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Lineage 2 - still a gem!

perrin82perrin82 Member UncommonPosts: 285

First off I want to say that I am new to Lineage 2. With that, why doesn't this game get a lot of press today?  It has a huge detailed world that is not instanced, unique characters, a real transportation system, fun quests, etc... 




  • DevilXaphanDevilXaphan Member UncommonPosts: 1,144

    First off NCwest has not really put any money into advertising, they are in retention mode right now. They should be advertising the game when CT3 hits live in the west which is 6-7 months after HI5 goes live. CT3 is gonna bring big changes to L2.

  • zaltarzaltar Member UncommonPosts: 125

    Always seemed to be an attractive title but from what I understand it becomes an extreme grindfest at some point .

    That being said , it has had quite a following for some time .

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    Lineage 2 is a great game but it use to be really full of bots and cheaters back when the game was in its prime and that really hurt the game. Its still a great game but like one poster said its very grindy. Lineage 2 is a game that you just have to try and see for your self.

  • perrin82perrin82 Member UncommonPosts: 285

    I really do believe that this is an MMO that I will play for long while.  It has great combat, real time transportation, a beautiful huge world, and great customization to name a few.  I have played LOTRO for 4 years now and I throughly enjoyed that game, but the world just seems like it is in pieces, plus I hate all of the instant travel and zoning. Anyway, I am on Chronos and my name is Eddard if you would like to add me to you friends list or even your clan.  See you in game.

  • LatronusLatronus Member Posts: 692

    Originally posted by zaltar

    Always seemed to be an attractive title but from what I understand it becomes an extreme grindfest at some point .

    That being said , it has had quite a following for some time .

     Yeah, I was in beta and it follows basic Eastern style play and it does become a grindfest, but if that's what ya like, more power to ya!

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    Originally posted by perrin82

    I really do believe that this is an MMO that I will play for long while.  It has great combat, real time transportation, a beautiful huge world, and great customization to name a few.  I have played LOTRO for 4 years now and I throughly enjoyed that game, but the world just seems like it is in pieces, plus I hate all of the instant travel and zoning. Anyway, I am on Chronos and my name is Eddard if you would like to add me to you friends list or even your clan.  See you in game.




    Great to see you are enjoying the game. Lineage 2 is what I call a Real MMO and there are not many of them out there. I am also on Chronos so I will hit you up in game.

  • Grant57Grant57 Member Posts: 17

    What would be the point of advertising this game though?


    "Welcome to L2!  Have fun grinding for two years to be moderately competitive with established players."


    I'll admit the graphics have really stood the test of time well, but there is no real entry point for new players, you're just stuck years behind the curve.  While NC makes a lot of money off the Korean version and can keep sending updates to the west I still can't see anything other than a slowly dwindelling player base for this game.

  • perrin82perrin82 Member UncommonPosts: 285

    The point to me is I enjoy the game and the freedom of the world.  I normally am not a big poster, but I feel that there are people like me out there who are  sick of how the newer games have been doing it and I want them to see that there is a great game out there.  I would have never thought about coming here because I didn't really know much about the world.  I assumed it would be restrictive, but I can go anywhere and even swim underwater, which a lot of newer games restrict you from.  

    Granted I am new to the game (only level 23) but I feel like I am earning my accomplishments instead of having them handed to me.  

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    Originally posted by Grant57

    What would be the point of advertising this game though?


    "Welcome to L2!  Have fun grinding for two years to be moderately competitive with established players."


    I'll admit the graphics have really stood the test of time well, but there is no real entry point for new players, you're just stuck years behind the curve.  While NC makes a lot of money off the Korean version and can keep sending updates to the west I still can't see anything other than a slowly dwindelling player base for this game.



    The point of advertising is the same as it is for other games out there. Why not adversise the game? Because you dont like it? When are you people going to understand that there are differenent type of mmo players our there.  

  • gauge2k3gauge2k3 Member Posts: 442

    I loved the game but bots ruined the game for me, same with aion.


    I don't blame the chinese botters though.  I blame the americans who make it profittable.  I can only imagine the amount of hipocritical people who cry about bots, as everyone does, and buys the money.

