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So.. here I am!
In lack of people around me playing MMO's I figured I'd ask here.
Im basically looking for a polished MMO to play on my new comp, preferably P2P since the quality on the oh so many F2P I've tried are always shit tbh. Been a longtime player of MMO's so I figured I would put down some of the games I've enjoyed the most. I'm big on PVP if it's well implemented in the game and has a good pacing to it.
FFXI: My first MMO and I played the shit out of this one, loved the grouping in the game along with skillchains in parties. Nice graphics for its time that still seems timeless somehow . Lack of PvP was my main gripe with this game..
WoW: 1-60 days were great! And imo one of the games that had PvP right. It was competitive and fun, yes there were balance issues but nothing you couldn't handle by just playing well.
Ragnarok Online: I guess this was really the first one now that I think about it. Solid game but nothing that would attract me to playing it today.
Some games I'm looking forward to checking out are RIFT and TERA. GW2 seems like it still has a long way to go so not really hyping myself for that one. I'm open to all suggestions as long as it's just not a name thrown at me. Have been looking at AOC but lack of updates and not knowing how the European servers are looking I'm still undecided. I'm at a smiliar position about the new FF-mmo.
Try the infinite trial of WAR, the game is shallow but the leveling is quite fun in the 1st tiers.
PS- Play Squigg Herder, fantastic fun class.
I guess I should've named some more MMO's that I've tried. Actually played WAR for quite a bit with some friends. And If I would go back and play WAR I wouldn't want to just hang out in T1 the whole time and I hear the rest of the game is a ghost town so not really interested in WAR anymore.
So I guess an active playerbase/community would be nice as well
Aion is quite busy and is polished with a good bit of content-very active. The grind can be a bit shocking when compared to MMO's that have been released in the last five years. No worse though than the 1999-2002 titles though. Actually found this to be a good game despite the early criticism at release.
DDO has great dungeon crawls (if you can find a decent group) and fantastic character development and a fair bit of content. Not very mmo-like however and grouping can be a bit spotty w/out a regular group/guild.
EQ2 I happen to think this is the "best" fantasy MMO on the market at the moment for older school players. Good mix of solo and group and raid content, absolutely insane amount of content, loot, crafting, guild system, probably the best housing system in gaming at the moment (in terms of options to decorate and build). I always seem to go back here for a few months of solid gaming when the other games i am sampling grow stale.
Currently I am working on building a friends network in DDO and giving it a full 1-20 try again-i just love the dungeon crawls, combat system and the character development choices.
Thanks for the tips Vantras! I tried DDO very briefly and never really gave it a real chance so I might have to look in to it again, love dungeoncrawling but just as you said it's the most fun when doing it with a regular group or guildies.
Aion I actually tried and enjoyed but my friends stopped playing it so there was no real incentive to keep playing it for me back then, going to have to check out what they've done with the game after I stopped
Might try Aion tbh, never gave that game a chance because of the general criticms but it just came to me now the average modern gamer is lazy, they only want instant gratification with no work thus undermining the sense of real character progression.
Checking to see if there is a free trial.
edit: Does everquest 2 still have a decent playerbase?
War does not determine who is right, but who is left.
Yes EQ2 has a very solid player base on the remaining servers. They have consolidated a bit and what remains is very active. Id suggest Antonious Bayle as a good place to start-solid community and well populated. You certainly will by no means feel alone in eq2, might struggle for a group here and there are certain levels but there are plenty of people about.
Agreed, AB is the largest server still, probably followed by Lucan D'lere.
Certain level ranges and some older zones are pretty lonely but there are still many players around.
Check out Perpetuum. It's pretty much EVE on the ground controlling little mechwarrior things. I didn't like EVE too much but I love this game. PM me if you decide to hop on and me and my corporation (guild) will help you get started