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Playing in the UK

FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66


Has anyone here in the UK playing on the US servers? If so where did you get your copy and are there any complications with regards to payments and playing on the euro servers when the go live?



  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66

    Ah nevermind just found Import Madness import it but you need time cards to get around the location/payment thing. Ill wait for the uk release :/

  • feacfeac Member UncommonPosts: 127

    myself and a few people who played daoc had some bad experiences with import madness  stay clear on the other hand was very quick service (do cd keys  and game cards)

    WoW in the US needs a US or austrailian billing address if you use a australian address your credit card will be accepted ;)

    plenty of posts about the work around on freddyshouse and vnboards

  • PFHATEPFHATE Member Posts: 57

    Too bad for you UK people you guys have to wait for all of our uber games, but we gotta wait for Japans. Except for pokeman and yu-gioh games, they can wait...::::08::::::08::::::08::::::08:: (Hail WoW)

  • feacfeac Member UncommonPosts: 127

    True but with some games ie DAOC it was good you guys were 5 months ahead in patches as by the time we got it you had tested and found so many bugs we didnt really have many bugs at all ::::06::

    but after beta testing US WoW and finding a way to beta test the korean WoW its well worth the wait ::::08::

  • PFHATEPFHATE Member Posts: 57

    Heh that is one way to look at getting WoW later than us in a positive way...

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