    The game was so beautiful before mass botting, it really was.  Once botting took over, you had top grade for your level or you were a joke.

  • Ralphie2449Ralphie2449 Member UncommonPosts: 577

    I loved the game, actually was the first mmo ive played

    I loved its graphics, its character animations, its weapons, its music which was simply epic in some places compared to the most new mmorpgs, its gigantic buildings and caves that made you feel the hugeness of the world.

    Its super speed combat was also awesome and the huge castle fights and awesome graphics in spells xD


    the only think i disliked was the pvp(even though it was FUN), especially the 1v1 there huge amount of luck on l2 on when the stun lands or when the spell crits. the game had olympiad an 1v1 was horribly balanced and there were many luck based elements as well.- i dont ask for a perfectly balanced 1v1 but these people didnt even tried...


    This games was the definition of awesomness if i remove pvp balance

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    I loved the game but bots ruined the game for me, same with aion.


    I don't blame the chinese botters though.  I blame the americans who make it profittable.  I can only imagine the amount of hipocritical people who cry about bots, as everyone does, and buys the money.

    The game was so beautiful before mass botting, it really was.  Once botting took over, you had top grade for your level or you were a joke.



    Lineage 2 is a totally different game then what it use to be. Bots have been gone and the game is full of life. If I am enjoying playing a game I would never let something like bots run me away because they dont do anything but kill mobs in one spot. Its not a good thing but its not stopping me from doing what I want to do.

  • KrulosKrulos Member Posts: 68

    best game ever 

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    perrin82 do you still play? I tried to pm you in game a couple of times on Eddard but could never catch you online.

  • OtomoxOtomox Member UncommonPosts: 303

    It´s still a great a mmorpg but it has 2 big problems and they are the main reason why i stoped to play this game in 2007(and i palyed it since the taiwan cb in 2003 ). The first is NCwest they don´t give a f*** about this game and they never advertise it and the other is the huge amount of bots that made so many ppl leave the real servers to the free shards.

    I hope at some time someone gonna release such a good mmorpg like Lineage 1 and 2 again. :)

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    Sorry but you are wrong. Lineage 2 is not full of bots because the game has changed to where there are faster ways to level a toon.
  • OtomoxOtomox Member UncommonPosts: 303

    Originally posted by Mannish

    Sorry but you are wrong. Lineage 2 is not full of bots because the game has changed to where there are faster ways to level a toon.


    You must be very naive if u think lineage 2 is bot free. And even than l2 radar is still around. And faster leveling so what would be the average speed for my lv 80 Grand Khavatari to hit 81? less than 3 months or is it still more than that.

  • DevilXaphanDevilXaphan Member UncommonPosts: 1,144

    Originally posted by Otomox

    Originally posted by Mannish

    Sorry but you are wrong. Lineage 2 is not full of bots because the game has changed to where there are faster ways to level a toon.


    You must be very naive if u think lineage 2 is bot free. And even than l2 radar is still around. And faster leveling so what would be the average speed for my lv 80 Grand Khavatari to hit 81? less than 3 months or is it still more than that.

    The only bots i have seen were in the cata's or necrop's, otherwise hardly  noticably seen out in the open areas. They are not advertising because they are more about keeping the player base they have intact.

    CT3 will see advertising of L2 as this update will bring major changes and hopefully new vitality to the game. So far i'm still playing it and still having fun.

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    Originally posted by Otomox

    Originally posted by Mannish

    Sorry but you are wrong. Lineage 2 is not full of bots because the game has changed to where there are faster ways to level a toon.


    You must be very naive if u think lineage 2 is bot free. And even than l2 radar is still around. And faster leveling so what would be the average speed for my lv 80 Grand Khavatari to hit 81? less than 3 months or is it still more than that.


    No I am not naive, you just have no idea what you are talking about just like most people that come here. You said you stoped playing the game in 2007 so you have no idea what this game is like today. You said Lineage 2 was Full Of Bots and I say again that you are wrong. Meet me in game right now and show me.  Also you need to read my post again and show me where I said Lineage 2 was bot free because I never said that.

