anyone cared what you haters through no one would be playing wow. On this site you would think the most popular game ever was some two bit Indy browser game. Honestly if you've spent any amount of time on these forums you would know it's the same 10-15 people repeating themselves over and over again.

    I'm a sandbox/old school MMO player, and I'm doubtious about Rift's long term success or ability to keep a high player base over time. I'm still most likely gonna buy it at release and play it 2 or 3 months - which will be worth my money then. I just don't think it will be the next MMO a massive amount of people will play for 2+ years long - but more likely one of the transition games to keep people busy until SW:TOR and GW2.

    Everything isn't just white or black in the world - something most educated people know, except apparently on internet forums.

    I dont think it will be the next massive MMO passed 2+ years either but that doesnt mean it isnt well put together and fun to play for people that like what it offers.


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460

    Originally posted by Gorilla

    Do you thing people are really going to listen to the "Next Gen" "Dynamic Content" hyperbole?

    Rifts aren't dynamic content. It's still static spawn points - but instead of spawning single monsters, it generates a number of monsters over time.

    Real dynamic content would have mobs travel all over the world, migrations, and players not finding the same mobs at the same place again once they exterminated them. Rifts are just random static content, but randomness doesn't automatically make something dynamic.

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • MacLinuxMacLinux Member Posts: 93

    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Originally posted by Gorilla

    Do you thing people are really going to listen to the "Next Gen" "Dynamic Content" hyperbole?

    Rifts aren't dynamic content. It's still static spawn points - but instead of spawning single monsters, it generates a number of monsters over time.

    Real dynamic content would have mobs travel all over the world, migrations, and players not finding the same mobs at the same place again once they exterminated them. Rifts are just random static content, but randomness doesn't automatically make something dynamic.


    it's not a dynamic gameplay. nothing changes.  

    Rifts generates dozens of stupid,  strange, out of subject, brainless and linked mobs, and everyone has to bash and bash them again and again. ^^

  • DisarmerDisarmer Member Posts: 12

    than i might ask, do you like music? what is your favorite band!

    And no matter what you say, you will get the answer, its a clone,

    because it uses the same musical instruments, and thereby it is the same song,

    because it uses the same notes as every other song from other bands!


    What really breaking the mmo gengre imo, is that people comparing it with to much logic,

    instead of experiance it, is it fun or not? and that is totally different from person to person!


    I know a lot of people who do stuff they hate because everyone else does it, i feel sorry for them!

  • MacLinuxMacLinux Member Posts: 93

    i'm sorry for you if you think britney spears and Mozart are the same musicians and made the same music. you know , with the same letters A B C etc someone write the Bible and someone else a pile of crap.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Originally posted by MacLinux

    i'm sorry for you if you think britney spears and Mozart are the same musicians and made the same music. you know , with the same letters A B C etc someone write the Bible and someone else a pile of crap.

    Yeah, Brittney is a total Mozart clone. ;D

  • MacLinuxMacLinux Member Posts: 93

    sure :p 


  • GorillaGorilla Member UncommonPosts: 2,235

    Originally posted by Rockgod99

    I dont think it will be the next massive MMO passed 2+ years either but that doesnt mean it isnt well put together and fun to play for people that like what it offers.


    Now if all your posts where more like that I'd pay more attention to them! image I don't think there is any doubt that the box sales will be brisk and it will have somewhat better retention than a couple of  recent AAA's for the first few months. There aren't many MMO's that add to subs over time (WoW and Eve being exceptions that spring to mind)  I don't see rift doing so, especially of things are brisk to start. I can see SWTOR as early a May (a guess of course). I am not sure that the threat is from other games anyway, personally I don't see the longevity in Rift, mind you I am more a journey rather than deatination sort of guy. What theyhave is pretty slick but fairly shallow imho.

  • skoupidiskoupidi Member UncommonPosts: 244

    Originally posted by Rockgod99

    Lol... Do you really think anyone looking into buying rift is going to listen to you guys? This forum is known as a pro sandbox/old school fanboi forum. Really if anyone cared what you haters through no one would be playing wow. On this site you would think the most popular game ever was some two bit Indy browser game. Honestly if you've spent any amount of time on these forums you would know it's the same 10-15 people repeating themselves over and over again.

    We don't care if people will listen t o us.We wanted to point out what we didnt like about rift.You on the other hand, are insulting people because they disagree with you. With the same logic you are a rift fanboy posting in this forum to show the rest of us your hate to non rift fanboys.

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460

    Originally posted by MacLinux

    i'm sorry for you if you think britney spears and Mozart are the same musicians and made the same music. you know , with the same letters A B C etc someone write the Bible and someone else a pile of crap.

    For many people, the bible is a pile of crap. But that discussion doesn't belong here...

