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Terrible looting system?

TubbiTubbi Member Posts: 74

I was just looking through some vids from the RIFT beta now that the NDA has been liften and one thing that popped in to mind then is how incredibly bad the looting system is for a game where people can play pretty much any role they want with just the click of a button. 

I can already see the horror that will be dungeon-loot in this game, with people screaming they have a right to take it for their pvp, solo or dps spec for example. 

To me this seems like a major oversight on Trion's part. Or maybe I'm overreacting but it'd be good to get some facts from the people that played in the beta. 


  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    I was just looking through some vids from the RIFT beta now that the NDA has been liften and one thing that popped in to mind then is how incredibly bad the looting system is for a game where people can play pretty much any role they want with just the click of a button. 

    I can already see the horror that will be dungeon-loot in this game, with people screaming they have a right to take it for their pvp, solo or dps spec for example. 

    To me this seems like a major oversight on Trion's part. Or maybe I'm overreacting but it'd be good to get some facts from the people that played in the beta. 

    pretty much same loot system as every other game.   there is an NBG option and from what i saw there is no soul-specific loot, but a lot of it is calling-specific.   All the souls within a calling benefit from same stats, so i don't think anyone is going to be carrying 8 sets of gear - 1 for each soul. 

    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • terroniterroni Member Posts: 935

    Not sure what is known and what isn't.

    First, you only get souls from your calling. So a warrior is a warrior is a warrior.

    Second, from what I've seen so far, plate is plate, chain is chain, leather is leather.

    Meaning..I didn't see much stat variance within the same type of gear.

    The only issue with gear I saw was the rogue class didn't seem to get any drops inside dungeons.

    Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.

  • CheatmasterCheatmaster Member Posts: 12

    But People screaming over loot has nothing to do with the loot-system. The system is pretty normal, compared to other games. One of the major tasks when organising a dungeon raid is the fair distribution of the loot, but that's hardly a task for trion, but for the players themselves. I have not seen any serious raid in Rift, but I don't see why it sould be worse than anywhere else.

  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    I was just looking through some vids from the RIFT beta now that the NDA has been liften and one thing that popped in to mind then is how incredibly bad the looting system is for a game where people can play pretty much any role they want with just the click of a button. 

    I can already see the horror that will be dungeon-loot in this game, with people screaming they have a right to take it for their pvp, solo or dps spec for example. 

    To me this seems like a major oversight on Trion's part. Or maybe I'm overreacting but it'd be good to get some facts from the people that played in the beta. 

    You are mis understanding the loot system. So far what i have seen the armor is class specific. When the armor drops it drops for your primary class (not souls) warrior, cleric rouge and mage. So far i haven't seen any armor dropping for any particular souls say for example you equipped a marksman or blade dancer soul for your rouge.

    Is that what you were trying to say? i hope i explained it well enough.


    Bite Me

  • DataDayDataDay Member UncommonPosts: 1,538

    I dont think the rolling issue will be a problem in part because its all in the stats. You probably wont see many warriors going after high Int+spell power+wisdom  Maces and hammers for example, just as you wont see many clerics going for a two handed mace thats pure str and no spell power or wisdom.

    They made sure to really divide the classes based on stat combos that wont really help another class.

  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309

    Originally posted by Nikkita

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    I was just looking through some vids from the RIFT beta now that the NDA has been liften and one thing that popped in to mind then is how incredibly bad the looting system is for a game where people can play pretty much any role they want with just the click of a button. 

    I can already see the horror that will be dungeon-loot in this game, with people screaming they have a right to take it for their pvp, solo or dps spec for example. 

    To me this seems like a major oversight on Trion's part. Or maybe I'm overreacting but it'd be good to get some facts from the people that played in the beta. 

    You are mis understanding the loot system. So far what i have seen the armor is class specific. When the armor drops it drops for your primary class (not souls) warrior, cleric rouge and mage. So far i haven't seen any armor falling for your particular souls say for example you equipped a marksman or blade dancer soul for your rouge.

    Is that what you were trying to say? i hope i explained it well enough.

    What he is worried about is that when an item that's best for a Riftstalker drops, the Bard in the group is going to say "well, i play a riftstalker for soloing, so I NEED that!"    People will just have to get used to the fact that everyone plays 8 souls rather than just 1.  That's the kind of game it is.