    As for your level 80 GK getting to 81 it depends on Gear, Support and Time. If you have good gear meaning Armor with Element and Pole with Element and good support meaning a Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer and Doomcryer it would not take long at all. There is no better way to level a toon than AOEing and thats one thing that bots cannot do so this is how people raise toons now.

  • zereelistzereelist Member Posts: 373

    I just wish more AAA titles like this existed.  So many new WoW clones out there but not even 1 that has tried to clone Lineage 2, which was extremely popular when it came out. 

    I regret quitting it, and thinking WoW would be better was a huge mistake.  I haven't played this in so long that coming back would make for a very long and lonely experience until I was competitiive. I have a 75HE/72TH on Bartz and to get to lvl 81 I bet would take quite a few months.   I imagine you still need to dual box a prophet to solo as well. 

    Such a great game,  Lineage 3 needs to come out :(

  • OtomoxOtomox Member UncommonPosts: 303

    Originally posted by Mannish

    Originally posted by Otomox

    Originally posted by Mannish

    Sorry but you are wrong. Lineage 2 is not full of bots because the game has changed to where there are faster ways to level a toon.


    You must be very naive if u think lineage 2 is bot free. And even than l2 radar is still around. And faster leveling so what would be the average speed for my lv 80 Grand Khavatari to hit 81? less than 3 months or is it still more than that.


    As for your level 80 GK getting to 81 it depends on Gear, Support and Time. If you have good gear meaning Armor with Element and Pole with Element and good support meaning a Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer and Doomcryer it would not take long at all. There is no better way to level a toon than AOEing and thats one thing that bots cannot do so this is how people raise toons now.


    That was also the way we leveled out chars before every noob could do it in Forge of Gods and it still was a pain in the ass at that time and they even nerfed the possiblity to level the fast with the pole nerf. But well i dunno who is it now but for me they ruined that game back than and nothing can change my mind about it now.

    I´m gonna wait for ArcheAge and play meanwhile Tera in the hope that the developers of TERA and ArcheAge know what they do.

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    Looking foward to Archage, Tera, Blade and Soul and Guild Wars 2 but if those games fail to deliver I am glad that I have a great mmo like Lineage 2.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,018

    Originally posted by Mannish

    Originally posted by Grant57

    What would be the point of advertising this game though?


    "Welcome to L2!  Have fun grinding for two years to be moderately competitive with established players."


    I'll admit the graphics have really stood the test of time well, but there is no real entry point for new players, you're just stuck years behind the curve.  While NC makes a lot of money off the Korean version and can keep sending updates to the west I still can't see anything other than a slowly dwindelling player base for this game.



    The point of advertising is the same as it is for other games out there. Why not adversise the game? Because you dont like it? When are you people going to understand that there are differenent type of mmo players our there.  

    That's true, I for one prefer L2's long leveling. Even before they made it a litle easier.

    What people don't understand is that it's not about "rushing to be competitive" it's about everything that happens in between. Getting attacked by wartags, grouping up for cruma or Tower of Insolence, Sieging in order to remove an enemy, getting people together to take out one of the large world bosses.

    Heck, one of the best times I've ever had was at Lilith where we were gathered for a raid, suddenly a gold farmer alliance came in and after that another player alliance came in. We ended up joining forces and going all red on the farmer alliance.

    As for being competitive in PvP, well that is incentive to make one work their butt off. Heck, its why I got to a pretty high level at the time I played. I wanted to at least be competitive even if it was to stave off the pk'ers. Which worked like a charm in several instances.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • jarziumjarzium Member Posts: 40

    hey guys, i am just trying out the 2 weeks trial - the control feels very chunky, can't seem to move with my WASD and my mouse clicking feels very lagged. is it just me or is this how the game is?

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,018

    Originally posted by jarzium

    hey guys, i am just trying out the 2 weeks trial - the control feels very chunky, can't seem to move with my WASD and my mouse clicking feels very lagged. is it just me or is this how the game is?

    It's primarily a click to move game. Very few (if any that I've ever seen) use WASD or use it for long. There is rumor that with the next update a better WASD will be added.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
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