Respected Gentlemen ; Created 1/8/2011, is a new Multi-gaming clan. We strive to be the best, work as a team,
communicate with each other, and out-play our opponents. Currently, we're in our stages of recruiting new
members into our ranks. If you would like to join Respected Gentlemen, please visit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello everyone, I'd just like to have a moment where I can talk out of character about our community. We're brand new,
almost 2 weeks old, and we're fresh into new games like Bad Company 2, with the Vietnam expansion as well. We play other
games such as League of Legends, and Battlefield Heroes for our free to play interests. Below I've listed out most of our basic
information you should know about.
Age Requirement: At least 16 years old.
Must be able to hold your own on the battlefield, no baby sitting.
Donations are not required, but appreciated.
No squealing, loud noises, or obnoxious children in ventrilo.
Don't talk trash, keep it to yourself.
Have fun, enjoy the game with others.
Games: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Vietnam), Battlefield Heroes, League of Legends, Final Fantasy XIV, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Battlefield Heroes Server: Ranked 16 Slot Server (Server Location: Chicago) Base Community: United States, East Coast; we have variation in our member base with some members from overseas in England as well as some from the western side of the US. Member Count: Rough 10 active members.
Clan Costs: Our yearly uphold is about $180. However we do not ask our members to pay for anything, we do accept donations for these fees if members would like to donate.
Contact Details: You can contact me directly @ [email protected]; I respond to all emails. Or you can simply head over to our forums, register, and send me a PM there.
Hopefully this was the correct spot to post this, I searched for a clan recruiting thread, but couldn't find anything.
Thanks, Red