    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • TubbiTubbi Member Posts: 74

    Originally posted by arieste


    What he is worried about is that when an item that's best for a Riftstalker drops, the Bard in the group is going to say "well, i play a riftstalker for soloing, so I NEED that!"    People will just have to get used to the fact that everyone plays 8 souls rather than just 1.  That's the kind of game it is.


    This is pretty much what I meant. I just think this game would've had much better success as far as just LOOTING goes with an individual chestsystem closer to something in like DDO for example.

    If there's one thing I hate, it's fighting over pixels.

  • terroniterroni Member Posts: 935

    I'm pretty sure rogue gear is rogue gear.

    Most of the differentiation in stats will probably come from planar items (stuff dropped from/bought with Rift currency)

    We will have to wait to see upper tier stuff.

    Also, you could see it as a reason to replay content. Need to get gear for more than one build.

    Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.

  • TubbiTubbi Member Posts: 74

    Well, skim through this vid and you can see how 3 different callings are sharing one item, sure the stats aren't that attractive to all but this is just one example from a lowbie dungeon


  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    Well, skim through this vid and you can see how 3 different callings are sharing one item, sure the stats aren't that attractive to all but this is just one example from a lowbie dungeon


    Well stats matter maybe not at lower level dungeon but it will matter  a lot later on. At low levels i don't even care really i just want to bash stuff and have fun, the real challenge always comes at higher levels.


    Bite Me

  • DataDayDataDay Member UncommonPosts: 1,538

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    Well, skim through this vid and you can see how 3 different callings are sharing one item, sure the stats aren't that attractive to all but this is just one example from a lowbie dungeon



    So it sounds like you have more of a problem with itemization than loot system.... if so then I agree with you based on what I experienced in the Beta's. However remember the stats are the dividing factor. Caster clerics will compete with Mages, and some Warrior types will compete with some rogue types, but thats about it.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Well, the looting system is bad but the same go for most MMOs. Only thing that makes this worse is that Rift really only have 4 classes that you can spec very differently.

    If you want fair looting you should go for GW2 instead, but Rift isn't worse or at least much worse than any of the other current games.

  • DataDayDataDay Member UncommonPosts: 1,538

    Just zoomed through that video the OP posted...its kind of sad but if you watch the player recording it...all they do is mash the 1 button like most people have been doing. Thats not good when you are 1/3 of way through the game already (level wise). Combat needs some loving.

  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Even if you combine all the classes you will always be better at something not everything. Say you are warrior with healing souls will you be as good as other healers? nope. You will have to pay more attention to your defense stats. A warrior with dps specs will have to pay more attention to dps spec and not wory too much about healing or defense stats.

    Yes you will be hybrid but you can't expect your warrior with cleric souls to heal as good as someone who is focusing mostly on healing. if you try to branch out too much you will just hurt your character in long run. That is why stats matter.


    Bite Me

  • terroniterroni Member Posts: 935

    Originally posted by Nikkita

    Even if you combine all the classes you will always be better at something not everything. Say you are warrior with healing souls will you be as good as other healers? nope. You will have to pay more attention to your defense stats. A warrior with dps specs will have to pay more attention to dps spec and not wory too much about healing or defense stats.

    Yes you will be hybrid but you can't expect your warrior with cleric souls to heal as good as someone who is focusing mostly on healing. if you try to branch out too much you will just hurt your character in long run. That is why stats matter.

    A warrior will never have a cleric soul, they can only use warrior souls.

    And as far as I know warriors cant be main healers.

    Clerics on the other hand can be primary tank, they can even be main dps.


    Gear says Warrior, Cleric, Rogue, or whatnot....but looking at the stats its clearly for only one.

    I don't think many Warriors will opt for leather, and Str/Dex provides little to no advantage to Clerics.

    Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.

  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Originally posted by terroni

    Originally posted by Nikkita

    Even if you combine all the classes you will always be better at something not everything. Say you are warrior with healing souls will you be as good as other healers? nope. You will have to pay more attention to your defense stats. A warrior with dps specs will have to pay more attention to dps spec and not wory too much about healing or defense stats.

    Yes you will be hybrid but you can't expect your warrior with cleric souls to heal as good as someone who is focusing mostly on healing. if you try to branch out too much you will just hurt your character in long run. That is why stats matter.

    A warrior will never have a cleric soul, they can only use warrior souls.

    And as far as I know warriors cant be main healers.

    Clerics on the other hand can be primary tank, they can even be main dps.


