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Beta Vid made by K0TAPAK


  • YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058


    I'm the one that magically disappeared 6 month ago from the official forums :lol:

  • JaggaSpikesJaggaSpikes Member UncommonPosts: 430

    looks too static. they could at least hide behind rock just for show.

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981

    Originally posted by Yalexy


    I'm the one that magically disappeared 6 month ago from the official forums :lol:


    Anyway. Sad to say. Video sucks.

    It looks just to static to be any fun.

  • RuinalRuinal Member Posts: 195

    Some rather horrible rubberbanding on the mobs which moved towards the player. Looks like the ranged mobs seem content to stay still and take it.

  • YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058

    It looks static, because it's easier to stand still while shooting at something and activating skills.

    Evading hits and covering behind obstacles breaking LOS is possible tho.

    Give it a little time to be polished and running more fluid then on the current low-powered beta-server and it'll be fine and more dynamic.

  • BashirBashir Member Posts: 85


  • SquishydewSquishydew Member UncommonPosts: 1,107

    Oh wow, this looks like one of the most boring games ever. ;_;

    It looked a little promising before.. but thanks for that video.

  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619

    Why do you people always play the "Its Beta" card?  Got news for you, the game will look EXACTLY the same as it does now when it goes live. 


    Wow, ugly video.  The walking looks the same as it did in auto assault where you take 4 steps to move one space.  Taking on 5 mobs of the same level as you and only losing 2/3 of your health means the PVE game will be boringly easy.


    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058

    Originally posted by Vinterkrig
    alot of skills REQUIRE you to stand still, and focus on your target to use the ability

    That's because they currently disabled the option to unlock the mouse.

    You were able before to focus on your target while still moving, just like in a FPS.

  • YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058

    Originally posted by Vinterkrig

    Originally posted by Yalexy

    Originally posted by Vinterkrig
    alot of skills REQUIRE you to stand still, and focus on your target to use the ability

    That's because they currently disabled the option to unlock the mouse.
    You were able before to focus on your target while still moving, just like in a FPS.

    oh is that it? didn't you say you stopped playing 6 months ago?

    I said, I disappeared from the official forums 6 month ago... Look at my name, move it around, and try again.

  • EndDreamEndDream Member Posts: 1,152

    I thought it looked better that the official videos released. I dont understand why people are so hard on the game. Based on thes video's it looks like it could be a lot of fun!

    Remember Old School Ultima Online

  • SookieSmoothSookieSmooth Member UncommonPosts: 7

    I think the vids of players beta look better than what the devs released as well.... if you look the same 3-4 guys are slamming the game on every forum post. Kind of weird. I personally have no play experience but I think it looks likes a pretty good typical release from the videos people are releasing. Way better than when I beta Darkfall or Mortal Online lol. Kind of reminds me of SWG from the vids.

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