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • DisarmerDisarmer Member Posts: 12

    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Originally posted by MacLinux

    i'm sorry for you if you think britney spears and Mozart are the same musicians and made the same music. you know , with the same letters A B C etc someone write the Bible and someone else a pile of crap.

    For many people, the bible is a pile of crap. But that discussion doesn't belong here...

    i think it could become a good mmo =D

  • EmhsterEmhster Member UncommonPosts: 913

    Originally posted by MacLinux

    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Rifts aren't dynamic content. It's still static spawn points - but instead of spawning single monsters, it generates a number of monsters over time.

    Real dynamic content would have mobs travel all over the world, migrations, and players not finding the same mobs at the same place again once they exterminated them. Rifts are just random static content, but randomness doesn't automatically make something dynamic.


    it's not a dynamic gameplay. nothing changes.  

    Rifts generates dozens of stupid,  strange, out of subject, brainless and linked mobs, and everyone has to bash and bash them again and again. ^^

    They are travelling. The world changes around it. For me it all sounds dynamic. It does create a cycle (Static World -> Rift of some type -> Static World). I don't think something that changes the world forever would be very realistic in the context of a theme park MMORPG with the current available technologies.

  • EkarosEkaros Member UncommonPosts: 367

    Knowing current player mentality, where would MMO which was truly "dynamic" end?

    All towns, burned down, every living being killed, all the forest and mines strip-mined etc. It would be pretty damm boring place...


    Also on dynamic content, if it isn't repetable and you only get to do it once per server and you miss it how would it make you feel?

  • psyclumpsyclum Member Posts: 792

    Originally posted by Ekaros

    Also on dynamic content, if it isn't repetable and you only get to do it once per server and you miss it how would it make you feel?

    this reminds me of a old EQ shout,

    DAMMIT which guild woke up the sleeper?  I havent farmed enough SoD's yet!!!  lets all go PK them:D

  • Hellfyre420Hellfyre420 Member Posts: 861

    Originally posted by SuperXero89

    I just really don't see Rift being all that successful either.  It does nothing particularly noteworthy (Rift grinding will get old), and it's going to be released way to close to three upcoming MMORPGs that will absolutely destroy it in terms of box sales and subscriber numbers.

    Well as it is now Rift is releasing at the perfect time.. SWTOR isn't gonna be comeing out till spring time, GW2 wont be out till next year more then likley, TERA is loseing its hype and look less and less interesting, Earhrise is gonna be a very niche title, Cataclysm has come and gone, FFXIV failed, and DCUO has retained as many subs as it'll ever get.. Meaning, people are bored and have nothing to play right now.


    You can almost gauarantee RIft will be a succesful MMORPG for the next few months.. Weather you like it or not, it'll be the game that all the MMORPG players are gonna be talking about up until the next "three upcomeing MMORPG's that'll destroy it" come out.. Weather it'll die off after a succesful launch as AION did last year is anyones guess.


    Currently Playing:
    Rift + Starcraft II + Gears Of War 3 Beta

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,019

    Originally posted by Deleted User

    than i might ask, do you like music? what is your favorite band!

    And no matter what you say, you will get the answer, its a clone,

    because it uses the same musical instruments, and thereby it is the same song,

    because it uses the same notes as every other song from other bands!


    What really breaking the mmo gengre imo, is that people comparing it with to much logic,

    instead of experiance it, is it fun or not? and that is totally different from person to person!


    I know a lot of people who do stuff they hate because everyone else does it, i feel sorry for them!

    ^ this!!!!

    But more!

    Going into most people's music collections I can guarantee that they listen to songs that are all in the same keys that have gone before (though there there is a reason for this in popular music given the instrumentation used) and one can go farther than notes used. It's the same chord progressions. There are so many songs where you can superimpose one over the other and perhaps alter the tempo so they start and end at the same time and they will have the exact same chord progressions.

    I ask, aren't people tired of the same tonic - dominant - tonic chord progressions? So many songs in C major, G major and D major; doesn't that bother people? And if they do modulate it's to the dominant key or perhaps a modulation to the mediant to add extra "oomph". Ugh. and 4/4 time. sometimes 3/4! oooo, ahhhh, ooooo.  image

    And a good many popular songs move along at the same tempo of quarter = 120 and many of them never even change tempo within the song.

    Yet, we all love new songs!

    It's not about being "new". It's about reimagining known materials so they can be presented in a new way. So that we can have a basis of familiarity yet have something new to whet our pallete.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • jpnolejpnole Member UncommonPosts: 1,698

    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    I agree with the OP. Rift will have a small success at release, but will die off within a few months and people will go back to their previous game, realizing there's not much to do, the game is very very linear and lacking replayability.

     No they won't go back to their original games because even if Rift isn't overly groundbreaking....  it's still the best thing going and better than everyone's current game!

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