    Gear says Warrior, Cleric, Rogue, or whatnot....but looking at the stats its clearly for only one.

    I don't think many Warriors will opt for leather, and Str/Dex provides little to no advantage to Clerics.

    They are opening up all souls for next beta so yes you can try everything not sure if they plan to keep it for the release.


    Bite Me

  • sloebersloeber Member UncommonPosts: 504

    the loot system is fine :)

    it never seems to be good enough is it? :p

  • TubbiTubbi Member Posts: 74

    Originally posted by sloeber

    the loot system is fine :)

    it never seems to be good enough is it? :p


    Having you saying it's fine isn't very reassuring. I was just voicing my opinion on how it could've been done instead and trying to get a discussion going.

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228

    Slightly off topic but you just reminded me of one of my favorite Rift systems:

    AoE looting. That's right, if you have a pile of baddie corpses at your feet they will all loot at once instead of having to try to target each corpse, this + loot all = awesome.

    Also, I think the loot system works well, as other have said cloth for mages, leather for scouts, chain for clerics and plate for warriors.


    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • terroniterroni Member Posts: 935

    Originally posted by Nikkita

    Originally posted by terroni

    Originally posted by Nikkita

    Even if you combine all the classes you will always be better at something not everything. Say you are warrior with healing souls will you be as good as other healers? nope. You will have to pay more attention to your defense stats. A warrior with dps specs will have to pay more attention to dps spec and not wory too much about healing or defense stats.

    Yes you will be hybrid but you can't expect your warrior with cleric souls to heal as good as someone who is focusing mostly on healing. if you try to branch out too much you will just hurt your character in long run. That is why stats matter.

    A warrior will never have a cleric soul, they can only use warrior souls.

    And as far as I know warriors cant be main healers.

    Clerics on the other hand can be primary tank, they can even be main dps.


    Gear says Warrior, Cleric, Rogue, or whatnot....but looking at the stats its clearly for only one.

    I don't think many Warriors will opt for leather, and Str/Dex provides little to no advantage to Clerics.

    They are opening up all souls for next beta so yes you can try everything not sure if they plan to keep it for the release.

    I don't see anything that says that you can take souls outside of your calling.

    My assumption is you will have a choice of more souls from the start.


    To the OP, just an FYI, stats don't mean so much in this game. I think someone said 100 pts is like 5% bonus to something.

    I never once in the beta saw a piece of gear and said ooo that would be good for my other soul. I saw it and said oh that is a warrior piece, or oh that is a cleric piece. (healing clerics, dps clerics, tank clerics all use the same stats to improve(although a tank cleric might push HP a bit that will be from crafted))

    Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.

  • sloebersloeber Member UncommonPosts: 504

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    Originally posted by sloeber

    the loot system is fine :)

    it never seems to be good enough is it? :p


    Having you saying it's fine isn't very reassuring. I was just voicing my opinion on how it could've been done instead and trying to get a discussion going.

     well, maybe i should have sayd IMO the loot system is fine (djees).

    All i was saying was IMO the loot system works just fine but for some people it never is enough, no matter how good a game is.......if you are looking for the perfect loot system then maybe you should code it and send it to trion??

    anyways Tubbi, i aint attacking you here but i have as much right to state what i think as you do dont i ?

    Sloeber out!

  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Originally posted by terroni

    I don't see anything that says that you can take souls outside of your calling.

    My assumption is you will have a choice of more souls from the start.


    To the OP, just an FYI, stats don't mean so much in this game. I think someone said 100 pts is like 5% bonus to something.

    I never once in the beta saw a piece of gear and said ooo that would be good for my other soul. I saw it and said oh that is a warrior piece, or oh that is a cleric piece. (healing clerics, dps clerics, tank clerics all use the same stats to improve(although a tank cleric might push HP a bit that will be from crafted))

    Oh my bad i read it wrong. i though they were removing limits across the classes, actually they are opening all souls for your main class. So yeah you are right.


    Bite Me

  • AlyvianAlyvian Member Posts: 342

    to the op, it pretty much comes down to this:

    every calling has 2 types of gear:

    offense and defensive gear no weird stats or anything thats it, 2 sets is pretty much all ya need. so the ninja looting should be fairly ok, even more so if ya got a half decent guild.

  • svannsvann Member RarePosts: 2,230

    Just as in any other game I wont dispute the right for anyone to roll need on any item that they will actually wear and not sell.

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